Times have changed Prologue part2

Story by crazywolf69 on SoFurry

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This story contains offensive content violence and namecalling If it bothers you don't read any furtherIn the morning I got ready then I got in my car and drove to school, when I got to school I met with Eric. Hi Nik Eric said crazy party yesterday. Yeah Nik replied I hope Sif is okay. You heard the paramedic he said Sif will be fine. We got to get to class Nik suggested, our first class is gym class when we all arrived our teacher Mr. Berk told us to go to the track and start running, when we got out to the track we met with Ashley and martin. (We started running) Hi guy's martin said. Did you hear Marcus will be getting out of the hospital in two days Ashley added.  Shit Eric said, don't you remember he said he's gonna kill us. When Marcus gets out he's gonna have to go to jail for what he did to Sif, Nik said. That's true martin said.  (My phone vibrates) I got a text message from Marcus. I'm getting out of the hospital in two days, but then I'll get sent to jail for 2 years but when I get out you and your friends will be sorry you ever messed with me you messed up our friendship because what you did in the locker room and now you're going to pay for it.* Why are you telling me this I texted back. marcus said when he gets out of jail he is going to kill us Nik said. Why would he text you that Ashley said. Not a smart move Eric added. I texted him back asking why he told me that, (my phone vibrates) Marcus texted back. What does it say Eric asked? I read it aloud Cause I'm not scared of you or anyone and I know you won't do anything and if you go to the police ill kill your boyfriend faster, if you don't want your boyfriend to die first don't go to to police. Why does Marcus say you and Sif are boyfriends, he knows you guys aren't gay Martin said?  i dont know why he says that. Maybe he is calling you guys gay because Marcus is secretly gay and he makes fun of other people to make himself feel better  Eric said. What does he mean by if you dont want sif to die first? ashley asked. He plans on killing us eric replied.  But dont worry he wont kill us Nik said, we will work together to take marcus down, We aren't dating I texted back. (Marcus texted back), sure your not and if you go to the police he will be the first one to die. I won't go to the police Nik texted back. Good Marcus responded.  Everyone go take a shower Mr.Berk yelled. I'll see you in math class Ashley said to Nik. When we got to the boys locker room, we all stripped out of our cloths and got in the showers. I got in the corner shower so no one will see my Massive hard on, I started washing myself clean.I looked out of the corner of my eye and I see this leopards big wet floppy cock.

(Thud) The leopard dropped the soap, when he bent over to pick it up I glanced over to take a look at his ass it was so big. (the leopard glanced back) Shit he saw me Nik said to himself. The leopard then started to stroke his cock. Is he giving me a show I asked myself. I want to fuck him i said to myself. I started leaking pre cum. I wonder if he's gay was thinking to myself, probably not I told myself. Everyone except me and the leopard got out the showers got dressed and left the locker room, so I got out and started drying off, hey a voice said from behind me. (Just inches away from me was a naked leopard) I noticed I still had a hard on I quickly covered it with my towl,  Did you need something Nik asked. Yes the leopard said, I seen you looking at me in the showers, (Nik turned away started blushing.)Its okay the leopard said I'm actually flattered you get off from looking at me. Nik looked back at the leopard, have we met before Nik asked. No the leopard said. How big are you Nik asked, I'm five inches falcid and ten inches hard the leopard said, what about you. I'm seven inches flacid and nine inches hard Nik said, thats pretty big he responded. What's your name Nik asked, I'm Leo, Nice to meet you Leo I'm Nik. Nice to meet you Nik. so are you gay Leo asked, yes Nik said. I am too Leo added. Leo got dressed and grabbed a piece of paper from his pants pocket and handed it to Nik, here's my number maybe we can hang out sometime. Your secret is safe with me Leo told Nik, so is yours Nik responded. After Leo left I was about to get dressed, then the door opened, (probably the next class coming in I said to myself) Nik someone yelled, I went to see who it was. It was Lee and Eli.Hi Lee I said. Dont hi me, You shot my friend Lee shouted . He cut Sif's throat I had to shot him, either way your going to pay Eli said. Lee punched Nik in the mouth (Nik lost a tooth from the puch and his mouth started bleeding) your gonna pay for what you did to Marcus you faggot. Eli punched Nik in the balls, (Nik yelped in pain) look at his little dick Lee said. Eli started laughing. Leave me alone Nik yelled. The little fag wants us to stop,  Nik  roundhouse kicked eli in the face. A tooth went flying out his mouth and blood went flying from his mouth)You fucked up, eli exclaimed, Eli grabbed Nik and slammed him against the locker and kneed Nik in the balls then salmmed him on the floor. Lee stepped on Nik's chest and then kicked Nik in The balls. (Nik screamed in pain and started crying)You have such a little dick Nik you will never please a man with that small thing. Why are you doing this to me Nik cryed. Because your a usless cock sucking faggot who shot my friend,Lee said. Lee and Eli left the locker room. Nik was just laying on the ground crying holding his balls. (My phone vibrates) its a text from Marcus, I hear my friends kicked your ass, paybacks a bitch isn't it. Fuck you when you get back I'll fuckin kill you Marcus

and how did you know they kicked my ass I texted back. I stood up and got dressed then I went to the nurse. Oh my god what happened! I got beat up. Who did this the nurse asked.Lee and Eli did this i replied. Where did this happen. In the locker room. the nurse picked up the phone and called the principal , this is principal  patty, hi principal patty this is nurse Lilly. I have Nik page in here with me he told me eli and Lee beat him up in the locker room, is he okay, he has a black eye and a bump on his head and he's bleeding from the mouth.im gonna send him home to get some rest. Ill call eli and Lee to my office, thank you principal patty have a nice day The nurse wiped the blood off my mouth. Take this ice pack for the bump on your head and for your black eye, you can't go to class like this the nurse said, I'm gonna call your mom. I live alone. Then have a safe drive home the nurse said. What class do you have, I have math with Mr. Leam, The nurse picked up the phone and called Mr. Leam, Mr Leam Nik can't make it to class today he got beat up in the locker room today and its pretty bad, I'm gonna send him home to get some rest. Thank you nurse  Lilly. Mr Leam said from over the phone.  Have a safe drive home Nik nurse Lilly said. Eli and Lee please report to the office (principal patty said from over the intercom) I walked out the school got in my car and started to drive home. (My phone vibrates)(marcus texted back) I knew you got your ass kicked because Eli texted me after he kicked your ass.  When I  got home I got ready to go see Sif at the hospital.I called you here because nurse Lilly called and said Nik came into her office with a black eye and a bump on his head and bleeding from the mouth and said you beat him up, now tell me why you beat him up, principal patty asked.Uhh.. so you're speechless eli. Tell me Lee why did you guys beat him up. because he put marcus in the hospital. getting Revenge for someone is not the answer principal patty responded, Revenge isn't the answer at all she added, let me worry about Nik and Marcus she added.But.... Lee said. No buts principal patty said, I'm gonna give you a week detention. Back at Nik's house(My phone vibrates) its a text message, you told on us and we got sent to the office now we have one week detention, when we see you again you'll be sorry. Screw you Lee, I texted back. Lee texted back, me and Eli will kick your ass even worse next time we see you, don't let us see around again or you're history. I got in my car and drove to the hospital to visit Sif.

Times have changed prologue part3

When I got to the hospital I seen Sif's parents sitting down crying. \*I walked up to Megan and Dan\* are you okay Megan? H...I Nik, why would Marcus do this to him? Marcus had a tough life but that's still no excuse, I replied. The doctor said Sif...

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Times have changed Prologue part3

When I got to the hospital I seen Sif's parents sitting  down crying. *I walked up to Megan  and Dan* are you okay Megan?  H...I Nik, why would Marcus do this to him? Marcus had a tough life but that's still no excuse I replied.  The doctor said Sif...

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Times have changed Prologue part1

This story contains offensive content and name calling and violenceIf it bothers you dont read any further      I own these characters in the story, so don't use them without my permissionMy names Sif stone I'm a grey wolf/fox hybrid or Folf for short,...

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