A Hoof Forward

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#5 of Transformation

I wanted to write a introduction for these two characters ~ In this we see the introduction of Moses the spiritual dragon and Adal, a man down on his luck. When Moses says he can grant Adal's wish for a price, does the human take him up on his offer?

Adal huffed to himself, the light brown human quietly made his way through the beautiful trail. The sweet scent of spring was in the air and it reinvigorated him. He missed his old home in the country side. The city wasn't all that bad, but it was nothing compared to being surrounded by nature. Oh well, he thought to himself, three more years and I'll be done the degree'. The human silenced himself and continued on his solace walk, something that brought him peace whenever he had a rough day.

He was nearing the end of the hike's trail, a hill's climb was his end. Slowly the man made his way up to the top, eager to see the wonderful view that always inspired him! Adal grunted as he slowly made his way up and up, the end was in sight. And what he saw there shocked him.

A purple dragon watched him with Serene calm! Adal's shock and urge to back away calmed in the dragon's meditative presence. He sensed no threat, no danger from the dragon and his shock gradually ebbed away. The male stared at him with piercing golden eyes, his legs were crossed and he floated in the air. His form seemed... strange, his form looked as if it weren't solid and purple smoke surrounded the edges of his body. The dragon spoke in a low grumble.

"Hello Adal, I've been waiting for you."

"wha, how do you know my name? Who are you?"

The dragon laughed a deep chuckle. "My name is Moses, it is a pleasure to meet you. You're probably wondering why I'm here. Well..."

His form blew away in a gust of wind, Adal was surprised as he disappeared! He felt the brush of claws against his shoulder and a soft whisper in his ear. Adal looked to his right, the male was floating next to him with a gleam in his eye!

"It's hard to get into the complexities of it, but let's say I seek... unique people such as yourself. "

The dragon's form turned into mist, the mist washed over him and the dragon formed, standing before Adal. Moses looked amused at the bewildered human. Adal stuttered as he spoke

"W, what you're searching for me? Why?"

Moses smirked at the confused human. "let's just say I have seen what has happened to you this last year... you still miss your old ranch don't you?"

Adal's throat tightened and he gulped at the thought. What was this dragon? How did he know of his past? Why was he asking him these questions?

"Yeah, so what? It doesn't matter anymore now that it's gone."

"Mmm, yes, the old one is gone forever... sold by your older brother when he inherited the ranch."

Adal's hand clenched into a fist as frustration loomed over him, that harsh memory of the lawyer reading over the will giving land over his brother was still a painful one. The dragon looked at him with a keen expression, one that the human couldn't read. He spoke once more

"What if I could tell you that i could give a ranch to do with as you please?"

The man looked at the dragon with a confused expression, suspicious of this gift. "Why would you give me such a thing? What would it cost" The dragon chuckled and stared at him with devious delight.

"Nothing major, but I will have to take your humanity from you..."

Adal froze, what did he mean his humanity?! He asked Moses this

"Oh? Well it isn't your soul or anything like that. Quite simply, humans are rather boring shapes and I love to populate my world with more fascinating species! If you are to get your dream place back, you will have to give up your body and let me turn you into a humanoid animal of my desires"

Adal gulped. This was his chance for his dream to come true! Did he want to believe this dragon was as good as he claimed he was? His superstitious parents always warned him against deals with supernatural, but to actually have one bargain with him... his life was going nowhere right now and it was a chance at an old life he missed. Bracing himself, the human gave his approval with a single nod. The dragon grinned in delight.

"You won't regret this... " His scaly arms stretched out and his eyes turned to a bright purple. Before Adal could change his mind, He was lifted into the air! The human cried out in shock and struggled to get back on the ground, but it was if there was an invisible hook holding him up. The dragon laughed as he began his magic.

"hmm, let's see. What shall I make you? you don't seem like a lizard... neither a plump little cow as much fun as that be... yes, a stallion. I think you'll make a fine horse!"

Adal groaned as a warmth spread over his body, the dragon's magic was entering him! The warmth grew into an uncomfortable heat and quickly a wave of coarse light fur washed over his body! Every inch of his body felt itchy as the fur grew and his clothes grew uncomfortable against the unexpected lair of fur. It was the base for his transformation, and now it was time for the features... Adal's face made a cracking noise as it lengthened into a muzzle, the human cried out in a whinny as bones creaked and changed! It was overwhelming his senses, his new nostrils flared in panic and his changing ears swiveled in distress. He opened his eyes and stared down a new equine mouth, a broad muzzle that widened his view considerably.

A surge of power washed over him and his body grew uncomfortably tight! He flexed unconsciously and realized his old muscles as a ranch hand was quickly coming back in full force until his psychical power exceeded anything he could have possibly hoped for! His physique grew strong and he brought up one arm in wonder just in time to watch his fingers fused together into a thick three fingers coated in hardened nails. he curled them experimentally while the changes went downward! His attention was brought back when his cock exploded in size! A wave of pleasure washed over him and he whinnied in shock, instantly his cock was made erect, far thicker and longer then it ever was before. It was a massive inhuman looking shaft, flared and molted just like a horse! He couldn't help himself and immediately both of his hands went forward to eagerly stroke his new large tool. The dragon smiled at the sight and the magic grew stronger around him! It was molded by his sexual energy and Adal was willing to empower it. He moaned as he stroked his cock, the immense dick leaked pre all over his hands and dripped down onto the dirt below him. His legs tensed in bliss, the changes washing through them and turning them digitrade but the new horse didn't care. He was lost in his own pleasure and eager to cum! His feet grew numb and thickened into a hard set of hooves perfect for carrying his new bulky body! he felt all these changes and snorted, the power was intoxicating.... Adal fervently stroked his cock, his eyes closed in bliss as he played with his massive tool. It was too much, Adal whinnied out and blasted torrents of thick horse spunk all over the path before him! Damn that felt soooo good, his new body was eager to start again.

The dragon grinned at him as the changes finished. "Quite the mess you made new horse ~ looks like your new sex drive is going into quite the overdrive. Now... do you see the joy of transformation? Now that you have experienced it for yourself?"

Adal was still in lust, he huffed. Yes... it felt overwhelming, it felt so great... he nodded in confirmation. The dragon's smiled widened

"Perfect! I knew you would ~ And now, I must keep up my end of the bargain."

The dragon's eyes glowed once more and he lifted one hand to the air. He and Adal were shrouded in the purple glow again before blackness momentarily filled the horse's vision. Adal looked around in surprise, they were suddenly somewhere else! A huge barn like building that looked like an inn alongside a huge farm surrounding the place. Adal looked at the place in wonder, it seemed perfect for a horse... but it seemed empty. He could see a rustic looking town but no one was here. Moses looked at him carefully.

"Well my new horsey, here is your new life. For now, it should have enough to get you started on what you want to do with it ~ As a special gift, I bestow upon you the power to transform others to your own desires and to go from your world to this world... you'll find your old world oblivious to your body unless you decide to show it to someone. I have shown you the pleasure of transformation, but it's far better to see others turn for yourself. For now farewell" The dragon waved once and disappeared like that. Adal stood there until his heart soared, he had a place of his own to call home! He looked around excitedly at the place, seeing the potential ready for him to work and create. He would need workers though... Adal thought about it. Yes, he'll go back to the world and get some new recruits.

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