Wenda's Beaten Breastgasm - 2014

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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A skunk named Wenda likes it rough for her chest. Very rough and her boyfriend is happy to beat her breasts viciously any time she wants. She wanted it that day and he gives her what she wants, mostly. His small dick and quick orgasm tends to be disappointing, but she can live with that.

Wenda's Beaten Breastgasm by tannim May 5, 2014

Wenda couldn't even feel it anymore. Couldn't feel THEM anymore. There was an amazing deep burn in her chest, but she couldn't feel the individual strokes. They were coming too fast, too hard. They were deafening, those strokes.

Her breasts flattened under the force of her boyfriend's thick wooden paddle. They looked funny through the blur of tears and her hyperventilation. She'd lost track of time with the slap of hard dense wood on soft sensitive breast meat. There was only the pain, deep all consuming pain.

It didn't hurt anymore either. It had moved beyond that. Her body was high on the rush of adrenaline and other endorphins. She was almost laughing in between sobs.

Her boyfriend did his job well while all she could do was tug at her hands bound between her legs, just as she'd wanted. Both of Wenda's arms pushed into the base of her deeply bruised breasts to keep them presented for him. She could feel the tingle. Her pussy clenched hard at her fingers against it. The slap of her beating rang in her ears and she just needed a bit more. Her nipples were bleeding where some flesh had split, but just a bit more.

Wenda's tear blurred gaze stayed locked on her chest. The light skin couldn't hide the depth of the bruises or the impact bleeding. They were both raw and splitting under the force even with the three inch wide paddle she'd chosen for better distribution. They were turning such a pretty purple red. Such an erotic purple to touch herself to. He needed beat the undersides more to make it more even.

Her body didn't like what she was having done to it, but she made it happen anyway. Both legs shook violently, along with her belly, but she'd told him to keep going until she came. A squirt sounded from behind as her body tried to defend itself and she laughed in her pain fogged mind. The foul skunk spray wouldn't cover anybody with the bucket under her.

Wenda's back arched when the paddle edge struck her nipple just right. The intensity of the agony broke through her 'zone' and brought a tortured wail from her throat. It faded quickly into an exhausted choked sobbing. Her mouth opened as though to say something after, but she only let out a mindless syllable before her head hung down limp.

Her boyfriend didn't stop, though he did look concerned. She'd taken a lot of abuse over the last four minutes. His paddle beat her breasts two to three times per second over that whole time and she'd just been more and more out of it. She was trembling in her beating chair, but she hadn't cum yet, and he kept it up as he'd been told to.

The skunk let out a series of odd deep sounds and he saw her fingers rubbing more vigorously at her clitoris and vulva. Her cunt was a sloppy mess of her moisture and left strands of her lust all over her thighs and hands. He could hear the squishing over the monotonous tone of the paddle striking her chest and her shallow rapid breathing growing more labored.

He beat her breasts harder, aiming for the less damaged undersides instead of the top and middle. She hissed and violently bucked in her seat in response, finally managing her orgasm. Her boyfriend kept paddling her throughout the whole release, making her stay longer between that intense pain and pleasure in her agonized peak.

Clear fluid squirted out from between her fingers at the intensity of the orgasm but didn't notice. She felt only the pleasure. There wasn't even the feeling of impact where the heavy paddle still slammed into her agonized chest anymore. Just the wonderful contractions through her body that made up her orgasm. That she squirted the floor several feet away seven times didn't mean anything compared to that.

It made her boyfriend happy, though. He'd never seen her squirt so hard from actual sex with him or the dog he shared her with. Even the first breast torture session he'd shared with her hadn't been that powerful. He slowed the paddle, though kept the force of it, and counted to twelve slowly before finally stopping entirely.

Her eyes were unfocused by then and her jaw was slack. Wenda's fur was soaked with sweat and she couldn't stop her arms and legs from shaking while she sat there, staring at her severely busted chest. They were already very dark from bruising with trickles of blood running down them from the numerous areas the paddle had broken skin. The traumatic beating was already making them swell.

She didn't say thank you to him. She didn't say anything. She simply looked up at him smiled faintly, almost ready to pass out from the remaining pain. He'd have fucked her while she was unconscious if she'd fainted. Knowing that almost made her want to.

Wenda looked back down at her breasts, blood still beading out in places. The skunk woman blinked to try and stop the tears from running down her face as she waited for the trickles to stop. She'd enjoyed that beating, damn it. Why couldn't she stop crying from it?

Swallowing several times let her find her voice. "Untie my hands, Brendon." She cupped her breasts the instant they were free. "Mmm... so hot after a beating."

Brendon pulled her to her feet without saying a word. He pushed her roughly onto the waiting bed and pulled her hands away from her chest. It was his turn to cum.

The excitement of hurting her so badly had his arousal ramped up far too high to wait for her to calm down all the way. She wanted it anyway. He knelt between her legs, crudely shoved in, and went to it. Her cunt was still covered in her own cum and Wenda's slick cunt grasped around his small shaft tightly.

Brendon watched her face as he lay down over her. She tensed when his chest even touched hers with a groan of pain escaping her when he hugged tighter around her. He'd have loved to crush her breasts with his hands instead, but she'd already had her orgasm and there was no point in hurting her when she didn't want it. He'd get to hurt her worse later when she did.

Wenda wrapped her arms around him and squeezed back though. His arousal at what he'd done made her happy. His early ejaculation she felt not even a minute in, however, didn't. He never lasted very long. If she'd been more lucid when he'd started she'd have timed him, but she made due with just cuddling against him while his cock spit into her cunt.

She kissed his chin. "I'm glad you last longer when it counts."

He took a deep breath, still enjoying the moment. "I can get the toy again if you aren't done yet."

Wenda breathed deeply, still enjoying the relentless ache in her chest. She barely paid much attention to her boyfriend on top of her. Her thoughts were focused on herself.

"No. I want to see them in the mirror more than I want you fucking me with your big fake dick." She groaned and tried to push him off her, unsuccessfully. "Help me up. My legs are too weak still."

Brendon pushed off her and tugged her up. He had to wrap an arm around her shoulders and help walk her across the room to her door length mirror. She made him stand behind her with his hands on her waist, too.

The masochistic skunk stared at her reflection. All the fur from her breasts had been shaven off and nothing could hide the damage they'd taken. Even so soon after it ended they were an angry purple with a hint of red, yellow, or white in places. Her nipples were both partially split from the beating. Touching those sent flares of burning agony through her.

Brendon had really done a good job on them. She could even feel some of the wood grain where the blows had been particularly hard. They'd swollen, but somehow they looked deflated, too. As though he'd beaten them until they'd popped. Neither hung as perky from her chest, leaving a sagging but fat look.

Wenda stared straight ahead and stepped on a single button remote waiting on the floor. The camera above the mirror took a picture of her. One of the many it would take in the same position so she could remember how beautiful her tortured breasts looked at various moments after the abuse.

"You still don't want to try needles or skewers, Brendon?"

"You know I hate needles."

"Yeah... Yeah, I know. How about screws then? A friend of mine showed me his balls after he'd screwed them in by hand."

"Well... maybe. Screws aren't really needles." He sounded doubtful, but couldn't resist asking while covering his own balls with his striped tail. "Into his own balls?"

"Yeah, it was super hot watching them dropping to the floor from his muzzle after he'd finished."

"Watching what dropping?"

"His balls. He has this crazy long scrotum. Those screws, though. Long and thick with wide rough threading." Wenda cupped her breasts and lifted them up. "I want to feel that. Cutting through these meat sacks and hurting all the way down to my ribs. He said they hurt just as bad coming out again, too. He came from it without even touching his dick. I still can't orgasm from having my breasts beaten... Lucky Bastard."