What is Taken to be Given

Story by drunkenturtles on SoFurry

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#1 of What is Taken to be Given (WTG)

Lewis had to lose so much, said goodbye to so many of his friends to get to where he is. He tried to forget who he was and what he had done to the unfortunate and innocent, but he knew that would be a fool's eren. He couldn't remember where it all began, or if there even was a start. It could've been the last forty years of his life or the next hundred years of his adventure. To Lewis the blur he calls his new life started under the moonlit night sky. From vile war to Pokémon 'adventures', his settings have drastically changed but not his life, for his actions are as bloody as the hands that wielded his sniper.

_ *Hey! It's nice to get the first chapter of this story. I'll try to upload one chapter every month or so, just to keep it up and running. I'm going to write as little as possible in the A.N section... Enjoy! * _

Mood music


The usual

Chapter 1: More Questions than Answers

Lewis loves many things in life: helping others, taking enthusiastic walks in the woods, and helping people; but just when he got bored. He always wanted to feel happy, have that feeling of love, and he hated feeling helpless. His past was bleak and riddled with pain, but as much as he tries to forget there will always be one reminder of it; himself and the powers he has gained from it. People tell him it's a god given gift or a miracle, but he knows better. The amount of blood that is on his hands is inconceivable, and what he receives in trade was his powers, but is it worth it all. In the end the one that he can't hide from is that his past is what makes him into who he is. But deep thoughts and sad stories aside, let's get to the start of the middle where Lewis sat at table, planning for the coming hours.

"Hey, what do you want to eat?!" Chris yelled trying to get Lewis's attention; which was deep into thought looking at schematics and blueprints. Lewis always did that when he was worried about something.

"WHAT!?" He snapped back at Chris, "Can't you see that I'm getting ready for tonight?!" Lewis was already stressed out enough, he didn't need his little brother on his back nagging about small things like food.

"Yes, I can see that, but you can't do it on an empty stomach." Chris said from the kitchen, waving a wooden spoon at Lewis.

"Yeah, you're right." Lewis replied, putting his hands on his face and yawning. "Sorry for snapping at you like that, it's just that I'm... tired and stressed out." He never liked getting mad at his brother, even though he could get annoying. Chris was just too nice, a real soothing person to hang out with.

"Eh don't worry, I understand. So what do you want to eat?" Chris didn't know why Lewis was so stressed out, he had trained for this and got all the materials he needed. In his mind Lewis was a fine-tuned killing machine, but Chris gave Lewis the benefit of the doubt since his body wasn't what it was used to.

"Grilled cheese would be good, and a cup of coffee would also help." Lewis looked back down at the papers on the wooden table, memorizing his entry and exit points plus where to go if things went south.

"Kay', got it." Chris said, turning back to the kitchen and starting their gas stove with clicks of the lighter.

Lewis was looking over the papers, thinking what could go wrong with his plan. Damn... why am I so scared? This is my first mission... well, at least here. Okay calm down Lewis, it's not like I'm going to take an arrow to the knee, let's just sit down and go over it one more time. I see no real complications except the thugs patrolling the area, so it'll be easy, just plant the C4 and run. I got this, I hope... Lewis assured himself with a nervous chuckle and a sigh.

Lewis was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice he'd been looking at his papers for the past 20 minutes, by then Chris had already made his food. *Clink* Chris put down a plate of food and a cup of coffee in front of Lewis, getting him out of his thoughts. Lewis had to appreciate his brothers cooking, he could never stay mad at Chris when he made food.

"Thanks." Lewis said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Oh, freshly grounded. Nice!"

"No problem, bro." Chris replied, knowing that Lewis would be happier once he ate something.

"When I'm done with this I'll be going." Lewis said as he ate the grilled cheese. He loved the way Chris could cook; not saying that he couldn't cook also, but it's something with the way it tasted more... homemade.

15 minutes later he finished his food. Lewis looked at the clock; it said 2:36 AM, I'm a little behind the schedule he thought to himself as he got up and sprinted to his bedroom, trying to get ready by 3:00. Done dressing, he walked over to the full body mirror stuck to wall and looked at himself. He was wearing dark blue jeans, black shirt, and a dark grey jacket. Lewis was dressed perfectly for a mission at night... except for his bright golden glowing eyes, which always made people look at him. It was something he liked about his eyes but also hated since everyone he ever met had to ask about his eyes. He stood in front of the mirror for a few more minutes contemplating his eyes, then he looked over at the clock; 2:40 it displayed in green numbers. _It's time._Lewis thought to himself, turning around and walking out to the front door. Lewis put on a moderately heavy black backpack and opened the door. "I'm going out, see you in an hour or two." Lewis said to Chris as he tied his shoes.

"Okay, be careful out there." Chris replied, as his brother closed the door. He didn't know why Lewis was walking to the docks; he would get there much faster by car, but he never questioned Lewis's logics; if he has any.

DEADBOLT- Undead Man Walkin'

One-hour latter Lewis had arrived at the docks. It was dark with not a lot there, only a few scattered light post illuminating the piles of large metal boxes and the chilly wind of the summer night. It was very peaceful, but he knew there were people around by the footsteps and whispers of the thugs he heard every now and then. Lewis was making steady progress towards the crate full of fake master balls, until he was stopped by the sound of a patrol coming in his direction. The footsteps gradually became louder until the patrol were so close that he couldn't run away. With no options left he decided to put his powers to work, he quickly materialized a cardboard box and hid in it, waiting for the patrol to pass the perfect disguise...? As the thugs walked by, Lewis could feel his heart racing; he had never been this scared in his life, plus the AN-94 they carried didn't help. Finally, they passed by and was gone from Lewis's line of sight, he got out of the box and got onto his knees, waiting for them to turn the corner. As the thugs turned the corner Lewis slowly got up, but only to be held in place by two furry arms around his neck, and without time to react he put his hands on the arms and used one of his other powers to burning the two arms. He was thrown forward, quickly he turned around only to be surprised by what he saw. It was a Pokémon; one he did not expect... a Zoroark!

The air was now filled with the smell of burnt fur. "Shit! What the hell! What are you?" It angrily said in Pokémon language, not expecting him to understand.

"I wish I knew... I'm sorry for that." Lewis said with a sad tone in his voice while looking down. Those words hit him harder than he expected; it picked at his dark past.

She immediately felt bad at what she blurted out at him. "No it's not your fault, I should've been more careful... wait how did you understand me!?" She jumped back in surprise. It came as a surprise to her when he understood what she said, but there have been stranger things in her life.

"Hehehe, don't be scared, I could do that ever since I was born, kinda." Lewis said in a sarcastic manner. He could tell that the Zoroark was a female by her voice.

"What's someone like you doing here?" She exclaimed in a whisper.

"Better question is what are YOU doing here, you're only supposed to exist a hundred years from now?" He said crossing his muscular arms. "Actually, forget about that we can leave that for later, right now I have to go destroy me a crate full of fake master balls." He couldn't wait for the moment where that crate would be blasted sky high, so close he could even smell the burning wood, he couldn't afford to waste more time.

"Huh, so we are here for the same reason... and how would you do such a thing?" She said; not caring about his first statement, looking at the somewhat skinny boy in the shady light of the light posts, doubting that he could even push that box an inch.

"Explosives!" Lewis said in a childish way with a smirk. "They're in my bag."

"You're fucking with me, right?" The Pokémon said with a weary tone in her voice. She knew that this could go only one of two ways, either he would get her killed, or this task would be a lot easier than she'd planned.

"Nope, I already put some in the entrance to get the thugs away from the box." He said looking around for any incoming patrols, "But some company would be nice. If you're not my enemy, heh."

She hesitated for a couple of seconds then sighed; what other option did she have. "Sure, fine, why not." For some reason it felt like she got herself into something much bigger than she knew at the time.

"Great, follow me then." Lewis said, signaling her to follow as he walked into the shadows and disappeared.

"Hey, wait for me." the dark type loudly whispered, following him into the shadows.

It was a short five-minute walk to the box, only having to hide from two guys. When they got to their objective it came as a surprised at how exposed the crate was, the box was in the middle of a large empty lot. They could see that there were about six people guarding it, all standing around it. Lewis took off his backpack and pulled out a clicker. With a bag in one hand and a clicker in another, he signaled the Pokémon that was hiding behind a box on his left that he was ready. She nodded, then he pressed down on the clicker making a faint click. Everything went silent for a second with only the noise of the ocean in the background, then all of a sudden a bright flash followed by a loud explosion filled the sky, drowning out all of the other sounds for a moment. Lewis glanced over the side of the crate, glad to see that most of the guards started running to the explosion only leaving two to deal with. This was an easy take out for the two of them.

"Okay, here's what we do, you will take out the guy on the left and I will take the guy on the right." Lewis silently spoke, pointing out his plan to the Zoroark.

The Zoroark nodded and started walking behind her designated target, Lewis did the same to the thug on the right. The two thugs were too busy looking at the massive fireball the explosion made, not even noticing that Lewis and the Zoroark are now only a few feet away. Before the two guy could react, both Lewis and Zoroark lugged at them, getting both thugs in an arm lock. They struggled for a few minutes, but soon both guards were down on the ground and unconscious. Lewis dragged the two guy behind a metal crate then walked back to his objective, pulled out two pieces of C4 from his bag, and planted it on the crate. It had only been a few seconds after he had planted the C4 and the other guys were already coming back from the explosion; blocking their only way out. Lewis had to think fast, looking around he saw only one way out... to jump off the dock.

"TO THE OCEAN!" Lewis screamed, pointing at the edge of the dock.

Both of them started running towards the water, without hesitation they jumped off a 20-foot drop falling into the water. Half way down Lewis pulled the clicker and made the renaming C4 go off, a giant ball of fire shot over both of them as they hit the water with a large splash. When they swam up to the surface they were greeted by a storm of burning master balls raining from the sky. Nothing brought a smile to Lewis's face more than that.

"HELL YEAH!" Lewis shouted in excitement, punching the water.

"What... the fuck... that was awesome!" The Zoroark said, feeling scared but excited. "Never again."

"Hahaha, now that that's done, let's go home." As he said that he noticed her expression became somber, "What's wrong, did I do something that made you sad?"

"No, it's just that it's kind of lonely there... no more mom or dad." She could barely get those words out. She had lost them exactly because of all the crime in the city, which was also why she was here.

"Oh... I can't blame you, a house without your loved ones is not a home." Lewis spoke in a humble manner. He understood that feeling, it was all too familiar to him.

"Can I come with you?" She shyly asked, wishing that Lewis didn't even hear what she said.

"Sure." Lewis said in a comforting voice, "But first, let's get to shore."

After they got to the shore and a short cab ride later, they got to Lewis's house. Lewis walked up to his apartment to his door, he slipped the key into the door and opened it. Walking into the cozy looking house, Lewis took off his shoes and hanged his soaked jacket on a coat hanger.

He was surprised not to see his brother; probably went out to get something to eat. Lewis walked into the living room and turned on the lights, which revealed a very elegant but cozy apartment. To the Zoroark this was all new, the soft carpet, well-lit rooms, and the smell of lavender. But as much as she would like to stand there and appreciate the change of scenery, she was really hungry after the events of that day; and it started to show through. She looked weak, tired, exhausted, and her stomach was growling. _Oh god, I haven't gotten to eat in days, I was too busy with this whole thugs at the docks thing. Well at least it was made easy by my friend here. Ugh... so hungry, maybe I should ask for food... wait I don't even know his name how rude am I._The poor Zoroark stood there, fighting with herself in her head trying to find a way to apologies to him, but finding none.

"My name is Lewis, and if you want food you can go to the kitchen and choose anything you want." He said with a big smile looking at her face, which could only be described as totally lost and confused. "What's your name?"

"I-I'm Sara." she said, while still being confused as hell, "I... I guess give me anything you can make."

"Well than, Sara, let's eat." Lewis walked over to the granite and wood decorated kitchen of his house, opening the food cabinet next to his fridge.

Sara followed Lewis to a small wooden table in the kitchen and took a seat. She looked to the left of Lewis and was surprised at the number of spices he had on a spice rack; showing her how much he cooked. Lewis turned on the stove and prepared to start making some pasta for Sara; which had her head in her arm, sitting at the table. She could smell the pasta and the spices he was putting in her food. _I hope they don't get worried about me... no, they know me. Anyway, I'm too tired to care..._Hungry and tired, Sara closed her eyes for a few minutes and dozed off, next thing she knew she woke up with a plate of hot pasta in front of her face. The amazing aroma and look of the food was making it hard for her not to just stuff her face with food.

"Mmm, thanks!" She said stuffing a fork-full of pasta in her mouth, instantly feeling her hunger go away and losing herself to the taste.

Lewis gave her a warm smile and went to take a shower. He took a simple 15-minute shower to wash off the salt from his body. Lewis had a long rough day and a stressful night, he was happy to feel the warm water run down his body. He got out of the shower and opened the door letting out a haze of steam, walking into his bedroom he quickly got a random shirt and shorts then dressed himself; he wore a yellow and black shorts with a blue T-shirt. Lewis walked into the kitchen and smiled at the Zoroark licking her plate clean. Sara looked dirty, her fur was clumped together by the salty water and smoke.

Sara put down her plate, feeling embarrassed, and looked at Lewis trying to play it off. Looking at him in shorts and a T-shirt she really underestimated him, he looked skinny when she met him, but he was actually well toned and he had muscles... but those eyes were mesmerizing; the white part was totally black and the iris was golden. She also liked his hair, it was dirty blond, kind of long and messy with burnt tips. Still, for some reason those eyes were very soothing but also scary, she couldn't understand why, it just was. Sara felt a little stupid because she didn't notice all of those things, maybe a nice shower would help her clear her mind.

"I'm kind of dirty, can I shower too?" she said looking down at her body.

"Sure, go ahead, there are towels on the sink if you need them." Lewis calmly cleaned up after Sara, with an idea of how to warm up to her.

She got off the chair and went straight to the bathroom. Sara never liked being dirty; it was agonizing for her. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water, it was a nice warm temperature. Sara sight as the water cleaned her hair from the salt, relaxing all of her muscles. The shower felt pretty good, but then halfway through it she started feeling kind of sick; it was a kind of sick she knew and hated. She was in heat. No, shit... why now, why here out of all the places this could happened. I'll have to fight it out... five years of this and it ain't getting easier for me~ When I get out I'll go to bed and ignore it as best as I can. Wait, or... I could... with him. No, no! that's wrong- I just met him... But it'll be just one night, no strings attached. Hehe, yeah, right! Right? Ugh, crap.

She let out a long, annoyed sigh and turned off the water, stepping out and drying herself. She cleared the hot steam from the mirror and looked at herself, wondering if she attractive enough for him? She groped her breasts under her mane and play a little with them, I mean who could ever say no~ she giggled at that. Nothing stopped her, no one would know, why Lewis couldn't be the one to pleasure her? Sara made her mind when another wave of heat hit her, for her it would be her night.

Sara walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the living room expecting Lewis to be on the couch or something, but he wasn't there. Looking around for a few seconds, she heard a sound coming from a room to her left, she walked towards the room and stood at Lewis's door way. She saw Lewis sitting in front of a two layered piano, his hand on the keyboard about to play something. He started playing a fast but calming tune that immediately made her forget about her problems. Lewis was playing with such emotion, enjoyment, and precision, that Sara even forgot to blink at how amazing he was at it. She was brought back to earth when he pressed a button that said magic on it, then every electronic appliance burst to life turning on one by one. She was amazed seeing this, the TV and radio started playing other instruments, which were all in sync with what Lewis was playing. Eventually the song slowed down to an end leaving only the sound of the last note floating in the air. Sara was shocked and a little sad when that beautiful performance came to an end, but nonetheless amazed.

Lewis turned around and was happy to see that she was there the entire time. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you." Lewis said, faking his surprised tone.

"N-no, I should be the one to saying sorry here." Sara blushed in a bright pink hue, "That was beautiful, I loved it." Sara felt frustrated that she was going through another wave of heat as she spoke. She really made her decision now, not only from how terrible had she felt, but also why not with a guy like Lewis? Before she could say anything else the front door slammed open, startling them both. Lewis got up and started walking towards the living room, Sara following behind him.

"Hey I got some pizza if you want som-" Chris stopped in his tracks holding pizza box as he saw the dark figure standing behind Lewis. "Who's that?"

"She's Sara the Zoroark, I met her at the dock when I was about done. Sara this is Chris, he's my 'brother'." Lewis said introducing both of them to each other.

"H-hi." She said shyly hiding behind Lewis. Sara was almost hypnotized by Chris's eyes; they were a beautiful shade of dark green. She also liked his body, he looked just as strong as Lewis, had the same height, and his hair was just as beautiful; like the type of hair that a surfer would have.

"Is she new?" Chris asked wondering what type of Pokémon she was.

"Apparently so." Lewis said as he looked at the clock, it was 4:45. "It's pretty late... I should go to bed." He said with a yawn.

"Oh... Then why did I get pizza? But Yeah, me too. Well, I'll get to know more about her tomorrow, see ya." Chris said, putting the pizza in the oven and walking to his room, shutting the door behind him.

"Let's go to bed... Wait, where do you wanna sleep, in my room or on the couch?" Lewis asked Sara.

She took this as an opportunity, "In your room would be the best."

"Okay then." Lewis walked to his room and turning off the lights.

When she waked back into the room it was organized like nothing ever happened. Sara had a lot of questions to ask, but she was too tired to ask any questions right then. Lewis slid his way onto the bed, then she followed him in, curling up next to him while feeling the warmth from his body. She slowly put her head on his chest and nuzzled his neck as she made a purring noise. Lewis quickly got the message when he saw her actions, he knew exactly why she wanted the bed. For some reason he felt a little nervous, but he wouldn't back out, not when he waited for so long. Lewis gave her a light kiss on the muzzle. Staring into her deep blue eyes he smiled, this was the first time someone had actually wanted him in this way.

Sara wanted this to be only be a one-night affair but she was afraid of Lewis developing feelings for her. They sat there for a couple second staring at each other in the moonlight, then Sara moved on top of Lewis, putting her face only inches away from his. "I need a small favor from you." she said in a very seductive tone, moving her blood red claw down his face to his chest, which aroused Lewis more than he wished to admit.

"I'll help you with anything." Lewis said, looking into her amazing eyes while holding her by the hips.

Sara looked at him, smiling with lust-filled eyes, her arms and legs around him. She embraced him in a heated kiss as she pressing her chest against his; Lewis could feel her firm breasts under her black mane. Both of them explored each other's mouth, feeling every crevice as their tongues wrestled. Sara was getting very wet and excited, the feeling of Lewis's hard member between her legs only added to that. She started rubbing her clit up and down his length, getting his shorts soaked. They broke away from the long passionate kiss, leaving a trail of saliva from her mouth to his as they gasped for air. It wasn't long before she became impatient from the feeling of being in heat and moved to the solution. She quickly took off his shorts and was surprised the size he had. Oh my~ _ Sara gently ran her claws up Lewis's shaft, measuring him up as his cock throbbed.__ A full seven inches...hehe, let's find out if I can fit that~_Sara thought to herself with a small giggle and devious smirk.

"Are you sure, we just met." Lewis looked up at Sara, flinching at every touch she gave him.

"Yes, I need it!" The Zoroark reapplied in a needy voice, placing herself on top of his rod, hovering only an inch above it. Lewis could feel her dripping wet vagina, the sweet smell filled the air in the room. She pressed the tip against her swollen lips, slowly sliding it in. Sara let out a soft moan as she felt his member enter her, she pushed it a few more inches in then hit a barrier along the way. She prepared herself for the pain that would follow. Pushing half of his throbbing member in deeper, she let out a yelp of pain as she lost her virginity; Sara didn't expect it to hurt as much but it felt good at the same time. She laid down on Lewis and kissed him once more.

They moved up against the wall in another deep kiss, she wrapped her arms around Lewis's neck as he slowly started thrusting into her, making it hard for her to stay under control. They rubbed against each other's bodies, feeling the warmth that their bodies let off while getting lost in the lust. Lewis gradually sped up as they broke away from their kiss, Sara moaned loudly as he pushed himself all the way in her. She squealed as her body shivered at the sensation of the pain and the pleasure. The dark type started pounding onto Lewis's hard member as she got use to his size, she gave in to the pleasure and lost all control of her body. Every hard pound made her scream as her sweet fluids soaked Lewis's crotch and the bed.

"No foreplay..." Lewis grunted with a smirk when she went down on him again. He could see that she needed relief for a long time. He was breathing hard now, almost as hard as Sara now that she started to go faster. She arched her back as she got closer to her first orgasm, which plastered a look of pure lust on her black fox like face. When she arched herself back it exposed her perfectly shaped D-cup breasts that were hidden under her black mane. Lewis didn't hesitate to play with them, lightly pinching the nipple of one breast with his left hand as he groped and sucked the other one, making Sara squeal in delight.

"Ohhh... please more... Yesss!" Sara whined in between breaths, pleading Lewis to go harder. Her breasts were very sensitive with the rough treatment he was giving them. Lewis was sucking and pinching while he thrusted into her as his fingers dug into her fur. She let go of his neck and dug her red claws into the wall behind Lewis, trying to get more leverage to go faster.

Lewis thrusted faster and increasingly harder, feeling her wet pussy get tighter around his throbbing cock. Sara could feel Lewis twitching inside of her, telling her that he was also close to an orgasm. The room was now smelling of sex and sweat as Sara's walls tightened around Lewis's penis. She ripped a hole into the drywall as she screamed at the top of her lunges, releasing wave after wave of her thick juices. That was just enough to send Lewis over the edge. He grabbed her by the hair and gave her one last thrust then blasted all had into her, covering her walls and womb with his cum. When their orgasms died down Lewis pulled out of Sara, letting all his cum leak out of the exhausted Zoroark. It was a mess with Sara's and Lewis's cum all over the bed and her black cunt coated with his white cum. Sara collapsed into Lewis's arms and passed out from exhaustion. Lewis soon followed behind Sara, his arms around her as he fell asleep, leaving the cleanup for tomorrow.

_ See ya, the turtles has a hangover. _