The Tribe - 8

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#8 of The Tribe

Mako's last day in the Ormus Tribe with those close to him.

Here is another chapter for all of you. I'm quite pleased with how this turned out, and I hope you all enjoy it.

Please let me know what you think so far, I'd like to know how I'm doing.

I feel a little silly, because I got a little worked up writing it.


Mako had gone around to nearly every member of their tribe, thanking them for their support, and for all the help they'd provided as he had grown up. They, in turn, gave him their love and affection, wishing him the best in his decision to leave the Ormus Tribe. There were lots of tears and hugging, and though a few were angry or disappointed, they all meant well, and wished him the best. No one had left the tribe in quite some time, so their reactions were understandable.

Mako's mother, Chang, did not seem at all surprised at the fact that he was going to go off with the Aurum Tribe. She, like Garis, cried silently as she kissed his cheeks and held him close, smiling the whole time. "You're going to do great things," she'd told him, bowing her head to him. Mako couldn't help but sob and cling to her a while longer, afterward.

The Ascension went many hours into the night. It was always quite the celebration; lots of dancing, singing, chanting, drums and flutes, food, and alcohol; harvested from berries nearby, fermented, and then stored in clay pots just outside the camp where they'd be out of the way. There was always quite a bit on hand for cooking, or drinking; some of the elders would go through an entire clay pot in a week. Now that Mako was considered an adult, he was allowed to have some for himself. Barely a mug of the stuff had put the otter into a stupor.

It helped take his mind off the fact that he'd be leaving the tribe in short time. At the end of the night, when the world seemed to be spinning and his mind was hazy and dulled, his brothers grabbed an arm each and took him back to their tent. Kosh moved the bedrolls together and then lay the drunken otter down in the middle, taking a spot to either side.

"How're you feeling?" Kosh asked, carefully rubbing his paw over the otter's stomach, some of the paint from earlier smeared and rubbed into his fur and skin.

The otter's face was a bit flushed from the alcohol and he just chuckled and let his head roll to the side to look at the brown wolf. "I feel fine... the whole room is just... spinning," he said, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes.

Zeke laughed and rested a paw on the otter's thigh, leaning in to nose his neck. "Yeah, stuff can knock you on your ass if you're not careful," he said.

Kosh nodded in agreement and Mako just let out a pleased sigh, giggling to himself a bit. His paws rest on his chest and he lay there between his brothers peacefully, no one saying anything for some time.

The otter frowned a bit and opened his eyes, looking from side to side at his brothers. "I'm... really going to miss you both," he said.

The wolves pressed close on either side and hugged him between them, nodding slowly. Mako just let out a quiet sob and squeezed each of their paws when they found his own. "You'll do fine, though," Zeke said, letting out a soft sigh. "And we'll always be with you in spirit,"

Kosh nodded in agreement and gave the otter's cheek a gentle kiss. "Besides, you're going to be out seeing all the sights, enjoying the company of a bunch of new and wonderful people, learning how to put your new-found talents to use..."

Mako whimpered and brought both of his brother's paws up to his muzzle and nuzzled between them, trying not to break down completely. "I just don't know what it's going to be like without you both around..." he said quietly.

"It'll be hard at first," Zeke said, pulling his paw free from the otter's to rub his chest soothingly. "But you'll learn."

"And you'll have the support of everyone there, I'm sure. And Osso," Kosh said, grinning and giving the otter a playful nudge with his hips.

Mako's face flushed a bit deeper and he shifted around on the bedroll, shrugging his shoulders. "It won't be the same, though," he said.

"No, course not. It won't be the same," Zeke said. "But who knows, maybe you two will end up liking each other more than us."

"What?! No! You're my brothers!" Mako protested, about to argue further.

"And some day you'll end up finding someone else that you'll want to take as a mate, and that person is going to mean more to you than family ever will," Kosh said, pulling his paw away and brushing some stray hairs from the otter's face. "It's not a bad thing,"

Mako stayed quiet for a bit. "Do you think that that'll be Osso?" he asked.

"I don't know. Only you will know that in that time," Kosh said, patting Mako's chest.

Mako nodded and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. There was so much to think about, but he was tired and the room was still slowly spinning in circles. Tomorrow would be his last day within the camp, last day with his family, last day with his friends, but first day of adventures and mysteries. A few minutes passed in silence and that was all it took for Mako to drift off to sleep.

Mako's eyes opened to something he didn't see often: light. Not just a faint peeking of the sun illuminating the canopy above the tent, but the bright light of the afternoon; he felt quite rested and relaxed, too. Despite waking up early for chores most mornings, he'd never been much of a morning person, and waking up was always a bit of a challenge.

The otter sat up and stretched his arms out with a yawn, glancing around the tent. Neither of his brothers were around, but he could hear people moving about outside, taking care of their daily business. His clothes had been removed after he'd fallen asleep, and he fixed a simple loincloth around his waist before stepping out of the tent.

The sun was high in the sky, so he'd slept at least until noon, which was rare for him; no wonder he'd felt so relaxed when he woke up. People were milling about, finishing up some chores, starting new ones, getting food, or just taking a break. Zeke and Kosh were carrying some logs to stack near the middle of the camp when they spotted Mako standing by the tent.

Dropping off their logs, they made their way over, nodding to the otter. "Glad to see you're finally up," Kosh said.

Mako rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, feeling a bit guilty for having slept through morning. "Yeah, I was a bit surprised that neither of you woke me," he said.

"Well, you drank a lot last night, too. Rest was what you needed," Zeke said, clapping the otter on the shoulder. "And now a bath is the next thing."

Kosh chuckled and nodded in agreement. "The paint looked nice yesterday, but now you've slept, and moved around, and sweat..." he said, sighing dramatically.

Mako glanced down at the purple paint that was smeared along a lot of his chest and he could feel his fur standing up on his face where it had been drawn. "Yeah, alright. Bath first, then food," he said.

"Come on, we'll go with you," Zeke said, motioning to be followed as he started off towards the river.

Before they'd even made it to the water, Zeke had stripped his own loincloth off and slung it over a shoulder, Kosh doing the same. Mako was a bit more conservative and waited until they were at the edge of the river before stripping as the others jumped in. He sat on the edge and slid in the water, submerged completely and stood up with a graceful flick of his hair that sprayed water behind him.

Paws slid along his waist and pulled him back against a strong, muscular chest and he looked back to see Zeke smiling at him. "I mean... while we're down here, right?"

Two more paws joined Zeke's as Kosh rubbed over the otter's chest and stomach before traveling down to grip his soft shaft and started squeezing at it. "Don't mind me," the brown wolf said, "Just cleaning the paint off you," he assured the others.

Mako couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of pleasure as he was touched and caressed. He relaxed against Zeke and closed his eyes, letting Kosh touch and rub over his body. The paint came off easily enough and Zeke's paws brought water up to Mako's face to clear the paint away from there.

Kosh's touch was gentle and relaxing, though not as innocent as he would have claimed; one of those paws stroked up the inside of Mako's thigh before cupping the heavy sac there, giving it a gentle squeeze. The otter gasped and spread his legs as the brown wolf stroked and squeezed over his intimate parts.

There was the sound of water splashing about and Mako peeked through lidded eyes to see Kosh climbing up onto the bank of the river. "Come up," he said, nodding at the otter.

Before Mako was given much of a choice, Zeke's paws helped lift him up and out and the otter scrambled to get up onto the grass, careful not to drag his now-hard shaft against the ground. "What?"

Kosh rolled onto his stomach and pulled his knees up underneath him, waving his butt around in the air. "Come on. It's been a while, and it'll be a while until we get to again," he said with a playful chuckle.

Mako's face flushed at how casual his brother sounded about the matter, but a throb from his shaft told him that his body didn't mind in the slightest. He crawled over towards the brown wolf and ran both his paws over the wet fur, cupping the hanging balls between his legs.

Kosh lifted his tail out of the way and pushed his hips back impatiently, trying not to giggle. "Come on, we haven't got all day, and I'm sure Zeke wants a turn from you, too," he teased.

Zeke, who was laying on his side next to the pair, idly stroking his shaft, raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What, me? I'm just laying here,"

The otter knelt behind Kosh, trying not to feel too on-the-spot as he pushed the head of his hooded cock to the wolf's entrance. Water wasn't the best lubricant, but he'd already started dripping, and it didn't take much of an effort for him to slip inside his older brother. Both gasped as the otter's shaft pressed forward and Mako leaned over the wolf to rest his paws on Kosh's back.

It wasn't often that he was ever in this position with either of his brothers, and he throbbed at the wonderful, warm feeling of being inside the older wolf. Kosh squeezed down on him and pressed his hips back, letting Mako know that he wanted more. The otter pulled back and thrust back in, shivering at the feeling and wondering just how long he could last like this.

That part didn't seem to matter much to either of them, though. Kosh just closed his eyes and moaned quietly, pushing back into the otter and letting his head roll from side to side. It wasn't rough or fast, but intimate. Kosh lowered himself to the ground completely and the otter followed him down, wrapping his arms around Kosh's chest to hug him tightly as he continued thrusting. Mako buried his face in his brother's neck, breath coming quicker and less steady as he approached his climax.

One of Kosh's paws came up to hold the back of Mako's head and the otter just shuddered and let out a soft cry of pleasure as his hips gave one last jerk. Cum flooded his brother's passage as they lay there and the otter clung to Kosh's back, body tingling.

After a few minutes of rest, Mako pulled out and carefully rolled to one side, laying on his back in the sun and taking a deep breath. Zeke appeared above him, grinning down at him as a paw reached down to give his balls a gentle squeeze. "Come on, it's my turn," he said with a wink.

Mako's face flushed and he leaned up to watch as Zeke lay on his back, legs spread apart, his knotted cock laying over his stomach. The otter dutifully rolled back over and crawled towards the black wolf, still hard from his previous rutting. Zeke was closer to him in height, but easily twice his side with muscle, and it wasn't very characteristic to see his oldest brother laying there in that vulnerable position.

Zeke lifted his legs and wrapped them around the otter's hips as Mako drew near. He pulled the otter close and let his head fall back into the grass as he felt the otter's slick member press to his own passage before sliding inside. Mako leaned over the wolf and hugged close to him as he started thrusting, making halting gasps and pleasured moans as he hugged close to the older wolf.

He thought he'd last longer this time with how recently he'd just gotten off, though that didn't stop the familiar tingling start below his balls as he humped back and forth. He could feel the wolf's shaft pressing against his stomach as he lay atop Zeke and his mind was a pleasant fog as he focused on driving his shaft forward into the black wolf. Just as with Kosh, there was no force, only tenderness. It was an odd sensation, really, but the otter found it just as exciting as any other time he'd been with them.

All too soon for his own liking he cried out, his face pressed into the wolf's chest, as he came a second time. Zeke's arms squeezed him to his chest as he rumbled approvingly, nuzzling the otter's cheek. They lay there for a few minutes as the otter's shaft shrank and slipped free from the wolf.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up, then we can go get food," Kosh said, nudging the pair with a foot as he looked down at them.

Less than an hour later the trio were dressed, mostly dry, and walking back into the camp. It seemed like just another normal day; though, to the otter, it was solemn somehow. Every time he looked at someone it seemed like it'd be the last time. He paused just outside the camp to just watch everything, shaking his head to his brothers when they looked back to him. "Go ahead, I'll catch up in a moment," he said.

They left him and went into the camp to find food for themselves. Mako stood there for nearly an hour, just watching as everyone went about their life. Would this be what it was like when he was gone? Of course it was. Nothing would change; chores would have to be done, food cooked, clothes washed, tents cleaned. Did that make him unimportant to the Tribe? Was he doing the right thing? What if he was needed?

A large, black paw gripped his shoulder and the otter didn't even flinch this time. "You'll be missed by every person here," Garis said.

Mako frowned and nodded slowly, watching two of the younger members of the Tribe chase each other through the tents. "Am I doing the right thing?"

Garis looked down at his son and let out a light chuckle. "Right thing? There's no right or wrong thing to do. You're doing what you feel you need to do. If you ignored your own needs for someone else's wants, that would be the wrong thing to do," he said.

"I've never even crossed the river before. And now I'm going... I don't even know where," Mako said. "And I'm going alone."

"Alone? You'll have nearly four hundred others with you, and they'll be friendly and inviting, and you'll be accepted," the Chief said, laughing and hugging Mako to his side. "Besides, Tarn is also leaving our Tribe to join the Aurum Tribe,"

Mako pulled away and stared up at his father in surprise. "Tarn? He's leaving? Why?"

Garis shrugged and looked back to the camp. "He's always been a free spirit. It's what made him such a good tracker and scout. He wants to explore and see more of the world, and this is a great opportunity for him to do so. Chief Ronan has agreed, and there's even a few from the Aurum Tribe who are joining ours; some of the elderly who would like to rest instead of travel, and a couple of the younger ones. After you and Tarn leave, we'll have an even hundred living here," he said with a smile.

Mako just stared back at the camp in amazement. It never occurred to him that others might decide to join or leave the tribe beside him. He never talked much with Tarn, but they still knew each other well enough having always been in the tribe together. "Do... you think we'll see each other again after I leave?" he asked.

"Yes," Garis said quietly, a small hint of a frown on his face, unnoticed even by himself. "Eventually,"

Mako nodded and leaned into his father, closing his eyes. "I'm scared. Everything seems to be happening at once. I've got... power now. I mean, not much, just a little, and I can't do much with it, but-"

"Don't sell yourself short," Garis said firmly, looking down at Mako and giving his shoulder a squeeze. "If you believe you can do it, you can do it. Don't let anyone ever let you think otherwise, either,"

They talked for a few more minutes before Garis returned to what he'd been doing, and Mako went back to his tent to pack up any belongings he'd be taking with him. It wasn't much; some extra loincloths, a couple knives, fishing pole, all of his papers that he'd made over the years and bound together with a leather hide into a book, and his bedroll. He wouldn't be spending the night here, since the Aurum Tribe would leave early in the morning.

The rest of the Tribe had continued on with their daily life, just as they had before, and aside from the occasional wish of good luck or farewell, it was just another day. "It's easier this way," he thought as he sat down next to his brothers for dinner, listening as they talked about their upcoming hunt for more food. They were both quite excited, and could become really animated when reliving stories, and Mako just chuckled to himself as he watched.

Soon enough, the new members of the Ormus Tribe arrived from across the river with help, and the tents that had been set up earlier in the day were soon filled with people and possessions. The day had gone by fast, Mako realized, and before he knew it, it was time to leave.

Tarn had already said his goodbyes and left an hour before, and now it was his turn. Mako secured his bag on his back and stepped out of the tent for the last time, taking a deep breath to steel himself. He didn't want to break down now; he'd done so well all day.

His family was waiting or him near the edge of the camp and his brothers were the first to pull him into tight hugs, kissing his forehead and cheeks. "Take care, Mako," Kosh said, rocking side to side as he hugged the otter tightly.

"We love you, you know," Zeke added, pulling Mako over to him and popping the otter's back with a firm squeeze.

Mako nodded in response and looked between them with watery eyes. "I will. I love you both, too," he said, turning to face his parents.

Chang was wearing a simple, silk dress that had been given to her by Chief Ronan, and she stepped close to wrap her arms around the younger otter, petting the back of his head and holding him close. "I will always love you, and always think of you. No matter where you are, I'll keep you close," she said softly, a few tears in her eyes as well.

They embraced for a few minutes while Mako did his best to stop his tears. In the end he failed, and he turned to hug his father for the last time. Garis held him close, letting out a staggered breath. "We will see each other again. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not in a year. Maybe not even in this lifetime. But you can be certain that we will all be together again," he said.

Mako nodded and let out a soft sob into his father's chest. The five of them squeezed together and hugged there at the edge of the camp before Mako finally pulled himself free. "Goodbye," he said, his throat still dry. "I'll do my best for you," he said to them before turning to leave for the river.

"Do you need any help?" Zeke offered, taking a step forward, Kosh following.

"No," Mako said, shaking his head and looking back at them, a tired smile on his face. "I can manage. I'll go alone from here,"

Crossing the river was a little difficult to do with his bag, without taking the canoe, but he managed to cross without getting the sack wet. As he tossed it up on the shore and climbed out onto the grass, he stared back across the river, just barely able to see the camp from where he was. "That was easier than I thought it would be," he thought as he realized that he'd crossed the river for the first time after spending a life time on one side.

True to his nature, he sat on the edge of the shore and just stared back across it, thinking of all that he'd left behind, and all that he'd gain. Truer still, he jumped when a paw touched his shoulder, and he let out a startled cry as he looked up at a black bat.

Osso chuckled and sat down next to him, looking at the river. "Was it difficult to cross?" he asked.

Mako looked from Osso to the river and shrugged his shoulers. "A little. I had to keep my bag out of the water so it wouldn't get wet, but I did it," he said.

"That's not what I meant,"

"I know,"

The two sat there for a little while in silence before Osso looked to the otter, placing a paw on his thigh. "Are you going to be okay?"

Mako considered the question and then nodded, putting his paw on Osso's and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I will, in time,"

"I know you might not think so, and it might take time, but... this is just as much your home as it is mine," Osso said, looking back at the temporary camp that the Aurum Tribe had erected.

Osso's brow furrowed for a moment as he thought about those words before speaking.

"It matters little where I put my roll;

A tent, a shore, a rock on mountain face.

As long as I have those who care for me;

Whether in my mind, my heart, or in my arms.

As I cross the river and leave my life;

Leave all that is known to explore the new;

I can sleep at peace at night knowing that

My home is always with me in my heart.

No person can take that away from me;

It is mine own and cannot be weakened.

As I go on my path and meet new hearts,

I'll find that my home grows and grows each time.

Shared experiences, mind, body and soul;

For better or for worse we'll always learn.

When it is my turn to return back home,

I'll find I don't have to go very far."