The bus ride

Story by Alpha_wolf on SoFurry

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My characters copyrighted to me. this is part one. Im thinking of a part two... I dont know... depends on the comments i get... Warning blah blah. Here is the story.

"Grrrr..." Akio growled to himself.

Akio always hated leaving school and going home, that is probably why everyone thought he was a nerd, or the fact he hated sports. Sports seemed so pointless to him, even though he was built for them, more or less. Akio was a built wolfox; he was 16, six foot nine, muscular to a degree, having a layer of "insulation" as he liked to call it, all around built well. Akio had dark grey fur, almost black, except his face, a light grey in color, his nice strong pecs that were the same light grey to match, and his stomach having a square with rounded edges of the light grey fur. He liked his hair up and out of his face, so he spiked them into three big spikes that sat well on top of each other. He had a thick amount of fur that ran down his back to his big fluffy tail. His tail was a big one, twice the average size for his age and height, thick and fluffy, ending in a light grey tip. He always kept to himself, despite the fact he was really nice.

Akio snapped to attention realizing that he was next to get on the bus. The only reason he liked going home was the fact that he had a long bus trip home, since he was last on his route, to relax the whole way there, and the fact he liked to look at porn on his PDA.

"Empty seat, empty seat, empty seat." He thought to himself.

He saw an empty seat, the last seat on the bus and smiled to himself. Akio sat down and instantly pulled his PDA out. Akio had a full two gigabytes to use and half was filled with porn. He knew it was against rules to look at it in school, but who said anything about on the bus? He was already in a complete state of concentration to his PDA, that he didn't even realize that some one was next to him. Akio was starting to imagine the on goings of his porn in his mind, softly blushing as he was getting aroused, but he didn't care much. He already put away his PDA and just used his imagination. He decided to let his surroundings refresh, so he snapped back a bit, still somewhat aroused and flushed. He looked over to see a vixen that was immensely beautiful, looking away quickly as he blushed even more then he already was. He thought about her, and took another look at what he saw. She was a red fox, about his age, everything was tipped black on her, her ears, tail, paws, nose, face, it was unbelievable how amazing she looked. She had black hair that was cut just how he liked it, jagged sides, touched her shoulders and then down a bit. She wore a cool black skull shirt, riddled with small white skulls. Akio couldn't help but stare at her perfect set of breasts, size b as he could tell, perfect for her height. He guessed she was about five foot six.

He tried not to stare anymore and looked forward, now even more aroused then before. He put his thoughts to her, blushing deeply as he realized he was fully erected, luckily it was hidden by his bag pretty well. Akio just stared forward and thought deeper about her, undressing her with his mind, back to his mind set world, unaware of his surroundings again. He was in the middle of stripping her in his mind when he felt a paw softly caressing his thick member. He blushed even deeper and froze, looking with only his eyes at the girl next to him; she was looking at him half way with a slight smile on her face. He tried not to moan from her soft strokes.

She moved her muzzle next to his ear, breathing a little fast, whispering "I saw how you kept looking at me, why were you hiding this from me?"

She gripped his thick shaft through his pants and stroked it harder. He covered his muzzle with his paw, letting out a small moan, which made his fur fluff up some. He could feel the blood in his face throbbing from how much he was blushing.

"We are on the bus..." He whispered back in a needy, almost moaning voice.

"Why does that matter?" She whispered back.

She unzipped his tight pants and put her paw down his pants. Akio bit his lower lip as he didn't stop her, he wanted it too badly, he had for a long time. She stroked up and down his big shaft, feeling its full length. He softly humped her paw, trying even more not to moan. Akio looked around frantically to see if anyone had heard him, that's when he realized that they were the last ones on the bus. He sighed some at the fact he didn't have to struggle to stay quiet as much. She kept a soft pace of stroking to keep him at bay. His soft humping was slowly taking his pants off, which intern she increased her rate of rubbing. Akio never wore underwear; he thought it was pointless to wear since he was furry and had a sheath. His cock was sticking straight up, not being held down by his pants anymore, as she gripped tightly on his member and jerked him off hard. Akio couldn't help but moan out, blushing heavily at himself for loosing control. He could feel his member starting to leak precum at a steady rate, as all wolves do, as he started to hump a little faster in her grip. He was panting and sweating some, feeling more and more pleasure wash over him. That is when he felt it, her muzzle around the head of his cock; he gripped hard on the seat he was already putting holes in with his claws, moaning even louder then before. It felt amazing, her warm wet lips sucking softly on his swollen head as she stroked up and down on his throbbing member. She started to take more of his thick rod into her muzzle, licking down on it and sucking softly. Akio leaned his head back and moaned through clenched teeth. She murred over it, sending more pleasure jolting through his body. She took half of his throbbing wolfhood into her muzzle as she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, making him cry out in pleasure. He just started to hump her face more, wanting her to put his whole shaft in her muzzle; she obliged and dropped her muzzle to his stomach. Akio was panting heavily now, he was close, really close. She bobbed her head faster, feeling his cock throbbing harder and start to heat up as his knot swelled. She caressed his knot softly with one paw and fondled his balls in her other, sucking harder as she bobbed her head up and down faster each descent. Akio couldn't hold back very much longer, he moaned loudly. She massaged his knot and fondled his balls more as she bit softly on the base of his dick, pushing him over. Akio practically screamed in pleasure, thrusting his hips up hard into her muzzle, gripping the seat as he cummed hard, shooting hot streams of wolf seed down her throat. She swallowed quickly and as fast as possible, not getting all of his thick cum as some of it dribbled out. He bucked again as he cummed more, moaning loudly from her sucking and swallowing. He panted heavily as his orgasm faded. She licked his member clean and gave him a deep lustful kiss on the lips. He widened his eyes and opened his muzzle as she let him taste himself, he murred loudly as he played with her tongue, licking his cum up. He felt her pull his pants up and zip them up. He sat there still in his afterglow.

She whispered "my stop"

"Will I see you again..." he paused wanting her name

"It's Alaina...and you will silly" she said softly as she walked away off the bus.

He sat there in afterglow still not realizing that he just got a girlfriend. It all hit him so fast.

"Why did she..." he wondered out loud.

He really didn't care much. He grinned wide realizing what just happened. The bus lurched to a stop, he was at home. Akio grabbed his bag and ran for the front of the bus, when the bus driver stopped him.

"Now I'm going to let that pass just for today.... "A big grin on his face.

Akio blushed deeply remembering how loud he was and nodded to the bus driver, running off the bus.

Torture for Fun

He was staring at his screen with a blank word document set up, he wondered what it was he should type about. Staring longer into his screen he just couldn't make up his mind, and not to mention he was the worst beginning essay writer in the world. He...

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