The Mourning After - Chapter 14 (Shadows of the Past)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#15 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

A little later than I had intended. I got caught up replaying fallout4 this month and have been very lazy about getting round to post stuff. But it's here now so please, enjoy. We continue the action by catching up with Cody and the gang. They have concluded their business in Yanzomien and are going to depart and head back to Zangar in the morning.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

As I walked through the town I couldn't help but breath in the sweet scent of the many flowers that grew in the gardens that this place was famous for. The gardens were a tribute to the guardian deity Gias; the guardian of the Earth.

Yanzomien was famous not only for its gardens but for the twelve temples that the rest of the town was built around. Twelve temples and the gardens. The gardens were the temple of Gias while eleven others were for the other guardian deities. The final temple, the largest of all of them located in the center of the settlement was dedicated to Asurmen himself; the creator and protector of our realm, the father of the guardian deities.

While most settlements often revered a number of the deities over the others, Yanzomien held them all in equal regard. That lifestyle has made Yanzomien a very spiritual place, a very pleasant place to stay. I was never very spiritual but if I had to choose a deity to hold in high regard it would be Gias. I loved plants and flowers. I could think of no better way to spend a day that to sit surrounded by nature... well other than sex maybe. But sex while surrounded by nature... oh yes!

I suddenly realised that I had walked past the inn Eric was staying during my daydream. I turned round and headed towards it. The inn was made of stone, much like the rest of the settlement, a little more worn down than the inn Krell had taken me to, but it was pretty nice. What it lacked in luxury it made up for with comfort and a familial atmosphere. After a few minutes, just as the sun was giving up the last few rays of light before night fell, I was outside the entrance to the 'Myth and Mirth' inn.

From inside I could here the merriment of the patrons inside, mixing with the sound of the cheerful

din of music. The door was open, a blast of hot air billowing out, the scents of alcohol, food and the scent of dozens of furs and drakes alike mingled and made my nose tingle from the vast array of scents and smells.

I stepped inside and looked around. It didn't take me long to locate my friends, Jason's towering white form easy to pick out. Eric, Jason and Michael were sitting with some of the other Zangarians we had travelled with, several tables had been pushed together to accommodate them and the tables themselves were host to a vast array of food.

"CODY!" Jason bellowed, raising his metal tankard in welcome, sloshing its contents onto the table.

I smiled and waved at him, not sure my voice would reach him over the din I the room. I walked round the table to him and he scooted over to make a place for me to sit on the bench.

"So... have a good time?" Jason smirked and winked.

"Yeah!" I grinned.

I knew that he knew what I'd been up to. Not that he minded or I cared that he knew. Jason was like me; he loved sex. The only difference between us was that he had found that one fur that he loved more than sex; Michael. I was kinda jealous that I didn't have someone like that in my life, but at the same time I was happy for them. I don't think I was capable of loving just one fur for the rest of my life, not without being unfaithful to them.

To take my thought off that rather depressing topic I grabbed some food, some sort of drumstick from one feral fowl or another. It's taste was slightly gamy, but the meat was succulent and tender, I felt the meat juices stain the fur around my maw as I bit into it. As I ate I looked to Eric next to me. He was puffing away on his pipe, the scent of the smoke was sightly bitter and made my muzzle curl up in slight disgust. He was looking happy but a little weary. It had been a long week of travel and he had been suffering from the effects for a while now. Once I had eaten I would take him to bed and make him some medicine. A bitter smelling powder, ground from a medicinal root, in some warm water.

As much as it pained me to think about losing Eric the truth was that the falcon was getting on in years. He was the oldest fur I'd ever known. How he'd lived this long while being on the road astounded me. I didn't want to lose him. He was like a father to me... or at least a damn sight better than my actual father had been. The simple thought that he would die one day made a pang of sorrow strike my heart, but I had to remind myself that he could live for years yet and that eventually we all die.

Be it from old age, illness an accident or... fighting in a war against the wolves...

It had taken several moons for me to be able to hear his name without bursting into tears. I had never lost anyone close to me before Malakye. To get over his loss I had engaged in meaningless sex... unless I had a cock in my maw or shoved under my tail I couldn't feel anything but his loss. That behaviour had lead to me getting a reputation...

But the reputation was well deserved and while I regret acting like that it has had some benefits of late. Eventually I was able to properly grieve for my friend, my family and my sometime lover. Even now though I felt like there was a part of me missing... I miss him so much!******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************





"Goodnight Eric." I whispered as I quietly closed the door behind me.

I could still taste his cum in my maw. The combination of a good blow job and his nightly medicine knocked him right out. We're heading back for Zangar first thing in the morning so it's important that he was well rested. The night was still young so everyone else was still downstairs having a good time before we start the five day journey back to Zangar.

We had finished packing all of the supplies we had ordered onto the wagons this afternoon so in the morning we just need to show up and leave. Most of the warriors who were travelling with us were eager to get back to their families. Me I was a little sorry to leave. Zangar is so bare and barren of plants and flowers I would prefer to stay here really. But my family were heading back to Zangar in the morning and as much as I miss nature I'd miss them more. I can live with the fact that I will before the next new moon.

Speaking of which it was the new moon tomorrow night and with that the long awaited Zangarian festival. They hold a festival here in Yanzomien *as well, which isn't surprising given how much they revere all of the Guardian Deities*. But we will miss all the festivities as well as the tournament they hold in Zangar. I don't mind missing the tournament, I'm not a fan of fighting. But what I was a fan of was the fighters bodies! The way their muscles flexed and strained... heh. I didn't have any shortage of muscular males to look at. We had nearly thirty Zangarian warriors with us. Maybe I could get a few of them to put on a show for me.

As I was lost deep in the thoughts of flexing muscular bodies someone grabbed my tail. I lurched to a stop and yelped slightly from the slight twinge of pain. I turned round to see a lion leering down at me from where he sat at a table by himself.

I glanced across the room to where my friends and a dozen Zangarians sat, drinking merrily and laughing as someone told one joke or another. The tavern was busy, nearly three full tables between me and them. There was also a group of musicians playing an upbeat merry tune that combined with the constant chatter of the patrons would likely make it difficult for my friends to hear me if I cried out for help. But I wasn't a coward, I could probably handle a drunk lion well enough and slip away. If I can just get him to let go of my tail first.

I turn back to look at the tiger, taking a step back so there was no strain at the base of my tail. He was big, even while sitting I barely came up to his muzzle. His shoulders and chest were broad and muscular, and while his clothes were slightly soiled from travel the rich purple colour told me he was not short of coin. Purple clothing was ridiculously expensive.

"Um... could you let go of my tail please?" I asked nicely hoping that the lion was just a little drunk.

"I could." He said smugly, the strong scent of some spirit or other burning my nostrils, his grin not wavering. "But I really want to fuck you."

"Err..." His bluntness caught me off guard for a moment. "What if I say no?"

He frowned a little. "Then I'd be really disappointed." He let go of my tail which I was grateful for. Part of me wanted to scamper off, but another wanted to listen to the coming proposal I knew was coming. So I stayed, taking the time to examine him a little closer now that I wasn't focused on how to escape.

To his benefit the lion was big and buff. If it wasn't for his podgy belly I would have pegged him as a warrior, but he was dressed in fine clothes which most warriors wouldn't be able to afford. I'd guess he was a merchant, and a successful one at that. Given how dirty his clothes were, and from how forward he was being, I'd guess he had just arrived in town and was looking for some action. Well I was flattered and despite my reputation I didn't sleep with just anyone willing to shove their dick under my tail... although I can see why some might dispute that fact.

"Well I'd hate to disappoint a good looking feline like yourself." If I had been a feline myself I would have purred at him, but I'd just have to settle for a sultry voice.

"I'll make it worth your while." He smiled dropping two gold coins on the table.

I went wide eyed at the gold. At first I was surprised he was willing to pay quite as much as that for some company. Hell he could probably get the straightest male in this place to bend over for him with that kind of coin on offer. But I didn't sleep with furs for money. I wasn't that kind of 'easy'.

"I'm a little insulted." I said, allowing a little spitefulness into my tone.

"I assure you I don't mean to offend." He chuckled.

I liked his accent. It was rich and deep like most furs South of the Dark Forest* have, but with an edge to it that I didn't recognise. It must be because he's from Gir*. Kind of sexy, on top of everything else sexy about him. His belly wasn't too big, you could still make out his powerful chest through his purple silk shirt. If his dick was in proportion to the rest of him I'd be pretty happy to share a bed with this guy. Unfortunately most of the time that was the gamble you couldn't get and answer to until you'd gone too far to back out at that point.

"But I must warn you... we lions are quite voracious in our appetites." He grinned with a sinister seductiveness. "So my compensating you will not be for the time in my bed but the lack of sleep you will be suffering from tomorrow."

Well wasn't he cocky? Now I really wanted to see if he could back up all that talk he'd just spewed in my direction or if he was just full of hot air. Hell even if he was all talk the coin would more than make up for my disappointment, and if he wasn't all talk well... I'd probably tell him to keep his gold.

"Well isn't that fortunate?" I grin. "I'm leaving just after dawn tomorrow. At least I won't have to worry about sleeping in."

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He asked. His tone confident but obviously he was wanting to make sure I wasn't just pulling his tail.

"Sure." I give him my best foxy grin. "You got a room here?"

"Just upstairs. Top floor." He responds. "Do you want a drink or two before we begin? It's going to be a long night."

'Oh I hope so!' I think quietly to myself, slipping into the seat across the table from him.


"Urgh!" The lion grunted as he shouldered open the door to his room.

We had a few drinks downstairs and talked a little, but it wasn't long before we were both eager to fuck and with some restraint had managed to get to the top floor before he grabbed me and began ravishing me. He had carried me to the room. I hadn't even noticed until he shoved the door open.

His paws are all over me, big powerful paws, with claws that could easily tear me to shreds. But at the moment they were just teasing me as they trailed through my fur. He was taller than I'd expected. I knew he was bigger than me when we were sitting, but at full height he towered over me by a good two feet or more. Id' probably put him at the same league as Kaldor; probably slightly shorter, but still big!

As he kicked the door shut behind us he began to chew lightly on my ears. Fuck! I love it when someone does that! It sends a shiver up and down my whole body and my balls tingle. If I wasn't hard before I certainly am now! My erection was straining for release in my pants, but I had no chance of freeing while he was holding me.

He drops me onto the bed and wastes little time stripping me. Yanking my trousers off me almost violently, the action dragging me down the bed as he does. Me top goes in a similar fashion. He gazed down at me for a few moments before pouncing on me, pinning me to the bed under his bulk and explores my body with snout and tongue.

"Ah!" I moan as his rough feline tongue drags across my nipple. First one and then the other.

"I love how you moan like that. So helpless"" He purrs. "I'm going to enjoy making you moan!"

"Then what are you waiting for big guy?" I giggle. "Make me moan!"

"Oh I shall little fox." He purrs. "Don't you worry. I will have you moaning all night long. But first... it would appear that I am over dressed."

I expected him to stand up and strip off his clothes carefully, as expensive as they appear to be, but was surprised when he simple ripped open his shirt, several buttons ripping off in the process, leaving his powerful chest and considerable belly exposed. The silk shirt was quickly discarded and he then began unbuckling the belt that held up his pants. He kicked them off, never getting off me as if he was afraid I'd run the first opportunity I could get. I could feel him against my thigh now. The heat and hardness of his arousal could be felt through my thick fluffy pelt. Even though I couldn't see it I knew he was pretty big. Good.

"You gonna fuck me know?" I grin, raising my legs and wrapping them round his waist invitingly.

"Patience little fox. I enjoy preparation as much as I enjoy the fucking."

Before I could ask what kind of preparation he had in mind he had flipped me onto all fours and had his muzzle buried under my tail. His tongue scrapped across my tail-hole making me groan and pant with need. Two powerful paws on my hips made sure that I wasn't going anywhere even if I'd wanted to. Fuck this guy was dominant! It was making my cock throb at how powerless I felt in his paws and yet he was being so gentle with me. This guy knew what he was doing!

I don't know how long he rimmed me for but each second felt like heaven. And when he started fingering me and stretching me, something which had me panting and writhing beneath him, he almost had me cumming when he started teasing that magical spot inside me. As he stretched me his muzzle was busy nibble on my neck. Those powerful and potentially deadly fangs of his delicately nipping me. I was leaking pretty heavily at this point, and his musk was making me light headed. I was nearly suffocating from how thick and heavy it was.

"I'm going to fuck you now. Yes."

That was a statement of fact, not a question of my willingness. I was like putty in his paws. I needed this now as badly as he did; perhaps more. He pinned me beneath him using his bulk as he lined up to enter me. My erection was pressed between my stomach and the bed and I couldn't do anything about it. He pushed inside me, his girth stretching me nicely, and wasted little time in sinking all the way in until I felt his groin press against my butt.

"Oh yessss..." He hissed and purred as I squeezed down on him, using what little movement I could get in my current position to tease him.

He didn't hold back. In fact it was probably the roughest fuck I've ever had. He thrust into me savagely, my entire body shaking with every motion. His thrusts practically forced the air out of my lungs he fucked me. As I felt the familiar heat begin to fill me I knew he'd just cummed inside me, but he continued to fuck me for a few more minutes before stopping. He was panting and puffing as he tried to catch his breath. I could feel him softening inside me, but after a while I realised he was fully soft but was still inside me.

He was keeping himself there. His cock was a pretty decent size; even when soft. I grinned to myself. Some of the Zangarians I'd fucked on this trip were smaller than him when he's soft. I however was still hard, and the thought of that soft cock inside me kept me that way. I was quite content to just remain there under him as he recovered from his post sex daze.

It wasn't long however until he started grinding into me, his cock already getting harder and stiffer inside me as I felt it slowly push its way deeper inside. I guess what they say about lions was true. Looks like this was going to be a good night after all!


"Guh!" I was rudely awoken by someone gently rocking me. I felt like I hadn't slept in days and my body was stiff and aching. I just wanted to sleep.

"Wakey wakey sweet fox." Came a familiar and pleasant rumbling voice. "It's nearly dawn. You need to get ready or your friends might leave without you." There was a chuckle. "Not that I'd complain if you wanted to stay with me."

"Five more minutes..." I mumble sleepily and snuggle my head back into the softness of the pillow, my eyes felt like they had been sealed shut.

"In five minutes time I'll have my dick shoved under that sweet tail of yours." The loin purred. "And then you will definitely be late."

I sigh and grudgingly swing my legs over the side of the bed. My whole body feels like I've just been fucked by everyone I've ever met, three times over. The lion, whose name I couldn't remember, had kept his word about his voracious sexual appetite. He'd fucked me and cum inside me five times before he finally pulled himself out of my tail-hole. During which time I'd cummed three times myself.

He was quick on the trigger but fast to recover. And even when his cock had been soft he hadn't pulled out. By the time he was done I could feel the cum dripping from my tail-hole no matter how hard I tried to clench. And to add to the mess he had fucked me at least four more times after that. I can't remember exactly how many times he came under my tail, it's sort of blurred together in one long blur of hot, hard, rough fucking.

Definitely one of the best times I've ever had! And despite how fun it was I wouldn't want to do that on a regular basis.

Somehow in my sleep deprived attempt to get ready I managed to get myself dressed and was escorted to the door of the room. He placed something in my right paw and with a firm grope of my ass he let me leave. I staggered up the hall towards the room I was meant to be sharing with Eric when I came muzzle to muzzle... or well more like muzzle to stomach, as I walked right into Jason and Michael.

The blow to my snout cleared some of the sleep deprived trance away for a few moments.

"Well looks like someone had a good time!" Jason chuckled. "Smells like it too! Phew!"

I probably did stink of sex... lots of it. But I didn't have time to have a bath before we were due to set off. I'd probably be able to wash myself down with some water and a rag later when we stop to make camp later today. But right now I just want to climb into a wagon and sleep.

With the help of Jason and Michael I made it to the wagons, the final preparations already being made for our departure. Normally I'd help but the last thing I remember was being bundled into one of the wagons and my head landed on something soft enough for me not to care about trying to remain concious any longer.


I opened my eyes, sat up and looked around.

You know that feeling where you don't know where you are and yet you don't really care either? Well that was me. I could have been sitting right in the middle of the underworld with hundreds of demons ready to who knows what to me, and I don't think I would have cared. My mind was completely fogged over with a sleeply haze. A haze that slowly cleared until my mind finally sparked and formed a coherent thought.

'Where was I?'

The realisation of not knowing where I was shook the remaining fog from my mind and my heart began hammering in my chest as my survival instincts kicked in. The familiar sounds of a camp site reached my ears and I realised we had stopped for the night, and I had been moved into a tent. The tents were made so up to six furs could sleep inside, and I was laid out on a bedroll with a blanket over me. At some point I had been carried out of the wagon I'd crawled into this morning and hadn't noticed.

A little embarrassing but nothing too shameful.

The next thing I was aware of was that I really needed to pee! I crawled out of the tent, it was late into the afternoon. We were at a camp-site at the base of the mountains, at the start of the mountain trail we would take us back to Zangar. We always stopped here. The drake leading our convoy had planned stops and camp-sites along the whole route.

With my urgent need to pee dominating my thoughts I ran towards the nearest bush, weaving through the camp-site, round camp fires, tents and Zangarians, as they busied themselves with one task or another. When I reached the bush I pulled my sheath out from my pants, the split second the cool air hit my sheath I could no longer hold it in. I released a jet of pee onto the leaves of the bush. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. A huge tension within my body was gone, I immediately felt better. Now I really needed to fill my belly with some food! Without the distracting desperation of needing to pee I could feel the almost painful grumbling of my stomach.

I was also aware that I was pretty stinky. My overly slick and tender tail-hole, and slightly damp around the rump pants, told me all I needed to know about why I was stinking. The results of my rampant sex session with that lion - whose name I can only remember started with a J... or perhaps an S - was leaking out of my rear and into my pants. As hungry as I was I knew I needed to clean up, and there was a small brook just a little ways away that I could use.

I made the short trek towards the brook, giving further and further away from th camp. When I arrived all sounds from camp were gone and gave me a feeling of privacy. The water looked fresh and crisp as it flowed over the rocks. I quickly stripped off my pants and shirt and gave them a quick dunk and a scrub in the water, paying particular attention to the wet cum stains on my pants, and then hung them from a low hanging branch in the sunlight.

I knew from experience that the thin fabric my clothes were made from would mean they'd be dry within the hour, it would probably take longer for my fur to dry. I knelt down in the water, some parts of my body complaining with mild pain and stiffness from last nights activities. The water was cool and crisp, sapping the warmth from my arms and legs as it flowed around them. Once I found a comfortable position on the smooth rocks I began to wash the fur around my tailhole.

There was a few painful moments when I pulled out a few bits of fur from clumps of dry cum, but that wasn't anything too unusual for me. Normally I liked to get cleaned up after sex, but sometimes timing or opportunity doesn't allow for that. It took a while but eventually I felt like my tail hole was clean. I gave the rest of me a quick rub down and then climbed out of the cool water and shook out my fur.

Once I had shaken out as much water as I could I sat down in the warm sun and worked on wringing out my limp looking tail. The fur was still heavy with water and clumped together. I took particular pride in my tail, and many males liked it as well, so I paid particular care and attention to it.

Soon though that almost painful hunger had become relentless in making itself known to me. My stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots, I really needed to get something to eat. I was still a little damp, but not too bad, and my clothes were dry so I decided to get dressed and head back.

As I made my way back to camp I smelled dinner cooking. And it smelled good! I picked up the pace and jogged towards the cooking food, A large metal cooking pot sat atop a raging fire and a single drake stood stirring it. This was a drake I could remember because I spoke to him everyday. Rashiin. He always made the evening meals. He saw me approaching and gave me a smile.

"Feeling better Cody?"

"Yup" I giggled. "Although I am starving!"

"Give it another while and I'll feed you." He grinned. "I'll make sure you get and extra big helping!"

"Thanks!" I grinned and took a seat nearby. We chatted idly about this and that while I tried to distract myself from the painful hunger in my belly.

"Hey ho!" A familiar bellow sounded. "How you feeling Cody?"

"A lot better!" I grinned at Jason as he took a seat on the log next to me, his rump landing with a thump.

"Sure looked like you had a good time last night!" He chuckled and slapped me on the back.

"Yeah I did." I giggled. "You know all that stuff they say about lions? Well it's pretty much all true!"

He let out a bellowing laugh.

"Well now I'm real jealous!" He grinned. "Not that I have anything to complain about with your cock hun!"

"Hmmph..." Michael huffed. "I'll just have to remind you of that tonight then won't I?!"

Jason grinned widely and turned to me and winked. He really knew how to manipulated Michael, but we were both aware that Michael was completely aware of the current manipulation from the strange amused and yet not amused expression he was giving Jason. I giggled at the amusing expression and soon Jason joined in followed by Michael.

We all laughed together, I laughed so hard that the pain in my stomach was forgotten by the pain shooting up and down my sides from laughing so hard. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. These were the best times. No one could make me laugh quite like Jason, but even now the moment was saddened the thoughts of Malakye moments like this reminded me of. One day I'm sure I'll look back on those times with nothing but fondness, but for now there was still a sadness that thinking about them brings.