Taking the Knot

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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#3 of The Life of Korrin

Korrin has a taste of what it is to be knotted by another dragon.

Korrin woke up to darkness, not fully understanding where he was, casting his gaze around to try and get his bearings. It didn't take long for his memory to come crashing back into him, his memories heating at the thoughts of what had happened before he had fallen asleep. He remembered the large black dragon, Zharriel, on top of him, inside him. Korrin stretched out a little, surprised that his rear didn't seem to be overly sore. His muscles felt slightly stiff from sleeping on the cold stone, but there was a strange warmth that seemed to suffuse his body. He quickly found the source of the warmth, Zharriel's body sprawled out next to him.

Korrin found himself staring at the black shape of the dragon. Zharriel's scales seemed to be blacker than darkness, as if they pulled the light into them. Korrin wasn't sure how long he just sat there, looking at Zharriel's sleeping form, but when he finally looked up he was met by their half lidded stare, their amethyst eyes studying him. Zharriel laid his head back down, and without any voice or gestures Korrin found himself quickly following Zharriel onto the ground. He wiggled his body up against the black dragon's, feeling one of their forepaws being draped across his shoulder.

Korrin could truly appreciate how dark the dragon's scales were when compared to his own dark blue ones, making his look like the only colour in a void of darkness. He found himself grinning dumbly as his claws gently trailed imagined paths across Zharriel's chest, drawing a quiet rumble from him. Korrin managed to pull the grin off his face, thoughts slowly forming inside his head.

"How long have I been asleep?" he asked, looking up at Zharriel's chin.

"Not long." Zharriel replied, tilting his head down a little. "An hour, perhaps two"

Korrin nodded at the words, taking a few seconds to register what they meant.

"If you're feeling restless I'm sure there is something we can do to fix that" Zharriel said, a suggestive tone in his musical voice.

Korrin's face heated slightly, his mind having no trouble guessing what Zharriel was thinking.

"I... I guess we could..." Korrin said, looking away from Zharriel, letting his suggestion hang in the air.

Zharriel chuckled slightly, leaning his head down to sniff at the side of Korrin's neck, sending shivers running through the blue dragon's body.

"Well," Zharriel said, his tongue quickly flicking out to lick at the top of Korrin's head, "I was actually thinking of getting a drink"

Korrin's eyes clenched shut as he heard Zharriel speak, cringing as he found out that he had guessed wrong.

"But afterwards," Zharriel continued, "I was thinking that maybe we could continue where we left off?"

Korrin's heart beat faster in his chest at the words, his tail tip quickly flicking across the ground behind him. Still feeling embarrassed, Korrin just nodded his head in reply. He could barely supress a whine as he felt Zharriel's body being pulled out from underneath him. Korrin watched with greedy eyes as Zharriel stood up and stretched, his vision taking in the gorgeous dragon in front of him.

"Well?" came Zharriel's voice, snapping Korrin out of his staring, "Are you coming?"

Korrin quickly got to his feet, nearly tripping over his own paws as he did, quickly rushing over to Zharriel's side. He had to quickly slow himself to avoid crashing into the black dragon. Korrin could barely hear Zharriel talking as he continued to stare at them, his eyes now gliding along his wings, only starting to focus his hearing again when Zharriel started moving.

"... is just around the corner, so it won't be too long" Zharriel finished, hiding a grin as he noticed the dumb look plastered across Korrin's face.

Korrin just nodded his head, hoping that Zharriel wouldn't notice that he had barely paid attention to what he said. He padded after Zharriel as he started walking away, his eyes watching the careful steps of the black dragon in front of him. He wondered for a moment what Zharriel was doing, if they were going for a drink then why bother stepping so carefully? Then he remembered what he had said about how sensitive his paws are, and then felt a slight pang of guilt at not being able to do anything to help. He wondered how Zharriel was even able to hunt if his paws caused him so much trouble. Surely it would be no easy task.

Though Zharriel certainly didn't look as if he was starving, rather, he looked well-muscled and fed. Korrin cast the thoughts from his head a moment later, instead focussing on the entrancing movement of Zharriel's tail tip, his eyes following its course as it flicked idly from side to side, brushing against small shrubs and sticks. Zharriel had to look back over his shoulder every few steps to make sure that Korrin was still there, worried that he would wonder off from not paying attention to where he was going. He seemed fine enough though, following Zharriel's tail as if it were the only star in the night sky.

Only a few more steps and Zharriel found himself slowly slowing down, to make sure that Korrin didn't bump into him again. There was a small lake ahead of them, with a small island in the middle, sprouting a large tree. The sky was almost invisible from beneath the thick canopy, but from what could be seen it appeared to be nearly pitch black, the only thing breaking the darkness was a few stars, shyly peeking out from behind what clouds could be seen. It took Korrin a few seconds to realise that he had stopped walking, finally tearing his eyes away from Zharriel's tail and looking round.

There wasn't much of a clearing around the lake, and the shores looked more like cliffs than anything else. Besides that, the lake looked beautiful, spreading out what light it could catch from the stars and the moon, reflecting it up against the unforgiving barrier of leaves. Korrin jumped slightly when he saw movement in front of him, his mind slowly bringing the fact that it was Zharriel to the fore. Zharriel was lying down on the leafy soil, craning his neck over the side of the cliff like shore to lap at the water beneath. Korrin was quick to follow suite, hurrying over so that he could drink.

The water was colder than he had thought it would be, feeling as if it had come straight from a mountain. It was refreshing, and Korrin found himself drinking deeply. The wind was barely noticeable, whispering through the trees with a softness that seemed to tease at the leaves on the trees. Korrin shivered even in the slight coolness, finding his body quickly moving towards Zharriel's, pressing against his own for warmth. Korrin quickly forgot about drinking, his thirst slaked, instead rolling over onto his back, his paws held above him while he pushed his head up against Zharriel's chin, enjoying the warmth and comforting feeling it gave off.

Zharriel seemed to be ignoring him for the most part, still focussing on drinking, but Korrin didn't care. Korrin was still rubbing his snout up and down Zharriel's chest when he finished drinking, feeling Zharriel's warm breath play against his neck and a chuckle fall from his throat.

"If you keep this up," Zharriel started, giving a few tentative licks along the back of Korrin's neck, "you may be getting what you wanted before we return to the cave"

Korrin stopped his movements at the words, his face heating with embarrassment. He went to pull away, but just couldn't seem to be able to, the smooth feeling of Zharriel's scales to inviting.

"Come on" Zharriel said, amusement lacing his melodic voice, "we should head back"

Korrin found himself rumbling in agreement, his head still rubbing against Zharriel's chest and neck even as the dark dragon began standing up. Korrin's head hit the ground with a soft thud as Zharriel's body was pulled out from under him, the shock of the impact sending a little sense into his brain. What was he doing? He was making a fool of himself, acting how Neyron would. Korrin started raising his head again, only to feel Zharriel's solid chest above him. Korrin moved his head a little to the side, so that he could rise easier, but found his head rubbing against a much softer area when he rose.

Korrin pulled his head back a little, wiggling his hips a little as he stepped back, looking to see if he had hurt Zharriel. He was instantly greeted with Zharriel's sheath, and dangling like ripe fruit under them, the dragon's balls. Korrin found his eyes locked on them, and before he could stop himself his head was quickly rushing in. He rubbed his nose up along Zharriel's thigh, breathing deeply along the way, letting out a pleased rumble as Zharriel's heady musk began to fill his head. The next thing he noticed was that his snout was rubbing up against Zharriel's balls and quickly plumping sheath, the black dragon's legs stepping apart slightly as a small gasp escaped his mouth.

Korrin revelled in the amazing smoothness of the large balls in front of him, running his snout across them again and again. He found his tongue quickly dashing out of his maw to taste at their smoothness, running circles around them until Zharriel finally stepped away.

"Come," Zharriel said, sounding slightly breathless, "we can continue this inside"

Korrin was more than eager to continue, finding himself padding forwards behind Zharriel, keeping his nose buried between the black dragon's hind legs while they walked, making Zharriel walk with a strange hobble in his step. Zharriel's tail was flicked up over Korrin's shoulder, happy to let the blue dragon continue his pleasurable ministrations for the walk back, and soon found his member peeking out of his sheath. Korrin was quick to notice this fact, and took a few deep, rapid breaths, inhaling the heavy, otherworldly scent of Zharriel's musk. He was so distracted that he didn't realise they were back at the cave until he felt solid stone under his paws.

He whined quietly as Zharriel ducked down to crawl through the small entrance, breaking the contact that Korrin had maintained for the walk back. Once Korrin managed his quick scramble through the entrance he was greeted with an even stronger smell of Zharriel's musk, and looked down to see a large trail of pre smeared across the dragon's belly. Korrin quickly started walking forwards, his mind set on lapping up the delicious liquid, but he was held back by Zharriel's paw. Korrin looked up, confusion and pleading written across his face.

"You're about to see where your teasing has brought you" Zharriel said, lust lacing his voice and a wicked grin on his muzzle.

Korrin knew what was coming, and he was more than happy to comply. He turned around, raising his tail, and almost instantly felt Zharriel's weight pushing down on his back, knocking some of the air from his lungs. Korrin spread both his hind legs and his forelegs wider, bracing himself under the weight that was on top of him as he felt Zharriel's member poking around behind him. Korrin's own member was nearly fully hard, and the thoughts of being impaled by Zharriel again sent his member throbbing into a full erection, bouncing proudly beneath him as Zharriel got comfortable on top of him.

It didn't take long for Zharriel to find his mark, his member grinding against Korrin's tailhole a few times, smearing his pre liberally around it, before thrusting in, and greedily sinking his member into Korrin's depths. Korrin let out a long groan as he felt the flesh pushing into him, spreading his back legs wider still, hoping to feel Zharriel pushing deeper. There was still a fair bit of pain for Korrin, but he knew that pleasure would be quick to follow, and he found himself shivering with anticipation as Zharriel began slowly moving his hips back and forth, grinding his member inside Korrin, slowly working it deeper.

Korrin clenched his teeth as Zharriel worked his way deeper, his nostrils flaring as he took in both his own and Zharriel's scent now, making his member throb excitedly. His belly was quickly becoming slickened from his own member, just as his tailhole was being pumped full of pre by Zharriel. Zharriel stopped moving for a few seconds, readjusting himself on top of Korrin, before slamming his hips deeper into him, sinking over half of his member into the constricting confines of Korrin, hissing through clenched teeth at the tightness. The pain as already rapidly evaporating for Korrin, and he soon found himself pushing back into Zharriel's small thrusts, groaning and whining with need.

Zharriel was eager to give Korrin what he wanted, and soon picked up the pace, pushing in and out of Korrin faster, wet squelches and groans testament to their pleasure. Korrin let his tongue hang out of his mouth, dangling against his lower jaw as he clenched his muscles around Zharriel's invading member, savouring the feeling of it throbbing at the sudden tightness.

"Mmm..." Zharriel groaned, "I hope you're ready" he continued, slamming into Korrin harder to show what was to come.

Korrin's reply was a needy reply, lowering his chest to the ground and spreading his back legs as far as he comfortably could, his tail slapping against Zharriel's side in excitement. There was stillness for a moment, and then the air was knocked from Korrin's lungs as Zharriel started jackhammering into him, forcing his whole member into his tight tailhole. Korrin could barely focus on standing, and had to remember to breathe at the sudden onslaught of pleasure rushing through him. Not only could Korrin feel Zharriel's member pounding into him, but he could also feel the small bulge at the base spreading him wider with each thrust as his knot slowly expanded.

Korrin was left groaning on the floor, his head sliding through a puddle of his own saliva as Zharriel roughly thrust in and out of him, forcing his body across the ground with every thrust. Zharriel's breathing was coming sharp and steady, huffing in and out through his nostrils as he worked on slamming his member into Korrin, working on extracting as much pleasure as he could. Korrin's wings threatened to open beneath him from the massive amounts of pleasure raking his body, making his legs tremble and his eyes clench shut, though he still felt a thousand miles away from release.

Zharriel didn't seem to notice, or care, though, instead still focussing on his incessant thrusting, having trouble pulling his knot passed Korrin's tight opening with every thrust. He knew that it wouldn't be long until his knot was locked inside the blue dragon, and then they would see how much he could handle. Korrin barely seemed aware of the knot that was battering his tailhole, finding himself squeezing around Zharriel's thick member, lavishing the throbbing that he could feel inside him.

Three more thrusts and Zharriel was no longer able to pull his member out of Korrin's tailhole, tugging sharply against it in a futile effort, pulling Korrin back along the floor a few times before he continued with small, uneven thrusts. Korrin could feel the knot expanding rapidly inside him, and winced at the already tight feeling. He knew that Zharriel was getting close if he was already locked inside him and did his best to try and please the black dragon pounding into him. Korrin focussed on wriggling his hips and squeezing down around Zharriel's member, reaching a paw back to desperately rub at his own member.

He felt right on the verge of release, but couldn't seem to be able to make it the whole way. He whined and moaned under Zharriel, stroking along his length, tightly squeezing his own knot, only to find that nothing seemed to be able to push him over the edge. His whines quickly turned to groans though, as Zharriel's knot kept growing inside him, making him feel increasingly full. Zharriel was still relentlessly pounding away at the blue rump beneath him, tugging back hard before slamming in as hard as he could, his breath coming jagged and uneven now. Korrin let out a few yelps as Zharriel's knot started to pain him with its stretching.

The knot was stretching him too wide, Korrin knew it. He knew that he had made a mistake. He started clawing at the ground lightly, trying not to focus on the massive still growing bulge inside him. It already felt twice the size of Zharriel's member and still it seemed to be getting larger. Korrin felt as if he could barely handle the stretching now, hoping that the knot wouldn't grow much more, and was thankfully spared from too much more. The knot finally seemed to stop growing inside of him, and with it, a sudden burst of rippling came from Zharriel, his muscles rapidly tensing and relaxing as he attempted to hold his release back, which led to naught.

Leaning his head back, Zharriel let out a powerful roar, pushing down against Korrin's back, pushing his hips forwards as far as he could. Korrin moaned beneath him at the feeling of Zharriel's seed forcing its way into him, each jet making him shudder beneath the black dragon. Korrin felt the force of Zharriel's seed pushing back against his knot, only to find the way blocked, instead being forced deeper into his body. The heat of the seed was slowly seeping into his body, filling him with a pleasant warmth. Korrin was panting on the ground, too weak to even moan when his own release hit, just letting out a quiet groan as his seed splashed against his chest, painting white lines across it.

He had trouble keeping his eyes open as he his seed burst from his member, the warm throbbing of the member inside his tailhole sending shivers wracking his body constantly. Zharriel's roar finally ended, his body collapsing limply on top of Korrin, his member still throbbing deep inside him as it continued to unload a torrential amount of dragon cum. By the time he finally stopped Korrin looked as if he had eaten enough to feed three dragons, and both Zharriel and himself lay panting, trying to regain their breath. Zharriel had taking to licking at Korrin's head and neck, as if to soothe him, while Korrin tried not to pull against his knot too much.

There were no words spoken between the two of them, and Zharriel soon fell asleep on top of his soft dragon bed, with his member lodged inside a slick warm prison, squeezing tightly enough that he wondered if he would wake up still hard. Korrin's sleep came harder, with him still cringing at the pain caused by the massive knot wedged in him. He decided that while he had taken great pleasures with Zharriel, he would need to think about heading back to Neyron soon. With those thoughts on his mind, he drifted into a pleasant sleep, where Zharriel's lulling voice filled his mind with reasons why he should stay.