Can't Stay Single Forever

Story by Kaidari Shiruba on SoFurry

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This is my First Story submission to Yiffstar So I hope all readers enjoy it. Kaidar Shiruba is (C) to myself and Sandy is (C) to her player. If you want to use them ask me first.

Quietly a silver fox stood outside of one of the biggest night clubs in city and looked over the front of the building before shaking his head. He had decided on taking a friend's advice to get out of the house and meet some people or just have fun. He had fun at home on his computer and his video game systems. He was in no way nerdy looking or anything one would expect to lock themselves' in the home and come out only to make runs to the grocery store and such. He stood and inch shy of 6 feet tall and worn black denim jeans, a maroon t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He wasn't your jock type that had the 6 pack abs or the rippling muscles, but he was fit with having a flat stomach and well toned muscles.

Finally he walked over to the doors and inside pausing once there to take in the music along with all the lights and people moving about dancing and such. He shook his head slowly before smiling and started to make his way through the people to the bar. When he got there he leaned on the edge of the bar and waited to catch the attention of the female lapine that was tending to the bar. She was about 5 foot 6 and had a rich tan colored fur that had some black patches to it that only accented her already attractive and shapely body. He placed his hand on the bar and smiled at her grinning.

She approached him and had a smirk on his face looking straight into his eyes, "So what'll you have, Handsome?" she said and waited for his reply.

"I'll have a date with you the next night you are off and a Rusty Nail to drink," the vulpine replied as he looked back into her eyes with a similar smirk upon his own lips.

She laughed and looked at him her brow perked over her one eye as she placed a hand on her hip and looked him over before saying, "Feeling a little full of yourself to be asking that to a complete stranger, don't cha think?"

"Perhaps, but I wouldn't be full of myself if you were to say yes," he said with a chuckled and a wink before slowly standing up right and looking her in the eye, "So, can I take your silence for a yes then?"

"I don't even know your name or anything about you and you just expect me to say yes?" she sneered some as she looked at him to try and figure how serious he was and also at the fact that he had asking in an almost challenging voice and she had never been one to back down form a challenge.

"Perhaps you only say that because you are afraid you might fall for me," was his reply as he walked over to the pool table that was in the far corner away from the dance floor and DJ before racking them up and choosing a decent stick from the rack.

He just crossed the line and made it a clear challenge to her and she was going to show him just who the cowardly one was, though those hadn't been his words. She sauntered around from behind the bar and quickly pulled out a pool stick of her own before pressing in between him roughly so that she could break.

"Well excuse me .... I didn't know that a girl like you would play pool," he said it in a teasing way that wasn't at all degrading, but more like friendly jest to which she huffed and broke the racked balls down the table and sank the 2, 5, and 13 before standing up and smirking at him.

"Your shot Romeo," she said as he smirked and stepped aside to let him access the table to which he slowly walked up to after removing his jacket and hanging it over the back of a chair.

"Watch my jacket, would ya?" he asked with a wink before setting up and then sinking the 11, then 15, then 12 and 9 in a dual shot before missing his shot for the 14. "Well ... it would seem to be your turn Miss .... And perhaps I might know your name?"

"Sandy," was her quick and blunt reply before she concentrated and sunk the 1 and 3 before shooting the 4 in and then scratching.

"Well Sandy ....." he paused to linger on her name a moment before stepping up to the pool table, "the name's Kaidar ..... Kai for short," he shot and got in the 10 before scratching and shaking his head as he backed up.

She grins and shoots in the 6 and 7 in without a problem and then even did a nice bank shot to sink the 8 ball in the called pocket.

"Well it seems to bested me and the winner deserves a prize wouldn't so agree?" he said softly as he watched her stand up with a smile of great satisfaction.

She turned and chuckled looking at him and then smirked almost devilishly, "It was prize enough to beat you Kai."

He looked at her and stepped close to her leaning down and kissing her lips lightly, "Well my congrats to you and a small token of my sportsmanship."

She blushed and considered smacking him but decided it would be more fun to embarrass him as he just did to her for nobody had ever had the gall to try putting the moves on her like that and every get slow close to even try and kiss her. She reached forward and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him to her as she kissed his lips fiercely which caught him off guard like she wanted and he stumbled back into a chair when she let go without warning.

He sat there breathing quick and shallow to catch his breath and his eyes were wide as he looked toward the floor her kiss having more effect on him the either would have expected before she suddenly flounced down in his lap and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You know Kai," she paused running her fingers lightly along his jaw line her eyes locked to his, "you are the first to have dared kissed me and not wind up with a black eye or a broken nose," she paused again in thought before chuckling softly and almost angelically to his ears, "there is something special about you and I want to know," she paused yet again and then kissing his lips lightly, "and I will do whatever it takes to find out got it mister?"

All she got from him was a nod and a soft smiled before a whisper slipped through his lips just loud enough for only her to hear over the pounding music behind them, "Your words are clear as crystal, but does that mean we have a date?"

End of Chapter 1

Expect Chapter 2 in a week or two