C.A.T.: Initiation Chapter Four

Story by CudgelFace on SoFurry

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#4 of C.A.T. Story

Against his better judgement, Michael finds himself developing feelings for his mentor.

Chapter Four

"Mmm, thank you for that, Michael."

Nina and I were laying in my bed, holding each other in our arms. She and I were both breathing heavily, our skin coated with perspiration. My cock was buried to the hilt in her pussy, still rock hard even after cumming harder than I'd ever cum in my life. We were both in human form, but that didn't detract from her exotic beauty in the slightest.

"You're welcome," I whispered in reply, and leaned in to give her a kiss. She smiled, and met me halfway.

"I love you," she told me once we pulled apart.

"I love you too."

She giggled girlishly when I said that, and her pupils dilated. "We're not being very professional, are we?"

I laughed. "No, I guess we're not."

Nina leaned in close for another kiss, but just before our lips touched, she whispered, "You know what C.A.T. agents get when they're not professional?"

"A blowjob?" I guessed.

"The Divider!" yelled Sergeant Chase.

My eyes shot open just in time to see Nina transform into a white tiger. Not her felinthro form, an actual white tiger. I jerked away from it, and it roared in fury. I could do nothing but watch as it bared its teeth and lunged at me. It bit me on the throat, its teeth tearing into my flesh like it was made of paper. I screamed in pain. The tiger began to pull backwards, but instead of tearing my throat out entirely... it began to pull something out of me.

I screamed again as I watched in horror as something... something _living_was pulled out of my body. After what felt like an eternity, the tiger yanked the last bit out of me, and threw it on the floor. Though I could barely focus through the agony, I looked down and saw a lion lying on the floor. It had no skin, just its muscle and bone, and it was bleeding profusely all over the floor. Though I couldn't imagine how it could still be alive, I saw it twitch and heard it let out a feeble whimper. Then it raised its head, and through its eyes I could see myself lying on the bed with a gaping hole in my throat.

I was the lion.

The lion was me.


I heard a loud noise, and jumped and sat upright. Suddenly, I was alone again. Nina was gone, the tiger was gone, and the emaciated lion on the floor was nowhere to be seen. To my left, the alarm clock on my nightstand was letting out a shrill beep that would have been annoying enough, but my enhanced felinthro hearing made it feel like a nail was being driven into my eardrums. Groaning, I reached out and slammed the palm of my hand on top of it, shutting it off.

I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. A dream. Just a fucking dream. All the same, I still looked at the floor again, half convinced I was going to step in a puddle of lion smoothie.

"Get it together, you pussy," I muttered to myself, and swung my legs off the thin bed and stood up. That made me pause. Pussy. Me. A half cat. Hardy har. God, I should stop making jokes before I've had a cup of coffee.

Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I went to the closet and pulled out a clean set of clothes. I still didn't have my shiftsuit, so I could only hope these ones would survive the day. I threw them on the bed, and then yawned. Shit, who would have thought a guy could sleep for three weeks straight, and then still be this exhausted after one day? After Nina's workout, plus our... extracurricular activities, I'd fallen asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow, and if I hadn't thought to set the alarm before going to bed I'd still be asleep now. Unless Nina wanted to train a cat with all the energy of a slug today, I was going to need caffeine. Lots and lots of caffeine.

And speaking of Nina... My stomach did a somersault just thinking about her. What we'd done yesterday had been amazing. I won't pretend like I'm any kind of stud, but in none of my previous relationships had I experienced such amazing sex-- and we'd only made it to foreplay! My heart began to beat harder just thinking about it, and my cock gave a twitch, hoping to get put to use again. I knew she regretted doing it, and I didn't blame her, but after experiencing something like that it was hard not to feel some kind of attachment to her. I knew it was taboo twice over since she was my teacher and superior officer, but I couldn't help it.

It wasn't just the sex, either. She was also an amazing woman. My brother used to talk about her when he was on leave. She was brilliant, an amazing fighter, and on top of all that she had the looks of a movie star and the sanity of a... I don't know, but not a movie star. Without meaning to, I began to imagine what life would be like spent with her at my side. Rather, with me by her side, I suppose. She was already high above me, like astronomically high. The fact that she'd even had sex with me was a miracle on par with parting the Red Sea. I sighed, suddenly feeling way more depressed than I had before.

I reached for my clothes, but stopped when a sour scent tickled my nostrils. After a moment's hesitation, I sniffed my pits and gagged. Nina hadn't been kidding about my B.O. I either needed to start eating deodorant sticks, or else rent out a bathtub as my living quarters. Gathering up my stuff, I went into the hall and made my way toward the showers. The hallway was filled with the other recruits, hustling this way and that to get ready for their day. The mess hall opened at 6:00 sharp, and once the food was gone you were out of luck. My stomach growled, spurring me to walk faster.

I got to the showers, and was greeted with the sound of running water. There was only one other guy in there, so I kept my eyes pointed down at the floor and chose the shower at the other end of the room. The water warmed up almost instantly, helping me wake up. I squeezed a dollop of shampoo into my hand, and--

"Hey, I don't know you."

I opened my eyes, and turned to see other guy looking at me. My first reaction was to ignore him. Wasn't there some sort of unwritten rule that two guys didn't talk to each other in places like this? I turned back to face the wall, and began to lather the shampoo into my hair.

"No, seriously," the guy persisted. "Classes have been going three weeks and I haven't seen you in any of our classes. I should have at least seen you in the barrack halls."

"Sorry," I said, now knowing what else to say.

He snapped his fingers, "Hold on a sec. Are you that guy that got put in a coma during the procedure?"

I stood up straight when he said that. Shit, was that common knowledge? I guess I wasn't surprised. Something like that was bound to make some waves, and word of mouth travels fast. I wouldn't be surprised if every recruit in the academy knew by now.

Great, I thought, scowling at the muddy brown wall tiles in front of me. I've already got a reputation.

Maybe it wasn't all bad, though. Would I rather be known as the guy who escaped and went berserk during his initial transformation, or the guy who got caught fucking his teacher.

As if reading my thoughts, the other guy said, "I heard you nearly killed Captain Stukson."

I took a deep breath to give myself time to think of a response. "Did I? I must have missed that part."

"Well, just so you know, dude, she's totally be my bitch by the time I graduate. Go kill one of the older teachers, will ya?"

"Say what now?" I demanded, finally turning around to look at him. "She's our superior officer. You can't... be with her."

Hey, I never said I wasn't a hypocrite, did I? I might have been a little jealous, too.

The other guy grinned. "Man, you don't know me. I can make ladies fuckin' melt, bro."

I shook my head. What a douche. "Whatever, dude. Good luck with that."

And if you lay a hand on my mate, I'll tear your lungs out.

I stifled a gasp. Holy shit, where had that come from? I turned around and went back to my shower, feeling more than a little troubled. The douche bag finished up, and I let him dry off and leave before shutting the water off and grabbing my towel. I've never been a possessive guy. I mean sure, if I think you're making a move on my girlfriend I'll get between you, but I've never wanted to hurt anyone because of it. In that moment, though, my thoughts hadn't been exaggerating. I really would have torn that guy to pieces if he'd touched Nina. I grimaced as I slung the towel over my shoulder and headed back to the dorm. Maybe Nina wasn't the only one weird things were happening to.

My stomach growled again, chasing those thoughts away. I was too hungry to worry about that crap. Throwing some clothes on, I headed down the corridor towards the mess hall. Breakfast had started about fifteen minutes ago, but I didn't figure they'd have run out of food this early. The hallway was absolutely deserted, with everybody already downstairs eating. I quickened my pace. I was sharing this place with sixty other young men. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to assume there would be food left for me. I went around a corner at a slow jog, and--

"Oh hey, you're up."

I skidded to a stop, and turned to see Nina leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

She pushed away from the wall and sauntered over to me. She was still wearing her shiftsuit, and I couldn't help but watch the sway of her hips. Her hair was back in its bun again.

"I didn't figure you'd get up this early," she replied. "We were going at it pretty hard yesterday, weren't we?"

_In more ways than one,_I thought, but wisely kept my mouth shut.

"I decided I wasn't going to discipline you if you slept in," she went on. "After a three week coma, I'm impressed you were able to keep up with me as well as you did."

I gave her a wry grin. "Well, thanks for letting me know beforehand. That doesn't explain why you're here now, though."

"If you slept in, you wouldn't get breakfast," Nina explained, taking me by the shoulder and leading me towards a door near where she'd been leaning. "So I decided to grab you some and wait up here for you to get up."

"Oh," I said as she ushered me inside. We were in an unused classroom, and I found a plate of pancakes and sausages waiting for me. "Thanks. You didn't have to do that."

"No, but I wanted to," she replied, and I heard her shut and lock the door behind us. My heart skipped a beat, but when she walked past me and took a seat without so much as touching me, I calmed down a little. "Consider it an apology for how I treated you yesterday. Go ahead, dig in."

The smell of the food wafted over to me, making my stomach growl even louder, and I sat down at the desk and did as my teacher told me. The food was delicious. I ate one of the pancakes in three bites, washing it down with a swig of orange juice, but that was nothing compared to the sausage. I bit into one of the links, and the explosion of flavor nearly made me drop it onto the floor. Seeing the look on my face, Nina chuckled.

"Cats are natural carnivores," she explained as I shoved more food into my mouth. "That's negated by your human side, but I think you'll find that you have a new affinity for meat now."

"No kidding," I said, chewing the last link with relish.

"It's still important to maintain a healthy diet, but when they need to, felinthroes are capable of surviving on an all meat diet."

"That sounds awesome," I said as a warm feeling spread out from my stomach. Meat was goooood.

"Hurry and finish the rest of it," she instructed me, waving her finger at the plate. I still had two pancakes and a cup of coffee left, but neither of them seemed as appetizing to me as the sausages had been. Still, it was food, and I was hungry, so it wasn't like I was going to complain about what was put in front of me. Abandoning my fork and knife, I picked one of the pancakes up, rolled it up, and ate it like a burrito.

"You're not the first person to tell me I was in a coma today," I said after swallowing. "What's up with that? I just got tranqued."

Nina had been studying her nails while I ate, but she looked up when I said this. "You mean you don't already know?"

I snorted and brought my hand down harder on the table than I meant to. "Would people please quit asking me that? If I knew, I wouldn't be asking!"

Nina's face turned stern. "Don't think that just because I brought you breakfast that you can take an attitude with me, agent."

Oh, shit.

"I, uh," I looked down at my plate, properly abashed. "Sorry, ma'am. Won't happen again."

"That's better," she replied. After a moment of hesitation, she finally said, "Michael, our tranquilizers here at C.A.T. are for security purposes only. They're only meant to knock someone out for a short time, an hour at the very most. You didn't sleep for three weeks because you got darted, you weren't really sleeping at all."

I chewed my last bite of pancake slowly. "I really was in a coma, then," I said softly once I'd swallowed.

Nina nodded. "I told you before we began the procedure that administering the injections out of order, or with any delay between them, would be fatal. Well, the procedure wasn't complete when you broke free. You still had two injections to go."

I looked up at Nina, and my blood ran cold. I tried to think of something to say, but no words came to me.

Nina frowned and looked away. "I honestly thought you were going to die when that happened. When the guard tranqued you, that only made things worse. Your breathing, your heartbeat, everything slowed down, but the chemicals were already in your body. At that point, even administering the other injections wouldn't have helped because your heart wouldn't spread them through your veins fast enough."

I gulped. "Well, unless I'm greatly mistaken, I'm still alive. You must have thought of something."

A hint of a smile showed on Nina's face. "Oh, I thought of something all right. Problem was, my idea was what put you in the coma."

She stood up, idly twirling her finger in her hair, and sat down again on the edge of the desk I was sitting behind, scooting my tray out of the way to make room. I tried to keep myself from looking down at her shapely ass... and failed.

"I ended up giving you a completely different injection," she went on. Her voice was soft now, like she felt bad for what she'd done. "Adrenaline. It sped your systems back up again, and I was able to give you the last two parts of the procedure."

I shook my head. "I don't get it. You saved my life. How did that..." I paused as comprehension dawned on me. "The tranquilizers!"

She nodded. "Exactly. The adrenaline mixed with the tranquilizer the guard's dart had put in you, and... well, you know what happens when you mix a sedative with a stimulant."

"It didn't mix," I whispered. Suddenly, the full gravity of the scenario dawned on me, and I involuntarily started to shake. "I... I really could have died."

"I know," Nina whispered back, and when I looked up at her face I saw that a tear was running down her cheek. "But I had to do it. If I'd just left you there, you would have died. At least by giving you the adrenaline, I gave you a chance. Instead of definitely dying, you only probably would have died."

I sat back in my chair. "Wow."

"I'm not happy about it," she snapped, turning to face me, "so don't act like I did this on purpose."

"I know you didn't do it on purpose."

Nina paused, and then hung her head. "Sorry. I just... I knew your brother. I liked Travis. Do you know what one of the last things he said to me was, Michael?"

I shook my head.

"He told me that you were going to join C.A.T. someday. He said you were scared now, but eventually you'd overcome that fear and sign up."

Slowly, so sluggishly I wasn't sure if she even realized she was doing it, Nina rose from the desk and made her way to my seat. After idly pushing the desk out of her way, she sat down in my lap. My heart jumped into my throat.

"He believed in you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder. "And he told me that there was a chance he wouldn't be here when you did, so..."

"Wait," I interrupted her. "Are you saying he knew he was going to--"

"No, he didn't know he was going to die. But that's always a possibility for a C.A.T. agent. We're soldiers and warriors, Michael. It could happen to any of us."

My breath caught in my throat. Why did she have to keep bringing up my brother?

"He told me you were going to join someday," she said again. "And he said that if he wasn't here, he was depending on me to take care of you."

There were tears leaking out of my eyes now, too. Almost with realizing it, I reached around and hugged Nina back. It wasn't anything sexual this time, I just needed something to hold on to while I struggled to get my emotions under control.

"So, maybe now you understand what I was feeling when I gave you that adrenaline," Nina concluded. "I knew it could kill you, but if I didn't do it you were going to die anyway. I hadn't even known you for five minutes, and I'd already failed your brother."

Shit. It looked like she was really going to break down and start crying any second now. I wasn't exactly feeling peachy myself, but seeing her in this state was even worse.

"But I didn't die, did I?" I whispered into her ear. "You saved my life."

"But you could have--"

"But I didn't."

"Michael, I could have--"

"But you didn't!"

I hugged her tighter for a second. "Nina, the same thing would have happened even if I'd gotten one of the other doctors. You were the one who thought quickly and gave me the adrenaline. What happened with the straps wasn't your fault, but you were the one who saved my life."

She took her head off my shoulder and looked up at me with wide eyes and trembling lips. Good god, it tore me apart to see her like that, especially after telling me how she'd just saved my fucking life. I don't know what I was thinking, but I did the one thing that came into my head: I leaned down and kissed her.

Nina resisted at first, but slowly she melted into my embrace and kissed me back. Our tongues found their way into each other's mouths again. Nina's breathing became heavier, and her grip around my neck became even tighter. Five minutes later we broke apart, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw the slitted pupils dilate.

Here we go again...

Without a word, Nina unwrapped herself from me and stood up. Reaching out, she grabbed my shirt by the hem and pulled it up over my head and tossed it to the other side of the room. Then, kneeling down, she unbuttoned my shorts. I raised myself up off the chair a little to let her slide them and my boxer shorts down around my ankles at the same time. After a couple seconds taking off my shoes and socks, she removed my shorts entirely and added them to the growing pile of clothes in the corner. That left me naked, and my dick was rapidly hardening. Nina knelt down in front of me again, and...

Oh my god.

"Ohhh, I'm going to make you feel so good," she moaned, taking my cock in both hands and running them up and down its length. I moaned in reply, enticing Nina to move her hands even faster. "So good."

She stopped for a second, and I looked down just in time to see her lean down even further and dart her tongue out, licking the head of my shaft. I jerked a little in my seat, and my breath came out in a ragged gasp. A drop of precum came out of the tip, which she greedily lapped up.

"Mmm, salty," she said. "Give me more!"

Then, all at once, she opened her mouth and swallowed my cock whole.

"Oh fuck!" I couldn't help but yell, instinctively bucking my hips.

Nina swirled her tongue around my pole, and then went up and then back down again. I groaned in pleasure and tilted my head back. She took my cock out of her mouth then, and began running her tongue up and down its length. One of her hands came up and fondled my balls, tugging lightly on them the same way I'd tugged on her tail the day before. Then she licked the head, her tongue darting in and out like a snake's, before swallowing it again. Oh god, it was so good. I couldn't hold on for...

"You gonna cum already?" she asked, licking the entire thing again. "Go ahead, baby. Cum for me. Cum as hard as you can!"

She opened her mouth again, but I reached out and put my hands on her cheeks, stopping her.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

It took me a few seconds to catch my breath, but I finally was able to answer, "Wait. I want to make you feel amazing too."

A smile slowly spread across Nina's face, and she stood up. I stood up with her, my legs feeling a little weak, and immediately reached for the neck of her shiftsuit. Just like I'd seen her do yesterday, I stretched it out wide, and then lowered it, undressing her. Once I'd got to the floor, she helped by stepping out of it, and I threw it into the corner with my clothes.

I barely had a chance to stand up before she mashed her face against mine again. I could taste my own salty precum in her mouth.

"We're naked together," she cooed, biting my bottom lip. She pressed her groin to mine, running her wet pussy lips up and down my cock. "What are you going to do to me?"

I looked down at her gorgeous naked body, and took a step back.

"Let me show you," I answered, and then knelt down and took one of her nipples into my mouth. Nina immediately tossed her head back and moaned, while I swirled my tongue around the rock hard little nub of flesh. I flicked the nipple a couple of times, and then grazed it with my teeth . Nina gasped, and the sound of her pleasured breathing turned me on even more. I moved to the other breast and began licking that one too, and Nina put her hands on the back of my head and pressed me against it harder.

"You're good at that," she moaned. "Mmm, yeah."

While I kept ministering to that breast with my mouth, I brought my hand up and fondled the one I'd started with. I flicked the nipple with my fingers while simultaneously running my tongue over the other one, making Nina arch her back with pleasure. I pinched it, and she gasped.

"Mmm, Michael," she whispered a few minutes later. "I think something else needs your attention."

Her scent was filling the room again, leaving no room for anything in my brain except thoughts of pleasuring her. I was only too happy to obey, but... this didn't seem like the right place to it. I stood up, making her grunt in disappointment, but I didn't plan on leaving her unsatisfied for long. Putting one hand on her back and the other below her ass, I picked her up. She squealed playfully in surprise.

"What are you doing?" she giggled.

"You'll see," I said again, and walked toward the front of the classroom.

Nina laughed and wrapped her legs around me, pressing her pussy harder against my cock. I stopped for a second, tempted to slip into her right there and then, but I resisted. There were other things I wanted to do to her first. There was a larger desk at the front of the room where the instructor would sit, and I sat Nina down on top of it.

"Open your legs," I whispered, putting my hands on her knees as I knelt down on the floor again. Nina cooed and did as I said, giving me the perfect view of her wet, dripping pussy.

"You still hungry after having breakfast?" she asked, smiling at her own joke. "Better eat up then, big boy."

That was all the encouragement I needed. Leaning in, I drew in a long breath through my nose, inhaling her intoxicating scent. Then I darted my tongue out and flicked it across her clit the same way she'd been doing to my cock earlier. Nina hissed and threw her head back again.

"Don't tease me Michael," she begged. "I need you. Make me cum!"

I grinned wickedly up at her. Don't tease her? After everything she'd put me through? Not likely. It was time for a little revenge.

I flicked my tongue across her clit again, getting it wet, and then blew on it. Nina squirmed. God, her scent was so powerful from here I could barely think straight. I reached my hands around behind her, squeezing her ass while running my tongue up her nether lips, just grazing the surface, not going inside. Remembering what we'd done yesterday, I brought my finger up to the base of her spine, where her tail would grow in felinthro form, and began tracing circles around it. I was rewarded with a gasp and another moan.

"You fucking bastard," she hissed through clenched teeth. "Knock it off!"

Finally, I obliged. Giving her clit one last kiss, I began licking it with abandon. No more quick flicks, I ran my entire tongue of it, making Nina moan again. I swirled my tongue around it like I had her nipples, and then traced one of my fingers up pussy lips. Her body quivered.

"Is that an invitation inside?" I asked.

"Stop talking!" she yelled. "Eat me out!"

I pushed my finger into her pussy, feeling the wet walls of her love canal shiver with pleasure. I drew it out a little bit, and then thrust it back in again.

"Ahhh," Nina moaned. "Michael... ahn! Michael, use your tongue!"

Before I could move, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to her waiting clit. I didn't tease her anymore, I began lapping at the little nub of flesh like a dog dying of thirst. Her pussy clenched around my finger as she moaned, and I briefly withdrew it to add another finger. Up above me, Nina was rolling her head, moaning with pleasure.

"Ah, ahhh! Oh, yeah. Oh, fuck. Michael... Michael, yes! Ahhhhh!"

I began thrusting my fingers even faster, my tongue doing its best to move at the speed of light. She was close, I could tell. I wanted to make Nina feel good. I wanted to make Nina cum. Nina... _My_Nina. Suddenly I felt her hand on my forehead, pushing me away, and I looked up at her. She looked back down at me, gasping and panting, and covered in sweat.


"Both of us!" she exclaimed. "Together!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I want us to cum together," she gasped, and laid down on her back, stretching herself across the entire desk. "Come on, don't make me wait!"

She didn't have to tell me twice. Climbing up on the desk with her, I laid on top of her and positioned my cock at the entrance to her­--

"Mmm. No, baby, we can't," she protested.

"Seriously?" I demanded in frustration. Was she really going to start teasing me again now, of all times?

"We can't," she insisted, and gave me a peck on the lips. "But there's something else we can do."

I looked at her, puzzled, for a few seconds, and Nina rolled her eyes.

"God, you're so dense. Turn around!"

Comprehension dawned on me at the last second, and I scrambled to do as she said. I got up from the desk, turned around, and laid back down on it facing the other direction.

"That's better," Nina cooed.

From here, Nina's pussy was right in front of my face, while my cock and balls hung down over Nina's. She didn't need to tell me what to do anymore, I gently laid myself down on top of her and dove her into her pussy once again. On the other end of the desk, Nina reciprocated by running her hands up and down my shaft, and then taking the tip into her mouth.

"We're going to do this together," she said in between licks. "Both of us are going to make the other cum at the same time, got it?"

"Okay," I agreed, hardly able to bring myself to take my head out from between her legs long enough to answer. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I pressed my face against her pussy again, eagerly licking everywhere my tongue could reach. More juices began to leak out of her, and I dutifully lapped them up. I slipped one hand underneath her to rub her sensitive spot above her ass, and she ran her tongue around my cock before taking the whole thing into her mouth again. God, it was too much. I couldn't hold on much longer.

"I'm getting close!" I grunted as a familiar pressure began to build up inside me.

"Me too!" she gasped. "Cum for me, Michael!"

I buried my face in her crotch, rubbing her clit with my tongue with reckless abandon. With seconds to go before I lost control, I slid three fingers into her pussy, thrusting them in and out in a blur of motion while Nina bobbed her head up and down on my cock. Both of us started to breathe heavier, getting closer and closer to climax, until...

"Ah, ah, ahh, AHHHHHHH!" Nina screamed. "Michaaaaaael!"

Her pussy clenched around my fingers so tight it almost hurt and her body jerked and spasmed underneath me. Hearing her cry out in orgasm was all it took to push me over the edge too, and I shot my hot, sticky seed straight into her mouth. The orgasm seemed to last forever, and when it finally ended I slumped down on top of Nina, completely drained of energy. Beneath me, she diligently worked to milk every last drop of cum from my dick. Finally, I picked myself up and turned around so we were looking at each other again.

"Mmm, thank you for that, Michael," she whispered.

We lay like that in each other's arms for more than ten minutes, recovering. Then, finally, Nina sighed.

"Michael, we can't keep doing this," she said, eyes downcast.

"But you--"

"I know I'm the one starting it! I don't know what's wrong with me! I can't control myself, Michael."

I frowned and looked into her eyes. "Does that mean you're only having sex with me because you have to? Not because you want to?"

Nina winced like I had just slapped her, and looked away. "I don't know, okay? I don't know what's happening. I don't know why I'm only attracted to you this way. I don't know where... this ends, and my feelings begin. I just don't know, and it scares me, Michael."

"You don't have to be scared," I whispered, pulling her closer. "I'm here for you."

She shook her head. "That's just it, though. You can't be here for me, Michael. I'm--"

"My teacher and my superior officer," I finished for her. "And as I get to know you, I'm starting to care less and less."

Nina's eyes opened wide. "Are you saying..."

"Yes, I think I'm starting to fall in love with you, Nina Stukson."

I had hoped that might calm her nerves a little, but it had the exact opposite effect. Untangling herself from me, Nina sat up and got off the desk. Without looking at me, she went to the corner and retrieved her shiftsuit.


"I don't want to get Divided, Michael," she said without turning around. Opening up the shiftsuit, she put it back on, hiding her beautiful body from me. "And I don't think you do, either. We're going to have to come up with a way to control ourselves, or we're both going to get it."

I sat up and sighed. "Fine."

"Take another shower to get my smell off you," she instructed me, "and then meet me in the gym. You've got training to do."

I nodded as she unlocked the door and left me behind. After a few minutes, I stood up and got dressed myself. Take another shower, she'd said. I'd better make it a cold one if I wanted to be able to focus during training. Assuming she was able to keep her hands to herself for once. Gathering my soap and towel again, I did as she said and scrubbed myself until only the faintest trace of her scent was still on my skin. Then, drying off, I went back to my dorm to get some clean clothes, and--

There was somebody waiting for me.

I froze ten feet away from the door, staring in horror at the scrawny middle aged woman standing in front of my dorm. I immediately noticed her eyes weren't slitted. A human. What did she want?

"Can I help you?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm Sergeant Chase's secretary," she answered with a disapproving glance at my boxer shorts. I resisted the urge to say something. If she didn't want to see half naked guys, she shouldn't just waltz into their home! My smart remark was smothered by a wave of dread, though.

"Is there something wrong?"

"The Sergeant wants to speak to you in his office," she answered. "Now."