The Orchard-Part 2-Tom get's horny over Durian

Story by lauracraig on SoFurry

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#2 of The Orchard

Tom attempted to steady his breathing, but again he failed.

Okay, so things had not gone to plan at all.

The Johnsons, Toms new houseguests, seemed a lovely, friendly family of horses.

There was James, the stallion of the family, and his wife. (Tom hadn't learned her name yet.) Then there was the daughter, a pretty little brown filly who Tom hadn't spoken to yet. But then there was...


Tom was feeling so stupid. He couldn't control himself. Durian, a stunning young stallion, was muscular, tall, and had stunning glossy black fur. He also, Tom mused, had a very nice persona. But this was no comfort to him...

Because he knew, that somehow, Tom had feelings for Durian...

In the small amount of time Tom had known him, he felt extremely flushed, exceted and somehow, slightly... aroused. Every time Tom came anywhere near Durian he felt his breathing speed up, and he started babbling like an idiot.

but this wasn't the worst of it.

Durian wanted to go skinny dipping in Toms lake.

There was no perverted reason for this, just that Durian was a city kid and he wanted to do swimming "the natural way." Durians sister, and Tom's brothers and sisters, would be going too, of course. But Tom felt irrationally embarrassed...

Also, Tom had een persuaded by his father to give the Johnsons a tour of the farm. Tom was questioning whether he could keep it together through the wole experience, seeing as Durian would be so close...

But Tom had to "just get on with it", as his younger borther Rick would say.

So he decided he may aswell just start now. He clopped down the stairs, to see the Johnson family eagerly awaiting him. Durian had tamed his hair back into a messy ponytail. He had that tight little white T-shirt on again...

"Um, hello... I... Im Tom Hill, and I guess Ill take you round the farm and let you get to know your way a-around..." Tom was feeling slightly short of breath. He avoided standed anyway near Durian and rushed to be next to another horse...

It turned out to be Durians sister.

"Hi, Tom." She purred, attempting to provocatively lure Tom in.

"Um, hello. I didn't think I caught your name..." He replied.

"Its Jesseikha. Just call me Jess..." She batted her long eyelashes. Tom had to admit, she was very pretty. Long black eyelashes, deep brown eyes, and glossy chestnut fur. Not really Tom's type though... He had to admit, Jess was nearly as pretty as Louise, his girlfriend.

"So, after the tour... I here were going swimming... naked." Jess whispered. "Hey, you can undress me if you like... amongst other things." What a little slut! Tom decided his previous assumptions about her had been correct. Jessica winked at him, and Tom decided to just go at the front of the group.

Tom took the family around the house, then showed them the barn. He then showed them to the animals, with which Jesseikha gushed at a little over-appreicatively. Then Tom took them to the lake,then showed them the Orchard.

"This is my favourite tree..." Tom smiled. "Its the biggest, and has the nicest apples!" The tree was huge, and had big, overhanging leaves. Good for climbing.

"Well, I guess we'll leave you guys to it!" James, Durians dad, said. "The lakes just here, so we;ll head back to the house. You can start your swimming!"

Tom's heartbeat started to quicken its pace...

"Um, Ill go and get my brothers and sisters... um.." Tom galloped back home, and his brothers were already setting off, followed by his sisters Elsebeth and Mariah.

"Hurry up, Tommy!" Steve, his younhest brother, shouted.

Tom took his time. He was starting to panic. What if I humiliate myself? H ehtought. But Tom could see the lake. Everyone clothes were lyig on the little jetty, and he could hear cries of joy. Tom stripped off behind a tree, and self consciously walked towards the lake.

Jess was splashing around, already eyeing Tom up.

She reared up out the water, showing most of her pert little breasts, and giggling sweetly.

But then, Tom saw it...

Durian was about to jump in the water... he was on the jetty... Tom started breathing heavily...

His hot little ass was so tight, and bluging with beautiful muscles...

As Durian jumped, Tom saw his huge, black cock...

What would it be lik, to be sucking the seed off that great black cock...

Tom felt himself hardening, and he ran...

He grabbed his clothes, and clopped back home...

He saw it was too late. His rod was already starting to become erect... Tom had never felt so aroused...

he ran, gasping, into the barn, and sat behind a haybale...

He could only concentrate on one thing...

He grabbed his penis in both hands, wanking furiously...

he was making so much noise, he prayed his parents wouldnt hear... Jesus fuck, he thought...

Not even when Louise had shown him her little white breasts had Tom felt so horny... oh god...

It had never been so good to feel himself come... not like this...

Tom came all over his hands, some spunk splashing into his face, and eyelashes... all over his chest...

He imagined Durian, pumping hard on his little cock, and coming at the same time...

Eventually, Tom stopped coming...

Tom felt so rejuvinated... But he was so angry at himself... He got horny over his new houseguest, for fucks sake... and he was a boy...

Tom had never questioned his sexuality before, but now, feeling so fucking horny over a guy, he had to think... was he... gay?

Tom cleaned himself off as best he could and pulled his spunk stained clothes on...

He dashe dinto his house, and up the stairs into his room... H could see the lake from his window... it was getting to dusk, so he couldn't make out individual figures...

But he knew, Durian was out there... and that made Tom really, really hot...

Tom rested for a while, but he dreamt of being aggressively pumped up the ass by Durian...

He was eventually woken by a knock on the door.

"Come in..."

It was Tom's mom, Belle.

"Hiya, honey. I thoguth I heard someone come in. Are you feeling okay? Everyone else is swimming..."

Hearing his concerned mother fret over him, Tom sighed.

"Im just... a little tired."

"Oh, thats okay sweety... look, listen, I think we're having a party tomorrow night, to celebrate the Johnsons coming here..."

Tom groaned.

"Oh, it's fine, honey, you don't have to come... its tomorrow though. Im inviting a lot of people from Sidebank, just introduce everyone to the Johnsons, because you know, they could be moving here soon."

Tom thought of all the people... he might be able to avoid Duriam

"Uh, sure mom. Ill come, for sure. Is Louise..."

"Ive invited Louise and her family, don;t worry. I'll call you down for dinner, Tom. When it's done..."

And then Belle tiptoed from the room and tenderly closed the door.

Hmmn... Tom thought. A party! This could be fun!

Little did Tom know how fun the party would turn out to be...