Chapter 18

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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Chapter 18Skylar p.o.v Ryan's fur brushed up against mine as he held me close, laying on my bed quietly as we just enjoyed being in such close proximity to one another. I turned to face him and he pulled me closer, "How do you feel?" He asked softly as his paw made its way around to my back as he rubbed softly. I smiled and pressed my muzzle to his chest fur, breathing slowly, his scent hitting my sensitive nose and I smiled. "I feel great, I'm just really happy to be with you again, I really missed you a lot.." He nodded and held me closer, "I know.. I'm sorry.." He said as he clutched me a little tighter, "I promise I won't ever hurt you like that again.. I know I messed up, but I swear to you I won't ever do it again.." I look up and kiss Ryan on the nose gently, "I love you, very very much, I know you didn't mean any harm, I went where I shouldn't have and you don't need to be sorry, I want to just get past it, and I want to focus on you and I." He nodded again, his ears a little droopy and I could tell he was pretty upset about what had happened, I kissed his chest gently and stayed quiet, he ran his paw through my fur and sighed softly, "I love you too Skylar, I always will."        I let my paw move down and take Ryan's tail, petting it gently while he held me in his warm, soft, safe arms. I looked up at him and saw he was looking down at me, he seemed to be troubled. My ears fell back a little, "Is everything okay?" I asked him softly, he waited a second before nodding, "I'm just thinking about.. It's not important now, don't worry." He smiled reassuringly and I hesitated before nodding, "Okay, you can talk to me about anything you know, I want to be here for you." He leaned in and kissed my forehead gently, "I know Skylar, I really appreciate it a lot. I love you and I just want it to last forever.." He trailed off a bit, I went back to playing with his tail, my paw gently running along his soft fur while I let my eyes close, "I love you too, I know we will last forever, the hardest part is all over, we will be fine." Before I knew it Ryan had pulled me on top of him and hugged me tightly, his nose gently touched mine, and he kissed me deeply on my muzzle, I kissed him back and let my body relax on his chest. I pulled away after a few minutes and rested my head in his chest. He let out something like a purring sound and kept his arm wrapped loosely around me, keeping me balanced on top of him, his chest keeping me warm as we just stayed there, with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts as we were finally back in each others arms.Zach p.o.v       I had left Alex's house a few days before, but all my mind could focus on were the words I had told him before I left. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking of calling Ryan or Skylar to talk to them about it finally, I know it might be the wrong idea to tell

them after the history Skylar has had with him. I think for a minute, but decide it's best to at least talk about it with them.       I take my phone out and call Skylar, after a few rings he picks up. "Hey Skylar, it's Zach. I was hoping maybe we could meet up somewhere and talk for a bit?" I heard his voice kind of tired through the phone, "Sure sounds great, where do you wanna meet?" I hear another voice on his side and my ears perk up a bit, "Um.. Just the mall maybe, is someone there with you?" He chuckles before replying, "Yeah Ryan is here, we're working everything out, would you rather just I came? Or can he come too?" I smiled, very happy that Skylar and Ryan could work it all out, because I knew they were both really upset and that they love each other a lot, "Yeah sounds awesome! I'd love to see you both! I'm glad you guys are back together!" He laughed again, "So are we! So you wanna meet up when?" I thought for a moment, "Maybe ten or fifteen minutes?" I heard more talking outside the line, then he replied, "Sure, we're on our way! See you soon!" I smiled again, "See ya!" I heard a click, and I put my phone away, grabbing my jacket and heading out the door.       I hopped on the bus and headed to the mall and sat out front, waiting for Skylar and Ryan to pull into the parking lot. I looked around for a while before finally seeing them walking towards me, Ryan had an arm around Skylar and they were both smiling. Skylar waved to me as they walked over, his tail flicking back and forth happily behind him. I grinned and waved back as I started to walk towards them, then I paused. I noticed a familiar scent in the air but couldn't quite place it or remember exactly what it was, I shrugged it off and greeted them, "Hey guys, glad to hear you're back together!" Skylar smiled widely and chuckled, "Yeah, I am too, I missed this big guy!" Ryan grinned and kissed Skylar gently on the ears, "I missed you too Skylar!" I grinned, "You guys are adorable! I'm glad you're back together!" I motioned towards the entrance, "Wanna head inside? There was actually something I was hoping we could talk about." Ryan nodded and smiled at me, "Sure thing bud, what's on your mind?"        We all started walking in and looking around the windows, "Well I um.. Was actually hoping I could talk to you about Alex." Skylar's fur bristled and he turned to face me, a worried expression on his face, Ryan also looked at me, as if to say 'go on', I took a deep breath and spoke again, "Well he tried to kill himself a few days ago.." I trailed off a bit and I saw Skylar bite his lip a little, trying to think of something to say, then Ryan spoke up, "How do you know that? And also, is that a problem? He's a bad guy, from what I've heard he was kinda just all around someone who pushed everyone around until he got what he wanted." I nodded slowly and opened my mouth to speak again, but Skylar stepped in and spoke, "I mean.. That is a

problem, even though my experience with him has been pretty rough.. Along with a few other people.. I don't think we should want him to kill himself.. So he tried but failed? Do you think he just wants the attention?" I shook my head, no I actually stopped him.. And I told him that I loved him..." Skylar's ears perked up and he looked at me with widened eyes, "You.. Wait a second, you love him?" I looked away, "I don't know.. That's what I wanted to talk to you about.. I didn't even think about it until I saw him broken, and I realized when he felt that way.. I felt it too, and he had a really rough past.. His dad walked out on him and his mom died.. She drank too much or got into an accident or something... And he knows that both were because of him.. I know it doesn't justify anything he's done.. But I still feel badly for him. And I think I do have feelings for him." Ryan looked at Skylar, then back to me, and spoke carefully, "I don't want you to get hurt.. He seems unstable and I think it would be unwise to pursue any sort of relationship with him." Skylar thought for a moment and then nodded with sad eyes and drooped ears, "Unfortunately I agree.. I think he's hurt all of us personally too much, he put you in the hospital Zach.. I don't want him to hurt you again.." I nodded and looked down, my ears had fallen back and my tail was hanging between my legs.       Ryan reached over and patted me on the back, "There's someone out there for you, we just want to be sure you stay safe." I nodded again, "I'm glad I asked your opinion, I needed a couple more voices on this problem." Skylar frowned a little gave me a hug, "I'm sorry sweetheart.. We will find you someone better for you, I promise.." I hug him back and I noticed the scent again, this time a could place it a little better, I blushed a little and chuckled, he pulled away gently and cocked his head to the side, "What's the matter?" I grinned and looked at the two of them, "Did you guys... Ya know..?" I made a not so subtle thrusting motion, they blushed and Ryan wrapped an arm around Skylar and chuckled, "We might have.." then he grinned and winked at me, Skylar blushed the deepest red I've ever seen him, "How can you tell?" He asked a little embarrassed, I grinned and pointed at my nose, "I thought I noticed something when you first got here, but when you got up really close, I could tell for sure." I stuck my tongue out at him and chuckled, "Well good for you guys, I'm glad you're settling back in well!" I winked and they both blushed.        After a few hours of joking and walking around we decided it best to go our separate ways for the day. We said our goodbyes and took off. I headed home and sat down on my bed, I was about to fall asleep when suddenly m phone buzzed in my pocket, I looked and saw I had a new message, and it was from Alex