Beginnings and Shocks

Story by Dragonatic for the People on SoFurry

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#1 of Karnath and Akalu's time in College

Getting settled into college wasn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be. To be honest, it took too long! Granted, I don't think that it could've taken longer, but still, it felt like my parents were there for too much of the move-in process. Of course, I did realize that this would be the last time we'd see each other for a very long time, I just felt that it wasn't that big of a deal. But still, I felt odd when they left. Kind of like "man, this is it! I am, in all practical senses, completely independent from my parents!"

"And they still don't know you're bi," went off another voice in my head, like the heckler or the joking side of my brain.

I chuckled at the thought. It was true, I hadn't told anyone other than my closest friends from high school that I was, in fact, slightly bisexual. Granted, only really towards Akalu, but I guess some would consider that completely bi anyway. Still, I felt I'd have to wait for the right time to, I guess "come out of the closet" so to speak. But, in the mean time, I figured I could get to know some of the people on campus.

By the time classes had been going on for about two weeks, I became good friends with a fair amount of people, but my closest friends, aside from Akalu, came to be Danielle, a bottle nosed dolphin from California, Chris, a dragon (blue-and-tan) from Boston, and Jordan, a black wolf from Canada. We often met together for lunch, dinner, and just for all-around hanging out for whatever reason. My roommate, Oliver, a mouse from New York, was an OK guy, but we weren't really friends outside of the room. He had a bothersome habit of smoking, but at least he had the decency to do it elsewhere.

Akalu and I, though, had a point to meet up at least once every two weeks (once a week if we had the time). Our colleges were about an hour drive from one another, so it wasn't that big of a deal for either of us to go to the other every so often, but we still made the most of it. Initially, we'd just cuddle together in the car or somewhere more private, but over time, we tended to put a sock on the doorknob more often than not. When we weren't yiffing, Akalu and I would also talk about how we'd "come out" so to speak, with the fact that we were bisexual. Ideas ranged from simply telling whoever we met, to the most likely route we would take, which was holding hands, kissing, and such, in public. The only problem was when were we to do that, exactly. After the first month of classes, we still couldn't decide. Besides, we were bogged down with work.

During that second month of classes, after barely getting the chance to know many of my classmates in the various classes I was taking, I found myself being attracted to my close friend, Danielle, the dolphin. She, a little like Sylvia, had a slightly tomboyish personality, even though she wore very feminine clothes, such as pink shirts, short shorts, eyeliner, and even stockings, I liked her. After talking it over with Akalu, who was OK with the idea of the two of us getting together, I moved on with this. So I hatched a plan, similar to how I got together with Sylvia, (I guess you could say it's my "style") but only slightly altered for Danielle's more feminine personality.

During lunch, on a typical Wednesday, I saw Danielle sitting at a table by herself. After filling my cup with soda, I walked over to her table. "Hey, Dani," I said, casually.

She looked up to me and smiled. "Hey Karnath," she replied.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"No, not at all," she said, moving her tray closer to her to make room for me across the table from her.

Sitting down, I took a sip from my glass and smiled at her. "Classes going well today?" I asked.

"So far," she replied, "I'm having trouble in my math class, but I think I can get over it."

I nodded. "That's good."

There was a bit of a pause as I took a bite of the slice of pizza on my plate.

"What about you?" she added.

"Well," I replied, swallowing my food, "doing OK. Just finally getting used to this entire college routine and stuff."

Danielle nodded. "Same here," she said, "it's so different from back at home... but at least a lot of the stuff off campus, like the mall, is a lot closer to home than back in San Francisco."

"Actually," I continued, "Speaking of the mall..." I commented, "I wanted to ask... this weekend, there's that, uh... comedy that's coming out. I was thinking... maybe you and me could go see it this weekend." There was a movie theater at that particular shopping complex she was referring to, which helped to make my question not seem so non-sequitor.

Danielle seemed to blush a bit at the question, but she smiled. "Sure," she said, "it'd be a pleasure, Karnath..."

She seemed apprehensive, but I figured it was all because she hadn't expected me to ask her. Hopefully, she'd open up to me a bit more as this relationship went on.

That weekend, Danielle and I met at the theater. I had already bought a ticket for the two of us, and she arrived in tights, a casual lavender dress, a black purse, high-heels, and some sapphire studs on her dorsal fin (lacking the kinds of ears most other species have, a dolphin with piercings on the dorsal fin is quite normal). She looked quite sexy, to be honest! I mean, wow... she had one sense of style! I, on the other hand, was wearing an orange tee-shirt, khaki shorts, and a white button-down shirt with blue pinstripes over the shirt, but left unbuttoned. I was decently dressed, but she outdid me, still. I smiled and held up the tickets as she walked up to me. She smiled and thanked me for the tickets in her high-pitched dolphin voice. Her tail lifted off the ground momentarily, apparently in excitement to see this movie, and she lightly grasped my right arm as I walked towards the guy tearing off the tickets. I blushed a bit, but it quickly faded as I approached the ticket guy, who clearly wouldn't have noticed even if it hadn't faded away. He just tore the tickets and casually told us where the room was and barely looked up at us. I rolled my eyes and walked forwards. Danielle was still holding onto me, but she decided to switch to the elbow-locking hold, which I much preferred.

Upon entering the screening room, Danielle and I managed to find a decent seat in the middle of the seating area. Granted, this movie wasn't all that crowded, but the movie seemed good. I, for starters, wanted to be sure that she had at least a decent sense of humor. From what I knew, this movie wasn't going to be too raunchy, but had more witty humor than toilet and sex humor. The two of us sat down as the screen began to show the short sequence before the previews start. The lights dimmed, almost to the point where we would hardly be able to see our hands in front of our faces had it not been for the emergency exit lighting on the floor and the intense light on the screen. As soon as the previews started, I noticed, Danielle seemed to be leaning towards me in her chair, adjusting her position so she could be angled towards me, as if for comfort. It surprised me, since this was only the previews, and the movie, even if it had already started, was a comedy! Still, it was comforting to me that she seemed to like me that much already. I guess she liked me before I had asked her, and she was waiting for this to happen.

After the movie, things went well. We had dinner at a rather casual sit-down restaurant, and I drove her back to her dorm. Right before she stepped out of the car, she gave me a light kiss on the cheek, and then stepped out. We looked at each other for a minute and smiled at each other, without saying anything.

"Goodnight, Dani," I said, finally breaking the silence.

"Goodnight, Karnath," she replied. She then turned around and headed towards her building. I smiled as I watched her pull out her keycard and swipe it to get in. She looked back to me and gave me a slight grin and what I thought was a wink before she walked into the door and it closed behind her. I couldn't help but grin as I drove away.

After I parked my car and descended the stairs down to ground level, I began to feel really good! I had been separated from Sylvia for about two and a half months, and I had gotten together with another girl. It wasn't what anyone would consider a huge bounce-back, but it was nice to have a significant other of the opposite gender, for once. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Akalu with all my heart, but I just needed someone more feminine in mind and body for some time. As I walked back to my dorm room, I phoned Akalu.

"Hey Akalu, I managed to get together with that Danielle girl tonight. We watched that new comedy, and I think she likes me!"

"Awe, sweet..." he said, "she sounds nice for you. I mean, you always liked girls who were different... Sylvia was a raging tomboy, and now Danielle, a dolphin! I mean, come on, you know how rare they are to find at the interior of the country, right?"

I chuckled, "I guess I have a thing for exotic and different women," I admitted, "I like variety. Granted, I've had plenty of fantasies about other dragons, but nothing gets to me more than a girl who's different..."

"I just hope you don't forget about me," Akalu added.

I grinned, "No, no... I won't. Besides, we've got our bi-monthly ‘appointment' tomorrow..."

I heard a chuckle on the other line, "True, true," Akalu agreed, "well, I can't wait to hear how it went."

"All right, see ya," I said as I hung up the phone. I looked ahead of me, at the glowing fluorescent lampposts lining the sidewalk in front of me, feeling very happy. Perhaps college really was going to turn out to be different from high school...

I headed back to my dorm room, and lay down on the bed, put on my headphones, and put on some Owl City, what I felt was pretty fitting music for how I was feeling. The comedy from the movie and the closeness I felt with Danielle during and after the movie. Gods, I felt good!

Throughout the next week, Danielle and I would get together whenever we could, mostly during lunch and dinner, and, when we could, during our one class together, Psychology. As much as I enjoyed the class, it tended to get a bit awkward when the professor would get into the biological aspects of psychology, which included the endocrine systems and multiple things about hormones. Such lectures were often accompanied by slideshows that depicted nude figures of both genders showing where inside their bodies their hormone glands were located. Danielle, who tended to sit next to me during that class, blushed when those slides came up. I didn't blame her; I mean, I felt a bit awkward at those slides, too, since they often pointed out the testes on the male figure, since that's where testosterone is secreted. I often bit my lip, since my own weren't the external types, unlike most, therefore making me feel like the only guy there who wasn't feeling awkward.

After classes, Danielle and I would often go to dinner together, and weekends we tended to go see movies, either with the rest of our friends or by ourselves, but when we were by ourselves, we'd feel a lot closer. By the third movie, we were already wrapping arms around each other tenderly. By the fourth movie, we spontaneously made out as we left the theater and stood in front of my car. It was short, but a very different experience for me. Danielle's mouth had the cone shaped teeth, which felt rather odd on my teeth, and her lips were a lot firmer, and she couldn't move them around as much as say, Akalu could, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Three movies after that and we were already liplocking almost any time we had more than five minutes to spend with each other! Once that started happening, I was already getting ideas of "fooling around" with her. Granted, I did feel I might be betraying Akalu, but I figured that since he was OK with me being with Sylvia back in high school, I figured he wouldn't mind me getting it on with Danielle. I only wondered how she'd feel knowing that I was with Akalu, until I noticed that she attended an LGBT on-campus function that promoted awareness of different sexualities. I never brought it up with her, but I went on assuming that she was a very open-minded person.

That weekend, at Akalu's room, we were just chilling out. And, by "chilling out" I mean, "we were getting the mood set to have sex." We'd already put the sock on the doorknob, and we were slowly stripping each other's clothes off. We had already gotten our shirts and shoes off, and we were working on each other's pants. Once we got those down and kicked them off, we went on to remove our own underwear. I had this lust-filled look on my face, and Akalu had his usual submissive look, telling me without words that he wanted his ass filled right this minute. After we removed our underwear, exposing our erect cocks, we wrapped our arms around each other and made out. Somehow, it made me think back to our first time, where I felt that it would only be gay if we kissed. Of course, by now I realized that I didn't care about the kissing part anymore, he was my best friend, and we had a hell of a lot of benefits!

Our cocks rubbed together a bit as we kissed and pressed against each other, pushing our combined masses this way and that, until we finally fell onto the bed with each other. Akalu lay on top of me, but soon we rolled over so that I was on top of him. What can I say? He just loved playing the submissive role! I got up on my knees, my cock hard and throbbing, ready for action. Akalu lifted his legs straight up, allowing me clear access to his anus. I grabbed them, wrapped my arms around each one, positioning them on each of my shoulders, and positioned my cock at his opening. He beamed in anticipation, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, his own cock fully erect, and his ass still feeling tight as ever. "So," I said, "you want this rough, I take it?"

"Do I even need to answer that?" he replied, "Of course I want it rough! Now fuck me!" he whispered in a fake angry voice, something he'd been trying out for a couple weeks. I liked it, but at first I didn't know if he was being serious or not.

Of course, it didn't take me long to just jam my cock up his ass, eliciting a moan out of him as I started up my pumping. "Gods, you're sexy..." I whispered as I used his legs as leverage and kept thrusting into Akalu deeply and quickly.

Akalu could only elicit a continuous moan in response as I kept drilling him as deep as my cock could go, often burying myself all the way to the hilt in his tightness. He clenched his muscles around me about five minutes or so into it. It drove me crazy at just how tight he could clench it around me, and so I pumped as fast as I could, and within a few minutes, I felt my orgasm approach. "Gah... I'm close..." I moaned.

"Go ahead," Akalu replied, "fill me to the brim!"

"Will do...!" I replied, trailing off into an unintelligible exclamation as my climax hit me and sprayed my hot seed into Akalu, both of us moaning in pleasure as I buried myself into him to spew every single drop I had in my into him. Respectively, he pushed back on me and tried his best to clench his anal muscles as if to squeeze the rest of my sperm out.

After holding myself in him, I thrust in two more times just to milk myself dry, and then I relaxed and slowly pulled myself out. Akalu let out a light moan to tell me that he still wished for me to be in him, but was smiling all the while.

Akalu let out a content sigh. "I love you, Karnath," he said, "I know it's the most clichéd thing I can say, but still... I do."

I smiled. "Either way, I love you, too, man."

He smiled back, "and before you ask, I still loved you while you were with Sylvia. As a fellow male, I understand the need to... ‘branch out' as it were."

I chuckled, "you read my mind, dude... but thanks. I've been interested to see what it's like to get with a dolphin..."

Akalu laughed, "hey, I've been wondering a lot of things until we first did it. Don't worry, man... maybe I could meet Danielle sometime."

I nodded, "sure, if you want. I'll find a time for it to happen, and I'll introduce you two! Maybe in a couple weeks, is that OK?"

"Sure," Akalu replied, sitting up, but then laying back down.

I tilted my head, "What is it?"

"I've never really found a good way to clean myself out... " he replied, "and I don't like leaving weird marks on the bed and floor..."

I chuckled, "you could've asked! C'mon, flip over."

He grinned lustily and did as I told him. I looked down at his tail, which he graciously lifted up for me, giving me a view of my cum leaking out of his ass. I leaned in, spread his cheeks apart, and darted my tongue into it. Akalu gasped in pleasure as I proceeded to lap up every drop of my cum that I could find in him. Akalu panted in pleasure, begging me to stop, but then saying to keep going.

Suddenly, I pulled it out. "Indecisive, are we?" I inquired.

"Gah... just, more pleasurable than I thought it would be. Kinda... like tickling, you know?"

I grinned, "hold on a minute," I said as I walked over towards his closet.

"What are you doing?" Akalu asked.

"Looking..." I replied.

"For what...?"

I sighed, finally finding the mouthwash I was looking for, "Look, no offense, but the last thing I want is to get some sort of E.coli poisoning. Believe me, I learned enough in biology to avoid ingesting stuff from another's anus. I'm just trying to be safe, dude."

Akalu shivered a bit but nodded. "I understand."

I looked at Akalu, "You OK?"

"Just feels a little odd that you're doing that, that's all."

I put the mouthwash in my mouth and swirled it around, and spat it out in the nearest sink after a minute. Then I walked back to the room and sat down next to Akalu. "Look, I'm sorry if... I saddened you or something. I just don't want to compromise my health while I'm still in school... I can't afford to be sick. C'mere," I concluded, wrapping my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I still love you, Akalu, that wasn't anything personal," I explained, snuggling next to him.

Akalu nodded and grasped my hand, pulling me closer. "OK... I'll be OK."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the side of his muzzle.

The following week, on Friday, Danielle and I were in my room, cuddling up on my bed. I had my arms wrapped around her, my thumb running up and down her smooth, rubbery skin as I rested my head next to hers, giving the back of it a light kiss. She moved her body to press herself more closely against me. I grinned and held her tighter. Our eyes were closed and I slowly and seductively started to wrap my tail around hers, starting out with just the fin part, but then moving up towards where the hole in her panties, below her skirt, made way for it. I could see her grin a bit, and she put her hand up to my chin, caressing it gently. I tilted my head towards hers, and she reciprocated, our mouths moving closer together...


Screaming from outside ensued. Danielle and I jumped and almost broke each others' teeth. What a way to ruin the mood! I thought. Shortly afterwards, both of our cell phones started buzzing. Danielle reached for her purse and managed to get hers out before I could. Both of us got a text message from Jordan, our black wolf friend. The message read:

Take cover! Shooter outside cafeteria! Don't go outside!

"Meedrai!" I swore in Draconic.

"Oh my gods... who is it?" Danielle wondered aloud, "and... will they come for us?"

Whoever it is won't get into this building, I'll say that much," I said, "at least not without us knowing..." I mused, then turned to her, "Call the police. I think I know who it is... but stay here and close the door behind me."


"I just want to see who this is!"

"No, don-"


We went silent. Footsteps could be heard walking down the hallway, towards our room. We could hear the shooter rustle a door, then fire, apparently through the door.

"Danielle, get in the closet, now. Crouch down as low as you can go. We'll have to wait it out there," I ordered.

"What about you?"

"Just do it! I'll deadbolt the door!"

Without nodding, Danielle rushed into the closet after a few more shots were fired. I did what I said, and deadbolted the door and headed into the opposite closet, as each closet was perpendicular to the entrance to the doorway and on either side of it. Unless he made some sort of weird angle, any shooter who wasn't sure if anyone was in there wouldn't hit us. Sure enough, he rustled through the door, fired two shots (eliciting a slight yelp from Danielle that even I could barely hear) and moved on. I cracked open the door to the closet as silently as I could, taking a look at what the two shots caused. It didn't do a whole lot, just made a hole in the wall and hit my alarm clock. That didn't worry me too much, since the clock didn't cost much more than $15, and the repair crews that the college could conjure up after this incident could easily fix the wall. I quickly exited the door and whispered to Danielle's door, "I think he's gone... I'm gonna peek outside," I said.

"I'll go, too."

"You sure?"

"Yes! I know how to be quiet! I've kicked off my heels."

I sighed, "OK, then."

I slowly undid the deadbolt as slowly as I could, and then opened the door, and poked my head out from the door. I saw nobody in the direction where I figured the shooter would be heading, but when I turned around the other way, I saw a figure, wearing dark clothes, jeans, and carrying what looked to me like an MP5. "Antigr... kalagath," I whispered under my breath. It was an expression of surprise that I spoke. Apparently, the shooter heard me, as he immediately stopped in his tracks, his ears, poking through his hat, twitching. I couldn't tell what species this guy was, but it didn't matter. I immediately hid behind the doorframe, not wanting to close it for fear of making more noise, but unintentionally putting myself in jeapordy. Danielle rushed back into the closet, unintentionally making a slight noise as she did.

I pressed my back against the wall, my heart pounding, but also trying to prepare for the worst... having to confront the shooter face-to-face. I am by no means one who loves violence (dispite the fact I enjoy playing relatively violent video games like Halo and Rainbow Six), but I was quite aware I'd have to do something. It was fortunate, then, that I knew at least two moves that might take him down before he could endanger me or Danielle.

Before I knew it, I saw the door be pushed open as his footsteps towards the door stopped. His face poked through the doorway (I was standing on the wall parallel and adjacent to the door, and I could see his muzzle poking through), along with the barrel of the gun, pointing into the room. I acted quickly. I grabbed the barrel of the gun, pointing it away from the doorway Danielle was hiding behind, and up towards the ceiling. He fired off a few rounds. I heard Danielle scream. I locked eye contact with him, at least, as well as I could with his sunglasses on. Unsure as to if I could win this deadly game of arm-wrestling; I breathed a breath of fire into his face. He immediately dropped the gun and clutched his face in pain and agony. Capitalizing on the situation, I curled up the first two digits of my right hand, swung back, and used the ¾ fist to land a punch straight into his throat. He gasped for breath, shocked, and before he knew it, in my finishing-off act I had learned in a self-defense class, I used my right elbow to uppercut his chin, then brought it down on his solar plexus with a loud "ACK TOGAL!" which is "STAY DOWN!" in Draconic. For me, that's probably one of the more satisfying phrases I know of in Draconic. He fell to the ground, dazed, out of breath, and on the brink of unconsciousness. I put my foot on his chest and looked around. I heard sirens coming. Typical, I thought, they always come after the situation's resolved... it's just like the movies...

I let my foot off of the shooter, and walked into my room and knocked lightly on the door. "Hey, it's me, Danielle," I said.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a scratch or two. He's the one worse â€""

I was cut off when I heard rustling from where the shooter was. I turned around, and he had managed to stand up and hobble over to his gun! Fortunately, as if on cue, the door to the dorm building's doors were burst open, followed not too long after by gruff voices yelling at the shooter to put his gun down. Apparently, the guy didn't comply, as a few shots went off from him, followed by a spurt of shots from what I guessed was the SWAT team. Danielle covered her eyes; I grasped her hand as the team rushed by us. One of them stopped and ordered us to show our hands, something we did willingly and quickly. The fox nodded and moved on to the rest of his team, one of whom yelled out "Clear!"

As the ambulance carrying off the last victim drove from the campus, Danielle, Chris, and I found Jordan, standing against an outside wall of the cafeteria, clearly shaken. We did what we could to comfort him. "My gods... he just came out of the bathroom in sunglasses and a black hat with that gun! He started shooting really randomly... and so I got up and ran my ass over to the other side and hid in the bathrooms over there, hoping that he wouldn't bother to go over there... which, thank the gods, he didn't, and I just heard screaming, windows breaking... shots being fired..."

"Hey, hey, it's all right, he's gone, Jack..." Chris said, trying to comfort him. Chris had been in class when the ordeal happened, and he took cover in the classroom, which, fortunately, was in a building the shooter didn't think to look in.

Danielle and I, however, were about as shaken as Jordan. I did tell them about how I basically beat down the shooter before the police came, but I just didn't find it in me to tell anyone else but my closest friends. While most of my high school friends initially had varying degrees of trouble believing my story, they all eventually did, after hearing about the story on the news, especially with SWAT team member interviews that said the shooter "had been incapacitated to an extent just before we got there." They knew I was, nine times out of ten, really honest and wouldn't make up elaborate stories of ego-inflating proportions for that purpose alone. Justin, though, had an easier time believing the story; he'd been raped at a fraternity hazing ceremony a month ago, and I had tried my best to console him over the phone, but from what I'd heard afterwards, he'd recovered a good deal after a visit or two to a psychologist.

After a little while, with them noticing Danielle and I being as shaken as Jordan was, Danielle, Jordan, Chris, and I did a group hug. It was the best thing we could think of to comfort ourselves after the traumatic incident. Nobody except the shooter died immediately, but one or two of the victims, a couple days later, lost a finger or two. It was fortunate, given the fact that the shooter had both the MP5 that I saw and a pistol. We had the next day of school off as a sort of shock recovery period of time. I stayed in Danielle's room that night, mostly so she'd feel safer that night. For some reason, I had a strange desire to write a song... or, more like, re-write a song. I changed up some of the lyrics to the song I wrote when I was trying to get Sylvia back to me during the brief fiasco that came after the secret I shared with Akalu was spilled...

Akalu, though, came over to the school the weekend afterwards to comfort me. He did meet up with Danielle, but it was relatively short-lived. He and I spent a decent amount of time cuddling up in my bed. When he first heard from friends at his school about the shooting going on here, which wasn't too long after it started, he feared for my life. He immediately assumed the worst, but after getting a call from me, he was relieved. Still, he felt he needed some physical contact to make sure that I really was there. So, after we cuddled and made out, nonstop, for god-knows how long on my bed, I felt him reach down into my pants. I broke the kiss and looked at him. "... you do?" I asked.

He nodded. "I need to do this... I... need to taste you. My... my mind's been, like, fucked beyond recognition when I suddenly had a legit fear of... of losing you forever. I don't know why, but... but I feel that maybe this will get my mind back into shape."

I couldn't help but tilt my head in a massively confused look. It didn't make a lot of sense to me, but granted, I felt severe fear in my brain of leaving Akalu behind... and remembering how emotionally he felt when his ex-girlfriend moved away to Europe and when his ex-girlfriend before that cheated on him, I started to understand more. He was a lover. As a serious lover, I guess my love (or, at least, the physical part of it, in this case, my sperm) would help his mind come to grips with the fact that this was just a close call, and that he need not worry about losing me. So, with a weak grin, I leaned back. He unbuttoned and unzipped my pants as I did so, pulling them down along with my boxers in one swoop, exposing my slit.

I leaned my head back. Akalu stuck his tongue down my slit, feeling around inside of it, running across the nub down there that was my cock when it's not erect. Of course, with that kind of stimulation, it immediately started growing, getting harder, and before long, Akalu removed his tongue and watched my cock as it grew up and out of my slit, exposing itself. With a look of sheer passion, with his eyes half-closed, he licked it from bottom to top, ever so slowly, apparently lavishing in the fact that it was there. I don't know how long he kept at that, but after however long it was, Akalu just couldn't convince himself to go slow anymore, and immediately engulfed my cock in his mouth and began bobbing up and down at a moderate pace.

"Gaha..." I moaned, "Ach tulgen..." *

I began stroking his ears as he did so, and he responded by doing some stuff to my cock with his tongue as he sucked me. My head practically flopped back at that; I was so overcome with pleasure.

Akalu quickened his pace, going up and down on my cock rapidly, desperately wanting me to cum. So I relaxed my body as much as I could, just focusing on his sucking me, and soon enough, it hit me. My mind literally went blank, my eyes rolled back, my body tensed up, and I spewed sperm all over the inside of Akalu's mouth. Akalu closed his eyes and lavished in the feeling of my seed coming into his mouth. I lightly grasped his ears as I finished cuming into his mouth.

After leaving my cock in his mouth for a few minutes, he slowly pulled his head away and my cock, which by then had shrunk a bit from being utterly spent, and had begun to retreat back into its slit. I tilted my head towards Akalu and caressed his ears. "Feeling better, now?" I asked.

He looked up at me and smiled. "Yep," he replied, "that was some of your best cum yet!" he replied in an excited whisper.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I love you, man..." I said.

He smiled back at me.

Suddenly, I heard the doorknob rattling, and a key being inserted into the lock. Without a word, Akalu licked his lips of my cum and sat up in an inconspicuous way, and I quickly managed to pull up my pants just before my roommate came in. The rat came in, smelling like cigarettes, only to see me and Akalu reclining on opposite sides of the bed. Nothing suspicious at all, we thought.

"Check your zipper, Karnath," he said. I looked down, and, legitimately surprised, although for different reasons than he thought, and managed to do it.

"Thanks," I said. Oliver nodded and went over to his computer, sitting facing away from us to see it.

Akalu and I looked at each other and silently giggled.