Matheau And Beijore XVII: Beijore's Domination

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Matheau and Beijore XVII:: Beijore's Domination

Been a little while for the Matheau and Beijore series to get an update, but here it is. This story is NOT to be viewed by anyone under the age of 18-21. Matheau, Beijore, Aurokhan, Jocelyn, and Sasha are all copywritten to me. Enjoy the story!

The first few weeks of Beijore's pregnancy seemed to fly past with no special occurrences or events at all. Matheau was of course, relieved that there were no more instances of his daughter's trying to mate with him. In fact, all of them seemed rather anxious for the arrival of their new brothers and sisters. Matheau too was very anxious. It reminded him of the time that they first discovered that Beijore was pregnant with his children while he was still a human. He had been nothing but a bundle of nerves during the entire pregnancy, and though he knew what to expect this time around, he was no less anxious. As Beijore's slender, sexy stomach began to stretch with the eggs developing inside of her, and her activities were becoming more and more limited, Matheau was getting worse and worse about being nervous and trying to do everything for her. It was getting to the point that he was starting to make Beijore really, really mad. On several occasions, she had hissed at him, and she even bit him once.

"Get the hell out of here!!" Beijore practically screamed at him on his last attempt to bring her food. "I'm not handicapped, and I can still walk! Just go away and leave me alone for a little while!" Matheau had done as she had asked and left her in their bedroom alone, instead, spending time with his children. They weren't any more help than he was. Aurokhan seemed interested in doing nothing more than pacing a track into the floor and sighing. Sasha just kept staring at him, saying very little other than when Matheau talked directly to her. Only Jocelyn seemed interested in talking to pass the time, though on several occasions, she tried to bring up sexual topics, and Matheau quickly dismissed them with a wave of his claw.

"Oh, come on daddy, you can answer a simple question, cant you?" Jocelyn pleaded. Matheau haughed through his nose angrily, sending tendrils of smoke into the air. "It is none of your business, Jocelyn, and it's none of your brother or sister's business either."

Now Sasha began to become interested as well. "Father, we are family, we can talk about stuff like this." "Yeah dad, all we want to know is if you prefer to be dominant or to be dominated. Personally, I like to be dominant over my sisters and I know they enjoy it as well. Being taken aggressively and without warning.....This one time, I..."

"I don't want to hear it son! It's none of my business; I told you that after we found out the three of you were mating to begin with. What happens in your bedchambers is your business, and what happens in your mother and my room is our business." "Except for that one time the three of us caught you with your pants down, literally." Jocelyn laughed. "That's what got us all started mating in the first place. We were curious." "Curious or not, that still doesn't mean that I am going to talk to ANY of you about sexual topics concerning your mother or myself." As if on unspoken agreement, the three of them nodded to each other, and said as one, "You prefer to be dominated, don't you?" Matheau started visibly, getting a laugh out of his three children.

"I most certainly do not!" Matheau cried out at them angrily, making all three of them cease their laughing. "I am a male dragon, the dominant of the two sexes. I dominate your mother in the bedchambers, and she loves every second of it. We will speak no more of this, is that understood?!" With that, Matheau got up and he left the cave, flying off to get some fresh air to cool himself down. Little did he know that Beijore had been sitting just around the corner, listening to ever word that was said between the four of them, and only now did she make her presence known. "Mother!" Aurokhan called out. "How long have you been there......." "I've been there long enough to know that your father has an inferiority complex." Beijore said with a hint of a grin tugging at her muzzle. "He needs to be taught that the only reason he dominates me in the bedchambers is because I allow him to dominate me. And to do this, girls, I am going to need your help. Aurokhan, I want you to go play elsewhere by yourself for a little while."

"But mother....." Aurokhan sulked. "Why can I not help too? I can be just as helpful as they can." "Because this is mother daughter time, Aurokhan, but also because I said so." Beijore said, matter-of-factly. "Now run along and play. I will try not to keep your sisters from you any longer than I have to. Now off with you." She shooed him away with a wave of her claw and he walked dejectedly away while his sisters tried their hardest not to laugh at him. As soon as he was out of earshot, Beijore beckoned her daughters into her bedroom and closed the door behind them. "First thing is first." Beijore said after sound-proofing the room. "Your brother is to know no details of what we are going to do in here, otherwise he might warn your father. Likewise, I want both of your words that you will say nothing to your brother or your father." They both gave their word that they would remain silent, and Beijore nodded in approval. "Alright, that is good enough. Now, since your father likes to feel that he is the dominant one in this relationship, I am going to turn the tables on him, and make him my little bitch for the evening." Beijore grinned evilly, and rubbed her claws together. "Since I know that your father is going to come in here sooner or later to check on me again, that is going to be when I strike. I'll need you two to be close by for that so you can close the door behind him and keep it closed. We've got a bit of work to do before then. First, well start by setting up some shackles that will attack to the bed so that I can chain him down. These will be for both his wrists and his ankles, making him completely immobile."

Beijore went on to tell her daughters the further, more intricate details of her plan, and she couldn't help but think that they must be storing away this information to use on their brother when he felt that he was the overly dominant one, and couldn't help but feel a swelling of pride in that. They learned fast, of that she was certain. Matheau was in for a big surprise when he came home, and though he may not exactly enjoy it at first, she knew that he would love it before the night was over. Finally, after an hour and a half of working and directing her daughters, the room was set up to Beijore's approval, and she opened the door so that her daughters could exit. Sure as the sun rises each morning, Aurokhan was waiting outside the door to try and see what they had done, but his sisters quickly grabbed him and dragged him away to their own room before he could get even so much as a peek inside of the room. Beijore smirked as she watched her son being hauled away by her daughters and went back into her bedroom. All she had to do now was wait.......


Matheau arrived just a short while before the sun went down. He walked slowly into the cave, making sure he was quiet and that the coast was clear, and for the first few moments, it seemed as though it was......until he nearly tripped over Sasha. "Daughter of my heart, you're going to kill me!" He exclaimed loudly. Sasha giggled softly and smiled up at her father, her crimson eyes glowing eerily in the dark. "Sorry daddy, I was just on my way outside to heed the call of nature.....Oh, by the way, mother wants to see you right away. She told all of us to tell you that if we saw you." Matheau nodded solemnly to his daughter and motioned with his head for her to continue on about her business, and she scampered out of the cave quickly. As he was making his way to his chambers, Sasha zipped past him and into her own chambers. Matheau Stared around, waiting for her to go zipping by again, or at least one of the other children, but after a few moments of waiting and nothing happening, he proceeded into his bedchambers. Not two steps into the room and a boulder was shoved into the entryway, blocking his exit. He whipped around, startled, and heaved his weight against the boulder. Try as he might, he just couldn't get it to budge. He turned back around and it was then that he realized that it was eerily dark in the bedroom. "I am a male dragon, the dominant of the two sexes. I dominate your mother in the bedchambers, and she loves every second of it." Came the mocking voice of his wife somewhere in that pitch black chamber. "Is that really how you think that our relationship works, Matheau? That you dominate me, and I love it?" He was suddenly smacked across his muzzle, and Beijore stepped from the shadows.

"Well, I don't hear an answer, Matheau, and I won't be kept waiting overly long." "Beijore, what in the world has gotten into y...?" But Matheau was cut off as he was smacked across the muzzle again. "Shut up!" Beijore yelled at him. "I asked you a question, and I demand an answer!" Matheau was absolutely stupefied. In her first pregnancy, and in the entire time he had known her, Beijore had never once acted like this or treated him in this manner. "Beijore, you know that's not how I feel about you or our marriage! I merely said that to silence the constant questioning from the children!" Beijore hissed loudly at him. "I don't believe you! I think that really is how you feel, otherwise, those words would have never left that mouth of yours." "Beijore, I don't understand, what in the world is the matter with you? You have never acted this way before in all the years that I've known you." "YOU are what the matter with me is." Beijore said quietly, turning her back to him. "You have been coming in here at least every twenty minutes to check on me, to try and bring me things I don't need. You know that I cannot stand that kind of treatment. I am not a queen......" "But to me you are." Matheau said, stopping her from speaking. Beijore's heart melted then, not just for his words, but the sound of the total love that he had for her that was behind them.

"Flattery gets you nowhere, Matheau William Stratford, and you know that very well." Beijore hissed. She had had this all planned out, and she fully planned to go through with it. Not just for her, but for him as well because she knew that he would love it, no matter how much he denied it. It was then that she struck, fast and clean. Despite the children growing within her, this did little to slow her down, and she grabbed Matheau by his arms and threw him to the bed where he fell onto his back. Just as she had planned, Matheau was still not used to being on his back and struggled to get up. She grabbed the shackles connected to the bed and fastened first one, and then the other arm in them nice and tight. "Beijore, what in the fuck are you doing?!!" Matheau exclaimed loudly, struggling against the shackles. "Get these things off of me right this minute!" Beijore could tell that he was getting furious, but also knew that there was no way he was going to break those shackles, no matter how much he thrashed about. In fact, the more he struggled, the tighter they got, and he soon realized this and stopped. Beijore circled slowly about his prone form, her eyes glued to his sheath which was bared for the world to see. She traced a talon slowly along his side and down his thigh on one side, and then from the thigh up under his chin on the other side, leaning close to whisper in his ear. "Tonight, you're my bitch. And I'm not letting you out of those chains until I have proven that I can be just as dominant as you can."

For the first time Matheau hissed in anger at her and actually snapped at her. He was furious with her for her behavior. She had chained him down as if he were some kind of dog! "There is absolutely no reason in the world for you to do this, Beijore!" He struggled a bit more until the bonds became almost unbearably tight and he stopped. If his gaze could kill, Beijore would have been dead at exactly that moment. Beijore climbed up onto the bed and straddled Matheau's legs. She started by lightly rubbing his chest scales in slow circles, moving slowly down to his belly, and the she began to really tease him. Once she reached his sheath, she began to massage it slowly, cooing as he began to become aroused, slipping from his sheath. "Ooooh.....someone is a big boy, aren't they?" Beijore crooned. Matheau merely rolled his eyes and hissed up at her. "Let me go and I'll show you how truly big I can be." He said. That was when she slapped him again. "I thought you would have learned by now, Matheau, but I am not letting you go until I can show you just how dominant I can be." She leaned forward and flicked her tongue over the tip of his throbbing cock, making him shiver. She slowly eased her tongue up and down his tower of flesh from one side to the other until he started to squirm, trying to keep the low moans of pleasure from escaping his lips. "I think someone is ready for his mistress to fuck him, don't you?" Beijore said in a husky voice, continuing to tease the hell out of him all the while. "But I want to hear it.....i want you to beg me to fuck you before I will. I can keep this up all night....." As if to accentuate her point, she turned her body so that her pussy was right above his snout, so he could smell her, but he could not taste her as she continued to tease his cock with her tongue, licking it, but never taking it into her mouth.

As her scent permeated his nostrils, Matheau's defenses all but melted away. His cock was harder than it had ever been before, and he wanted nothing but to fuck her until she screeched in pleasure. But in his current predicament, he could do nothing but smell her and whimper pathetically. "Beijore......." Matheau said breathlessly. "Fuck me......right now, fuck me. I can't stand it anymore! Fuck me, ravage me, rape me, I don't care! I cannot take it anymore!" Beijore's lips curled up into a smile. She had won, he had submitted to her. She had proven to him that she could be equally as dominant as him, and in her pregnant state, she was all the more aggressive for it. She turned her body slowly and lifted her pussy above his throbbing and eager cock, teasing him again, but not for very long before she pushed him inside of her hot and eager cunt, moaning softly as she slid slowly down until he was buried completely inside of her, his heavy balls against her outer lips. She started to ride him slowly, rubbing her clit and moaning softly each time she bottomed out. He filled her so completely it was unreal, and still she wanted more. As she rubbed her clit and rode him, she reached a claw behind her and sheathed her talons, sinking two fingers into her asshole, arching her back and yelling out loudly as she began to fuck herself while she fucked him. Matheau's eyes were wild with lust and want, concentrated on her tits as they bounced with each and every motion of her body atop his. Then Matheau said something that surprised, her, but pleased her as well. "Please my mistress....." Matheau panted heavily. "Fuck me harder......faster......please......" "Mmmmm......there's a good little boy......" Beijore hissed at him, and she gave him what he asked for. She bounced down atop him harder and faster, and she could feel his cock expanding inside of her. He was so close to his orgasm, and Beijore herself had had three already as she fucked him, pushing her fingers deep into her tail hole all the while. Her eyes were glazed and nearly feral as she went up until all but the head of him was inside of her before slamming back down. Matheau's breathing was getting louder and heavier, and suddenly, his body went rigid under her and he roared loudly as he came. Beijore could feel jet after jet of his hot, thick cum filling her body, and she panted heavily as he filled her, leaving his cock buried deep inside of her. Finally, she pulled her fingers out of her tail hole and rose up off of him with a satisfied smile, releasing him from his chains. "You cannot even tell me that you didn't enjoy that, Matheau." Was all she said as she laid at his side on the bed.

To her surprise, Matheau laughed as he draped a wing over her and held her close, kissing her softly. "Of course I enjoyed it, my mistress." He grinned down at her. "We will have to do that again more often, but perhaps next time, I can get a little warning, hmmm?" She nodded sleepily and cuddled into him, drifting quickly off to sleep. Matheau sat up for just a bit longer, smelling the heavy scent of sex in the room before he too drifted off to sleep.