The Bear Den

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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The Bear Den


Toby smacked his head against the steering wheel of his car, as the out of gas light illuminated his face in a dim red glow. "Fuck..." The teen panda bear mumbled to himself. "My mom's gonna kill me if she has to drive all the way out here. What the hell am I gonna do?" Toby tapped his head against the steering wheel a couple of more times as he desperately tried to think of something to do. The ursine sighed, pulled out his cell phone, and the empty bag of weed from the party he had just been at. "If I text my mom, tell her I'm staying at Joe's, and spend the night in my car, I could get killed, hit by someone, or kid napped. But if I call my mom..." All the horrible things his mother would do to him, if she picked him up, and smelled the pot smoke on his cloths ran through his head. The chubby bear gulped, and his face went white under his fur.

"Well killed or kidnapped it is." Toby flipped open his phone and texted his mom, *Hey sleeping it off at Joes c u in the morning* a few moments past and his phone rang, and he got a text back *K hun love u drive safe*. The kid sighed, in the morning he would call on of his friends after they sobered up, and have them bring some gas. Until then he might as well get comfortable, he reached into the back seat of his car, and grabbed a black hoodie. The panda turned off the front lights to his car, and was about to lay his seat back, but when his eyes adjusted to the light, he stopped. In the distance he could see the dim glow of lights, and without the engine going he could hear the dim sound of music playing. A wide smile grew across his white furred face, and his stubby tail wagged against the back of his seat. "Whoo hoo! I don't have to sleep in the cold after all!"

Toby quickly put on his black hoodie, and moved the steering wheel so he could get out without his pudgy gut hitting it. The kid grabbed his keys, stepped out of his car, and locked it behind him. Toby started to make his way towards the light, and the growing sound of country music. As he got closer, he could see the outline of cars and motor cycles, and a sign out front painted with seven colored strips starting with brown at the top, then slowly fading to white in the middle, and then turning black, and written in red letters over it was the words "The Den". He looked up at the two story building, it was made out cut timber planks, like an old barn, and the outside was painted a white-ish blue, like a hazy blue sky.

Toby sighed, and ran his black furred fingers through his shaggy brown hair. There was something a little off about this place, but he needed gas, or at least a place to crash for the night, so he mustered up what little bravery he had, and walked to the front door of the bar. He could already hear the sound of clanking bottles, loud music, and the sound of people talking on the inside. The kid was starting to wish he had stayed in his car, but he had come this far, and he wasn't going to turn back now. The panda pulled open the wooden door, and stepped inside. The smell of alcohol, sweat, smoke, and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on filled his noise. There was a thick haze of smoke that filled the air, coming from the pipes, cigarettes, and cigars being smoked by the patrons. The panda looked around the small space, there were a couple of dark booths in the back, some tables in the middle, and across from him was a long bar with bar stools in front of it.

That's when Toby noticed something else, almost every person in the bar was eyeing him, and every one had stopped talking. It was quit, unlike moments before. Also almost every person in the bar was a bear, there were all types, grizzlies, sloths, black, and a couple of others, there were just a few other types, a rhino, one or two bulls, but the two. The other thing was they were large, some of them had thick muscled arms, shoulders, and a bit big round middle, while others were just chubby like he was, they had plump round faces, and large bellies, and then there were countless mixes of the two. There one common trait more than anything else was their pubic hair, they were covered in it, most of the had hair sprouting from their strong arms, some had long bushy beards that went down to their nipples, while others might have a goatee and a mustache. After a few more moments the odd calm faded, and the bustling bar went back to normal.

Toby was sweating by now, he just wanted to get some gas, and head home. The panda quickly made his way to the bar, and sat down on one of the bar stools. The bar tender a large grizzly bear, wearing only a open black leather vest that let you see every rise and fall of muscle on his chest, his brown chest and round bulbous belly had curly black hairs covering it, and he had a short black trimmed beard and mustache. His brown fur, and every black hair on his body stick out. The big grizz that was easily twice Toby's size, had a soft cheery smile on his face, a cigar between his lips, and he was cleaning a mug with a white rag. "So hun, what's a cub like you doing in a place like this?" His voice was deep, but had this caring under tone.

[Cub?] Toby thought before shaking it off, and answer his question. "My car ran out of gas down the road, and I was wondering if you have any you can spare?"

The big grizz chuckled, and blow a ring of smoke that fit Toby's face and danced across it. The younger bear let out a soft moan as that wonderful hickory like smell filled his black wet nose. "Let me find out sugar." The bear looked over the bear. "Chris, could ya come here fur a sec?"

Across the room, there was a large brown bear talking to a smaller black bear. The bear had shaggy curly black hair, and he had a trimmed curly black beard. He was wearing a pair of old worn in blue jeans, a black t-shirt that clung to his strong chest and arms, and he had a pair of frameless glasses on. He stood up, his large gut hanging over the belt buckle of his jeans, and his arms flexing as he picked up his half empty mug of beer. He slowly walked over to the bar, his tight worn in blue jeans clinging to his thick powerful leg. Chris sat down on the bar stool next to Toby. "Yeah Chuck?"

The grizzly chuckled. "Oh this little cub here ran out'a gas down the road and he was wonder'in if we got any to spare. Ain't that right boy?" Chuck said as he looked at Toby a smirk across his muzzle.

The panda was starting to blush under his fur, something wasn't right about this place. "We yeah. Do you guys think you could help me out?"

Chris smiled and put his paw on Toby's shoulder. "Sure boy, but the only gas station around doesn't open for hours. Why dontcha stay a spell and have a drink with us."

Toby started to nervously crack his knuckles. "I would but I'm only 17."

Chris chuckled. "Awe shucks hun, that don't mean nothin. I own this place, and Innyhow the sheriff is a low down good for nothin that only cares about having a good time." The brow bear looked over his shoulder. "Ain't ya Bobby."

A large polar bear in a police officer's uniform raised his glass. He was in between two smaller black bears, that were rubbing his chest. "Hell yeah I am!" The white bear took a swig from his beer, and then went back to talking with the black bears.

Chris turned to face the panda. "See ya ain't got nothin to worry bout." The brown bear leaned in real close to Toby, sniffed Toby's cloths, and a smile grew across his face. "Innyhow from the smell on yer cloths ya know how to party."

Toby's blue eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, and his heart started to race as those words left the older bear's maw. "Please don't squeal on me! I swore I didn't smoke any my friends just make me get it because my brother grows the stuff. I don't even smoke it!"

The older bear just laughed and patted Toby on the back. "Aww cub I'm not goanna tell on ya. Hey Chuck give me two mugs of the house brew."

"Comin right up papa bear."

[Papa bear?] Toby had time to think before a large frosty mug of dark beer was thrust into his paws. The younger bear looked down at his mug, and then back up at Chris. [What's the worst that could happen?] The panda smiled, and raised his glass clinking it against Chris's. Toby brought the mug to his lips, tilted his head back, and started to chug it down. As he did Chuck and Papa bear smirked, and gave each other a knowing glance. As the night went on the two older bears made sure Toby always had a full beer in his paws, letting him get more intoxicated by the hour. Soon the panda's mind started to cloud, and he started to learn against Chris just to hold himself up. The odd thing was it felt like Chris was leaning back, rubbing his paws over the younger bear's body, griping and groping him. Then he realized something, there were no women in this bar, just men. You'd think with that number of people there would be at least one or two women, but there wasn't a single one. Toby shrugged and just played it off and went back to drinking. Around his sixth beer of the night and four AM Papa bear gave Chuck the go ahead to start closing up, and then he focused his attention on his prize of the night, Toby.

"I bet yer gettin tired boy." Said Chris as he wrapped his arm around Toby's shoulder.

The panda giggled and shook his head no. "Nah I still have a couple hours left in me. How about another beer?"

Chris shook his head and chuckled. "Sorry Cub but I gotta cut ya off for the night; I need ya to sober up a bit."

Toby looked at the older bear a little confused. "Wh.. why you need me to sober up?"

"Well ya gotta work off yer bar tab, and yer gas bill." Said the older brown bear as he began to rub the panda's back."

"What? How?" asked the confused Toby.

"Well have ya ever heard the sayin, "Ass, gas, or grass"? Well ya don't have any more grass, and ya ran out of gas, so that only leaves one thing." Just then papa bear reached down, and grabbed Toby's ass.

Normally if someone would have done this Toby would have jumped out of his chair, and ran out. Maybe it was the beer, but something about that big strong paw gripping his ass felt so good even though it was so wrong. Toby bit his lower lip to fight back the moan that was building inside of him. The younger bear's heart was starting to pound in his chest, his head was telling him to run, but something was telling him to stay. [No I have to leave!] "I... I think I should *hiccup* get going now." Toby went to get up, but he ended up falling backwards into Chuck's waiting arms. The panda murred as he felt the back of his head hit against that wall of muscle, fat, and fur that was the grizzly's chest.

Toby looked up, the grizzly smiled down at him showing his sharp teeth, and the cigar between them. Chuck blew a large puff of smoke out his nose, and let it dance across the younger bears face. "Oh you ain't goin no where sugar. Me and papa bear here have plans for you tonight." Chuck looked at the shorter and older brown bear. "Isn't that right papa?"

Chris moved between Toby's legs, and cupped his heavy sac through his jeans. The older bear squeezed down making a moan come from Toby's lips. "Right you are boy. We knew as soon as you walk through those doors, ya had great potential, it just took a bit of coxin to get it out'a ya." Papa bear started to unbuckle Toby's pants, and then he pulled them down showing the forest green boxers underneath. Papa bear reached through the front of the younger bear's boxers, he grabbed a hold of the flesh colored prize inside, and began to slowly stroke Toby's cock. The older bear slowly pumped the cub's foreskin, letting it pop over the tip of his cock, sending sensations of pleasure through the kid's body. Toby moaned, and tried to get away from papa bear, at first.

But Chris's paw felt so good against his flesh, and the alcohol was keeping his from standing up and getting on his feet. Soon he just relaxed, and let papa bear's paw do its magic. Before long his cock was pulsing, and oozing pre on the front of his boxers as Toby moaned and writhed under the older bear. Toby felt Chuck pull off his hoodie, then he felt the grizzly's paw slide under his green t-shirt, and slide it off over his head. Toby had some interesting markings all the way around his waist, and belly was white, and then a line of white fur went between his pecs around his collar bone, and then a large white patch spread over his back down to his waist. From his elbows to his pec's he had black fur, he had a black patch of fur over his right eye, and a black patch on his chin like a soul patch. Chuck stepped back, as papa bear took off Toby's shoes, his jean's slipped off, and showed his chubby legs underneath. His left feet were black, he had white fur that went from his ankles to just under his knee caps, and then it turned black again up to under his boxers. Papa bear placed his paw on Toby's belly, and started to gently rub it. "Ah such a good catch! Come on let's get him up stairs."

All Toby could do was shake his head and say "No!" The alcohol was slowly working its way into his blood stream getting him drunker by the second, impairing his judgments. Chris and chuck, wrap one of Toby's around each of their shoulders, and started to make their way up the stairs. As they walked Toby felt both of the bears grip, grab, and play with his ass through his underwear. It was such an odd feeling, Toby was told all his life that it was wrong to do that to another guy, but it felt so right, it was making his heart flutter in his chest, and his cock pulse in his boxers. There big bulky body's felt so good against his own, he could feel there body heat, and smell their powerful musks. His mind raced with thoughts and feelings, his head was telling him to kick, scream, and run but something in his heart was telling him to stay and see what the older bears had in store for him. The three of them came to the hall way at the top of the stairs, they made a left, and walked past the bathrooms to a door at the end of the hall. The two older bears kicked open the door and stepped inside.

Inside there were boxers filled with clothes and other things, and in the center of the floor there was a bare king sized mattress. The two bears laid Toby on the mattress on his back, and he propped himself up on his elbows. He watched as the two started to get undressed, papa bear stripped down until he was just in a leather Y-harness that had a strap that went down over his large gut, and connected to a silver ring that went around his cock and balls. While Chuck stripped down to nothing, the only thing on his body was flesh, fur, and a cigar between his lip. His thick nine inch cock was already hard, and begging for attention, pre dripped from the tip rolling down his shaft across the two silver bar piercings on the underside of his cock, until it dripped over his large heavy balls that swayed between his legs. Papa bear stood at the end of the bed, his legs spread apart, so Toby could get a good look at the flaccid cock and large balls that rested between his legs. A smile grew across the old bears face, and he crossed his arms. "What are ya lookin at boy? Get yer arse over here, my cock ain't goanna suck it's self!"

Toby's heart started to pound in his chest, he couldn't, it was wrong. But then the thoughts of what the two stronger bears could do to him started to fill his head, and he realized what he had to do. He took a deep breath, got on his paws and knees, and started to crawl towards papa bear. Soon his nose was just inches away from the older bears crotch, he took a deep breath, and the older male's musk filled his nose. As the smell washed over his nose, his heart started to flutter in his chest, and he felt this shiver of pleasure jolt through him. The panda's eyes darted up to Chris's face, and then to the ridged dripping red shaft in front of his eyes. Toby gulped, stuck out his tongue, and liked it across the tip of the brown bears cock. The panda moaned as he tasted that sweet pre for the first time, it was amazing! The panda let it roll across his tongue letting it soak over every inch, moaning at it's amazing taste, he had to have more! The younger bear started to lap his tongue over that red hot pulsing tip, moaning each time a new drip of pre cum squirted across his tongue. "Ohhhh that's a good bear! Now I want ya to reach up with one'a yer paws and grab this big old papa bear by the balls. I want ya to cup um in the palm of yer paw, and then roll them back and forth between yer fingers." Toby nodded, and did as he was told. The black and white ursine let out a soft moan, and he felt there size and heat in his palm, they were like two chest nut in that warm brown fuzzy sac. A low lustful growl started to rumble in his chest, that tongue and maw were driving him mad with need, it was taking all his will power not to grab the back of the kids head, thrust his whole cock between his lips, and down that wet tight throat. The older bear took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.

"Ok kid, I want ya to curl yer tongue over yer front teeth, and make an "O" with yer lips." Toby nodded, and did as he was told. "Good boy, now I want ya to just relax, and pat papa bear's leg if I get to ruff." Papa bear put his paws on each side of Toby's head, placing each one over his ears. The older bear pressed the tip of his cock to the panda's lips, and slowly pulled Toby's head forward moaning as his throbbing needy cock sank into that warm wet maw! The older bear stopped about half way, and then he started to pull back out. The brown bear smirked as he saw his shaft glimmer in the dim light with the kids saliva. Papa bear started to bob Toby's head along the length of his cock stopping just before he hit the cub's throat. The panda's head started to fill with thoughts, he was being used, he was just a warm hole for this bear's cock, but it felt so good, and it scared him that he liked it. After a few moments Toby was bobbing his head under his own power, and lustful growl rumbling in his chest vibrating his maw around papa bear's cock sending waves of pleasure pulsing through his body.

That's when Toby felt someone pull down his boxers, his eyes widened and he tried to look back, but then bear kept his head straight. "Oh boy ya have a really nice ass! I love how ya have a white strip that goes between your black fuzzy cheeks, it's like ya was born to be fucked!" The panda felt to large paws grip his ass, and pull his fuzzy cheeks apart. Chuck smirked, and he laid across Toby's back holding him still as he let his throbbing piece of bear meat rest between those two black furred cheeks. The larger bear wrapped his paws around Toby's chest, blew smoke across the younger bears left ear, and whispered.

"No I want ya to trust me, and do everythin I say. Ya got it cub?" Toby mumbled yes around papa bears cock and through his moans and groans. It felt so amazing to be trapped between those two large bodies being forced to inhale their heavy musks that was making his head light and his cock hard. "Good boi. Now I want ya to relax the best ya can or this is goanna hurt ya. Just take a deep breath and let me do all the work." Chuck reached down between his legs, and grabbed a hold of his pulsing dripping bear cock, and started to rub the tip against Toby's tight ring of virgin flesh, lubing it with his pre. The larger bear took another puff of his cigar, and blew the smoke out his nose over the back of Toby's neck. The younger bear shivered as he felt that thick hot smoke soak through his fur, and that warm beating cock rub against his pucker. Chuck shifted the cigar between his lips to the other side, and then start to slowly push his hips forward, pushing the tip of his cock against that tight little rose bud. A deep lustful growl started to vibrate the grizzly's chest as he felt Toby's pucker fighting to keep his cock out, but it soon gave way, and he felt the tip of his cock slip past that tight ring of flesh and the panda's warm insides wrap around his cock tip. Chuck started to slowly push all nine inches of his cock into the smaller bear letting his pre lube the way. It was taking all Chuck's will power not to just thrust in and impale the kid on his cock, he was so hot and tight, and it was driving him mad with lust. It had been years since he'd fucked such a hot tight ass! When it got to the last three inches and the grizzly's piercings rested against the base of Toby's pucker, the older bear took a deep breath, gave a long hard thrust, and hilted himself inside oh the younger bear.

Toby's eyes widened and he gasped for breath as he felt a jolt of pain and pleasure wash over him. The panda's eyes started to water as his cock pulsed in pleasure, and his rump throbbed with pain with every beat of his heart. Chuck reached under Toby, and pressed his throbbing cock back between his legs making the panda's balls and the underside of his shaft rub against the grizzly's brown fuzzy sac. As the older bear started to pull out his low heavy balls fell to each side of Toby's cock trapping between each one of the older bear's nuts and wrapping the underside of his shaft in warm fuzzy flesh. The large grizzly started to pull out, moaning as he felt the tight walls of Toby's ass fight him every step of the way. The younger bear started to growl lightly as he felt the skin of the grizzly's furry sac drag across the underside of his shaft sending tingles of pleasure through his body. The younger bear shivered as he felt the round caps of Chuck's piercings rub against the outer ring of his tail hole.

Chuck started to growl with lust there was nothing like that white hot tight heat of a virgin's ass, that tight ring of muscle felt so amazing around his cock. The large grizzly pulled out until the last inch of his cock was still inside of Toby, and then he thrust back in spreading the younger bear's ass wide open as he did.

The panda let out a shriek of pain that turned into a blissful moan around Papa bears cock. The oldest bear moaned softly, as he felt Toby's maw vibrate around his cock. "That's it Chuck, make em moan! I wanna feel that perty mouth'a his, jiggle around my cock!" With that the large grizzly let out a house shaking laugh, and smacked the younger panda's ass as hard as he could, leaving a red mark that you could see through his fur. He started to pound Toby's tight little ass like a piston, driving his cock into that tender untouched prostate with every thrust, sending waves of pleasure through Toby's body. Toby's cock twitched, sending ropes of pre across bed, with every beat of his heart. He could feel every inch of the two bears inside of him; Papa's felt so good as it rocked across his tongue, and when the pain faded Chuck's felt like a little piece of heaven inside him with each thrust.

Toby felt his balls start to pull up close to his body, as he felt Chuck's large gut grind into his back with every thrust. He could feel the older bears every breath across the back of his neck, and the deep rumbling in his chest, as he growled. Toby was trying to hold back his orgasm, he was so close he could taste it. He started to breath faster, and his face turned beat red as he tried in vain to hold it off, thinking that if he did cum, it would show the older bears just how much he was loving this. Some part of his brain still had him lulled into that lie that'd he'd been telling himself for year, that he was a good straight boy, and he didn't like men. But it was becoming apparent, that soon that lie would be broken, and he'd have to face the truth.

Chuck thrust into Toby, his balls smacking against the panda's sac. The panda's left eye twitched, before closing them tight. He felt his balls pull close to his body, and it took all his will power not to snap his jaw shut, as his orgasm washed over him. Toby growled in ecstasy as that wave of pleasure washed over him, and his nuts and cock pumped out rope after rope of cum splattering his heavy load all over Chuck's balls.

When the larger grizzly felt that already tight ass, clamp down on his cock like a vice, pulsating around it like, the waves of the northern lights dancing in the sky, he thrust in as deep as he could, as his balls pulled so close to his body, it was almost painful! He came, stuffing that tight hot ass full of his seed, like balloon being filled with air. As his cock pulsed inside of Toby, his body went limp on the panda's back. He nuzzled his cheek neck to Toby's ear and whispered. "Told ya, ya'd like it. Ya don't cum like that, if ya don't like somethin." The larger bear slapped Toby's ass before he pulled his cock out of that abused and used ass, with a lewd wet pop.

"Here, ya can have his arse while I have him clean me up, papa bear." The older bear nodded, and pulled his cock out of Toby's maw. The younge panda, gasped for air, and coughed as if he was breathing for the first time. He took a deep breath, and looked up at Chuck as he stood in front of him, his face a glow with the last of his Cigar. He could already feel Papa bear getting ready to fuck his well used hole. He opened his maw to say something, but Chuck stopped him.

"Lick it clean boi." Chuck said as he pointed at his cock. A bright red blush grew across Toby's face. This was his chance; his head had cleared enough from the fucking, that he could say no, and run away. But something inside him was keeping him there, that dark deep desire he'd always had; had finally came to life.

Toby looked up at Chuck, and then to his slimy cock. He took a deep breath, smelling the scents of the room, that strong manly smell, that earthy cigar aroma. He opened his maw, and stuck out his tongue, moaning as he tasted his own musk mixing with his own, and as he felt Papa bears cock slide into his warm wet hole...

(The next morning)

The bright morning sun, cast a bright beam of light into the store room, and covered the pile of naked bears on the bed. Papa bear and Toby were on the outside, and Chuck was sandwiched between them, there cocks still up his ass, after their last round of double stuffing, before they fell asleep. Toby yawned, and nuzzled into that strong warm chest before him, murring, before his eyes shot wide open, and a look of horror grew across his face, as the images of the night before ran through his brain. [FUCK!] he screamed in his head, as his eyes darted around the room, looking for a way out. He carefully, grabbed a hold, of Chucks arm, sliding it off his waist, as he slowly wiggled his hips down, making his cock slide out of the large bear, with a wet pop. He carefully stood up, and had to bite his lower lip to keep from yelling as he felt his sore ass for the first time. His eyes darted around the room, looking for his clothes, but they were no were to be found. Toby happened to glance into an open box, inside were a pair of cut off faded jean shorts and a leather jacket.

He picked them up and put them on, each was too small, the shorts top button wouldn't close, and the jacket was just one size to small, and was a few inches to short to cover the top of his shorts. He gave up on buttoning up either of them, and he made his way out of the storage room. Toby made his way down the stairs, and ran out the front door, where oddly enough his mom's van was waiting for him. He didn't question it; he just hopped in, and to his amazement the gas tank was full. The panda took a deep breath, and his face contorted as the smell of sex filled his nose. He cocked his head, and looked in the back seat, where he saw a flurry black and white fur, cum, and forgotten clothes, covered the back seat. He saw something shimmer on the seat next to him, he looked at it, and sitting there was a cops badge. Toby growled lightly as he saw this, and started the engine; he slammed the car into reveries and sped out of the gravel parking lot his tires spinning and dust flying.

Chuck smirked, and cuddled his back into Papa bear's chest, when he was so rudely awakened by Toby

leaving so loudly. He licked his fangs, and yawned. "Oh he'll be back."

One car ride later.

Toby was back at his house. He checked the drive; the porch light was on, so that meant his parents were still asleep. He put the car into neutral, turned off the engine, and coasted into the driveway. He parked the car, and slipped out. He made his way to his bedroom window, and slipped inside, where he made his way to his privet bathroom. He stripped off his clothes, and blushed as he looked at his cum covered matted fur in the mirror. The panda turned around, and noticed that there was something shoved up his tailhole. His eyes widened, as he looked at the strange black rubbery nub. He reached behind himself, and grabbed a hold of that strange knob. He wrapped his black paw around it, and started to pull. He shivered as he felt something large shift inside of him, and start to slowly slide out. He moaned and his cock twitched as he felt it slowly slide out inch by inch, dragging across his prostate the whole way. Toby finally felt whatever it was; slip out with a wet pop, and cum still wet and warm, drip down his ass cheeks. He held whatever it was in front of his face, and his heart skipped a bit when he saw what it was, a large black dildo in the shape of a bear cock; with a note in a zip lock bag, tied to it. He grabbed the bag, and pulled out the note, and read it aloud.

*Something to tide you over until you can have the real thing again, cub. See you real soon.*