Medusa's Apprentice

Story by octahound on SoFurry

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A small town in the middle of nowhere at the center of a desert and in walks a beautiful young woman. Everyone stops and stares as she walks across town; it's not only that she's one of the very rare visitors they get, but her looks. She is gorgeous, long blond hair, beautiful face and even through her cloak you can spot her supple curves and ample bust. She wasn't huge but she was obviously pregnant and even her pregnant belly seemed to add to her desirable appearance. She walked through the town market and off into housing block under the watchful eyes of many aroused market vendors and patrons alike.

The farther into the housing district she walked, the fewer and fewer people she began to see until it was just her, walking down a dark narrow corridor. Suddenly, a man jumped her from out of no where and slammed her against the wall. He chuckled harshly and said "what do we have her" as he pressed a short blade into her neck. She smiles as he looks her body over again, and he pause when he notices her belly is flat and mutters "weren't you pregnant?"

Suddenly she grabs his hand and pry's the knife away from her neck with ease. Then her elbow to his face sends him stumbling backwards. He rushes back at her, the knife held high ready to stab her, when his feet go out from under him and he falls face first onto the floor. He tries to stand, but finds his feet bound, he rolls onto his back and looks to his legs to find a snake curled around them. He scrambles for his knife, but it's too late, several more snakes swarm him binding him up.

She walks over to the struggling man and says "your scum of the earth, but it's your lucky day cause that's about to change." She then grabs his knife and slices off his clothes, careful not to hit her snakes, before looking around. "Well I see I'm not going to be able to relax and enjoy this, because I ain't laying down on this filth" she says.

She walks to a corner, spreads her legs, and braces herself likes she's having trouble standing. The snakes begin to drag the man, feet first toward her, then up under her cloak, then up until his toes are touching her pussy lips. She reaches down with one hand and grabs his leg and pull up forcing his feet into her cunt. He starts to struggle more, especially when he feels the snake on his ankles release its hold, but her pussy has a stronger hold than the snake did, furthermore he can feel her pussy pulling him in. She moans, groans, and whimpers in pleasure as he is pulled more and more into her empty womb.

Finally, he is completely inside her, she now appears, very, very pregnant. Her 11 snakes, that were restraining the man, are curled around her shaking legs, help her stay standing while he struggles, she adjusts to the weight, and she recovers from her many orgasms. He is eventually is sedated by her womb and drifts off to sleep. She stands, fixes her cloak, and walks over to grab her bag, when she hears a crashing sound behind her; even before she turns her snakes have caught the intruder and bound them in their place.

She takes a look at her "witness," a young woman, probably 18-19, could be quite cute, but it's hard to tell under all that filth. The girl speaks first "what did you do to him?" pointing to her belly. The woman thinks for a moment before saying "well I can't let you go telling everyone what you saw here, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you, I took him into my womb where I'll turn him into my 12th snake, and I'm sorry, but you'll be my 13th."

The girl grimaces and yells "wait, I promise I wont tell, if you teach me to defend myself."

The woman thinks for a second, before releasing her snakes and saying "well talk later, for now grab my bag." As the girl does, the snakes slither up their masters' leg and back into her pussy, each one making her gasp. As they walk away form the alley the woman asks "first what's your name, secondly where's a hotel?"

The girl points to the left and says "Clara" extending her hand to the woman who responds "I'm Nikki, nice to meet you."

Nikki rents a room and the two go upstairs without a word, when they get there her 11 snakes slide out and curl up in front of the fire. Nikki immediately notices the bath and strips off her cloak. Clara can't help but stare, even with that enormous belly; Nikki's body is still perfect. Nikki slips into the tub and asks "Clara dear, would you mind giving me a hand." Clara awkwardly starts soaping up the swollen woman, while Nikki explains what she is.

"For starters, I'm a medusa and I know what your thinking, snake hair, turned to stone, we get one bad apply and were all labeled evil, so we had to evolve to survive. Beautiful pregnant lady is a little less suspicious than woman with snakes for hair, so hear we are. We can take people into our wombs and turn them into our loyal pet snakes; it takes about 3-5 days to complete the transformation. Also by normal means, our reproductive systems only produce humans, so to continue the species; we reproduce, by lending one of our snakes to a human woman, making her one of us. If you want, I can do that for you, you'll be faster, stronger, more beautiful, and um well stretchier haha."

Clara's eyes got real wide "no, I uh I couldn't, it'd be too weird, I just wanted to learn to fight."

"Ok" Nikki responds "calm down, but you have to promise not to tell a soul, I'll teach you what I know, but its not much I rely on my strength and speed mostly."

Clara nodded and said "it's more than I know now" while drifting off in thought.

Suddenly a moan snapped her back to reality, she looked down to find herself roughly "cleaning" Nikki's right breast, much to Nikkis pleasure. Clara muttered "I I'm sorry."

Nikki smiled saying "don't be dear, there so swollen and sore, they could use a good massaging and milking." "Milking?" Clara asked and Nikki responded "yes, a side effect of unbirthing is you begin to lactate, and your tits begin to produce more and more each time you do it to. It's a pain to get them drained, occasionally I find someone to help, most of the time I end up finding a bunch of stray puppies and letting them drink to their hearts content."

Without warning Clara plastered her lips to Nikki's nipple and began to suckle. The milk tested better than she could have imagined. She drank and drank until the flow slowed then she ran around to the other breast and did the same. Afterwards she regretted drinking so much, but she just couldn't force herself to stop. She apologized to Nikki who laughed and said "don't apologize I should thank you, they feel much better now" as she stood up out of the tub. She dried off her body and slipped her cloak back over her swollen belly and said "I'll be right back, take a bath while I'm gone."

Clara soaked in the tub for a while and when she got out she found her old clothes gone and a new set laid out for her, similar to Nikki's. She put on just enough to sleep in then curl up into the warm bed parallel to the one Nikki is asleep in.

For the next week or so Nikki and Clara trained, which was a lot easier for Nikki after her occupant fully became her 12th snake. During their training they talked about many things, but the one thing Clara became fixated on was Nikki's job and true reason for coming to that town. Nikki was a bounty hunter; she had a guy, who worked for the world government who would say that he witnessed a bounty's death when in fact he just became a snake. Nikki would get paid, a crook would be taken off the streets, and Nikki would get a new pet, everyone wins.

At the end of the week, with Clara now knowing everything about combat that Nikki knows, Nikki is expecting that Clara will soon leave, but instead Clara walks up to her, head hung and says "is that offer still available?" Nikki looks confused "what offer?" and Clara replies "I want to be your apprentice."

Nikki smiles "are you sure about this?" Clara smiles back "uhh, yes and no, but more yes than no." Nikki motions for Clara to lie down on the bed as one of here snakes slithers out from under her cloak. Up onto the bed it crawls, up between Clara's legs and without hesitation it begins to press itself into her waiting sex. Clara gasps and grasps at the sheets as the snake pushes further and further. It's taking the snake quite a lot of effort to force its body into the girls' tight young pussy. As its slides all the way in Clara gasps "my god, that was amazing."

Over the next 2 days Clara lies in bed writhing, she moans and groans in what sounds like pleasure, but the sounds her body is making as it is reformed make it appear as if her cries should be of pain and not pleasure. Finally, with Clara's transformation complete, the serpent leaves her and returns to Nikki. Clara opens her eyes and sees Nikki's smiling face "come on rookie, time to go to work."