Medusa's Apprentice part 2

Story by octahound on SoFurry

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Clara stared at herself in the mirror; she loved the way she looked. She never thought in a million years that she would ever be this attractive. Long brown hair, with the slightest hint of red, bright teal eyes, luscious curves, but not much bigger in the breast department. She was sure that would come later after she started "making arrests."

Nikki rushed in the room "we got company" she yelled. "What, your mark?" Clara asked.

"You mean our mark, and yes and then some" Nikki responded while rustling through some papers in her bag.

Finally she through down three wanted ads and said "This is the guy I came for Carl Bull, given the name bull cause of his size at 7'2" and 316 lbs of pure muscle, he likes to break stuff, property, people, whatever he feels like. But I wasn't expecting these 2, Ella Wilson and Charles Hacksaw. Ella is small time, only killed like 3 people, but somehow made a name for herself. Hacksaw on the other hand is another story; he took over some small country in the southwest, militarized the people and sent them out to capture as many high ranking officials from neighboring countries as possible. Then sent those countries a demand, pay a certain amount or surrender your country or they die. One country failed to pay and refused to surrender so he chopped all the captives up himself and sent them back, in buckets. Everyone thought he was dead."

Cara smiled and said "well let's go get them,"

Nikki responded "wait a second; we can't win a head on fight, and they'll start one if they see me, cause that Ella girl knows that I'm a bounty hunter." Cara thought for a moment then smiled and without saying a word she started striping off Nikki's clothes, then she tossed Nikki a towel, said "go soak down your hair, the boys will be up in a minute." She then puts on a dress that accents her body almost to well and heads out the door.

Cara walks up to the table where they are sitting and says "hi boys, either of you wouldn't wanna buy me a drink would ya?"

They both smile and motion for the bartender, Ella just stands up and walks off. Charles turns to the Bull and says "guess this meetings over hahahahaha" when the bar keep walks up and Charles says "what are you having ms...."

Cara smiles and says "oh it's Beth and he knows what I drink, ill take 2, one from each of ‘em" with a wink. After about 20 minutes of drinking she invites them to come up and meet her girlfriend. Neither one can say no to that body and the three start heading up stairs, but about half way up she says "oh shoot I forgot something, I'll be right back yall go on ahead" and hands them the key.

Cara returns to the bar and orders one of the drinks that Ella was drinking before she left. Then she heads of to Ella's room drink in hand. She knocks on the door and Ella opens up and says "oh, it's you, what do you want?"

Cara says "I'm Beth and I just wanted to apologize I didn't mean to ruin your evening, I got you a drink, and I wanted to see if you wanted to join myself, my girlfriend and the boys for some drinks in our room?"

Ella grabbed the drink, gulped it down, handed Ella back the glass and said "no, now go away," but before she could slam the door in Cara's face she hit the floor.

Meanwhile, the boys open the door and find Nikki bent over looking in the mini fridge wearing not, but a towel. They are almost drooling when she turns around and they get a glimpse of her massive bosom. She smiles and invites them in. Then, without warning, she drops her towel right before their eyes and walks into the bathroom saying "I got to jump a quick shower be out in a minute."

She waits a few seconds then says "would one of you mind giving me a hand with my back?" They both run for the bathroom, but Charles was a little quicker.

Charles enters the steam filled bathroom and immediately begins stripping off his clothes. He makes his way to the shower and slips into the warm water behind Nikki. Nikki turns and smiles and Charles' jaw drops at the sight of her glorious wet naked body and before he could move a snake had yanked his feet out from under him and dragged them to within inches of her pussy.

The sound of Charles hitting the floor brought Bull to his feet, but before he could investigate, Nikki's other 11 snakes bound him where he stood. They couldn't knock him off his feet, so they focused on restraining him. That's when Cara walked in fresh from rendering Ella unconscious. She looked over and noticed that Nikki's snakes were having trouble holding the behemoth, so she checked on Nikki's progress in the shower.

Both Nikki and Charles are lying on the shower floor and Charles has that panicked look upon his face and is trying desperately to crawl away. Nikki has a look of pure bliss on her face as he is slowly dragged into her. With his body free to really struggle and all slick cause of the water it's obvious to both of them Nikki and Cara that it's going to take a while.

Cara knows that those snakes won't be able to hold till Nikki is done with Charles, so she decides she has no choice. She walks up to Bull and pushes him back onto the bed he just got up from. And spins him around so his feet are to the head of the large bed, them she picks up his feet and begins to work them into her pussy. The pleasure is amazing; it takes all her will to stay focused on the task at hand. Her body takes over and begins to try and draw in the massive man. For several minutes her body is actually pulling her down over him instead of him up into her. She reaches up and grabs the headboard to stop her movement and finally he begins to move, so slow you can barely notice, but movement none the less. After a while she's up to his hips and the snakes that where holding his legs are helping the others hold his upper body along with the one snake that had stayed with Nikki.

Nikki had sent her last snake to help with bull after getting up to Charles' stomach into her pussy. She now had him all the way to his armpits and he was trying to hold his arms out to the side, like you do to keep from sinking in quicksand, to slow her down, but it was still just a matter of time. Finally his arms gave out and in he went with a slurping sound. She pulled herself to her feet, no time to wait for him to settle and no time to adjust to the weight, at least that's she thought. She stepped her dripping wet naked body out of the shower to find her apprentice well on her way to "reeling in one hell of a big fish." She dried of with a towel and walked over to the over bed and crawled in at laid there watching Cara pull in Mr. Bull.

Cara never even noticed Nikki leave the shower and climb into the next bed, she was too focused, on the beast of a man entering her pussy and all the pleasure it gave her. Even with all the stretching ability she got from being a Medusa, Bull's chest was still giving her trouble and causing a slight amount of discomfort, but nowhere near enough to negate or even lessen the exquisite pleasure she was receiving, after almost three hours he finally slipped all the way in and for a moment afterward Cara was worried, he tried to stretch and for a moment it looked like he was going to stretch right through her stomach, but they, both Cara and Bull, quickly realized it was pointless.

Once both Charles and the Bull, had settled, and Nikki and Cara had adjusted to thuer new weight, which Nikki did quite a bit better than Cara, Nikki called in their captures, meanwhile she sent her snakes went to retrieved Ella before she awoke.

The snakes got back at the same time as Nikki got off the phone and Nikki said "well they want her disposed of too, you want me to handle it?"

Cara responded "well, will it hurt me to?"

To which Nikki replied "you won't break anything, but you probably won't be able to walk."

Cara laughed "I've got and extra 300 pounds in my womb walking is close to out of the question as it is ever with the extra strength. Besides I got to start trying to catch up to you sometime."

Nikki just laughed and turn to walk away saying "ok, have fun." The snakes positioned Ella's feet at Cara's pussy and left her there, and then Nikki walks over and pushes Ella's shoulders until her feet are deep inside Cara. Nikki stands back and just watches Cara pull the woman in until Cara's pussy lips are just below the woman's breasts, and then she tells Cara to focus on holding Ella there and not letting her in any farther.

Nikki then wakes Ella and says to her "good morning and good bye" and with a signal from Nikki; Cara pulls Ella in with a massive pull and a slurp.

It takes almost 8 days before Cara's new pets are complete, most likely do to she size issues, but it left Nikki waiting around after she was done after only days. Finally Nikki and her new apprentice head out, first to pick up their rewards, then to hunt more bounties and all the ensuing perks and rewards it provides.