king stand e6

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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something I started writing after watching 'fc buddy fight' for the first time. suppose to be a story template for a tv series.

like this/follow me if you like this... will be posting more of this later.

I do not mind comments.

episode 6- first day of work

Redstern fell backwards surprised to losing to the dragon without legs. He was even more so surprised to find a union officer shadow covering him. " Wilcon the Redstern we have been looking for you." The officer quickly places a black band on his arm before he could run away. They all recognized it as a prisoner band. " Was that really necessary?" Lord asked and the officer grunted. " This one broke his contract with his agreed partner."

Redstern looked back at the officer. " He was a pain. Little rest and even less food. Using me for labor and underground fights. I did not get all these scars from my world." The group looked at the lightly dressed dragon and did notice several recent scars. " Well you either go back to him or you go back to your world." Redstern looked at the four before submitting to defeat. " Take me back to the union. I wish time to consider it."

Leon knew how sorry the group was and knew the young dragon had more options then that. " Maybe the young striker dragon would like a third option." Redstern stopped and turned to look back at them and the officer jerked him to keep moving. " If he requests to an union investigative officer to be sent to work at a small understaffed hobby shop as a material witness in an ongoing investigation of illegal battles that officer would likely approve it. It so happens I am such an officer." The one holding the dragon by the arm stops and Redstern turns again. " Yes, please."

Hammer sighed as he handed his partner his KSBS. Jake quickly grabs it from him. " Hold on a minute you. If you think I'm just going to let some random dragon come work at the store." Jake puts in a card and an employment contract appears. " He has to give his oath to this contract." Leon looked at it and sighed. " You heard him. If you want the third choice you got to do it." The officer grew angry. " Now hold on a minute who are you you..." Leon stepped forward to the officer and he towered over the other by several feet. " I am warrant officer Leon Kittin, badge number 24 rank B."

The officer brings out his own KSBS device and checks the info just provided. " If that is what you want, sir. This handful is transferred to your custody." The officer transfers control of the prisoner band to Leon. " I got better things to do than deal with this headache.

After school the group arrived at the hobby shop and Redstern looked at it amazed. " You work for me now Redstern. Every day after the academy is over you are to come here. I will provide you a uniform to wear for in school and at work. You are to keep these tidy and clean. After the shop closes you may be free to do as you see fit in the area I lend you to stay. That is if certain circumstances do not arise. This is your home now Redstern and you will respect it and it will respect you in return."

Jake looked to Leon. " I have got to file paperwork and make a report before opening this new case. I will be back with everything proper after I get Hammer back to his place." Jake nods as he pushes Redstern forward. Lord wheels up the rear as Hammer and Leon start going up the street. When they got inside the shops automated systems were still running and Lord goes behind the counter. " I'm going to my room. I need to tell my sister of my day."

Lord starts going up the stairs with such speed with his wings you would think he was running up the stairs. Redstern looked at the other dragon amazed. " He is... spirited." Jake laughed gently. " You have no idea." Jake leads Redstern to the basement. It only had a washing machine and dryer down there. A basket in front of the dryer. Jake sighs as he starts digging into it and getting the laundry out. Redstern looks at it and grabs a piece of pink undies. " These do not seem to be something you wear."

Jake quickly grabs them and throws them back in the basket before closing the dryer. " They are Lord's sisters. Given that you now work here you will be doing her laundry when she comes back, if she does not want you to then she can do them herself." Redstern looked away a little embarrassed. " Is this were I will be staying?" Jake heaves the basket up as he stands upright. " Yes, I will have to get you some bedding and comforts, which you will have to pay me back for, but for now it is. You may do what you like down here after work and studies are done except training. You can do that out back."

Jake leads Redstern upstairs. " That in front of us is the storage area. That I will show you in a minute. To the left is the facilities for cleaning and grooming yourself. I presume you know them?" Redstern nods. " That is one of the things the union teaches us." Jake smirked as he led Redstern to the second floor. On the door to the left had a sign saying Lord's chambers with a crown on the D. The other one across from it was bare. " As you guessed that is lord's room and marked it with a little flair. Across from it is my room and on the end is Silvia's room. Redstern seem drawn to the entrance and was shoved the clothes basket. " Make yourself useful and place the basket just outside the doorway and pick up those boxes. I got to get into my room for a few minutes. After you gather the boxes bring them downstairs.

Redstern puts the boxes on a table and starts looking around the shop as he waits. He notices the place had many things other than those related to the KS game. He stops at one of the games that looks very old and picks it up. " The game is called battleship. An old school strategy game where two equal forces compete." Redstern turned and almost tripped to seeing Jake beside him. " I was just looking."

Jake smiled humored as he handed him a new wrist device. " I could not get you any battle armor but I have a set of clothing for class, work and a third for casual dress in it. Standard lower class dragon ware." Redstern put it on and after a minute to register him he went to the menu and set the casual ware on. His wares turned from a raggedy shirt and baggy shorts to a nice vest and proper fitting half leggings. He looked at himself and put a hand to his scars on his abs. " Do not shun them Redstern. If you let it even they can make you strong." Redstern looked up to find Lord coming down. " I will do my best."

It was not long till children started coming into the store and many of them became surprised in seeing Redstern behind the counter. He thought the work would be harder but it was simply making sure the machines kept running and stocked with merchandise. He was just done stocking a booster pack machine when he noticed a young girl looking up at him. " Are you a monster?" Redstern paused not sure what to say to that as he noticed Lord was with a group playing a game of Kings Stand with just cards and Jake was outside with a delivery man. " What makes you say that?"

The girls face brightened up. " Many people say those not like me are monsters before my mommy moved here for work." Redstern let his arms lay on the counter as he leaned closer to her. " Do not let anyone make your opinions little one. Those like me of the fire dragon tribe see things for ourselves and deem their value from our experience." The girls face brightened up. " Can you help me? I don't know how to play."

Redstern nods and moves around the counter. He takes the deck in her hands gently and flips them over on a table. He was a little surprised to find it a fae deck. But it also had a couple dragons and beastmen in it. It seemed to be a development of a semi hybrid deck but the build was way off. Many of the cards abilities work against each other. " How did you get these cards little one? They do not make sense." The girl face became red and her cheeks bloated. Redstern was worried she was going to attack him but she thought better of it. " They look pretty." Redstern sighed. The child's battle style made no sense to him. However he did notice a common theme with the deck. All of it's cards have very high speed. Then he noticed the last card was not a playing card and Jake came to his side. " Oh a rare commander redemption card. They come with all new player decks that are with wrist units. I see she has made some trades as well. An interesting set up. I know the rare she will need. I'll get it after I set these pizzas out."

After all those in the room had some pizza but Redstern and Jake he comes back with a card and puts it on the table. He looked amazed to the fae commander. The girl brightens up. " She looks beautiful." Redstern knew she was as deadly as she was appealing to look at.

The Eyes of souls segment pt 2

It has been over a year sense Peter woke up in the hospital from nearly dying when the fire started in his house. As his strength returned and the insurance paid and his schooling continued he wondered about Dramix and the others before the final great...

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" You know Artimas. I just do not get women." The mage grew a smile on his hair covered face amused. " You are a gluten for punishment my old friend." He responded to the 'young' dragon. In fact the dragon was older than the mage, but the difference...

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David the demon ch1-3

This is the end. My life will be over soon and most likely my soul will be captured and drained to nothingness. After I am done being raped for his amusement my death will be as certain as David's. Who's dead eyes watch as I am helpless to do anything....

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