Chapter 43: Tender Witch

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#43 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 43: Tender Witch

Kilyan sat on the edge of Nontikmah's bed, his paws cupped over his cock and balls as he wondered how the hell he always got himself in these predicaments. His head was bowed in thought, and he could hear Nontikmah swaying seductively around the room as she lit the candles on the many shelves with the magical touch of her long nail to the wick. The flames sparked blue and shimmered against the darkness, casting long shadows across the bed and the floor. A throw rug of silver fur was at the end of the bed, and dangling from the ceiling like wind chimes -- painted bones.

Kilyan didn't want to go through with this. Sleeping with Avi was one thing: his wives expected it, had even come to accept it. And besides, he cared about Avi. He loved her. But Nontikmah was just this carnivorous creature who preyed on male flesh, and she didn't seem to care at all that he was married, that his own daughter was sleeping under her roof and would be a witness to the awkwardness that was sure to come from her father in the morning. He closed his eyes when he felt Nontikmah's weight shift the bed. Her tinkling laughter rang in his ears.

"Oh, come now! Is it really so bad?" she whispered, her voice a strange sort of purr that made Kilyan's body tingle.

"You're beautiful and I want you," she went on. "You should be flattered."

Kilyan glanced over his shoulder and felt his dick twitch: Nontikmah was lying back in the pillows, one arm behind her head as she ate a piece of fruit with sucking lips. The juices gushed against her lips and she licked them away, devouring the fruit with gulps and sucks of her tongue that made him get hard behind his paws.

Kilyan groaned and closed his eyes. "You're not one of my wives," he answered. "That's why it's so bad."

"That shemale creature isn't one of your wives --"

"Shut up about Avi!" Kilyan warned, glaring over his shoulder. "She would be my wife! She might as well be my wife --!"

"But she's not. And neither am I." With the rest of the fruit swallowed down, Nontikmah licked her lips and cupped her own breasts from underneath, almost as if she was offering them to Kilyan. "What does it matter? I've never known a male to care yet." She sounded a little bitter.

Kilyan only looked away. He heard Nontikmah huff, then the mattress shift as she rose from the bed. He could hear her moving through the room, her six tails fanning out the enticing musk of her pussy behind her.

"Then how about this . . ." he heard her say.

Kilyan looked up and gasped: standing in front of him -- was Lea! Fluffy, white, and sexy as hell, Lea's black stripes curved over the round of her hips and disappeared into her tail. She was tall and slender, big-breasted, and everything he remembered. Even her smell was the same. She smiled down at him with loving black eyes and whispered, "Is this better?" that silky white mane a cloak around her ears. There was even a flower behind her ear, a flower Kilyan had once given Lea years ago.

". . . Nontikmah?" Kilyan whispered. "How did you . . .?" For it was more than obvious Nontikmah had taken the form of his wife.

Nontikmah pulled Lea's lips into that pretty smile that had been bewitching Kilyan all his life. "I can read your heart, Kilyan," she answered, her own purr of a voice coming from Lea's lips. "You miss her, don't you?" She leaned her hips close to him and massaged his ears with one slender paw.

Kilyan gazed up at her with doting green eyes, then took her round hips and rested his forehead against the slender white belly he remembered so well. "Lea . . ." he whispered happily.

"I could even sound like her," Nontikmah went on, "if you wanted . . ."

Kilyan looked up, "Yes! Please --"

Nontikmah laughed, and it was Lea's pretty and girlish laugh. The thick black lashes fluttered, and she whispered happily, "Make love to me, Kilyan. Gentle and slow. Just like you always do!"

Kilyan blushed: just from reading his heart, Nontikmah knew everything about Lea -- even how she liked to be fucked! He nodded and leaned back on his paws when Nontikmah climbed onto his lap. She knelt over him for a pause, sighing as his eager lips suckled one of those big, milky white tits. Then she sat very slowly, very carefully down on his cock. Kilyan groaned: Nontikmah had even taken on the shape of Lea's tight, pink pussy and its great slobbering lips. When those big lips clenched tight to him, he was in heaven! He took Nontikmah in his arms, and pulling her carefully down on the bed with him, he started moving himself against her with shuddering breaths.

Nontikmah clung tight to Kilyan, her thighs wrapped around his hips and clenching to him in a way very identical to Lea's eager clenching.

"Oh, Lea . . ." Kilyan whispered to himself. "Oh, god, Nontikmah, I'm not going to last very long with you looking like her --"

"Doesn't matter," Nontikmah whispered back. "This big, throbbing thing inside me -- it's worth it!" She arched her back under Kilyan and moaned, jerking her hips against him in sharp, abrupt spasms -- just the way Lea used to.

Kilyan didn't think he could take it much longer. Trembling all over, he buried kisses in her soft white mane, in the neck Nontikmah had lengthened to look like Lea's, and moving slowly against her, his head fell back and he came with a soft cry. Nontikmah cried out too, her eyes rolled up in her head as her juices gushed over Kilyan.

Kilyan pulled out and flopped on top of her, feeling weak and happy and deliciously satisfied. He had never realized until that moment how deeply he had missed his Lea.

After a pause, Kilyan asked in confusion, "How did you -- I mean -- this was more than sorcery!"

Nontikmah laughed, and when he lifted his head and looked down at her, she was her glowing white self again. She was so small, so short compared to Lea. He could feel her six tails lashing against the bed sheets. Her breasts smashed to his chest weren't as big as Lea's either, but they were just as desirable. Looking down into her face, he realized again how small her features were: her short muzzle, her small eyes and nose . . . and for some reason, her ears seemed bigger than they should have been.

Gazing up at Kilyan with large blue eyes, Nontikmah dragged her tongue over her lips almost mischievously. "You still haven't guessed it, have you?"

Kilyan's ears pricked forward. "Guessed what?"

Nontikmah laughed. "I'm not a wolf!"

Kilyan sat up and stared at her. She sat up as well, scooting back on the bed and folding her slender legs. He saw her summon a mane brush to her paw: it came soaring across the room from the shelf and into her fingers. She started brushing her tousled mane, her pretty slanted eyes watching Kilyan's confusion in amusement.

"The world is a very big place, master wolf," Nontikmah said at last. "And wolves . . . wolves are but one part of it." She smiled gently at Kilyan's amazement and went on brushing her mane.

"So . . . what are you?" Kilyan asked after taking a moment to register his shock.

"I am many things. Seductress. Enchantress. Vixen. . ."

Kilyan averted his eyes when she started brushing the thick white fur that grew over her pussy.

"We're foxes, my son and I. Though we have managed to mingle very well with your kind. Wolves are naturally afraid of us but enticed by us all the same: our power, our charm. You couldn't help but want to protect me, could you? Little thing that I am.

"We are magical beings and live in small groups -- but usually alone. We travel the world helping wolves where we can, even teaching them magic. But no one teaches us magic. We are born with it. And as the power grows inside of us, so does the number of our tails."

She smiled at Kilyan, her six tails waving back and forth behind her like dancing snakes.

Kilyan bowed his head and swallowed, drinking all of this in. So wolves were not alone in this world? But why hadn't they realized it? He supposed it was because, just like Nontikmah said, foxes were too clever to be discovered at large.

"So now you know," Nontikmah said, brushing her mane with a private smile. "Does it bother you? Will you run screaming into the night?"

Kilyan laughed, his eyes tracing over her lovely shape, those high breasts and round calves. "Hardly," he answered, drinking in her delicious smell. "Your powers are alarming, but you don't frighten me. You're very nice and very beautiful. But that Sylas . . ."

Nontikmah laughed at the worry in Kilyan's eyes. "Don't worry, Kilyan. Sylas knows better than to take a female's virginity. He isn't old enough. I told him that by the time he possessed six tails . . . he should be ready. He'd be about . . . mmm, sixteen by then."

Kilyan laughed. "I have two sixteen-year-old sons at home who think they're more than ready."

"I'm not surprised. A male who looks like you probably has seven children and seven wives waiting at home."

Kilyan shook his head. "I don't enjoy migraines. Two wives and two sons are trouble enough!"

They laughed together, but Nontikmah said wisely, "And yet, if Avi would only say yes, you would gladly bear any migraines she would give you."

Kilyan nodded glumly. "But she won't say yes and I won't ask her anymore. She has her duties as queen and I have my duties as a husband and a father."

"Wynn is a beautiful girl. I'm afraid my Sylas is a bit enamored of her," Nontikmah answered with a weary sigh. "Like mother like son, hmm?"

Kilyan blushed. "Come on, Nontikmah! You can't like me that much --"

"Why not?" Nontikmah returned, lifting her eyebrows. "I can read your heart, Kilyan, remember? And you're a golden catch: a good and caring husband, a good father -- a good male! I came rushing out into the woods to seduce you because Sylas needs a father." She said the last words very miserably -- she looked so miserable, in fact, that Kilyan saw a tear come to her eye. Her lip trembled and she rose abruptly from the bed.

Kilyan grabbed her arm as she was moving away. "Wait a minute! Nontikmah -- where is Sylas' father? What happened to him?" he asked gently.

Nontikmah stood with her head bowed, then looked up at Kilyan with glistening blue eyes and whispered, "He left me. . . . for someone else." Her voice cracked bitterly.

Kilyan let her go and she wandered to the shelf, where she set the mane brush near a candle. She stood with her head bowed, her back to Kilyan. "His name was Kitari. He had a great gift for seeing the future and for taking on disguises. When I first met him," she remembered with a laugh, "he was pretending to be some kind of old wolf peddler who read wolves' palms in exchange for shark teeth or something."

Kilyan laughed too.

"He came to my door with a tray of mushrooms and squirrel eyes. I thought he was nuts, of course, and told him to beat it. But he insisted on reading my palm. He said I had a hint of destiny about me."

Kilyan watched as Nontikmah re-lit a burned-out wick with a touch of her pink nail. The candle slowly grew taller and smoother until it was like new again. A fresh blue flame ignited the reborn candle, and Nontikmah moved on to the next.

"So what happened?" Kilyan asked quietly.

Nontikmah laughed. "What do you think? I fucked him. He was an old wolf, but he was still in shape and he wasn't bad looking. After the fuck, I discovered that he was a fox just like me. He was sleeping, you see. When a fox is asleep, they lose their Glamour. I awoke in the night to find a handsome young fox sleeping in my bed! His fur was a dark and rich red, his ears and seven tails were tipped in black, and he was so . . . beautiful. I fell in love with him on the spot."

Kilyan saw Nontikmah pause at the window, where she gazed out with a faraway and breathless sort of look. She looked so helpless in that moment, so helplessly in love! Kilyan understood: he was more than certain he had looked that way when thinking of Lea.

"He awoke an old wolf again in the morning and I served him breakfast. I confessed that I'd seen him in his real form during the night," Nontikmah went on. "Everything was fine until then. He left me. Said he was never supposed to sleep with me, I was never supposed to see him as he really was. He already had a mate, you see, and she would be devastated to know . . ."

Kilyan winced. Why did this story sound so familiar?

"So he left me. And some months later, I bore Sylas. It was hard, raising Sylas alone. It was scary birthing him alone! But I did it," she said, proudly lifting her chin. "I did everything I had to for my son! And now, for my son, I must find a good mate."

Nontikmah's eyes dropped from the window, and she looked so sad that Kilyan rose and came to her side.

"Nontikmah," he whispered, placing a heavy paw on her shoulder.

Startled from her thoughts, she looked up at him and her ears pricked forward.

"You'll find a good mate," Kilyan told her firmly.

Nontikmah gazed at him in confusion. "How can you know that? Wolves can't see the future --"

Kilyan shook his head and smiled. "I know because you're a golden catch."

Nontikmah was again startled, but she smiled warmly at Kilyan, and when he made love to her a second time . . . he asked her to keep her natural form.

The next morning, as promised, Nontikmah sent Kilyan and the others on their way. She led them all down to the beach, Sylas in tow with his beautiful blue eyes fixed sadly on Wynn's back. Wynn was clinging to Inden's adamant paw, but every now and then, she would glance back almost apologetically at Sylas. Inden noticed these glances and glared over his shoulder at the smaller boy in warning.

Nontikmah asked Kilyan to lead her to the spot where their shattered boat had been. Perplexed, Kilyan took her there with the others in tow. They watched as Nontikmah gathered a few pieces of the drifting wood, studied them, then threw them back into the shallows. They were startled when she threw the pieces as far out to sea as she could. Then she took a few steps back and ordered the others to do the same.

The group retreated some distance from the shore and watched what happened in amazement. The broken pieces of Kilyan's smashed boat were glowing golden in the sunlight. They floated into the air, hovered against the grayish sky and its frothing white clouds. Slowly, the pieces started fitting themselves together. Nontikmah, meanwhile, stood with her arms out, her head back, her entire body glowing stronger than ever before as the boat literally put itself back together. In one piece at last, it crashed to the water, spraying them all. But it wasn't over yet.

Nontikmah lifted her head, then sliced both her paws in one sharp motion. The little boat groaned in response, and their mouths fell open when it had gone and in its place, a magnificent ship! It was a long, slender, and beautiful ship, its creamy sails flapping in the wind as it cast a huge shadow over the sand. Nontikmah turned to her companions with a smile.

"But -- but, Nontikmah!" Kilyan cried. "We can't sail a ship --"

"Doesn't matter," was the answer. "The ship sails itself. It will carry you to the opposite shore. But when it's reached its destination, it will turn back into a fishing boat --"

"So we better reach the ball on time," Kilyan finished with a laugh.

Nontikmah grinned, her paws on her hips. "Exactly."

Avi moved forward and took the vixen's paws. "Avi can not thank you enough! What you do for Avi, she will never forget! If Nontikmah ever need anything at all, send for Avi in the jungles across the sea!"

Kilyan was warmed to see Avi and Nontikmah embrace. He was even happier when Avi kissed the witch on both cheeks: it was a jungle custom that symbolized friendship and loyalty, though Nontikmah hadn't a clue.

It was obvious Nontikmah was trying to hold back tears when she turned away from them. She made a gesture at the ship, and a wooden gangway magically unfolded itself, the bottom plank touching the sand.

"All aboard," Nontikmah said, sounding as if she had a head cold.

Awkwardly muttering his thanks, Inden kissed the vixen's paw and boarded. Avi happily followed.

Kilyan paused to kiss Nontikmah's cheek. "Hang in there," he whispered to her, squeezing her paw. "Your Fox Charming will come!"

Nontikmah laughed through her tears and gave Kilyan a playful shove in the chest. "Go on now, master wolf. Your family is waiting, hmm?"

But Kilyan didn't move. He was still smiling down at her, and she realized with a little blush that he was memorizing her face! Then his eyes went to Sylas, who stood quietly at his mother's side. He ruffled Sylas' curly mane and told him to look after his mother. Then he boarded the ship.

Wynn was following her father when Sylas stopped her. His little paw suddenly tangled with her own and he pulled her back. Wynn gazed at him with sadly questioning eyes: surely he didn't mean for her to stay!

Sylas shook his head as if he'd read her mind. "No, Wynn," he said, "you go on with your father. I just wanted you to know . . ." He lowered his voice, and leaning close, he whispered in her ear, "When we grow up, I'm comin' for you!" He kissed her on the cheek and looked at her with warmly glowing blue eyes.

Wynn shook her head, terribly frightened. "Please, Sylas, don't! Just forget about me!"

Sylas only smiled and jerked his head at the ship. She hurried to board it after her father.

The gangway magically folded itself up, the sails flapped taunt as the wind suddenly filled them, and the ship lurched into the sea with a groan. Standing there at the railing, Wynn watched as Sylas and his mother became smaller and smaller until the two of them were tiny white dots on the yellow sand. She was turning away when something made her look back and her heart skipped a beat: a red heart appeared in the sky in a sudden puff of smoke.

Wynn knew in that moment that Sylas -- the boy who had given her her very first pleasures -- would never forget her.