Lost Within Thoughts (Chapter 2)

Story by The Dark One666 on SoFurry

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#2 of Lost Within Thoughts...

this story is for those that are able to read this that are above 18 and such. read at your own risk and blah blah blah.....you know the drill

I walked down the stairs rather quickly upon seeing him. their seemed to be no one with him and it made me happy that i only had to deal with him being here. i unlocked the door and his tail was wagging behind him happily as i noticed him looking me over already. i mean i was the sexy black wolf he always talked about with his friends. i loved the fact that he was finally here and i didnt have anything to worry about anymore.

after i opened the door and opened the screen door his mood switched from happy to a grin and all of a sudden i was tackled to the floor and i felt a sharp pain in my neck. i tried to scream but his paw covered my snout. soon my vision dissapeared and i was picked up from the last feeling i did feel before everything was black.

i didnt know how long i was out, all i know is when i tried to open my eyes i had a black silk blind-fold over my eyes and my arms were behind my back held by what seemed to be another wolf or something and even when i did try to my feet, they were bound together with what seemed to be shackles.

all i know is that i at this point was a bit scared and wondering what the fuck was going on that i deserved to be knocked out by some drug and why exactly i was standing with someone holding my wrists rather than just tieing them up, 'yeah i know its fucked up i would rather have my hands bound instead of being held'. the blind-fold came off and it was still night time out and definately a little bit darker than before. so, from what i could tell, it was probably only a hour or so later.

i looked at my surroundings and definately did not like the fact my boyfriend (or whatever he was, considering he knocked my fucking ass out). he was standing by what seemed to be a six foot three tall grey wolf (with the height of his ears not added). they had their backs to me and were talking about something. thats when i noticed the other different wolves, and other sort of foxes and other anthro's that i couldnt exactly make out. though i did notice, a few felines thats for sure.

me myself i made no attempt at trying to get away sense it would probably make anything i seemed to be in trouble for or something, worse. my boyfriend turned his head to me a bit and noticed i was awake. he said a few other words to the grey wolf and then walked up to me. i didnt bother to say anything to him and when he didnt try to plant a kiss on my snout i moved it away and a few of the others around me that i didnt know laughed. my boyfriend (that seemed to be him) growled and thats when i felt those sharp ass claws run across my muzzle and deep gashes were left. i looked back at him with no yelp or nothing and and smiled. he looked at me as if i was insane or something and just turned around walking back up to the grey wolf and starting to talk once more.

thats when i turned my head and noticed a few eyes peering at me and when i looked at them, they turned away as if they were either scared or embarressed to look at me. i just looked at my boyfriend and the grey wolf and i noticed my boyfriend did something when i noticed his arm went back to his side. thats when i was let go by my arms and i fell forward. i caught myself by my arms and pulled my knees forward and just sat their on my rump with my knees in the air and my arms across my knees. my tail just wrapped around my body a bit sense it was not exactly long.

after looking at my boyfriend and the grey wolf which i didnt exactly know at this point i just rested my head on my arms with my muzzle pointing down towards my groin area. i closed my eyes and just waited, i had not said a word yet and until i had to talk, i would speak. thats when i felt a paw shoot up from between my two knees and grab my neck. i was lifted easily into the air and thats when i got a direct look at the wolf holding me. it was not jack or the grey wolf. i at first was struggling and i closed my eyes grabbing the males arm and pulling it to the right (with my right arm) considering it was the males right arm also that was holding me up by my neck.

my boyfriend turned around and was about to say something about someone holding my neck and it was already too late. i took my left fist and pushed the males elbow joint and easily the bone ended up snapping out. he let me go and howled in pain. i was dropped and thats when my shackles at my ankles just fell off (i guessed someone must have unlocked them when i had my head in between my legs). i took the wolfs head turned it a bit and pulled down, bringing my right knee up and forcing the wolfs neck to snap to the left where his neck was easily snapped and died instantly. the wolf fell to my right and i looked at my boyfriend saying, "you know what happens when someone grabs my neck, i warned you already, and you should have told the wolf not to do so before hand." i crossed my arms across my chest and stood their with my hip cocked a bit. my boyfriend looked at the wolf i killed and then back at the grey wolf which laughed a little and said something to my boyfriend which he ended up laughing. jack turned to me and said, "Well it seems we now know who gets to kill a wolf if their out of line and get in some serious trouble." i blinked and tilted my head a bit at my boyfriend.

i didnt exactly know what was going on and it was most definately confusing to why i was here and why my boyfriend said those words. i growled softly in a rather annoyed fashion and said, "and what do you mean by that hmm?" my boyfriend just said,

"well the truth of the matter is, i know i knocked you out with that the drug and such, but it was because i didnt exactly wanting you running back to this spot if you did not decide to join us. i know you hate us and such, but their is no need to do so when we can help you all you wish. you pretty much know how it works and such." the grey wolf finally spoke and said,

"trust me, silver knows what he is talking about and were not mad murderers, expecially not us. every different one of our associations is different." i nodded and said myself as i looked at the grey wolf,

"its not the fact i want to join all of you. its the fact that i just wanted to see my boyfriend and not have him drug me to the point that i black out and then im dragged here, only to end up being asked to join your guy's association. its not fair, and its most definately something ill have to think about before i even come upon a decision." i looked at silver (my boyfriend) and waited for him to say something. silver just stood their and ended up turning and walking away. i growled and said,

"so your just going to leave me here! what the hell is your problem....i wanted to see you and now your just going to leave me here after the fact you also fucking dragged your fucking claws across my muzzle!" silver kept walking and i just yelled out to him,

"Jack! Get over here, im not your mother but i still deserve to see your face!" i was about to go after him, but a husky came up to me and said quickly,

"its not the fact he doesnt want to see you. he just feels bad because of the fact you dont seem to even be happy that he is here." i growled looking at the light-blue and white husky with green eyes, which whom was actually really fucking hot (i have a big thing for them). i squinted my eyes and said to him,

"its not the fact i look like im pissed or something, well actually i am. its the fact that i have been waiting four years to see him and all he does is knock my ass out, claw me across my muzzle, try to get me to join all of you, and does not even give me a fucking hug or anything of that sort." the husky blinked and lowered his paw and said softly,

"well i didnt know he did that much, i havent been here to exactly witness all of what happened." i shook my head and just heated the fact that my boyfriend was walking away at this point. though i just sighed and looked at the husky saying softly, "well would you mind possibly taking me somewhere else sense you are the only one that seemed to wish to talk to me." he nodded and walked around me, walking in the opposite direction. i turned and followed. we were going to opposite way away from which my boyfriend was heading. after a good bit of a walk i was led to a rather large rock on the edge of the lake that seemed to be out of nowhere. i didnt exactly know where we were and it most definately confused the fuck out of me still.

thats when the husky turned around out of nowhere sense i was kind of right on the husky pretty much, because of the fact i was so close to him. he turned and we ended up kissing right their. it was a small kiss and i broke it off seeing as the husky started to instantly push the kiss farther than i think it should have gone. he wrapped his arms around my neck and said,

"what? i know you like me, its quite obvious and plus jack already told me about your think with huskys. so i figured i might try it out considering i know he wouldnt mind as long as he was aloud in. though he will be here at this spot later. so dont get any ideas." my jaw felt like it wanted to drop to the floor and i nodded as i leaned forward and the kiss continued. my paws reached forward and i easily broke the button on the huskys black shorts that were actually the same brand as mine. after they dropped to the huskys ankles and i pulled the boxers along with them. he stopped out of them and my left paw groped the huskys sac softly. the husky broke the kiss softly and said,

"the fact that your saliva with your blood is already starting to make me hard, already makes me want you more. though the blood factor does not bother me at all." i nodded a bit and instantly i let out a gasp as i felt a nice soft cold nose push against the back of my neck and a groin was pushed against my rump. i knew who it was because i felt two paws instantly slip into my shorts and the jaws of the one that was behind me close their jaws around my neck softly.

to be continued?.......

(i know it was a interesting spot to stop and i hope that i did okay on my writing this time :3)