HardCore Play Pt. 3

Story by mechacub21 on SoFurry

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#2 of HardCore Play

This is the third part to an ongoing story about a young bears journey into sexual depravity. Read at your own discretion, however it's recommended you start from the beginning. This is the last chapter before our bear is changed forever.

Oh fuck, Oh fuck, OH-oh fuck, I had read the bulls' demand, Now or Never. My heart was bouncing around inside my chest and I felt the need to turn away from the monitor. My breathing got more intense as I thought back through the email. I could already picture the strong dominant man lording over me, but at the same time I couldn't believe I would actually go through with this.

The man demands no pictures from me, doesn't care to know anything about me, but wants me over at his place tonight. He could be a psycho, but if he's for real then this could be something really great. I could finally live out get these perversions out of my head and into reality.

But maybe he's too rough, too demanding for me. Jesus, this would be my first time getting fucked in the ass, how far could I actually go with it all? But, I feel my body crave this. This lust that takes hold of my body, and just won't let go. He could be a psycho, but he could also be a somewhat normal, who has desires he can't control and just needs an outlet of release. I imagine I'd be grumpier at an older age. More time to be unfulfilled. Fuck it, I can always leave him right?

I type up my reply, make it simple, and ask if there's anything I should do to prepare. Ten minutes go by and I get his response.

Read through my email again. Come to my house at 5. Here's my address, we'll talk more when you get here.

I thought about what he said and went back over his email, at the moment I feel emotionally and physically prepared for almost anything that could happen. I set a limit for myself, I wouldn't be bound by ropes, or by any method that I couldn't get out of the room if necessary. Although the thought of being bound and controlled that way is very tempting to me, I figure I should at least see what all he has in store for me the first time around. I chuckle at myself, thinking how careless I'm being, but I'm just tired of waiting, tired of the frustration and now I have my out.

I read over his emails again and thought about the warning he gave about his cock. I don't doubt it's above average, but it couldn't be THAT big. He's a bull sure, but statistically they aren't that much bigger. But this has got me curious about what I can take. I don't have any dildo's so I had to search the house for anything phallus shaped.

Looking around I eventually found myself in the kitchen rummaging through a drawer when my roomie walked in. I heard his oversized keychain knock against the door probably scraping away the paint. He threw them on the coffee table, more scratches, and sat on the couch tuning into the t.v. "Your turn to take the trash out", for some reason he always takes the chance to remind me.

"Yep, not that hard of a thing to keep track of." He stayed silent, checking out the news. Sometimes it worries me to not have a good relationship with my roommate. Typically you'd expect a small conversation, however, I'd be lucky to get two or three sentences from the guy on a daily bases. I continued to rummage around through the drawer, but came up empty handed. I was just about to give up when I noticed a flashlight sitting in the corner counter, tucked away sitting with an assortment of my tools. I wasn't sure if the flashlight was mine, but as desperation set it, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a more... intimate look at it. I palmed the maglite and walked off to my room. I don't think my roommate noticed anything. Even if he did he wouldn't have said anything. Either way I shouldn't be too rough with this thing.

I shut the door, locked the knob, turned on some music, and sat on my bed. I fingered over the flashlight, feeling its smooth enameled texture. It was cold but grew warmer as I handled it. It was a bit long, about eight inches, and two inches wide with a flat heat. I had to admit I was a bit intimidated by it. I sat there holding the thing in front of my face just thinking of how to tackle this beast. I have to lube it up of course, but do I try to squat on it or maybe, cowboy style? Either way I'd need get myself warmed up. I went to the bathroom to look for lube.

Now, I had a bottle, unopened, in case the time ever came, but Never expected it to be for a flashlight. Fuck. Better safe than sorry right? He is a bull after all, stereotypes like that exist for a reason right? I flipped open the bottle, took off the protective seal, and gave my fingers a dollop. I figured I better warm myself up first right? Rubbing my fingers togethers, working the slick liquid over my digits. Oh damn, I forgot to take my underwear off. I sit down on the edge of the bed and lay down propped up against the wall, squirt another dollop, and move my fingers towards my ass. Touching it, I hadn't realized till now how cold it was. I tensed up tightening around the finger that pressed up against it. I tried to release and ended up tightening up again, giving a sucking feeling. I kept rubbing, and as the lube warmed up my ass started accepting more and more of my fingers. I went in as far as I could and started working myself in a circular motion to really stretch myself out.

When I felt I had enough I reached out towards the flashlight, lathered it up well, repositioned my legs so that they were spread out, and braced for impact. I found the opening, but I just couldn't fit it in. The head was too broad and it just kept pushing me. The width of this thing is nearly the same size of my own cock, if I can't even fit this inside of me, then how would I ever survive tonight? Thinking about how to tackle this, I decided to get on the floor, on my knees, and placed the flashlight under me. I figured this way I could have a better position to angle it if need be. When I thought I had the right trajectory I descended, my rectum coming into contact with the foreign object and creeping around the edge of the tip. Pushing down further my ass enveloped the first inch, sending a stunning pain throughout my body as my ass stretched to accommodate this thing. I stayed there kneeling like this not daring to move any further down or try to climb off.

I always knew there was pain involved with anal sex, but now I really knew the pain of having your ass invaded by big rod. Fuck, I took a deep breath and down more slowly this time once the pain started subsiding. I let it inch itself into me until it felt like most of the resistance gave away which caused me to drop rather suddenly and hit a few spots that made me 'tickle' on the inside. Gasping at this new sensation, I gave pause for a moment closing my eyes, and started rocking myself back and forth on my new toy. The sensation wasn't building, but kept constant pace with my movements, I began to find myself bouncing as I wanted this feeling to intensify.

I kept my pace up, moving up and down, back and forth, I was so into it I started gyrating my hips side to side, but ended up getting overzealous hitting a spot that didn't feel as good as the rest. I stopped for moment to make sure I was ok, and kept going however the mood was dimmed somewhat and all I could focus on was the slick sounds being made from my makeshift dildo. Deciding that was enough of a warm up I attempted to climb off but found my legs were soft and hard to stand on so I just got up as much as I could, pulled the flashlight out of me. My moan was accompanied by the moist schlop of the head being pulled out. I traced my finger around my puckered hole feeling how loose and ready it was. I looked at them to make sure there wasn't any blood, and feeling good about what had just happened I learned back taking in the moment.

For the next few minutes I just layed there on the floor and thought about the night to come. I was excited, but nervous. I've never really put myself out there like this before, or at all, and now I'm about to go into this strange man's house to do, whatever it is he wants to do. To be used. Is he right that I don't even know what I want? I mean it's true. I only have faint idea of these dark erotic thoughts that plague my mind, but I think I'd rather have him know that than not, and assume something I'm not. If anything I can always back out, I can always leave. He already gave out his address so if anything happens I can make sure a friend will know where I am. It's not like I want anything bad to happen, and this is risky, but I'm tired of holding myself back. I need this.

I got up to take a shower and saw the flashlight. Decided it be best to take care of that first, cleaned the muck off, and proceeded to clean myself up. After the shower and drying my fur, I noticed I still had a couple more hours before I was expected. I wondered what to wear, then considered if it even mattered and decided to check out his address online. Wow, 45 minute drive. I looked back at the clock to make sure I still had enough time then returned to the map results. He lived in one of the old outlying suburbs. His house was rather nice, the growth had learned to live with the house and seemed to become a part of it, the vines and trees growing as tall as the house was. The walls laid out in brick, stone, and mortar gave ample support as the backdrop for the leafy tendrils. Two stories, I wonder what he has inside? It looked taller than it was wide, but this was all I could see from the single frame of the house. I wonder if he has a pool?

Fuck am I really going to do this? He could be waiting for me with a gun or a knife, he could really hurt me. The excitement in me started to die as panic was becoming alive. Closing my eyes to think I laid out the backdrop for why I'm doing this. Is this just a one time thing? A passing obsession of mine, if it is its a dangerous one. I know I can't fight off a knife, but why would he give me his address? If anything happens to me, it can be traced back to him. The house doesn't look bad or run down. I imagine myself walking into the house. The rustic charming exterior opening up to reveal a decrepit crack din managed by this bull. Or at least taken over by him. As soon as I open the door the door he'd jump me, pinning me on the floor. His horribly pale fur and rickety vibrating body holding me down, searching me for anything valuable. But thats not what he looks like. No, he has muscles, and a healthy definition with a thick shiny coat. Mmm.

I found myself rubbing my naked belly, looked at the time and felt fluttering as I realized I'd need to start heading his way soon. A rush went to head as I immediately started throwing on clothes. I didn't care what I just felt I needed to see him. I checked one more time to see if he sent me another email. He sent one a few minutes ago.

I'll remember every minute you are late kid, and I will make sure you do too.

Well I'm glad I already got dressed. I typed up my own reply. Told him how long it would take me, but reassured him I'd be there on time. I sent the email, looked at the clock, cutting it close, grabbed my keys and made my way to the car. Walking towards the car the thought of what I was about to do hit me more and more. My heart was pounding and I could barely feel the steering wheel as I gripped it. I was staring straight ahead, confused, and remembered I hadn't even started the car yet. Just calm down. Breath. I closed my eyes. Inhaled. Held it. And released, the small panic that crept through me was subsiding into the lackadaisy lightheadedness that I needed. I started the engine and made my way towards him.

HardCore Play Pt. 2

It wasn't until a few days had passed until someone replied to my post, well, a serious reply anyways. I was rather disappointed to find out about picture collectors, people who would feign interest to collect more porn material or whatever. Perhaps...

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Hardcore Play Pt 1

There's this feeling I get as I'm waking up from my nightly stupor and gear my mind towards the day ahead of me. This creeping seductive lust that rises from my chest and flows down throughout my body. I start to squirm and imagine the blankets that...

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