Teaching his Twin

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Been dealing with a lot in real life which has lead to a short of depression, so haven't been able to get myself to do much of anything lately. Trying to get myself motivated to get back into writing and hopefully other stuff, so managed to knock out this short little idea I had.

"What are you doing in there?" Andy called from his bed towards the bathroom.

"I... I think someth... I think something is wrong with me..." Sam's voice was low and muffled by the closed door, but it also quivered with an edge of fear or panic.

Andy sigh and rolled onto an elbow to face the door, "What do you mean?" He was getting impatient with how long Sam had been taking in the bathroom. He didn't like falling asleep before Sam climbed into the top bunk, it always jostled the bed around and woke him up.

"I... I don't know... it won't... something's wrong..."

"What are you talking about?" He rose with a huff and crossed the room, "I'm coming in." Despite being the younger of the twins, if only by 2 minutes, Andy was always the more mature of the pair.

"No! Don't!"

The protest came too late. Andy already had the door open. He was greeted by the sight of his identical sibling sitting on a closed toilet lid quickly trying to cover his crotch with both paws. "Now what's going on?"

"I said don't come in!"

"What are you hiding? It's not like I haven't seen between your legs before..." Andy stepped into the bathroom. "Mom bathed us together just an hour ago."

"Not, not like this..."

"What do you..." He realized what Sam meant just as his twin started to move his paws, the pink shaft they were hiding confirmed his suspicions.

Andy couldn't help but laugh "That's what you're worried about?"

"It's not funny! It won't go down, and I think it's getting worse." Not only was his shaft standing tall from his sheath, but his knot was beginning to swell at its base.

Managing to compose himself Andy looked at his brother with the straightest face he could muster. "Wait, you're not saying this is your first time?" As usually he was slipping into know-it-all mode. Truth was he'd only just recently started getting erections himself, and had freaked out a bit the first few times himself, but there was nothing he loved more than to pretend he know so much more than his older twin.

"No... I mean... it's happened a few times, but not this bad. Oh my god, look, it's swelling. Something is wrong... should... should I mom?" By now Andy was laughing again, and grinning in that smug way he does when he knows something that Sam doesn't. "Has, has this happened to you too?" He'd seen that face often enough to hate it. "Aaandy, what do you know?"

"Relax." Andy took a seat on the edge of the tub directly in front of his twin. "What have you done to make it go back inside before?" He never came out and shared what he knew, instead playing little guessing games to make his brother figure things out on his own - that or just make him feel stupid when he can't get it.

"Nothing. It just did by itself, but it wasn't this bad." He was still panicked, but now getting mad at his brother and tears were starting to well in his eyes. "Stop with the games. Just tell me. This has happened to you too? It's supposed to happen? What do you do?"

"Okay, chill." As much as he did enjoy tormenting his brother and feeling superior he didn't like seeing him cry, and he could tell Sam was really scared. "You've never tried playing with it?"

"Playing with it?" Sam sniffed back a sob. "What? How?"

"Just rub it with your paws. It feels REALLY good. The base swells up real big. Then it feels like you're going to pee, but something that isn't pee comes out. Then it just kinda deflates and goes back inside, and you feel kinda sleepy."

"Huh?" None of that made any sense to Sam, but it sounded like Andy knew what he was talking about.

"Here, I'll show you." Andy dropped off the tub edge onto his knees and reached a paw towards his brother.

"No. Don't touch it." It was an involuntary response, he didn't really know why he blurted that out. They were identical twins, they played and rough-housed, they bathed together, they had certainly touched between each other's legs in all that, but something felt odd - almost protective - when Andy reached to touch this new exposed fleshy bit.

"Uh, okay." Andy's paw froze mid-air, taken by surprise by Sam's unexpected outburst. "I guess..." He paused as if thinking, "I could show you on mine, and you can just do what I do." At first his had just randomly slipped out as Sam's apparently had now and he didn't understand it any more than Sam did, but after he'd figured out that it felt really good to play with he'd also figured out that he could make it come out whenever he wanted by playing with the place it came from.

He shifted from his knees and plopped onto his butt, sitting on the floor in front of the toilet. Without hesitation, or the embarrassment that an older person might exhibit, he spread his legs and started to fondle what he called his tube.

From his seat on the toilet Sam leaned forward to see. His own predicament far from forgotten, but he was curious to see if Andy really had the same thing hidden away too. As he watched his brother grope and poke at himself, in a way he'd never seen before, his own strange wet pink thing started to rise into view. "You do have it too." There was a hint of relief in his voice. Until now he hadn't fully believed that his brother knew what he was talking about, and still thought that there was something wrong with him.

"Of course I do. We're identical." His voice took on the smart aleck tone he always got when he was able to prove he was the smarter one. "Now watch and do what I do." Still fairly inexperienced himself Andy hadn't yet figured out the best way to go about stimulating himself, and of course knew none of the proper terms. As such his method was clumsy and awkward, but effective none the less.

Sam watched as his brother gripped his thing with both paws and began to stroke up and down its length. It quickly began to swell and enlarge just as his had slowly been doing since his 'predicament' had started. He reached to do the same to himself but stopped when a thought struck him, "I thought you said this makes it better. Your's is swelling worse like mine."

Andy had looked down at his lap when he had started to play with himself. It was a habit he had, he liked to watch his thing swell and start to leak, somehow seeing it was as good as feeling it. "Yeah..." His eyes rose to meet Sam's, "It goes back in after..."

"After what?"

"Sheesh." Normally he would draw things out more to make his brother feel stupid while making himself seem smarter, but for some reason he felt rather terse at the moment. He couldn't think as clearly as usual and just wanted focus on what he was doing, not explaining it. "Just do what I'm doing."

"Uh, umm, ok..." Sam was taken aback by Andy's sudden change, but he did always know what he was talking about. So following his brother's example he grasped ahold of his thing. It felt weird and at first he wasn't sure that Andy knew what he was doing, but when he started to stroke up and down those doubts evaporated. An intense tingle surged through his body.

Both brothers fell into a silence as each focused on stroking his own thing. Andy's attention remained on his own, but Sam's focus remained on Andy's - watching his brother's motions and mimicking them. It was Sam that broke the silence, but not with words. An extra intense shiver shot up his spine drawing an involuntary gasp and moan from his mouth.

The sound caused Andy's gaze to shift from his own crotch to look at his brother. He often felt the desire to moan like that, but he always suppressed it for fear of being caught playing with himself. "Careful, mom and dad are right next door." Instead of looking back down at himself his eyes were drawn to Sam's thing. Until now he'd only ever seen his own, and there was something neat about seeing another. By now Sam's base was fully swollen and his tip was leaking profusely.

"You're getting close." Andy had figured out that if at that point he squeezed below the swollen part it felt amazing. His wasn't yet fully swollen, but even so he moved a paw in order to show Sam. "Now squeeze like this."

Sam's mind had gone cloudy with the pleasure he was feeling, but none-the-less he followed his brother's instructions. The response was immediate. His hips jerked involuntarily and his thing pulsed in his grip. Just as Andy had said, it felt like he had to pee. His thing twitched, his muscles tightened, and then he erupted. A strong shot of a new thick liquid squirted from his tip followed by several more.

When he grasped below his only partially swollen base to show Sam what to do, it had accelerated Andy's own session. His base quickly swelled to its full size putting him on the verge himself. Sam followed his lead and he was treated to his first view of seeing another reach climax. The twin's first shot of his first orgasm ever was a strong one. It flew through the air on a direct path towards Andy.

It struck him on the chin. Andy could feel his brother's stuff soaking into his fur as his twin brother continued to shoot his load. Some landed on the floor between them, most ended up on Sam himself, but no more than that first shot managed to reach Andy.

Transfixed by the display Andy's paws had stopped moving on his own thing, but as Sam's shooting abated they began to move again. He gripped tightly below his swollen base and stroked quickly along his length. Seeing his brother shoot was somehow even cooler than watching himself shoot - which he loved to do. In moments the excitement and renewed attention to his own thing pushed him over the edge. Unlike Sam, none of his load managed to reach his brother, but he did add to the mess on the floor as well make a mess of himself.

Neither of the twin's erections abated quickly. Sam sat in silence contemplating his first orgasm, and Andy just continued to stare at his brother's thing. Finally though they bother began to shrink and retreat back into their furry homes. "Yay, it's going back inside."

"Yep. Told you."

"But why does it do that, and what's the reason for it?"

"Really. I don't know." Andy hated saying that, but it was the truth. He really didn't know anything more than it felt good when he did it. The purpose and more 'adult' reasons to it eluded his young mind. "It just feels good, and it does the job." He grabbed a towel and began to wipe up the mess on the floor. He usually tried to be careful about where he shot to not make a mess like this, but this evening he - they - had been reckless.

Finished with the floor he wiped down his lap then tossed the towel to Sam before starting to rise back to his feet. "Clean up so we can finally go to bed."

"Umm. You've got a bit on your..." Sam pointed to his chin.

Without thinking Andy's tongue instinctively flicked out the way one would if they were just told they have some food on the corner of their mouth. Instantly his face scrunched up, it was a salty and bitter taste.

"I... think that's mine..."

Andy had tried tasting his own once and hadn't found the taste very pleasant. If this was his brother's, then apparently that was universally true. "Bleck!"


"Can we PLEASE just go to bed now." Andy turned toward the door flicking his tongue across his teeth several times in an attempt to scrape the taste away.

"Yeah. Right behind you... thanks for helping me..." Despite Andy's reaction to the taste Sam was curious. With his brother's back turned he lifted the towel towards his face, sniffed it, then gave a spot wet with the liquid one little test lick. 'Blech'? That's actually kind of good...