Tiger Toy

Story by GrowlTiger on SoFurry

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This is another story about my service to my master. This one takes place quite some time after the events in the 'How I Met My Master' series, and unlike those stories, this one's almost pure sex.

If you like this story, please let me know by rating it and/or marking it as a favorite. I always welcome and appreciate your comments, shouts, and other feedback.


Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these predicaments. Â Well, actually I don't; I know. It began when I bowed before my master and offered myself to him as his slave. Â From that point forward, I was his - his slave, his tiger and... on days like today, his toy.

And so I should have forseen this day when I would be bound on all fours to a bondage bench, my cock and balls attached to a ring on the floor and my tail to one on the ceiling, shivering as my master prepares me for his latest experiment. Â He pauses by my side for a moment, petting my head affectionately. Â I close my eyes, luxuriating in his touch even as I am rendered immobile by the ropes that hold me to the bench. Â He leans over me and whispers softly in my ear, "Make me proud, tiger," before placing a tight fitting hood over my head.

Although the hood has a hole for my muzzle, it does a remarkably good job at blocking out light and, even with my sensitive eyes open, I see nothing but solid blackness. Â Deprived of sight, my other sensations are heightened, and I can hear my master moving around me, testing each of the ties. Â He occasionally runs his warm paws down my sides, eliciting a soft coo, but the touch is fleeting, just a tease.

Before too long, I feel another familiar touch; my master is attaching electrodes to my body. Â A series of electrodes are placed on my hind legs, and one at the base of my shaft, already dripping precum from the anticipation. Â The wires tickle as they run through my fur to the device's controller. Â Almost immediately after I'm wired, I feel the light buzz of the electricity flowing through my body, causing my hind legs to pulse and jerk softly. Oddly, however, the electrode on my cock seems not to be connected, but it hardens fast, without the aid of electricity.

Even without seeing him, I sense the scent of my master standing in front of me, his arousal heavy in the air as he lifts his tail to me. Â I strain against the bench to lick him, touch him, but the bench holds me firmly. Â I moan in want and need, and as I reach forward with all of my might, I find I can just lick his balls with my tongue.

Suddenly, I feel the zap of the electricity as it jolts my legs into movement, pushing me forward against the bench and jerking my tongue against my master's balls even as it pulls my own against the ring in the floor. Â A split second later, the power depleted, my muscles return to rest, pulling me back. Â The power increases, and I become like a machine, licking my master in time to the electricity's undulating waves. Â Droplets of precum snake down the line that tethers my cock to the floor as my body trembles, more from the want for my master than from the electricity.

I lap at my master for a few minutes, the scent of his arousal growing stronger with each stroke. Â Then, he is gone and my tongue thrusts at nothing. Â A moment later, the power subsides and my muscles enjoy a temporary respite from their forced contractions as I feel my master's paw stroking my back tenderly.

I close my eyes and try to arch my back into his touch, but the ropes hold fast. Â Suddenly, a sharp jolt shocks my cock as my master grabs its base. Â His touch alone is electric, but a glove on his paw completes the circuit with my wired shaft, sending wave after wave of power shooting through me. Â I moan loudly, crying out in arousal and need as he turns the power up higher and higher.

My cock, my body, my very being buzzes as I yowl, the power surging through my balls and shaft. Â My master slides his paw slowly upwards, his paw sliding slickly with the pre that dribbles copiously from my electrified cock. Â The movement changes the focus and cadence of the power flowing through me, and I draw a sharp breath as the sensation changes from an intense stroking to needle-like stings and everything in between. Â My master squeezes his paw, and I feel I will explode on the spot, my body tightening, tensing. Â My cock throbs and I snarl, the sound wild and feral echoing through the room. Â My master slides his paw back down, playing my cock like an instrument, each millimeter filling me with a different sensation. Â My snarls turn to screams as my body starts to shudder violently against the bench. Â My vision, already muted by the hood, spins into inky blackness and I feel the orgasm in me about to break loose.

And then, my master is gone again.

He releases his hold on my cock and the electricity dissipates, leaving me whimpering on the bench. Â I thrust needily against its surface, trying to push myself over the edge, but it's of no use. Â My master's paw comes down hard on my neck, holding me still.

"You... may... not... cum," he says sternly, and his voice sends a shiver through me, distracting me from my impending orgasm and freezing me in place. Â My cock drips with need, pulsing and throbbing, denied the attention it so desperately needs. Â I nod wordlessly, the click of the padlock against my collar the only sound I hear.

An eternity passes in a moment as I wait, my body occasionally trembling uncontrollably as I await my master's command. Â Finally, his grip loosens and he runs his paw down my back once again, sending another shiver through me, more electric than anything that electronics could produce.

He leans over, bringing his muzzle right next to my hooded head. Â "Tiger. Â I am going to use you tonight until I am satisfied, no matter how long it takes. Â You may cum, but listen carefully. Â For every orgasm I have before you do, I will award you one point. Â For each one afterwards, I will subtract a point. Â Is that clear?"

I whimper, my cock twitching silently beneath me. Â I nod.

"Good tiger," he says, his authority belying a trace of affection.

I feel my master's paws on my rear, pressing me harder against the bench. Â I instinctively try to lift my tail, straining it forward against the attachment point in the ceiling and close my eyes.

I feel my master's slick, hard lionhood at my tail, and with a slow fluid movement, he presses it against me. Â My cock jerks, sending a droplet of precum flying as my master enters me. Â He pushes in slowly, mercifully giving me time to adjust to his well endowed member. Â He places his paws on my back, leaning against me, and snarl as his cock grows again inside me, filling me with leonine pleasure. Â When it is fully erect within me, my master presses himself against me, hilting himself deep inside.

I let out a long, low moan, willing myself not to cum from the shear pleasure of having my master inside me. Â I feel my master's paws shifting on my back, gripping me powerfully and pressing against me as he starts to withdraw from me, the spines raking my insides slightly and eliciting another plaintive cry from my muzzle. Â My master pulls out from me slowly, making sure I feel every single inch of his cock. Â When he almost exits me, he stops and presses into me again.

I try hard to push back against him, or push forward, or do anything to ease the slow torture of my master as he pumps me slowly, but I remain immobilized by the bench. I clench in frustration, the movement the only one I have any control over, and my master's grip suddenly tightens.  I hear his snarl close to my ear and he loses control of his measured rhythm for just a second, pulling out far more quickly than he'd intended.  I feel him begin to stroke into me  once again, and I clench a second time.  I'm rewarded with a roar, and my master thrusts his cock hard into me, slamming me into the bench and catching me by surprise.  The roar intensifies as he hilts himself deep into me, and I feel him shudder, overtaken by his first orgasm of the night.

My master remains still for a moment, his cock still hard and buried inside me, and I feel his paws shift slightly on my back. Â I hear his breathing return to normal as he quickly recovers his composure. Â He says quietly, "One point, tiger."

My cock bobs appreciatively and the words linger in the air as I feel the buzzing in my cock again. This time, though, the electricity's power source is quite appropriately my master's leonine shaft. Â The power flows completely through me, a low frequency pulsing that feels like someone massaging my cock from the inside out. I resume my moaning, a low, plaintive voice that cries with need.

But my master pays no heed. Â He withdraws again, not quite the full length of his cock, letting me feel how the waves change and morph as the connection's physical attributes change. Â After two or three strokes, he pulls back slightly until only half of his cock remains inside me.

My hind legs twitch violently as the electrodes attached to them come to life again, involuntarily thrusting me forward against the bench, the motion causing my master's shaft to almost fully withdraw. Then the power subsides and my muscles relax, sliding myself back over the well lubricated cock in my rear.

The jolts come spaced closer and closer together, forcing me to ride my master faster and faster. Â At the same time, the intensity of the electricity flowing through my cock increases, causing it to spasm and jerk uncontrollably as my body does the same. I shake hard against the bench, my body screaming for release. Â My snarls mix with whimpers as I try to hold back, my fangs bared and my claws digging deep into the ground.

My master's breathing gets more ragged and I can feel his own claw points against my skin.  He starts to pump faster into me, each thrust becoming a little rougher.  I brace myself against the onslaught â€" his and mine, and I pant hard as I struggle to resist the irresistible force of my master's pumping, my own forced thrusting, and the electricity that flows between us.  I throw my head back and let out a thunderous growl that is nonetheless almost drowned out by my master's simultaneous scream.

His entire body stiffens as he pumps load after load of his milky white cum into me, and I streak the floor with my own. Â I am thankful for the support of the bench which supports me and the weight of my master who collapses onto me. Â The shocks in my hindquarters are turned off, but the electricity that flows from my master into me is left on. Â It serves as a tangible symbol, like his cum, of the energy he gives to me with each release.

I feel his heart pounding as he lays atop me, its rhythm beating with my own. Â After several minutes, he is the first to speak. Â "Tiger."

I voice a quiet "Mmmm," in acknolwedgement.

"We'll call that one a tie," he says. Â And although I can't see him, I can hear him smiling.

Several minutes pass before another word is spoken.

It is my master's voice. Â "Ready to go again?" he says cheerily.