Dragon Storm: Chapter 17: Lazz vs. Rio part 2, Lazz's Desperate Decision, Pushed to the edge!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#17 of Dragon Storm

Arthur's Note: Hi again! There is not much to say other then I would like to wish you a happy Halloween! Anyway... enjoy! XD ____ ,.-''''-,__,..---'''''' ''''-. // ' '. ', 7; ) . Y / / L, : . | ,' | ''. ,.-'^, ''', ( ; ; ', //'_),.|)_ . / ,A ._,^ L) ,+'[ e .-'''--......-__'. _, '. )Y _,--' )'.', // '''' / )_.-' | //,/'_)'' '''-. '/ _,.......

'"''' / )) '" +' ________ _,' '' ' ,',''' ''''''''"''' |7 sk _, -PREVIOUSLY ON DRAGON STORM- With that said War Wolf got upset and reached both hands out and made Rio stand back up. Even though Rio had surely reached his limit already, War Wolf forced him to proceed fighting Lazz. Suddenly, Rio dashed at Lazz once more. "I'll... just make... you to... fight... till one of... of you... die!" War Wolf said and hovered higher into the air. "Lazz...Lazz... help me Lazz." Rio said and punched him in the face. "Oww! Rio... are you... trying to reach out to me? I'm sorry... I have to kill you." Lazz said. "Save me...Lazz." Rio said and with that he grabbed Lazz and tossed him into the wall. "My mission comes first Rio! I have to fellow the rules!! You don't understand, and you never will!!!" Lazz yelled. With that said, Lazz found the strength to once again get up and dash at Rio. Rio did the same and then they both clashed in the center of the room with their claws and sparks flew high into the air. "I will protect War Wolf because he is my friend!!" Rio said. " Give me a break Rio! You don't even know anything about War Wolf! He is just using you to kill me. Last I checked friends don't use one another! They support one another! So what would you know about any of that?! Granted, I have never really had any friends of my own, but that is not the point here." Lazz said. "Protecting my friends is what I fight for! It is my dream! And if you should try to stop it from becoming reality, then I will kill you Lazz!" Rio said. "Yeah... Well fighting for a better republic is my dream! And if it should mean I would have to kill you... then so be it! Let's see whose dream is stronger... for a better tomorrow!!" Lazz said. Suddenly, Rio let out a roar and grabbed Lazz and tossed him into the air. Rio then jumped up after him. Lazz seen this coming and exhaled a mint-green fireball and Rio defended himself by blasting his own fireball and they both crashed into each other. They were both evenly matched, however just Rio emerged from the fireballs and punched Lazz in the stomach sending him flying into the ceiling. Since Rio was a fire dragon he was resistant to fire. He was not affected at all by the flames. Rio tried to punch Lazz again, but Lazz blocked the punch and kicked Rio into the two colliding fireballs and altogether everything crashed through the wall of this large room and exploded in the next room. Just then War Wolf reached out and pushed Lazz into the same room Rio was blasted into. War Wolf entered the next room to find both Rio and Lazz slightly damaged from that attack. Rio and Lazz got up at the same time and faced each other. They both looked at each other with rage. They were both breathing heavy and worn. The new room they were in now was like the building they were in before where everything was metal. This room was even bigger then the last room. A huge charred spot from the blast of the fireballs could be seen in the middle of the room on the floor. They both proceeded to stare at one another not even so much as blinking an eye. Not even distracted at all the green and red embers slowly descending to the metal ground. "Rio... what I'm I going to say to Quicksilver... when I tell him I had to kill his son for the mission, for the sake of the world!!" Lazz shouted. "You won't have to... because I am going to kill you! I won't let you hurt BLACKFANG any more. Especially War Wolf!" Rio shouted back. "Rio... I wish I could save you, but-" Lazz said, but was then interrupted. "It was not my desire to join BLACKFANG. It's painful. I don't won't to kill you, but if you advance, then I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace BLACKFANG's way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This room will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream, just as you fight for yours. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a BLACKFANG member and take your life Lazz!" Rio said and got into his fighting stance. "Rio? Is that you?" Lazz asked. "....................." Rio said nothing. "Rio..." Lazz whispered. OPENING: I guess I'm just trying to thank you? Revealing only little bits of honesty. As days go by we run away, by blaming someone else. For starters, I'm sorry...goodbye! I want to hold you even when you're gone. Please tell me what love and friendship mean! Someday you will present the key to my heart. I want to hold you even when you're gone. Please tell me what love and friendship mean! The door to my heart is shut. Waiting for you. That's good enough for me. Believing in tomorrow! Dragon Storm CHAPTER 17: Lazz vs. Rio part 2, Lazz's Desperate Decision, Pushed to the edge! Lazz stood there and watched as the embers slowly descended and met the metal floor with a soft sizzle. He continued to just stare at Rio and ready himself for Rio's next attack. Lazz could not even think of his next move or War Wolf would find out and telepathically inform Rio as well as counter it. Rio was in his fighting stance, it was a reckless stance, but Lazz didn't mind given the circumstances. At this point in their battle Rio was already at the halfway point of his Quintessence. Lazz could sense both Rio and War Wolf's Quintessence and his own. Lazz had a slightly higher amount then Rio and War Wolf still had two thirds of his. Lazz shifted his gaze to War Wolf for a moment and noticed he was clenching his right shoulder with his left hand while hovering high in the air and bleeding. He then returned his gaze back to Rio and noticed how damaged he was. He had rips and tears in his clothes from top to bottom. He also saw that Rio's eyes were different now. He was missing his pupils. His eyes were just round yellow eyes now. Lazz clenched his teeth together as he thought of what he should do next despite knowing what War Wolf would do. I wonder... if I use my fireball on Rio again... " Lazz thought. "It's no use I heard what you were thinking. It won't work! RIO ATTACK!!" War Wolf yelled. As instructed, Rio dashed forward and before Lazz could even react Rio punched Lazz into the air and then roundhouse kicked him. Lazz could feel Rio's attack's growing stronger. It must be War Wolfs anger amplifying Rio's attacks, through pure enraged willpower. Lazz was sent flying into the room they just exited from. Rio landed back on his feet and let out roar. "I told you your fireball wouldn't work! I TOLD YOU DIDN'T I?" War Wolf yelled and then laughed. Rio just stood there motionlessly and waited for his next mind command from War Wolf. Meanwhile in the other room Lazz got back up and began to ponder to himself. He slowly took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then he opened his eyes and released his breath as a means of letting out his stress. It's at times like this that made Lazz want to smoke the most. Meanwhile back in the large metal room War Wolf got impatient. "Grrrrr...... Stop wasting my time Lazz!! RIO ATTACK HIM WITH FULL SPEED NOW!!!" War Wolf shouted. Just then Rio dashed toward Lazz's direction with great speeds. Through War Wolf's eyes he was just a red blur moving across the room at an incredible speed. The metal floor actually ripped upward and torn from the floor where Rio dashed. Suddenly, a mint-green fireball was shot out from the opening in the wall and hurled toward Rio very quickly. Rio could not react as fast as he wanted to given the distance between him and the big fireball, each only moving closer to one another. Rio quickly used his arm and smacked it away from him before entering the room where Lazz was. War Wolf was shocked. Now Lazz's mint-green fireball was headed toward him thanks to Rio. He quickly used his pitch-black sword and sliced it away from him. However War Wolf completely forgot about the wall being next to him on his left. As such, the fireball crashed into the wall and exploded on impact. The splash from the explosion engulfed him in green flames. He quickly used his G.O.N. to repel the flames from him in mid air, but just then Rio came crashing through the wall and collided with War Wolf in the air sending them both down to the metal floor where they landed with a hard load thud. "HOW THE HELL!!??" War Wolf yelled. Just then, Lazz pointed Rio's handgun at War Wolf face at point blank. " It's very simple. You BLACKFANG members seem to all be over confident in your own powers and or abilities and forget the small stuff. Earlier when you sent Rio after me I knew my plan would work." Lazz said. "No way! You thought of a plan and I couldn't read it!?" War Wolf asked and began to tremble. "That's right. It's simple really... all I did is follow the cement standard notation." Lazz said and showed War Wolf and Rio a piece of ruble from the wall from the other room. "Eh?" Rio said. "That's just a rock you're holding... that doesn't make any sense!" War Wolf said. " The internal forces in common shapes of structure, such as arches, vaults, columns and walls are predominantly compressive forces, with floors and pavements subjected to tensile forces. Compressive strength is widely used for specification requirement and quality control of concrete. The engineer knows his target tensile (flexural) requirements and will express these in terms of compressive strength." Lazz said. "Huh? Y-you work for A.C.I.?" War Wolf asked. " That's right. I work for the American Concrete Institute. I can tell just by looking at this "rock" that it can abnormally hold high compressive strengths between 50.000 and 60,000 PSI at 28 days. This block appears to use an aggregate of steel fibers and quartz; a mineral with a compressive strength of 160,000 PSI. The reason you couldn't read my mind is in these fibers War Wolf." Lazz explained. "What do you mean?" War Wolf asked. " Elasticity." Lazz said. "What is that?" War Wolf asked now getting annoyed. " The modulus of elasticity of concrete is a function of the modulus of elasticity of the aggregates and the cement matrix and their relative proportions. The modulus of elasticity of concrete is relatively constant at low stress levels but starts decreasing at higher stress levels as matrix cracking develops, or at least that used to be the case..." Lazz said. "Used to be the case?" War Wolf questioned. " Yes. Now instead of decreasing at higher stress levels it increases! Our technology has grown thanks to Dragon's tech. Now we have a special kind of concrete, one that can hold together the fibers to work in conjunction with elasticity even better then it's ever been able to. Now this elasticity can easily block any and all Quintessence singles or readings it may receive. This concrete has been given a name in order to remember the founder of such hard work and research...Lori lime! That's why you could not read my mind or even use your power at all." Lazz explained. "Ugh! Unreal! I never knew about that." War Wolf said. "Why am I not surprised? You would have to be a concrete strength-testing technician in order to know that. Once you sent Rio in that room he must have regained control over his mind, I'm sure of it. However, I had almost no time to react. I quickly used his own body weight against him and using his own speed I was able to grab him and slingshot him back toward you and here we are." Lazz explained and pointed Rio's handgun at War Wolf's head. "So whenever there is Lori Lime around I can't use my G.O.N. huh? Very impressive Lazz. However, it is only a minor set back. I am just too used to using my power wherever and whenever. I controlled Rio from everywhere, but here up until now. I wondered why that room was so fancy... it's made up of Lori Lime, meaning anyone using any amount of Quintessence through or at Lori Lime will be blocked." War Wolf implied. " Yes. That's right!" Lazz agreed and pulled out a concrete helmet and placed it on his head. "Is that?" War Wolf asked. "Yes. While I was in the other room I noticed this right away and quickly used my fire breath to weld together a concrete helmet to protect me from your mind games." Lazz said firmly. " Hah! Haven't you forgotten about one thing!" War Wolf said. Just then Rio tackled Lazz from behind with his speed. The Rio sitting on the ground next to War Wolf disappeared. It was just an after image all along. Rio punched Lazz very quickly, in fact it was so fast Rio got one hundred punches out before Lazz finally reacted and blocked and caught Rio's hand. Lazz then grabbed Rio and restrained him. "Forgive me Rio...but I have to kill you now. BK Suplex!!" Lazz said. With that said, Lazz jumped into the air and suplexed Rio head first into the metal floor. Rio slowly oozed on to the floor from Lazz's grasp. However, Lazz was shocked to find Rio caught himself with his hands and stopped his head from hitting the metal floor. Once Rio was done faking his injury he quickly did a break dance and lifted himself up off the ground and kicked Lazz in the stomach. Lazz was sent skidding across the floor of the room. Lazz quickly stabbed his KM2000 combat knife into the metal floor and sparks flew as he halted himself and quickly dodged an incoming fireball Rio shot. Lazz dodged it only to find Rio in his face yet again. Rio clawed Lazz on the arm and smacked him with his long red tail sending him flying across the room again. "I will protect my friend! Rapid fire punch!!" Rio said. Just then before Lazz could get up Rio was already on top of him. Lazz was impressed with his speed. It seemed he was even faster now. Lazz hadn't even stopped skidding across the room from his last attack and Rio was already on top of him with another attack. However, Lazz exhaled a mint-green fireball and blasted Rio off of him then Lazz got up. Rio then blasted his own fireball and it engulfed Lazz's fireball and headed toward Lazz. Lazz exhaled another fireball and canceled them out and then quickly shot his grenade launcher. A grenade hurled toward Rio and hit him. Suddenly, Rio was shocked. After ward he fell to the ground with temporary numbness. "Electric rounds. Shocking isn't it Rio?" Lazz said sarcastically. Just then Lazz walked in front of Rio and aimed at his head with Rio's handgun and fired. To Lazz's surprise Rio dodged. Lazz was beginning to get annoyed. There was no way anyone could still move after that. Lazz shot at Rio shot at Rio again and Rio evaded the incoming bullet. Lazz began to fire his whole clip just then in order to hit Rio at least once. It was no use; Rio was toying with Lazz while avoiding all the bullets shot at him. Rio dodged the last few shots and ended up in Lazz's face again. Rio quickly grabbed Lazz's neck and choked him with a firm grip. Rio also used his long red tail to hold Lazz's legs together so he couldn't use his legs. "Rio... I have to kill you! Let me...kill...you..." Lazz begged. Rio used his free hand to reach behind him and grab his black and red sword and was about to cut off Lazz's head when suddenly Lazz had a flash back and remembered something that would save him. (Flashback: An earlier event) "You can't dodge them all your not Rio!" Wild Horn said. Suddenly, Wild Horn shot again at Lazz by ricocheting it off the wall. Lazz saw another flash of light and rolled over to avoid it, then he toke cover behind a metal pillar. Just then another shot was made, but Lazz could not react fast enough and got hit on the right arm. "AAHHHHHHHHGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lazz screamed. Just then Lazz fell to the ground on one knee in pain and toke his KM2000 and plied the bullet out and kept it, then he used the knife to slice off one of his talons, just enough to miss the vain and with that the small talon fell off and Lazz picked it up. (Flash forward: Large metal room) "The bullet that I got from Wild Horn!" Lazz said. "Die!" Rio said. Just then Lazz reached for that bullet in his pocket and loaded Rio's handgun with it and fired the sword out of Rio's hand. Rio then inhaled a breath of air and was about to blast Lazz when Lazz saw this coming and dropped Rio's handgun in order to use his hand to choke Rio's neck. Rio gagged and raise his free hand to Lazz's neck and was about to use his sharp black claws when suddenly, Lazz stabbed Rio with his KM2000 combat knife. Rio screamed in pain and pulled away from Lazz. Lazz gasped for air and doubled over. "aghghgahg!!!!!!" Rio hissed. "Your...turn...!" Lazz said out of breath. Lazz then turned to War Wolf and threw a sharp marble stone at him. War Wolf saw this coming and halted it in mid air. "This is...ah! You sneaky little... this is from before!" War Wolf said. (Flashback: An earlier event) "Give up Lazz!" War Wolf said. Rio and Lazz emerged from their respected walls at the same time and fell to the floor in pain. Lazz stood up first and faced War Wolf. War Wolf saw this and instantly tossed more objects his way. It varied from heavy books, to statues, to marble slabs, to bookshelf's, to random debris, to shards of glass, to wall paintings. Lazz jumped up and took out his RPG-7 and took aim and then fired it. War Wolf read Lazz's mind prior to his actions and pulled a marble slab from the floor and intercepted the warhead causing a giant explosion. This explosion sent both War Wolf and Lazz flying in different directions. (Flash forward: Large metal room) " The marble slab I pulled from the floor from before. When I commanded Rio to dash after him before and knocked back into that room, he must have grabbed it then. Now it's jagged because of the RPG-7 so he could use it like a javelin. Impressive Lazz." War Wolf thought while dropping the jagged marble piece on the ground. "Give it up War Wolf! I have already figured you out!" Lazz said firmly. "Huh? Yeah...right...how so?!" War Wolf asked. "It happened before in the other room. You don't have as much control over your G.O.N. then I thought." Lazz said. " What do you mean you whale fish!" War Wolf said. " When you are using your G.O.N. you force Rio to make decisions and react accordingly. However, when ever there is a bright light or a laud noise you seem to lose control of your victim. It has happened twice now, and both times Rio spoke words that he was feeling from the heart. However your G.O.N. still had some effect on him still. You tend to forget about that because you feel confident that you are winning. I also noticed that earlier you managed to deflect my fireball, but then when I threw Rio at you... you were completely incapable of reacting against it. In other words, there is a small time lag. That is your one big weak point." Lazz said firmly. " Why you little... I won't forgive you! I'd like you to meet my KNEES!!" War Wolf yelled. With that said, War Wolf kneed Lazz, but Lazz blocked it and tried to stab War Wolf, but War Wolf Used his G.O.N. and repelled Lazz away and sent Rio after him once more. Rio zipped and zoomed toward Lazz. Suddenly Rio jumped up and swung a punch at Lazz while dashing at him with insane speeds. Lazz could hardly believe how fast Rio was moving. He had no choice; Lazz could not block such a fast attack. Lazz began to inhale and mint-green embers started to rise from his mouth. Rio extended his sharp black claws and unballed his fist to scratch Lazz instead. They both readied them self for a death match. The air was thin and hard to breathe. Extreme gusts of wind were blowing in every direction. Lazz unleashed his minty-green flames and Rio vanished from sight. The green flames brightening up the room so that everything had a greenish glow. Just then Rio appeared behind Lazz and was about to scratch him when Lazz quickly turned the tables by smacking Rio with his Dark-green tail. Sending Rio flying across the room with great velocity. Rio crashed into the wall leaving behind an indention of Rio's body. Rio crawled out quickly and got on all fours then swiftly dashed back and forth, then encircling Lazz. The winds from Rio's actions were picking up to 75 mph. If Rio didn't stop soon he would create a tornado. Lazz was impressed. Rio made it to where Lazz could no longer use his green flames. At this point there was so much wind that it would either go off like a bomb or be blown out as soon as he exhaled it. Lazz used all his might into his next attack. He raise his foot as high as it would go and slammed it down on the floor causing the whole place to shake intensely. Pieces of the ceiling started to fall and the picture frames and plants and bookshelves were beginning to fall. The little tremor that Lazz created caused Rio to loose his balance and make him fall to the ground. Lazz pounced on top of Rio causing him to gasp for air. Then Rio used his feet to push Lazz off of him. As Lazz was sent flying backward from Rio's kick, he grabbed Rio's dark-red tail and spun him around to build up momentum. Meanwhile Rio used his own weight to force himself to sit up and reach Lazz just long enough to bite him on the side. Crimson red blood that shone in the light of the room ran down his side slowly. Lazz then let go of Rio and tossed him in the air. Lazz then inhaled once again and shot a mint-green blast at Rio. "You......can't......dodge.....in......the......air! " Lazz said while out of breath. Rio inhaled and exhaled a big blood-red flame and it collided with the mint-green flame. Christmas colored embers were flying all over the place and the heat was picking up, reaching 102 degrees Fahrenheit. "Wait, this has happened before. These movements, these same actions." Lazz said. "Ahhgunn!" Rio yelled and placed his hand on his head. "I command you to KILL LAZZ RIGHT NOW YOU FOOL!!!!" War Wolf yelled. " RIO!!" Lazz yelled. Just then Rio's skin began to pulse red repeatedly. He was on the ground in pain screaming at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, a dark aura engulfed him and swirled while rising upward around him. Rio began to twitch uncontrollably until he just stopped and remained motionless. "War Wolf! What's going on here what have you done to him!?" Lazz asked in panic. "I have done nothing! When you slammed your foot on the metal floor and shook everything my G.O.N. weaken...remember...it does that. You're the one that pointed that out and reminded me. In other words I have next to no idea what's happening to him, but whatever it is, it's not me!" War Wolf said firmly. "Well I am not going to find out! Sorry Rio, but this is the perfect chance for me to kill you once and for all! I have made my decision and it's final! I have put a lot of thought into it and well... it was nice knowing you!!" Lazz said and ran up to him and attempted to stab Rio on top of his head. "Ah! Now I remember!! He did this before! Lazz get away from there he'll-" War Wolf said, but then was interrupted at what happened next. Just then Rio without even looking up caught Lazz's arm and stopped him. Lazz yelled in pain as his grip was even stronger then it was ever before. Rio then threw Lazz behind him sending him flying at insane speeds into a wall and then crashing into it leaving nothing, but smoke and debri behind. War Wolf tried to mind control Rio once more, but for some reason it had no effect. War Wolf began to panic as he stared at Rio slowly becoming a monster. Rio slowly got up off the ground like a zombie and slouched over and slowly removed his hand from the part of his face he was covering up. War Wolf was in shock as Rio revealed his face. Strange black markings were slowly spreading across his face and his left eye was no longer yellow, as now it glowed a bright red. To be continued.............. Arthur's comment: What is happening to Rio? Will Lazz be able to keep on fighting? What will War Wolf do now that the tables have turned? Tune in next time! Thanks for reading! XD

Dragon Storm: Chapter 18: The beast within and Lazz's Final Act of Desperation!

Arthur's Note: Hello there! I am sorry for not posting up a chapter last week I was kinda busy. I just recently lost my cell phone thanks to someone who I know... what a jerk. Anyway, I also went out and bought a PS3! So now I own all three next gen...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 16: Fight to the death! Lazz vs. Rio!

Arthur's Note: Hi again! I can't wait for my favorite horror movie series to be released on the 23rd!! That's right! If it's almost Halloween then it must be SAW 6!!! At this rate they will bypass star wars! Lol. Anyway, if you have not checked out...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 15: Two emotions, War Wolf's Trap!

Arthur's Note: Hello there! I have been typing up chapter's non-stop. Lately however, there has been something on my mind. It is a little distracting and at times makes it hard to type up my chapter the way I would like it to be. Some one who I care...

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