Friends Forever

Story by Skorr on SoFurry

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Hey, this is my first story. I'm just posting this to see the feedback that I get and if I should make another one anytime soon. It actually took awhile to make this one, but if I get the hang of this a bit more, I could be producing some more stories. I do have to thank ToTall for some tips with my writing however, so thanks ToTall! Anyways, all I have to say more is... ENJOY!


Drew ran. He ran as fast as he could. His heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted, the backpack he carried feeling heavier and heavier. The sleeves on his arm were flapping wildly as he ran down the halls of his school, G.H. High. His heart beat faster and faster as he sped through the maze of halls inside the school. He eventually found a door, THE door, still opened and raced inside just as a bell rang throughout the school. He just barely made it.

Drew doubled over panting as a shadow fell over him. He slowed his breathing, knowing all too well who it was. He looked up to see a moose looking at him through thin rimmed glasses, apparently peeved. He wore a nice shirt and a tie with black pants. The moose then looked down at Drew, giving him a death stare.

The moose crossed his arms and said grumpily, "Well, would you like to take a seat Drew?" Drew hastily nodded, knowing not to anger Mr. Buro, his teacher. He stood up and walked over to the back of the room. He saw a sleek silver furred wolf hurriedly wave at him and point at an empty seat next to it. Drew smiled as he went to the seat, also catching some glimpses from the others in the room. Most of the people were quite bored, and one of them yawned. The sound that it released was almost like a roar.

Where Drew grew up, there was a mix of the Human's and the Animalia, or animals that had human physique and intellect but still had animal bodies. There used to be a time that they both resented each other but that had passed a long time ago and both races were living peacefully with the other. In fact, that was what the moose was teaching at that very moment. He droned on in a boring monotone voice, never taking a look behind him.

The wolf grinned as Drew (who is a human btw) sat down and placed his backpack besides the desk. Drew grinned back, happy to see a familiar face in his class. The wolf looked back at the teacher who kept writing on the board. Mr. Buro sneezed on some chalk dust, landing some boogers in his shirt which he quickly wiped away.

The wolf smirked and leaned back in its chair. It whispered to Drew, "So, first day of school and we're already getting a lecture, huh?" The wolf was feminine and wore a simple blue t-shirt and short jeans. She was of regular height and had light muscles, suggesting that she played sports. Her blue eyes matched the same shade as her shirt, a deep blue. Her silver fur only seemed to compliment it, like a glowing moon around still water.

Drew chuckled for a second and eventually answered, "Yeah Abby, even though we've been here for 3 years, it's still the same old, same old..." Drew himself was average for his age and race, but when younger, he toned his body into great shape and played some sports. His brown hair was cut short and neat; his eyes matching perfectly with his hair, a rustic brown. He wore a green t-shirt and brown khaki pants, which was his usual attire. He didn't go off the beaten track when it came to clothes, unlike Abby who would have a different look each day if she was able to.

Drew glanced around the classroom, noticing the assortment of Animalia and Humans. They all looked intently at the board, unfortunately understanding little to nothing that the moose said. To Drew and Abby however, this class would be a breeze like any other class they had. Not only did they play sports, but they were also gifted with intelligence. "Brain and brawn," Drew would say. Abby was more of the brain while Drew was more of the brawn however.

They suffered through the teacher's boring lecture for over an hour; Abby and Drew caring in the least bit. With some kind of luck though, they soon found out that they both had the same classes so they just goofed around for most of the day. Finally, after 6 hours of complete boredom, the school day ended with a joyous ringing of the bell system.

"FINALLY!" groaned Abby, tilting her head back. She looked over at Drew and inclined her head towards the hallway. "Hey, we should go now before you-know-what happens..."

Drew, thought for a second. His eyes grew big suddenly and he nodded vigorously, grabbing his bag and books from next to him. The two of them quickly left the room, laughing about some inside joke they shared.

As the pair was walking down the hall however, a slow and rising thundering echoed down the hall behind them. They froze in their tracks, slowly turning their heads around. Immediately they groaned, reminded of Drew's status in the school. Unfortunately, in Drew's opinion, he was the most popular kid in school. He never wanted to be popular and never tried to be, but in everyone else's minds, he was the popular ones.

Soon, the pair was enshrouded by a mob of people, some with skin and some with fur. They all crowded and bustled around the pair, chattering about something or another. Some of the guys went over to Drew, asking if he achieved some insane stunt over the summer break, or if he was going to see the new action flick at the movies Friday. There were also some girls though, both Animalia and Human who would wink at him or give him a tiny slip of paper. Drew would try to talk and grab whatever was thrown at him, but most of the time he was just more or less pushed about.

Abby was entangled by the crowd too, until she was eventually squeezed away from Drew due to the crowd. She stumbled a bit when she finally got out and turned back to Drew, who was getting frantic by now. She smiled sadly, because this was almost daily for them; he being popular and she being left out. She shook her head and walked towards the edge of the crowd.

Drew and Abby smiled meekly at each other and tried to get rid of as many people as they could, using excuses and answering their questions. At one point, Abby threw some money to get people away (which of course worked). Drew looked over at her and nodded, signaling to get ready. Abby nodded back. They then began their usual plan.


"I hate it when that happens..." Abby heaved as she was doubled over. Drew nodded, also out of breath.

The crowd that pursued the pair was eventually dispersed after a couple of quick sprints through the halls. They had to run throughout the high school, outside, and down a couple of twisting streets until they got away from the mob-like crowd. They weren't trying to be rude or mean; they only wanted to get away from all the people. For popular teens, Drew never acted like it. Most would flaunt their power over others; all he wanted was to get away and be with his best friend.

Drew stood up and leaned back, cracking his back. His eyes bulged when he heard the satisfying ‘CRACK' which eventually relaxed his muscles. "Ahhhhhh... that's much better! It's been awhile since that's happened to us." Abby nodded and stood up, chuckling. She coked her head to the side, contemplating something.

"You know..." said Abby, casually swaying towards Drew, hands behind her back. "We haven't been to that one special place in a long time..." She stuck her nose out in front of Drew's face. She smiled, then gave him some puppy dog eyes and whimpered, "Pwease?"

Drew laughed and shrugged his shoulders. He could almost never resist those puppy dog eyes she gave him. "Ah, what the heck! It'd be good to even see if that old place is still up..." Abby squeaked in delight and the pair raced down the streets.

Eventually, they reached an abandoned street. The houses were old and dusty, nothing much except that the houses were overrun by odd vines and weird bushes. They ignored the houses and reached the end of the street, where a wire mesh fence stood, separating the road and a huge hedge. They took one end of the fence and pulled it like a sardine can until it was wide enough to let themselves see a hole in the hedge.

After a bit of hacking and slashing, the two found themselves in a low but leafy tunnel of sorts. A minute or so later, the tunnel ended suddenly, bringing the two of them into a bright light. They had entered a grove of sorts, trees surrounding a small hill with an immense tree on the top of it. Life bloomed everywhere around the hill; even the grass was bountiful, almost like a soft carpet of green. This was the pair's ‘secret garden' of sorts.

Abby smiled a smile that was as radiant as the sun, her white teeth flashing and dazzling. A blue butterfly fluttered by as she walked towards the tree, her tail wagging vigorously. She sighed deeply, deep in the memories of their youth. She closed her eyes and said, "Man... I can't believe that this place is still as gorgeous as ever..." She went over to the trunk of the tree and squeaked in delight and surprise. She beckoned for Drew to come over. He walked over, also lost in his own thoughts.

"Look! I can't believe it..." She said, pointing at the trunk when Drew came over. On it, there was an engraving which said in childish writing,

Abby + Drew

Friends Forever

Drew smiled, remembering how it got on the tree. He closed his eyes, letting the memories flood back.


He was back in Kindergarten, some of the best years of his life. One day one of his classmates mocked Drew and embarrassed him very badly. After he came back from school, Drew ran across town in sadness, not even wanting to talk to his mother about it. Eventually he found the old rusty fence which was opened up, and a tunnel burrowing into the bushes from it. He was a curious child so he ventured inside, until he reached the tree and the hill. After taking a few steps towards the tree, a young silver wolf fell out of it, landing with a loud THUMP.

He raced up to her and said, "Here. Let me take a wook." Drew saw that the silver wolf was hurt on her nose and her knee. She looked confused and stared at the little boy, not certain if she should say or do anything. Drew thought for a moment and grinned. "I'll make it all betta!" he said confidently. He then kissed her knee, then her nose, like what his Mommy did when he got a boo-boo.

The silver wolf then cocked her head and asked, "What's your name?" She then sat up, Indian style, in front of the boy.

The little boy said, "Drew. What's yours?" He was also curious about the little she-wolf.

The silver wolf smiled and said, "I'm Abby! Nice to meet yew!"

They smiled at each other and got up. They began to play, but when they had to go home, they vowed to visit each other again at the same spot. And they did.

They did for a long time, until one day, Drew came with a knife. Abby asked why he had it, a bit nervous. Drew simply said, "Because. It will help us be friends forever!" That day, he engraved the message, saying that they would always be friends, no matter what happened.


Abby tilted her head onto Drew's shoulder, bringing him out of his flashback. He opened his eyes to see her looking sadly at the engraving, a tear eventually trailing down on her cheek. "Where have the years gone by..." she whispered. Drew thought about the years that they used to play together, when it was just them and nobody bothered them. They had had each other and nobody else, which was what they preferred. It had been good times, but recently, those times had been lost, due to school and the unwanted popularity that was thrust upon him.

Drew turned his head to Abby and wiped the tear from her cheek with one of his fingers. Her fur was soft and silky, like a silk sheet. It wet from the tear, making it shine even more than before. She looked up at Drew, tears about to burst from her eyes, when she suddenly embraced him, knocking both of them on the grass. When they hit the ground, however, Abby instincts kicked in and she did something that neither of them was truly expecting.

She kissed him.

Both of them were locked, hugging with their mouths connected in true passion. Drew was flooded by a wave of emotions. He felt shocked, confused, loved, excited, aroused, and blissful. But all he did was hold on and kiss her. Abby had her eyes closed, focusing on guiding her tongue into his mouth, connecting with his. Each tongue danced, both wanting the company of the other one. It felt wrong, but also oh so right.

They laid that way for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other's embrace and love when Drew's shorts started to form a tent. This caused both of them to look down at his pants. Drew's face turned a bright crimson, but Abby only smiled. She was just as aroused at Drew and began crawling backwards, towards the tent.

Drew couldn't believe what was happening. What started out as a normal day was turning into sex-filled excitement with his best friend! This was so foreign to him; he had never had sex before, let alone with an Animalia. The most that he ever did was the occasional jerking off, but this was on a whole new level for him.

Abby slid down to the poking tent, wanting what she knew was underneath. She also never had sex, but she didn't care at the moment. The sexual side of her mind wanted that rod, even though was her best friends. It actually aroused her more and more that she was going to do it with Drew. Her eyes gazed fervently at his shorts.

Abby leaned towards the mound that Drew had formed and licked her lips. She slowly undid the zipper, giggling at the odd faces that Drew was giving her. The slight smell of Drew's scent filled her nostrils, sending ripples of desire throughout Abby's body. She quickly pulled down the shorts soon after, then the boxers. She gasped at the sight of the rod that stuck up before her. It was huge in her opinion; about 7 inches and sticking straight up into the air, throbbing and ready for action.

"Uh, A-Abby? A-Are you sure about this?" Said Drew, his voice quivering with excitement, worry, and arousal.

Abby looked back up at Drew and smiled, "How about this for an answer?"

Drew took one final look at Abby before she wrapped her hand around his rod, moving it up and down in a steady motion. He groaned, enjoying the rhythm that Abby was doing to his rod. The fur on her hand made it only more enjoyable for Drew as she soon started to go faster and faster.

Drew moaned out in pleasure. Abby stopped and started to lick his rod, sending ecstasy throughout his body. She took her tongue and guided it along the base of the rod, sending it across its length a couple of times. She sucked on the head for a bit, which made Drew moan again. He couldn't believe how good it felt.

Drew could only utter, "Keep going."

Abby smiled and gladly started to let her mouth move over his thick rod. She reached a couple of inches down it and let her tongue lick the rod in her mouth. Drew groaned once more and placed a hand on the back of the wolf's head, trying to push her down, trying to get more of her. She got to the end after a couple of seconds, touching his balls. She fondled them for a bit with her hands, but it didn't matter to Drew; he just wanted her to keep going.

Soon, Abby couldn't control herself much longer, enjoying what she was doing as much as Drew. Her hand started to slide down to her shorts, where they were slightly wet already. She was aroused at Drew and his manhood in her mouth, unaware that it was going to be this good. She reached her lips and let her fingers trail in circles around it, exciting her. She soon ventured in, using one of her fingers, sending a shock of pleasure throughout her body. She pushed her finger in and out of her, making her underwear wetter and wetter.

"Ah... oh... so... GOOD..." Drew groaned, totally in heaven. Abby didn't answer, but simply went faster on Drew's rod.

"A-abby... uh... stop, please..." muttered Drew reluctantly.

She obeyed disapprovingly, giving one last good lick up his rod. Drew shuddered, and then took off his shirt and his shorts, leaving himself naked in front of Abby. She stared at him, viewing his furless body which, for an unknown reason, excited Abby than if he had fur. She then started to strip down herself, starting with her shirt and bra, then her shorts and underwear. Drew gazed at Abby's figure; slender, sleek, perfect size breasts... she had it all, even with the fur and tail. He couldn't understand it, but her fur only made him more eager to touch and play with Abby.

He reached over to Abby, grabbing one of her succulent breasts, making her moan softly. Large and supple, the fur on them only let him grab and play with them easier. He started to play with her nipples, sucking and nibbling on them playfully. Abby bit her lip, trying not to yelp out her extreme delight. Soon however, she couldn't hold it in and started yipping.

Drew kept going, playing with her breasts in various ways, all of them making Abby yip and moan in delight. Her yipping and moaning only aroused him more, making his hands and sucking faster, until Abby was panting heavily, loving it more and more. Eventually Drew stopped and let her catch her breath.

"C'mon Drew... I know you can do better than that..." Abby finally panted, her voice soft and aroused.

Drew smiled and whispered to her, "Lean back and I'll show you better..."

Abby obeyed enthusiastically, showing the spot between her legs fully, which was slightly damp from arousal. A primal scent hit Drew's nose which sent his sex drive into overtime. He immediately grabbed his pulsing, wet rod and then began prodding the entrance to her spot, making Abby moan loudly.

Soon, he found an area of entrance and very carefully shoved his rod into her folds, breaking her hymen. Abby arched her back shouting in absolute pleasure; her ears folded back against her head. The inside of her was a bit small for Drew but it was moist with juices, letting him easily invade her body. It hurt a little as he first went inside her, but Abby eventually felt just simple pleasure.

"Oh JESUS that feels good!" moaned Abby in total bliss. She glanced across her body to look at Drew, who nodded, feeling the same.

He began to slowly bring his rod into her while grabbing her thighs. Her fur felt warm and silky in his hands. Abby gasped and closed her eyes, smiling. She had never known such a feeling as this! It was glorious and wonderful, something that she didn't expect that Drew could accomplish for her.

Soon, Drew brought his rod as far in her as he could, making Abby expel a loud moan as it hit the back wall. Drew then pulled out his rod far enough only to force it back inside her, making them both moan in delight. Drew loved every bit of it and yearned for more. He began to send his rod out of Abby, feeling her inner walls squeezing his rod, not wanting to let go. He eventually got out far enough to just ram his rod back inside her, making them both moan again.

Abby became more and more pleased after each thrust of Drew's rod. It sent tides of ecstasy throughout her and her sex. His rod filled her, making her feel like a whole being, no longer just plain old Abby. Her sex squeezed around his rod, trying to keep it inside herself, milking whatever it could from him. She was becoming light headed from all the pleasure that Drew was giving her.

Drew began to go faster and faster, sending each thrust with more and more vigor. His rod and her sex began to get hot from the intensity of his pounding, but he continued on. Abby made some funny sounds as his manhood kept pounding its way inside her. She moved her hands up to her breasts, squeezing and pleasuring them. She began to feel a warm, tingling sensation inside her stomach area, but had no clue what it was. It felt like she was going to explode something, and it was going to happen soon.

Drew huffed as he sped his rod in her sex faster and faster without stopping. He felt Abby moving into him as he pounded into her, maximizing pleasure for both of them. His rod felt a familiar surge all along it, knowing he was going to explode into her at any minute.

"Ah... Abby... I think... uh... I'm gonna cum soon..." Drew said in between thrusts.

"I'm think I'm gonna... ah... cum too..." Abby replied in a ragged breath.

Drew kept pounding into Abby, grabbing her sides now as he pushed her into his rod. Abby was almost becoming giddy with the amount of pleasure that she was receiving. The warmth in her stomach was reaching a pitch, and she knew that Drew wasn't gonna hold out for much longer either.

Finally, Drew drove in a couple times, faster than before, and held himself far inside Abby. He arched his back and shouted while the tip of his rod exploded a steady stream of his white seed into Abby. Abby's body in response let her orgasm loose, sending a stream of liquid down Drew's rod and onto the grass around them, giving the air a sweet and musky scent.

Their orgasms lasted for awhile, to the point where Abby and Drew were thrown off from the world, and were locked in place. Soon the two were able to move around once more, no longer chained down by the wonderful sensations that went through their bodies. Drew collapsed next to Abby, his rod shrinking back, noting he was empty. They both laid there, breathing heavily, while Abby sex kept gushing out a mixture of both their orgasms, turning her fur and the ground wet.

No words were said. They just sat there, thinking about what they just did. Eventually, Abby turned over to Drew and kissed him lovingly again. She whispered with a twinkle in her eye, "I love you..." and immediately fell asleep right in the arms of Drew.

Drew laid there contemplating what happened. A breeze flowed across the hill, rippling the green carpet of grass and the shiny grey fur of Abby. Two birds flitted by, and the sun shone warmly on their bodies. Drew sighed and fell asleep, also exhausted. He didn't care though. He was just happy that he was able to be with his hidden lover, his new mate, and most importantly, his best-friend forever.