Eternal bond Chp 3 (Old)

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#3 of Eternal bond (Old)

I give nothing to those who have not read, though they do learn a little forplay.

If you are under 18, not that I care, you shouldn't be on this site, much less reading my story, though I must say I am flattered that you chose to read my story. This story, if you haven't read the tags, contains sexual acts between cubs, I know, its kinky, hot and the likes, but if you don't like it, go away as disregard the latter description of cub sex.


Eternal bond Chapter 3

"Eddy!! Wake up Eddy!!! Eeeeddy!!" I groaned as an excited kitten woke me up. I had been a week since the day we had made our "Eternal Bond", and I whole lot of nothing had happened, Amura and I cuddled at home and at school, when the teachers weren't looking, we hadn't had sex at all (I found that I missed it, and that Amura was a horrible tease, though I knew she missed it too.)

But now school was out and summer had begun.

"Eddy, Eddy, Eddy!! Guess what today is?!" Then it dawned on me, it was her birthday.

I took hold of her arms and rolled on top of her, and wrapped my arms and legs around her, my face inches from hers. I tried my best to give her a mean look, and it worked, she looked scared and whimpered a little, her tail wrapping itself around her leg.

I gave a playful growl and licked her nose "Happy birthday love." Then I kissed her gently, drew back a little and then kissed her again and drove my tongue in between her lips, but she was ready for this, and she closed her lips around my tongue. I made a surprised sound that must have sounded something like a gagged prisoner. She broke free of my arms and captured me instead, I didn't try to break free; I was rather enjoying myself. She rolled us and then she was on top of me, she released my tongue and shoved her tongue into my muzzle.

For the longest time we just laid there combating each other's tongue. I was the one to stop when my stomach growled loudly.

Amura laughed a beautiful laugh and released me from my confines, I made a move to get up and

Amura gave me a mock-sad look and I tipped her chin up and I kissed her nose.

I walked into the bathroom across the hall and lifted the toilet seat (Years of living with my mother alone had trained me well) and started to relieve myself. I was almost done when a small paw closed around the base of my large fluffy tail, lifting it up, and before I knew what was happening I felt a small digit inserted into my tail hole, I moaned loudly and spurted the last bit of my pee as my tail hole clenched down. Normally she would just pull out, but this time she drove her finger in deep; a light tingle ran through my body and I shuddered.

She removed her finger and kissed my cheek. I turned around to see that it wasn't a she, but a he.

He was a panther, like Amura, but he was another inch or two taller than her. His eyes were pure black, and his head fur matched it. His shirt was a solid purple, and he had a pair of black jeans that hugged his legs, showing off what I thought was muscle. But his looks wasn't what struck me the most; what struck me the most was the fact that I found myself attracted to him. He was cute.

"W-Who are you?" I managed to stutter.

He just gave me a mysterious smile and walked out the bathroom, leaving me just standing there in front of the toilet.

Amura walked in after he left and said

"That's Erik, my cousin." She giggled as she saw my tail still raised "He's 9 years old right now."

"He's... Different." I replied lamely.

She gave a cute laugh and padded over and wrapped her arm around my waist, "Let's go meet the rest of my family"

I cocked my head and said "Rest...? Should I get dressed?"

She just tweaked my nose and said "Nah, we don't normally wear cloths... we don't like them too much."

I was lead down the stairs into a massive kitchen, where I saw why she had such a huge front door.

There were eight panthers and three foxes in the room. Several of the panthers were at least 6'5 and one fox was nearly as tall. At the sight of the fox I pulled away from a confused Amura and ran to him.

"Uncle Tim!!" I squeaked. He stooped down and scooped me up and gave a grunt even though I knew I must have weight next to nothing to the muscle bound fox.

"Ugh! My my, you're getting too big for me to do this!" he said in his baritone voice as he draped me over his shoulder. I giggle as I lashed my tail in excitement, hitting him in the muzzle and he blew out the fur from his face with a "Pffft".

He set me down and laughed softly, and then he shifted his attention to a shy Amura standing by my side.

"This must be the cutie that caught my nephew." He got down on one knee and rubbed Amura's head behind the ears, his paw easily covering her head.

She shrank away into my shoulder and gave my hand a squeeze, I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a squeeze murmuring "It's ok, he won't hurt you." This drew several Awws from around the room, particularly from the women in the room, for the men just chuckled. I knew Amura was as glad as I was that our fur concealed our blushes.

Uncle Tim backed off with a grin and sat down on a stool near the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. I rested my chin on Amura's head between the ears and looked at the others that spotted the room.

The panther on the other side of the island from my uncle was huge like him, but didn't look quite as friendly. He had a scar running from his right eye down across his nose and finally stopping where his neck started. He noticed my inspection and nodded at me saying "Ello, my name is Barrex." His voice was deeper than Uncle Tim's, and far more rugged, as if he had a really horrific sore throat.

I nodded back to him and turned my inspection to a pair of massive panthers that must have been twins, for I couldn't tell them apart. They both had the same violet eyes and their fur was the same shade, the shade Amura's was I noticed with a start.

The spoke at the same time "I'm Jeb/He's Jeb." The one on the left pointed to the one on the right as he pointed to himself, "and he's Jed/and I'm Jed" as the mirrored each other. They looked at each other and laughed, I just chuckled and continued my observation to the four women standing in a semi-circle, two panthers and two foxes.

One of the panthers was Amura's mommy, she wasn't short, but not tall either, her breast were far from small, which, for some reason I couldn't help but notice that. Her body seemed to curve as my eyes examined her, and I couldn't help find myself somewhat attracted. She wore a friendly smile that seemed to tell me ‘I know something you don't'.

To her right was my mommy, who was similarly built, but with red-orange fur like mine, but a lighter shade. Her belly was covered in white fur, and her tail was as long as mine if not quite so fluffy. Her left ear had two piercings in it, one near the base and one near the tip. She smiled like any mother would at her child. I noticed she had a twinkle in her eye, but for what it was for escaped me.

To her right was another panther, this one was a few inches shorter than my mommy, but what struck me the most was that her eyes were bright red. I couldn't help but stare at them; I tore my eyes from hers and examined her smallish body, I would have guessed that she was 5'4. Her right ear had a small cut into it, and her left ear had one to match, if not a little bigger. I looked down and saw that her tail was lined with scars.

"My name is Jezebel, little one, and you must be Edward." Her voice was a strong, deep, feminine one; it made my ears flicker as if it was hard to believe that such a voice could come out of such a body. I nodded once and started to examine the fox to Erika's left.

I'd never seen such a strange looking fox, much less anything that looked so strange, in my short life. Her whole body was black or white, no grey to be seen. Her paws and feet, and the tip of her tail were white; one of her eyes was black while the other was white. I just stared at her until she smiled, reveling a row of pure white teeth, and then she said

"My name, young one, is Eliza." Her voice suggested that she wasn't all there, it had a slight ethereal sound to it, my ears flickered like never before, and my mother spoke up in a shocked tone

"You can hear her!?" I just dumbly nodded as she looked at me, and then to Eliza. She shook her head and said "No one can understand a thing she says even if they can hear her."

I shook my head and said "I can understand her."

A muffled sound came from within my chest; Amura leaded her head back and said

"I can understand her too."

My mommy just shook her head and sat down with a look that just seemed to scream "What the hell is happening here?" Eliza grinned and said

"You two are the first ones I have been able to talk to, and be comprehended by in a very long time. I've always just wrote stuff down." Once again my ears flickered like crazy, as if they were trying to catch her voice.

She fell silent and Amura rotated around, I wrapped my arms around her chest, under her arms. She wrapped her tail around my thigh and I curled mine around the two of us. She started to purr softly as I continued to examine the rest of the people in here.

There were two children in the room; both seemed to be older than Amura and I.

There was one leaning against the wall with his head down; his body was well built, with clearly defined muscle. I would have guessed that he was about 9. His fur was so dark that I felt that I was staring at a shadow, a well built and cute shadow I amended. I laughed internally, and he sensed my gaze and looked up and met my eyes.

My jaw dropped with a slight thump on Amura's head. It was Erik; he flashed me a smile that seemed to take a few shades of darkness off his glossy fur. He gave me a wink and then returned to his previous position. ‘

I gulped and felt my cheeks grow hot. Amura giggle girlishly as my willy pressed against her furry cheeks.

I willed it to go away, but it stuck out stubbornly. I grimaced and looked at the girl that was lying down across some chairs.

Her face was turned away from me, so I could only see her head fur, which was the same shade of purple as Amura's walls were. Her chest was gently rising and falling so I guessed that she was asleep. I noticed that her nipples were perked up, despite the comfortable, almost warm, temperature of the room, she had one of her knees up and her tail was between her legs, gently rubbing up and down.

"That's Gena, Erik's sister." Amura said. This cause the 8 year old to turn her head and meet my eyes.

I saw with a bit of surprise that her eyes were pitch black, like her brother's, but they clashed horribly with her lavender fur. Gena blushed and hastily stopped moving her tail; I gave a soft smile and turned to the last person in the room, a panther in the corner of the room.

There was nothing spectacular about this panther, just your average everyday woman. No red eyes, darkness about her, or strange looks. But I noticed that she had her paws waving in the air, as if trying to catch something that wasn't there.

Amura squeezed my paw saying "That's my Aunt Alice." There was a sad note in her voice.

In the back of my mind my mom's voice echoed ‘They either die or go insane', as if sensing this; my mom looked up and nodded sadly.

I stared at her for a second more, and then sighed, feeling nothing but sorrow for someone you don't know was a strange feeling.

I turned my attention to Amura and whispered into her ear "Let's go sit down."

We waddled, (finding it impossible to walk while we had our tails twined around each other.) over to the chairs across from everyone else and sat down with Amura in my lap. Between my legs I tried to hold back my stiffy into its sheath, having retreated back while I was thinking about Alice.

Amura, oblivious to my personal struggle, was making it very hard on me because she kept shifting and absently rubbing her bottom across my sheath and her tail across my chest.

Out of nowhere she decided to swivel around in my lap, rubbing her warm, cute, furry butt against my sheath, twisting it slightly, and sending pleasure throughout my body and causing my to lose my self control, and there-for my struggle.

She gave a quiet "Oh!" as my willy rubbed across her slit, and ground her hips up and down. I let out all my pent up breath as I relaxed a little; Amura leaned against my chest and bent her head down to lick the furless crescent moon shape there, left over from when we bonded. I rested my muzzle on top of her head.

Amura's mom came over to us and crouched down, and then asked us "Well, what would you two like to do tonight for Amura's birthday?"

I just licked Amura's ear and she lifted her head and kissed my lips softly, I closed my eyes and kissed her back.

She drew her lips away slowly, enticing me to open my eyes. She was staring into my eyes with a look that I'd never seen on her; She had her eyes closed a third of the way with a soft smile playing its way across her lips, her head was down a notch to a point where she needed to look up to keep eye contact. I stared at the beautiful panther with some sense of awe.

Between our legs my still hard stiffy throbbed and something shot out of it, landing on her thigh. I shuddered slightly as I felt the warm fluid dribble off her leg onto mine.

Apparently my jaw had dropped and my tongue was lolling out, because Amura reached her paw up and restored my tongue to my mouth and stroked along my muzzle softly, and then dismounted me, letting her paw linger on my muzzle.

I watched her walk out of the kitchen, her tail up and the tip of it flicking. I gulped and stared after her, my willy still throbbing proudly between my legs.

Uncle Tim and Barrex laughed in their deep voices and Barrex said

"Well don't just sit there, go after her stud."

I quickly came to my senses and stood up and walked quickly out of the kitchen, laughter coming from those who remained in the room as my tail whipped around the corner.

I quickly ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time; when I reached her doorway I stopped and proceeded cautiously.

I was two steps into the room when I felt a pair of tiny arms snake themselves under my arms and wrap around my stomach and with it my whole body started to vibrate from the heavy purrs emanating from the tiny body.

Amura trapped my tail between her legs and pushed me forward toward her bed. When I collapsed onto it she released my tail and rolled me over, and then hopped onto me.

She laid her chest onto mine and planted her lips onto mine, but I was ready and received her kiss and slipped my long, powerful tongue into her mouth drawing a surprised ‘Mmm!' from her.

She drew away from me and slid down my body, her fur tickling my still hard willy causing it to throb painfully. She brought her head level with it and looked at it with a look of great curiosity.

Slowly she leaned her head toward it and licked it. I shuddered as I felt her sand paper tongue slide across the tip, she blinked, and then a slow grin slid across her face. She wrapped her lips around the tip and sucked it gently; If I hadn't been sitting on a bed, my knees would have given out.

Slowly she lowered her head and brought her mouth down to the base of my willy. Her soft lips pressed against my swelling knot, causing me to buck my hips involuntarily. She drew of my willy and coughed.

"Sorry!!" I said in a worried tone, I would have said more but Amura shook her head and crawled up my body, pushing my back down on the bed.

"Where did you learn to do that?" I asked, curious.

She reached her paw down between us, brushing my stiffy, causing it to throb and sticking her finger into herself with a soft squelching sound, and gave a soft "oh!" She brought her fingers back up and stuck them in between my lips; as I suckled on them as she said

"My mommy told me if I did that to you, that you would like it, but she didn't tell me that I would have like that taste so much."

I absently wondered what else her mommy had told her. I brought up my paw and scratched my chest, and it brushed across her semi hard nipples, and her purring spiked. I blinked and tweaked it again, and she looked up at me and licked my chin.

She grinned at me, and then slid her paw down and positioned my willy at her entrance. She locked her lips with mine and I slowly pushed in, this elicited a moan from Amura which vibrated our bodies. She withdrew from our kiss and began to pant as I started to rock my hips, rubbing my knot against her lips.

But soon I flipped her over causing her to squeak which turned into a moan as I started out slowly, well aware that Amura was enjoying this as much as I was. I repeated this slow process of going in and out for several minutes all the while Amura's panting getting heavier.

But soon I couldn't stop myself from speeding up and within moments I was pistoning in and out of her.

With her hot breath in my nose, her claws digging ever-so-slightly into my back, and the tightness surrounding my willy, I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I wasn't going to last long.

As I pumped in and out of her my knot struck her, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my system, demanding that it be pushed in, but I somehow resisted. As I moaned, I heard Amura's panting grow heavier and she started to squeak and call out "Oh! Oh!" in rhythm with my thrust.

I groaned loudly and said between my own pants "I'm... Amura... I'm gonna..."Amura's eyes snapped open and locked with mine; the look in her eyes said that she was enjoying this as much, or even more than I was. She gave a short nod and I sped up my thrust even faster, and with one final thrust I pushed my knot it with a pop causing both of us to moan loudly, and I felt her tight walls pulsate around my willy as I cover her insides with my immature seed. One shot, two, and three... I soon lost count and after what seemed to be an eternity I finally collapsed on top of her. I rolled to the side so as to not crush her, and felt the tug at the base of my willy and smiled softly as tiredness took me.