Difficult Love: Part 2

Difficult Love: Part 2 I woke up in a slight haze; I tried to open my eyes but realized that I couldn't. A brief moment of panic passed through my head and I brought my hand to my face. I felt along my muzzle up to my eyes and felt the crust of dry...

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Difficult Love: Part 1

I sighed. I looked around and saw the rather drab classroom I was in, there were other furs in here along with myself, most of them were much bigger than me and all of them hated my guts. I wasn't exactly the most popular guy in school, well it was...

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New Challenges- Chapter 1- Intro.

Well this is my first attempt at something non-yiffy, I'll be posting the next chapter some time soon. New Challenges. I crossed my legs with my foot paws pointing up. 'Clear your mind, Clear your mind.' I cassided...

Eternal bond Chp 5 (Old)

There is so much going on in this story, and so many acts are taking place that I just couldn't fit all the tags into the keywords so here are the rest of them: KNOT, ORAL,ORGY,VAGINAL. There, with that done I have to say that I hope you all...

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Eternal bond Chapter 4 (Old)

Eternal Bond Chapter 4 I was staring at myself, a younger me, not quite 3 years old. I was holding my mommy's hand and had my paw in my mouth. I grimaced as I remembered my old habit, and realized how childish it looked to other people. I...

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Eternal bond Chp 3 (Old)

If you are under 18, not that I care, you shouldn't be on this site, much less reading my story, though I must say I am flattered that you chose to read my story. This story, if you haven't read the tags, contains sexual acts between cubs, I know, its...

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Eternal bond Chp 2 (Old)

Eternal Bond 2 I stirred as I felt the gentle stroking of my head fur and a soft purr the vibrated my whole body and sent a tingling sensation from my toes to the white tips of my ears. My emerald eyes flickered open and he purring...

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Eternal bond (Old)

Eternal bond _By: Furry For Life Editor: Darkfang Magus_ **Chapter 1** I watched the trees and houses race by without leaving much of an impression on me as I sat on the bus seat with my muzzle resting on one...

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Eternal Bond: Chapter 1

I watched the trees race across my vision without leaving much of an impression as I sat in the bus seat with my right knee drawn up and my chin resting upon it. I had always hated riding the bus, as the cramped seats were woefully unaccommodating to...

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I've updated this story, as it was my first and I knew little grammar. I've changed Ashley to Alef for reasons I wont explain. If I missed any grammar errors or spelling errors please point them out... AGAIN- Date 2/13/11 Updated. Waking...

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Iron Pony: Sex Competition

### All characters are copyrighted to their respective owners. None of these are mine. That said, yes I am a MLP fan as of a few a couple days ago and for some reason they compelled me to open up a word doc and start writing. This came out of it....

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