My Brother's Dreams

Story by jamesbeast on SoFurry

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#1 of Life as The Beast

This is kinda a repost/revison of my last story, which if anyone read my last journal, you know why I took down. I'll go ahead and post it below for anyone else who prefers not to download. All characters are mine... James is my fursona... disclaim... etc... *First fur to correctly identify the big pun/TV reference wins the right to have one of their OC's cameo in a story series of their choice.* Life as "The Beast": My Brother's Dreams Something was wrong. I could feel the 14-year-old wolf in my arms tossing and tensing; it was what woke me. My little brother was having a nightmare. "Gabe... Gabe, wake up. Wake up! It's okay; I'm here. Wake up!" I gave him a little shake with this last command. "James?" He opened his eyes. "Yeah lil buddy, I'm here. You alright?" I'm only a year and change older than him but I've always been a good bit bigger than him; that's probably why I'm so over protective. "Yeah... Sorry I woke you." "Not the problem here. What were you dreaming about?" "Nothing," he lied. Not that he could ever lie to me. "Tell me the truth little brother," I caressed his head with my left arm, while drawing him closer to me with the arm he was laying on. "Its no big deal," I just stared at him, "You'd laugh..." "I'm not going to laugh bro. If something's bothering you it's my job to take care of it. Now tell me what's wrong." I waited, but he remained silent. "Fine then, I'll force it out of you." With that I wrapped my arms and legs around him and began to squeeze, big brother interrogation tactic 7. "Alright already!" He finally gave in. "I dreamt... that you... left. I dreamt you left me, alright." I couldn't help but smile. "You said you wouldn't la..." "I won't laugh bro, but I might just wamp you one upside the head. I'd never leave you. Any idiot who sets foot in the same room as us for more than a minute could see how much you mean to me. Shoot, I love you... Baby-Gaby," I used that particular pet name both out of affection and ridicule. "I mean come on, how can you have abandonment issues about a guy who sleeps holding you as close as he can?" "I know it's dumb, but..." "‘But' what?" "Well its not so much the now I'm worried about, it's the later." "Come again?" "It won't always be like this. You'll get married and..." "Now who said anything about that? Listen bro, you come first. I will never, ever love anyone more than you. So, unless you're ready to get married and start giving me nieces and nephews, I'm not going anywhere." "You don't have to..." "You're right, I don't. I will, though, because being with you...waking up with you in my arms... it's better than... well heck, it's better than sex! Just a little though," I ruffled his head-fur. He just stared back, dumb struck, a smile slowly overtaking him. He wrapped his arms around my torso and buried his face in my chest. I patted the back of his head, and we drifted into placid slumber.

Technically speaking, Gabe and I are only half-brothers, but I can't recall either of us introducing the other as such. Then again, it's obvious I'm not pureblooded wolf. Wolves don't tend to grow as big as I am, or have horns for that matter. I also have two other features from my father, but most people don't get to see my bullhood or balls.

I was awake again, but this time from pleasure. I didn't even have to open my eyes. "Mmmh... good puppy," my brother was giving me a nice little backrub, without breaking our hug. We exchanged these displays of physical affections rather frequently. We have always been open with one another both emotionally and in terms of personal space, but I guess that is rather obvious. "Figured I owed you a better wake-up call." "Heh... what a sweet baby bro I've got. He gave my back a scratch. "Ooh... a little softer and too the right would be perfect." "Flip." I complied, and laid on my stomach. He went to work, taking care of my every itch with nearly no direction from me: it's great having someone how knows me. After a few minutes of bliss, I told Gabe he could stop, and he rested his fingers. "Thanks, bro," I said rolling onto my side. "Don't mention it," he laid himself back down, "Well, we need to get up soon Beast, mom's gonna start breakfast soon." "Yeah, we can get up... soon." I grabbed him and rolled. I kept him pinned for three minutes or so, a time of silent staring into each other's eyes.

I had gotten the nickname Beast on account of my mixed heritage. While ligers and wolf-dogs got off pretty easy, we more exotic hybrids tended to get picked on. After I hit puberty however, at age eleven if you can believe it, the connotation shifted. At that point some of the older kids, noticing my immerging strength, started calling out a new name as their first pick at recess, "The Beast!" Even then I wasn't entirely comfortable with it. Then Gabe said something, "I think I realized why nobody's tried to pick on me this year; their all too afraid of what would happen to them if ‘The Beast' found out they were messing with his little brother." After that I began to fully embrace my title, and it's now been permanently transfigured into a term of adoration and endearment.

Gabe passed me the last of his pancakes. "Wueh!" "Eyes bigger than your stomach, bro?" "Just a little." "More for me then!" "Now James," my mother stepped in, "don't stuff yourself too full; you'll be sick when you try to work out." "Naw mom," Gabe said while I focused on chewing, "James is almost always hungry again by the time we get to the gym." "Oh the metabolism of the young," our mother cried, "To not gain a single pound no matter what you eat. Enjoy it while you can; dieting starts at 30." "Not if this slave driver keeps setting my workout schedule," Gabe said, pointing his thumb at me. "As a big brother it is my job to keep you safe from anything, including your own laziness. Now come on, it's a thirty-minute bike ride and we promised Dean and Sam we'd meet them there at nine."

I was looking forward to a good workout. Sam and Dean Wesson, a couple of Doberman cousins, were about Gabe's size. It's good for him to beat somebody at the bench-press every now-and-again. Plus the Wessons were always enthusiastic. Not that Gabe was uninterested mind you, but he always seemed most excited to be a spotter when it was just the two of us. Guess if he felt he couldn't beat anyone, the next best thing was to cheer on the winner. I confess a part of my has always loved that look he gets, near reverent awe at my strength and size; there is a certain high I get from that which makes even the hardest of workouts bearable. Of course, when it wasn't just Gabe and I, there was often something else to look forward to after the work out.

"So what does the task-master have planned for us?" Dean asked as we reached the gym's door. "I was thinking of working back, chest, and shoulder today." "Sounds like a plan," Sam was already looking me over, imagining me just a bit bigger. While these two dobbies did love to top, they rather enjoyed being bottoms to someone of my size. To be honest, I actually don't think they'd let Gabe top them if I didn't insist on sharing. "Alright then, we're going to be seeing if we can't increase all of our max bench-press loads today... ready for that lil bro," Gabe snapped out of the daze he was in, smiled, then realized a fiercer, more focus look was in order. "I'm ready to leave these to in the dust." I chuckled at his trash talking. The Wesson's were less than amused, and retaliated with their own verbal jabs, but when came to the bench Gabe was able to make good on his claim, more or less. While, he didn't crush the cousins, he was a good fifteen pounds ahead of them; Sam and Dean were nearly always matched. We finished or routine with cardio, as was the norm. One of the few things Gabe and I didn't agree on was our choice in cardio-machines. While I enjoyed the stair climber, he preferred the treadmill. So that everyone had someone to talk to, the Wessons took turns between the two exercises, alternating with every visit. This week Dean was with me. "So, James, looks like Gabe has it set in his mind to become more beastly than you." "Heh, I wouldn't say that." "Maybe not, but he is growing, that's for sure." "Yep, but he'll always be my little brother." Apparently my smile was tenderer than even Dean expected. "It still amazes me sometimes, how the big bad Beast can be such a softy. You know most big brothers or more into tough love, or just old fashion tormenting." "Their loss." "Meaning?" "Meaning, they are missing out on a golden opportunity. I can't imagine not waking up with my best friend next to me, ya know?" "Can't say I've had the pleasure, but I think I know where you're coming form. One thing though, what happens when you move out?" "Well I was actually thinking I'd wait a year and start college with Gabe, so we could share a room and stuff." "And after that?" "Uh... hadn't really thought that far," which was a lie. I had thought about this more than once, but I just couldn't bare the thought of living without him. "Well maybe you should. Listen man, I know you and Gabe are super-tight and all, but the fact is, your brothers. Eventually you guys aren't going to live together. Best case scenario, you'll each find that special someone and live with them for the rest of your life." "The four of us could share a bed," I was joking, mostly. "Seriously though man, have you and Gabe talked about this kinda stuff?" I gave him a puzzled look. "You're his world James, we both know that. The thing is, I'm not so sure that's a good thing, at least not for him. You guys are like family to me; I don't want to see either of you get hurt down the road." "Thanks man. I'll think it over."

Our conversation drifted baack into lighter matters and twenty-five minutes later we were all considerably sweaty. I imagine some furs might have said we reeked, but to one another, or smells had a very different reaction. By the time we made it into the locker room, se each had the same thin g on our mind. "So, whose turn is it for me to fuck?" I asked as we headed to the sauna. "Not sure," replied Dean smugly. "The hell you aren't! I know for a fact it's you're turn to fuck with the big man!" Sam apparently wanted my cock quite badly. "No offense Gabe, but you're no Beast." "None taken. My brother is the biggest... but who's to say I'm not the better yiffer?" Gabe had a similarly smug smile to Dean. I admitted to myself that he was probably right; while I fucked wildly, Gabe made yiff and art. I watched him as the dobbies braced themselves against the sauna walls. We plunged into the cousins' tailholes at the same time, and soon the both dogs were moaning with delight. I knew my 16" bull-cock was more than enough for Sam, but I couldn't help but envy my brother. Even though his wolfhood was 5 inches shorter than my own, Gabe managed to thrill Dean just as much. It was something I had noticed for the last few months. I just pounded the ass of anyone who'd let me, but Gabe was always making sure his partner was having the time of their life. He was constantly switching tempo, depth, and even the slight angles at which he entered and exited. A shudder of pleasure form Sam snapped me back into focus. Say what you will about dobbies, but these two had quite a talent; no matter how many times I fucked them they remained as enthusiastic and tight as they were during our first experimentation I realized that while I was distracted, my thrusting force must have fallen below par, judging by the fact that Sam was now thrusting himself backwards to compensate. With renewed focus and a second wind courtesy of my ego, I decided to relieve him of this labor. My pace quickened and with each thrust I became more vigorous. My legs ached in objection, but neither of my heads were about to lend them any heed. AS the burning increased I leaned forward, forcing Sam to bear even more of my weight. As his elbow fell upon the wall, my arms wrapped around his still blood-engorged chest. With each thrust there was a moan from his mouth and a jolt from my legs; I dug my fingers into his ribs to keep from wincing. I needed to slow down, but I was determined to make him cum first. My jaw ached from clenching against itself, so I decided to give is something softer to bear down on. As I bit down on Sam's exhausted shoulder, he began to yelp, but that cry was cut off by a gasp. After that I slowed down. With the sauna drenched with the scent of our bodies, we sauntered off dimly to the showers. For the Wessons showering was nothing special, and they each just washed themselves. For Gabe and I, things were different. From an early age we had both enjoyed washing the other. While I scrubbed him down with an air of dominance, he washed my form with something more akin to reverence. We still took care of our own faces, tails, and genitals, but aside from that our cleanliness was reliant on the others diligence. The four us each toweled ourselves off, though this was something that took the Wessons far less time. My brother and I both had more fur to dry than the dobbies; my brother's coat was the longest of us all, and though mine was not much longer than the cousins, I had a good bit more surface area to work on. When the two of us were finished, we walked back into the gym proper, only to find our two dobby friends walking back towards us, a smaller built fox between them. "Go on ahead guys," Dean said with a smile. "We're going to help our old buddy Link with his warm-up and stretching." Sam finished. Gabe and I laughed. The Wessons were truly the horniest guys we knew, and no amount of fatigue could dissuade them from their favorite thing, sharing the confines of some subby fur's tight little butt. If the two of us weren't both so hungry, we might have stayed to watch. Seeing as we were however, Gabe and I said our farewells to the Wesson's and headed home.

We spent the rest of the day like most Saturday afternoons, lounging about lazily with intermittent bouts of wrestling. Despite the strength difference our informal matches were hardly one sided. Though he's still never beaten me, my favorite squirt has always been able to give me a good run for my money. Much like when he's fucking, my brother uses technique and grace to match my size advantage. It was actually that very day that I first made that connection, and the subsequent thought "It's like we are yiffing," came to mind. While I was stunned by what I felt should be absurd notion, Gabe was able to gain a considerable upper-hand. By the time I reasserted myself as the alpha of our pack of two, mutual exhaustion assured that the rest of the day would consist of lounging. We two bothers were quite content laying n the couch, watching our favorite crime dramas. We had a little game where we would write the name of whomever we each thought was the culprit on sticky-notes, fold them, and place them on the coffee table. When the show was over whoever had first put the right name in won. There were no-take backs or second guesses, and beyond basic bragging rights, we often added little brotherly bets such as chores or backrubs. It was when we started betting that things could really get exciting. Since neither of us was aloud to raise the stakes twice in a row, and not accepting a wager took your last wager off the books, a good poker-face was key.

As was often the case most of our winnings had canceled one another out by the time we went to bed. Similarly routine were our last few moments before falling asleep. Gabe nuzzled my chest while my arms and legs pulled him in closer. He looked up briefly, and I kissed him right above the nose. "Good night, Big Brother," he said in a child's tone. "Sleep tight, Little Brother," I replied in a similar fashion. I wasn't expecting the question that came a few minutes later. "Can I tell you something?" "Shoot." "It has to do with last night..." "Oh..." "In my dream... you left because I told you something... something about me." "I would never..." "I've kinda got a crush on this guy..." "Why would that bother me? Didn't we both bone a couple of dudes just this morning?" "That's the thing... I want him... to bone me..." "Oh... huh.... I never figured you'd ever want to be a bottom." "Me neither and it's not like I just want a cock in me or anything. It's him... I want him inside of me." "Can't say I know the feeling, but I can kinda understand. Just as long as he treats you right it's not really my call. Is it someone I know?" "Yeah... he's in your grade." "Really?" I tried for a moment, but could think of anyone my brother could be crushing on. "Give me another hint." "Well... he's big and strong... and really nice... and a little over protective... and I love him more than anything else..." "Well that's gr..." then it hit me, "Me?" "Yeah, you." "You want me?" "I want you in me." "I don't know what to say..." I saw his ears flatten, "I'll always love you Gabe, this doesn't change that; I'm just a little... surprised. I mean, I've never really thought about..." "Of course you haven't. You've always thought of me as a top, and I'm the one guy you could never even imagine forcing yourself on. I know you're not the romantic type, and that's fine ‘cause I'm not either. I don't want to be your boyfriend or anything; I just want to be your brother... with benefits." "I'm.... If you are sure... if you really want this... then I'll fuck you." He through off the covers at thee words, his tail waging wildly. For the first time in my life, I saw him as our peers did. Lit only by the moonlight which spilled over our window's blinds, my brother was an extremely attractive young wolf. As my eyes combed his toned muscles, stopping to admire his cute butt, some part of my brain asked, "Why haven't I fucked this yet?" I knew the answer of course, and chuckled lightly. Gabe didn't seem to notice. He was on his knees, ass in the air, chest on his pillow. I mounted him as gracefully as I could. My cock was hard and twitching, but I need to ask one more time, "You sure you want this bro? I'm not sure I'll be able to stop once I get going." "I'm yours for the taking." His answer flipped a switch in my brain. I decided I was going to fuck my brother; I was going to make love to him. I plunged my aching cock deep into his tight rump, which solicited a shuddering gasp from Gabe, but instead of thrusting thoughtlessly as I usually did, I stayed focused. Every half-dozen thrusts or so I'd change my pace, and I made sure no thrust was the same as the one before it, altering the depth and angles at which I pounded my meat into him. In short, I did everything for Gabe that he did usually did, but with a much bigger dick. Though we both knew to keep our voices down, our panting and short spasms in response to the pleasure told the other how wonderful they felt. I bit down on the back of his neck when I hit my first orgasm; I'm not sure which of my actions caused him to cum. I rolled us onto our sides and grabbed his cock with my free hand. As I stroked him, using his own seed for lube, I lost track of the special tricks I had been doing and reverted to thrusting savagely. By the amount of jizz that flowed over my fingers, I could tell he didn't mind. After cumming twice more I slowed down, taking time to nibble on my brother's ears. We came in unison with my last vigorous thrust; then laid there still as the bliss of afterglow washed over us. "That was better than I had imagined," my little brother said. "Funny how often I here that." He chuckled at this. "I'm glad you told me..." "I love you..." "Love you too, Gaby-baby." "Can... can you do something for me?" "Did you really just ask that?" "Don't pull out... I want you to stay inside me. I to sleep with your cock inside me and the rest of you wrapped around me, holding me close." "I can definitely do that little bro." I kissed the top of his head, and we drifted off to sleep.