The Tribe - 12

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#12 of The Tribe

The Autumn Equinox is here! Everyone is enjoying the festivities!

I wrote this a week ago, but was waiting for SF to be back up! I hope you all enjoy this, I plan on getting chapter 13 out soon. Please let me know what you think! It means a lot to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Food. Mako had never seen so much food in one place. The Aurum Tribe took the Autumn Equinox seriously, and there were tables laden with such a variety that Mako knew he wouldn't be able to try everything that he wanted to. So many types of breads were baked the previous day and Mako marveled at some of the thicker, darker loaves that smelled of honey.

There were jars of jams and preserves from fruit that had been found growing on the surrounding land and other preserved fruits that had been brought on the journey. Four large buffalo had been killed by the hunting parties and brought back to the tribe to be butchered and cooked. Extra campfires had to be built in order to cook it all and the smell of cooked meat was a wonderful aroma to everyone. Fish had been caught and brought to the camp, a few wild game birds plucked and cooked, and Mako did his best to try everything he could.

By the time noon had come around he was laying on his back next to Tarn, Osso, and Kasim and trying not to move too quickly. The others felt much the same way, weighed down by so much food and feeling satisfied at having eaten their fill for now. The celebration had been going since sun peeked up over the horizon and there had been singing, chanting, drums, and woodwinds going on all day.

The Autumn Equinox was one of only two days during the year where day and night were equal lengths and the Aurum Tribe celebrated from the first hint of the sun until the hint of the next, and then slept the following day to recover. Chief Ronan had said a few words about their new home and how fortuitous it was for them to find the location on the eve of the festival.

Most of the tribe was dressed in their silk clothes and garments, taking the chance to be swathed in the colorful fabrics. Mako and the others stayed in loincloths until deciding to take a swim along the river, and ever since had stayed naked; casual nudity was common enough, and on such a celebration it seemed only fitting to be free.

When the sun had disappeared and left the camp lit by only the campfires, both Osso and Kasim vanished as well, promising they'd be seen soon. Mako looked after them and then turned his attention back to Tarn who lay out on a blanket near a fire. "Does this make you miss our Tribe?" Mako asked, laying near the horse and resting a paw on the toned stomach.

Tarn rolled his head towards the otter and smirked, shaking his head. "This is our Tribe now, you know that. But, do I miss the Ormus Tribe?" he repeated, thinking how best to answer. "Yes, I do. I miss the people, but... I do rather enjoy it here. The journey is over now and we'll really become a part of this community, you know?"

Mako nodded and closed his eyes, nuzzling into the horse's arm, sighing happily. They'd eaten their fill once more, gorging on some of the pastries and desserts that had been prepared by the fantastic chefs the Tribe had. "It was a very nice celebration. I've heard people talking about something else that'll happen, but I don't know what it is,"

No sooner had he voiced the query had the sound of drums started reverberating through the camp and Ronan's voice could be heard booming over it all. "My fellow Tribe, come gather against the river and bear witness to some of the wonders our world has to behold!"

Mako's small ears flicked and he sat up, looking around excitedly as others from nearby quickly got to their feet and started towards the river. "Come on!" he said, rushing the horse.

Tarn groaned and pulled himself to his feet with the help of Mako's grasp and staggered towards the river to see what was going to happen. Ronan was beckoning everyone again and flutes were playing along with the drums as a few men and women danced naked by a fire that had been prepared there. Their bodies were painted with special markings much as Mako's had during his Ascension.

Hundreds of people in one spot was a lot to accommodate, but they had plenty of room along the river, watching the dancers sway back and forth to the steady rhythm and sharp flutes. Most of the audience was clapping as they watched, their own chant adding another track to the music. Ronan and Selena sat behind the dancers, watching in awe. Mako leaned on the horse and beamed brightly. "This is amazing. I could never move like that,"

"I don't think that this is the show we were called here for, either," Tarn said, nodding towards the side where several people were grouped together.

Osso was at the front of the group and he stepped forward first, paws extended to the dancers. "Luxos Iridos!" he cried. A large sphere of light, bigger than anything he'd shown Mako, appeared above all the dancers and shot out small flickers of light that played off people in the crowd and off the dancers. It was absolutely magnificent to behold and Mako felt himself drawn to the colorful display. The young bat couldn't hold the display for more than a couple minutes before he staggered and dropped the illusion, visibly worn out.

Mako stepped forward to go help but the horse at his side held him back, and Osso was able to make it off to sit near his father without any help. A young, naked tigress stepped out after Osso had left and the light of the fire caught her blue eyes in the night and she closed her eyes. "Sclipitor," she said, summoning a hard gust of wind down across the audience and staggering everyone for a few seconds. That brief, but awesome display of power had her on her knees, but she managed to walk away before the next person came out.

More than two dozen other Tribe members stepped forward and demonstrated what Mako realized was their best and most fantastic displays of power. Some threw large balls of fire, or shot lightning into the sky. One woman, an older bear, transformed herself into a large feral bear and let out a deafening roar that left Mako's ears ringing. A pair of twin Siamese cats actually threw fire and ice back and forth at each other, summoning a protective barrier about themselves to prevent any harm.

Mako felt small pangs of envy hit him as he saw what these extraordinary individuals could do. He himself could throw a ball of fire, and maybe destroy a small branch, but these people had much more training and experience with magic than he had. He felt the horse lean down and gently nose his small ears. "You'll be that good some day," he heard the horse say.

There was only one left at the side, and it was Kasim who stepped forward, still naked, with his paws at his sides. The wild dog gave one glance back to the bat and smiled before turning his attention up to the sky. "Caelum!" he bellowed, teeth gritted together in intense concentration.

At first it appeared that nothing had happened. Everyone was silent and the dancers had long stopped to enjoy the display as well. The fire that had been roaring near to Kasim suddenly went out and a scant second later a large crash of thunder ripped through the sky. Clouds had started forming and swirling above, starting out as wispy puffs of vapor before forming one giant cloud above the tribe. Suddenly rain poured down from the sky in a thick sheet. People gasped and held their arms over their eyes to shield them from the sudden rain.

Kasim was standing in the open, by himself, focusing on the storm he'd caused. Cool rain evaporated when it touched him, sending out small hisses of steam. Kasim took a steadying breath and then threw both paws into the sky. "Finium!" he shouted. There had been such a build up of power and gathering of clouds that it shocked everyone when the sudden storm vanished into nothing, leaving them in the warm summer night that they'd been enjoying only moments prior.

Kasim grinned at everyone and bowed his head at the cheers of applause at his actions, but before he could walk off, he simply fell to one knee and then forward onto the ground, unconscious.

Hizaki, the elderly ram shaman was at his side in seconds and he gave a reassuring smile to everyone after making sure Kasim was alright. "You see. There, you see? You push yourself too far, and this could be you!" he teased, earning a chuckle from the audience.

Mako looked on worriedly, but stayed where he was. He felt diminished in the presence of so many that could do so much more than he could and he wondered if he'd ever be that good.

Ronan stood back up and stepped forward, raising his arms. "These are the wonders that the spirits have chosen to present us with! I encourage each and every one of you with any ounce of talent to explore these wonders," he said, looking over the faces of everyone in the audience as he smiled at them all. "I hope everyone is enjoying the celebrations so far tonight, I think it's about high time we broke out the wine!"

There was a loud uproar from the crowd as they all cheered and Mako couldn't help but chuckle at this as well, looking up at Tarn. "I've only gotten to have wine once, and that was for my Ascension,"

Tarn patted the otter on the shoulder and nodded. "Well now's as good a time as any, right?" he said, following along behind the others as the crowd started to disperse back into the camp.

Mako glanced back towards Ronan and saw the bat coming towards him, beaming brightly. "That was amazing what you did!" Mako said when Osso got nearer.

The black bat grinned wide and bowed his head modestly. "Really? You think so?" he asked, tilting his head to the side and fingering the silver pentacle around his neck.

The otter's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you kidding? That was amazing! I could never do something like that," he said, cheeks turning red. "But all those colors, those lights..."

"It's very difficult for me. Takes a lot of concentration and energy. Just that little bit made me exhausted rather quickly. I'm pretty certain even a small ball of light would make me pass out right now," he said, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm glad you think it was good, but don't sell yourself short,"

Mako shook his head defensively, stepping forward to hug the bat and chuckle. "Come on. You get lots of practice, I'm sure. I haven't exactly done much since we started the journey. I'm not even certain I could do it again so quickly,"

The bat smirked and pulled from the hug to place both of his paws on Mako's chest. "You underestimate yourself. What you did wasn't exactly easy, you know. I can't throw a ball of fire like that,"

"Pfft, have you even tried to? I'm sure you c-"

"I have," the bat said seriously, taking both of Mako's paws, squeezing them. "That's what I'm trying to tell you. Magic isn't exactly easy to begin with, and sometimes people have to take days or weeks before they can even show an ounce of it. We're pretty certain that everyone can use magic, it's just that some give up long before they would ever find out, because, well, it's difficult."

Tarn, still standing near the two, coughed to bring attention to himself. "Anyone, you think?"

Osso beamed at the horse and nodded. "Anyone,"

The three didn't say anything for a while as both looked at the horse. Tarn hmmed thoughtfully as he pondered the bat's words. The bat broke the silence for them as he pulled away from the otter. "So! Shall we get ourselves some wine?"

The wine the Aurum Tribe made wasn't as sweet as what Mako remembered of the Ormus Tribe's wine; it was darker, richer, and left a slight burning sensation as it went down. Mako found he quite enjoyed it, though, and had to remember to pace himself so he wouldn't end up like he did last time.

Osso and Kasim, who had recovered from his earlier exhaustion, were both drinking in earnest and looked to be much more capable of handling the drink better than the younger otter. Tarn didn't much care for the flavor and had been keeping pace with Mako, if just to enjoy the warm buzz that came around from it.

The group was hanging out just outside their tents around a small campfire, talking about what they could expect in the next few weeks as they started to prepare the camp and prepare for winter. Osso was telling Mako about how he should start practicing more with his magic, just getting to the point where he was starting to exaggerate wildly with his paws and sway back and forth. "Just think, you could probably become just as good as Kasim! I'm telling you; it's not simple, and you picked up that bit fairly quick!" Osso said.

Mako was blushing deep as he listened to the bat and he just shrugged, rubbing his paws over his arms. "I don't think I'll be much good at it. I was good with things like math. Math had set rules and things only happened a certain way, but magic... Hizaki said anything is possible if you've got the will to do it,"

Kasim, who was laying out along the ground with his head resting on one of the horse's legs, just snickered and looked down his body at Osso; the bat was sitting straddling his lap as he talked to the otter. "Anything is possible with magic. See this right here?" The wild dog reached a paw up above his head and into the horse's lap, grabbing a handful of thick sheath. "We could make this twice the size,"

Tarn jumped at the sudden touch and smacked the dog's paw away with a grunt. "It's big enough," he said defensively.

Mako laughed and leaned against the horse, reaching his own paw down into Tarn's lap and fondling the heavy sheath. "You're definitely right about that," he said, using his other paw to take another sip from his small jug of wine.

The horse's chest rumbled and he shifted around as the soft length of his cock dropped free into the otter's paw. "Too big for you?"

The otter glanced down at the soft shaft, squeezing and tugging along the length as they sat by the fire. He hadn't even tried to take the horse before, and they'd only gotten a small handful of times to even enjoy each other's company with all the traveling. "I'm not sure, I'm pretty out of practice,"

Osso grinned over at Mako and winked, making a show of licking his lips. "Well, I think you should give it a shot. I mean, I was able to,"

Mako blushed and looked from Osso back to the stiffening shaft in his paw. He hadn't intended to do more than give it a few playful gropes, but now that it was firming up in his paw his mind was beginning to wander. "I dunno, he's pretty big," Mako said, chuckling as his fingers traced over the veined length, teasing across the medial ring half-way up the length.

Tarn shivered and arched his hips up into the roaming paw, reaching one of his own up and placing it on the back of the otter's head. "Then you'd better get it ready."

The otter glanced around, a bit nervous about being outside in the open, but their campfire was further back against the wall of the cliff and no one was back here except for their group. He let the horse's paw guide him down until the head of the mottled shaft, a drop of pre smearing across his lips before they parted and took the head into his mouth. Mako's tongue swirled around the head and he salivated as best he could to slide the thick shaft further into his muzzle. He adjusted himself to kneel at the horse's side, a paw holding the thick spire steady at the base.

The horse just lay his head back against the ground and urged the otter lower. Mako tried his best to force more into his muzzle, but he hadn't had as much practice taking something quite this long down his throat, and his eyes watered when he tried to go past the medial ring. He held himself there, lips teasing the ring and tongue tracing the thick vein underneath.

Mako gasped and pulled the shaft free of his mouth when he felt something wet press up under his tail and against his passage. He turned around to find Osso pressed up behind him on all fours with his muzzle buried under his rudder tail. There wasn't much time to wonder about it before Tarn's paw was pulling him back down against his shaft. The otter let out a muffled moan as he felt the bat's tongue lapping along his passage before sliding inside.

Kasim growled from behind the otter and he could hear Osso let out a soft whine of pleasure. "Yeah, get the otter ready and I'll get you ready," he whispered huskily, words slurred from the drinks they'd consumed through the night.

Mako, for his part, could only drool around the horse's shaft as that strong paw gripped his hair lightly, holding him in place. The horse's hips were gently rocking up and down and Mako's eyes squeezed shut whenever the medial ring pressed past his lips. Osso's tongue was pressed up inside him, teasing his sensitive areas that made his own cock leak out onto the ground beneath, unable to spare a paw to touch himself.

Tarn pulled the otter off his shaft with a content sigh, holding the base of his shaft with a paw and marveling at how it shone from the otter's attention. "You're ready enough, come here." Neither he nor the otter had drank as much as the couple beside them, but even still, the horse's cheeks were flushed and he looked more relaxed than he often was.

Mako knelt at the horse's side for a few seconds longer, eyes taking in the horse's length; it was definitely longer than Kosh's had been, and probably thicker than Zeke. He pulled away from Osso's tongue and crawled into Tarn's lap, raising himself up on his knees so that he could press the blunt head to his slick entrance. Any other night he might be nervous about trying to take the horse, but the alcohol calmed his nerves and helped him relax.

Tarn's paws grabbed his hips to help him stay steady as the otter began to lower himself. There was a bit of resistance at first, but then the head pushed past his ring with a wet slurp. Mako gasped and tensed for a moment before willing himself to relax. He let the weight of his body carry him further down the stiff length, paws behind him on the horse's legs. It felt like he'd taken almost a foot of the horse's shaft, and he was surprised how easy he managed, but he knew that Tarn wasn't quite that big, and reality hit him when he realized he was barely halfway when he felt the medial ring at his passage.

Mako squeezed the horse's thighs and bit his lip, forcing himself down a couple inches with a pained whimper. Despite the pain his untouched cock remained hard and dripping on the horse's stomach. Tarn was laying there, fighting the urge to thrust his hips up and hilt himself in the otter's rear. His paws gripped Mako's waist to keep him steady. "You can work your way to the last bit," he said quietly, glancing up at the otter's face.

Mako nodded in agreement and pulled himself upwards, yipping when that ring slid through his stretched hole again. Sliding off was definitely easier, but that didn't deter him from pushing right back down onto the horse's shaft, crying out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He repeated the movement a few more times, the pain fading quickly as he started riding the horse's cock faster, paws now on Tarn's chest to hold himself steady.

Behind the pair, Osso and Kasim were already past their foreplay and had shifted around considerably. Osso was supporting himself with only his arms on the ground, fingers digging into the grass as the wild dog stood over him from behind, holding both of Osso's legs held in his arms at his waist as he plowed down into the smaller bat. Osso's shaft flopped back and forth, flinging drops of pre onto the grass below and his jaw was clenched tightly, small moans escaping the black muzzle as the dog behind him humped him hard and fast.

Mako was sinking lower and lower on the horse's shaft with each thrust and his own cock slapped the horse's stomach with each downward stroke. Tarn was arching his hips into the otter's riding, his heavy sac slapping up against the underside of the otter's tail and his cock bottoming out with each thrust. Mako wasn't certain how much more he was going to be able to take of the rough treatment, and his eyes watered from exertion.

The otter could feel his orgasm approaching just beneath his balls, breath catching in his throat. He hadn't even touched himself yet, but the horse's cock was mashing his intimate parts inside enough that his head was swimming from the feeling. It was an overwhelming feeling as his cock tensed up, teetering on the edge of his climax as his and Tarn's hips collided over and over. His head rolled back and he let out a loud cry as he crashed over the edge, body shaking as he held still. His cock throbbed and shot rope after rope of white seed along the horse's chest, neck, and muzzle.

Tarn wasn't far behind as he kept thrusting up into the otter as the passage quivered and milked at his shaft. The head of his shaft flared up deep inside the otter, pumping him past full of cum. Mako couldn't quite take the extra pressure of the horse's flare and with a soft whimper he drew himself off the horse's shaft as he collapsed onto Tarn's chest. The horse's cock popped free with an audible slop and ropes of cum rained down on the otter's lower back.

Osso's arms had given out and he'd fallen onto his shoulders on the grass, cum splattered over his chest and the grass below. Kasim was still holding the bat's legs and wedged his engorged knot into the bat's tunnel as he unloaded as well. The canine carefully lowered himself to the ground atop the bat and they lay next to the fire, panting happily in the afterglow.

Mako's body shivered every time a light breeze washed over them and he squeezed close to the horse, Tarn's arms wrapping around his back and hugging him close. "See... you managed to take it all," he whispered in the otter's ear with a chuckle.

The otter rolled his eyes and playfully butt his head against the horse's chest. "Yeah... hurt a bit, though... especially when you flare up,"

"Then you just need more practice," Tarn said, giving his butt a gentle swat.

"I think," Osso said, looking back at the horse and otter, squirming around beneath the painted wild dog. "That I need to take a bath down in the river,"

Mako lifted his head up to look at Tarn and licked an errant strand of cum from the horse's cheek. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan,"

"Except!" Osso said again, grunting and reaching a paw back to smack the dog's flank. "This loaf here is still knotted up and now passed out," he complained.

"Why don't you shrink it with magic?" Tarn teased.