DragonZ Chapters 3 & 4

Story by Azur the m0vi3drag0n on SoFurry

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--New Friends--

"Adrian doesn't know how to fail, from start to finish, he"ll NEVER give up. Even if that means he has to sacrifice his own life to save us and everyone else. So I think I know him better than you, Sasha." ~Kiddo Garrus~

I nugged open the door to my apartment and softly placed Kiddo on the wall while I closed and locked the door. When I turned around, He was on the floor. "Kiddo!" I was scared that he might have some kind of internal wound or blood lose.

"Sorry. I am tired and can't really feel my legs." Kiddo explained

"How long where you down there?" I picked him back up and layed him down on the counch in front of a very nice 50" LCD Vizio I got on sale.

"um...I think 4 months. I don't know and don't want to talk about it anymore please." Kiddo begged. He almost started to cry but, held it back. "I still can't thank you enough Adrian."

I waved my hand around "Ah come on now. You don't need to." He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I was taken by surprise and I couldn't catch my breath. I slapped his back and started to laugh a little bit "Hey there big guy. No need to get all mushy."

"You don't know how long I've been running."

"Running? Running from what?" before he could finish my front door opened. Dammit they're home. I thought. It was Mark and Dalton. Dalton was one of the other survivors with me when my parents died and we thought of each other like brothers. He made a living in the Ark as a pimp for anthros and humans, and made a pretty profitable amount of credits, and served as a informant when I had a special case. And Mark was a leopard and was Dalton's right hand prostitute though barley legal. Mark, when I needed as well, got me inside places humans could almost never get in.

"Hey hey hey! Guess who brought food man...WHOA! HOLY HELL!" Mark yelled at the top of his lungs. Kiddo, within seconds of them walking through the door, had got up off the couch and braced himself as if he was trying to protect me. He bared his teeth and fire started to seep out of his mouth. He growled a very low but, very intimidating growl and his wings where extended and blocking my view. Mark and Dalton nearly shat there pant just staring at him.

"KIDDO CALM DOWN THEY ARE WITH ME! Calm down." I gripped his right shoulder tightly so to get his attention. He looked over his shoulder and started to relax slowly. "That's it. It's ok. These are my friends. They are not going to hurt you." Kiddo finally let down his guard. I felt something that was emanating around him, I couldn't tell what it was but, it felt powerful.

"I am sorry Adrian." he hung his head low.

"It's ok you didn't know." I walked around Kiddo and stood in front of him.

"Shit man!" Dalton was out raged. He doesn't like surprises. "At least let us know when you have a stranger over...what the hell where you two doing anyway?"

"Nothing Dalton. I picked him up about 6 blocks away from the Wet Dog and brought him back here." I explained

"Looks like something else. He doesn't have a shirt on." Mark joked. "bow chica bow WHOA!" he ducked as I threw one of his blue-ray dvd's at him. Mark whipped around and started to look "Which DVD was that?!"

"The Dark Knight." I said


"Well I have had a fucked up night so why don't you quit fuckin' jokin around and go back to suckin' someones fuckin' dick!" They all shut up as they were told. "Now. Guys this is Kiddo Garrus. he's going to stay here for a few days and."

"HOLY HELL YOUR A DRAGON!" Dalton seemed interested. Usually when he is "interested" he wants to own him.

"NO Dalton! No! Your not getting him."

"Why not?"

"Because I was a slave against my will for 4 months!" Kiddo jumped in. More angry at him than I was, it scarred me as much as it did them. We all went into a silence for quite a few moments. Suddenly Kiddo fell again but, this time he didn't get back up. He was breathing but, not moving.

"Oh shit!" I ran toward him knocking over a coffee table with all of Marks dvd's on it. I started to use CPR, breathing into his mouth with my alcohol breath I still had from the bar. "Come on stay with me. Kiddo!" I continued CPR.

"Move outa the way. I know something that will wake him." Mark pushed me off of Kiddo. He had my bottle of whiskey that I was going to share with Sasha, He poured it into Kiddos mouth. "Trust me works everytime." We waited and waited until suddenly.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kiddo threw himself up and ran toward the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water and chugged the entire thing. He threw out bottles of mayo, root beer, fruit and vegetables out of there searching for another source of water. "WATERRRRRRRRRR!"

"Down the hall, first door on the right." Mark pointed amused at what was going on. Kiddo rushed by us to find more water.

"What the fuck?" I was puzzled about how he freaked out over that much whiskey. I knew for first timers it burned but, not that much.

"Oh while you were FCPRing, I put a bunch of hot sauce in the bottle to wake him. Got it of a customer of mine today, he said it was called The Devil's Crotch. Very pontnet stuff."

I looked at him half disgusted, half puzzled. "Right...whats FCPR?"

"Failing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation." I glared at him. "What?" I punched him in the ribs and he fell hard on to the ground.

I knelt down and whispered in his ear "I have had a bad night. Sasha declined my proposal, got drunk off my ass, killed a wolf and rescued a dragon from being raped an possibly murdered, I am one very pissed off human at the moment ok?"

"Ok ok. I'm sorry." he coughed. Once again my front door opened. We looked up toward the door and saw a feminine fox-like figure walk through. Her fur was a bright red and it flowed with grace over her small, sleek furry body. Her eyes shined a bright golden shine as if trying to stop our hearts simultaneously. She had almost nothing on but her black leather c-cup bra and black leather stocking, thong and high heel boots. She was a site to see.

Kiddo came back in. "What the fuck was in the bot..." He look at her in amazement "...tole."

"What? Can't I just come in without someone having to stare at me for once?" she spoke.


"Well it's quite easy actually. I reach down, unzip, pull of and let the good times roll. Males are so easy to seduce. Now be a good boy and let me do all the work." ~Vanessa Miller~

"Is someone going to fill me in on what the fuck is going on?" she spoke with a hand on her right hip.

"Hey Vanessa." I said.

"About time someone answers." She walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I heard all about you and Sasha. Oh you poor poor dear I'm sorry."

"Yeah. I know." I looked down at the floor and she grasped my chin firmly, lifted, and gave me another kiss. This time on the lips. Long, wet, and I have to say quiet tasty kiss. She has never done this before, I was taken by the moment and I couldn't help myself but embrace it. She broke away before I got into it.

"mmm did you enjoy that?" She was being very seductive. I was without words to express what I felt. She poked my nose "good." She walked around me "Now whats going ooooooOOOONNNN! OH MY GOD IT'S A DRAGON!" She was shocked to see Kiddo. "Oh wow! I am so shocked! I didn't know your kind existed! Oh shit I'm sorry if I have offended you. Please don't be mad, do you even speak our language?"

"No offense taken and yes I do speak your language." Kiddo responded. He didn't look so good though.

"I'm Vanessa Miller, and you are?" she held out her hand

"I'm...I'm about to...ugh" He fell into her, not on purpose. he passed out agian.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK PERVERT!" She was about to hit him, I stopped her.

"Vanessa don't. He's passed out."

"Oh god. What should I do?"

"Help me carry him to my bed." We picked him up. He was still heavy as hell and sure didn't look it.

"Well while you two handle him. Me and Mark are going to head to the club. We'll be back sometime tomorrow." Dalton and Mark walked out the door leaving me, Vanessa and Kiddo in the house. 45 minutes passed and kiddo was out cold for the rest of the night. He breathed calm and deep, almost like a child at peace and dreaming.

"Oh wow Adrian. Hard to believe that he was forced into slavery." She spoke softly. Trying not to disturb Kiddo's rest.

"Yeah. Yeah I know. And look at his scales, there as smooth as skin. I thought dragons were like vile and harsh creatures. Hm guess I was wrong." I was still staring at him.

"What did he have on him? Or did he have anything at all?"

"No nothing."

"Hm" We walked into the living room and sat on the couch. She leaned her body onto mine, getting really close. I heard a content sigh from her as she snuggled into me. "You know for a human. You really know how to touch a girls heart."

"Yeah? I wish it was the same with Sasha. Why do you think she turned me down?" I asked not even paying attention to what she was doing.

"I don't know. Maybe you were too much for her." She started to rub my chest and leg tenderly. I started to feel her and i thought to myself You know what. Why not I'm single anyways. I wrapped my arm around her bringing her in closer and laid my head on her head. Vanessa wasn't making any sudden moves, I could tell she wanted to savor the moment. "You'll find another if she doesn't come back."

"Oh yeah." I paused for a moment "So how long have you had a thing for me then?" I played. She looked up instantly surprised at what I had just said. "Oh come on. You didn't think I knew? Look at what your doing now." I guess I finally figured out what she was up to because after I said that Vanessa stratled me as if she was about to ride a horse. I could feel her wanting this badly. "So how do you suppose we do this then." I played once more.

"Well it's quite easy actually. I reach down, unzip, pull of and let the good times roll. Males are so easy to seduce. Now be a good boy and let me do all the work." She leaned in and gave me another kiss . I embraced her, pulling her toward me. She was mine tonight, I wanted her as much as she wanted me. We held the kiss together, moment after moment we played with each others tongue. I broke the kiss and unclipped her leather bra and thrown it to the side of the room. Vanessa slid my shirt of and thrown it to where her bra was. "Oh wow Adrian." She rubbed my bare chest where a long scar was stretched across. She was mortified yet aroused at the site of it. "What happened?"

"Lets not talk about it. Lets just focus on each other."*The sex scene for Yiffstar only* I asked and she nodded her head in agreement. She kissed my scar up and down and I sighed contently. I groped her ass and held her tight, I felt a surge of ecstasy flow through my body. She moaned loudly and unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled off my pants. She stared in amazement. "What? Never seen a hard on before?"

"I have but not that size!" She was still starring. I pulled of her stockings and boots. "uh uh uh. Remember? I going to do all the work." She mounted up above me a I could already feel the heat from her awaiting sex emanating. Then with one move, Vanessa slammed herself into me. She screamed with pleasure as I invaded her body. I started thrusting into her, back and forth. She responded with a sharp moan. I was going faster now, the couch started shaking a bit. Vanessa was moaning with every thrust now and I was now focused on nothing but her orgasm. The couch rattled violently as she was about to reach her climax and so was I.

"Vanessa! I...I can't hold back any longer!" I wailed.

"Then let go Adrian. Let it go! OH GOD! AAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed once more. With one final push I thrusted into her and locked her in place with my hands wrapped around her waist, making sure she took all of it. It felt like i dumped my entire sack into her. We stayed there for a long time and eventually layed down on the couch. I was still inside her and Vanessa's body was trembling.

"You cold?" I thrown a blanket over both of us. "There we go. Hows that?"

"Warm. Adrian?"


"Thank you."

"No thank you." Soon after we fell into a deep slumber, awaiting fo the day that comes next.