Belleton, Chapter Two

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#2 of Belleton


Eckart was in his master's study, reading one of his favorite stories, when the apothecary's door opened with a loud thump that drowned out the tinkling of the shop's bell. The young mouse looked up from the book begrudgingly, wondering if the guest would go away after they saw the shop was empty. They couldn't have any customers; all the villages knew that Belleton's tradesmen were all away for the annual craftsmeet, far in Alleria's capital.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the shop proper, not leaving, then a loud thud. Eckart cursed under his breath, ears pinning back over his sandy head fur, and jumped to his feet, hurrying out of the study. He gasped at the sight that greeted him: Turick, one of the huntsmen apprentices, was sprawled out on the floor on his belly, the yellow leopard letting out a long, low groan. "Rick! What happened? Are you okay?" A dumb question, coming from a medic in training, but no one had ever faceplanted on Eckart's floor before.

He was by the leopard's side in an instant, bending down to get a shoulder under the feline's arm. Turick just groaned again, but was able to get his feet under him with the mouse's help, half walking, half crawling toward the back room where the cots were. It wasn't easy, with the mouse standing a full two feet shorter than the leopard, but they didn't have far to go. The sickroom was unoccupied at the moment, fortunately.

"Water," Turick croaked, and the mouse nodded.

"I'll get you something to drink. Just sit here and get your bearings, and I'll be back and you can tell me what happened," Eckart rambled, hurrying back to the shop as soon as his friend was seated on a cot.

"Somethin' the woods..." he heard from behind him, making the mouse frown. That didn't sound good.

There was a small metal sink behind the shop's counter, next to a little shelf of vials and boxes and bottles, and it took Eckart no time at all to fill a large flask with water. Indoor plumbing. It had been installed in most of the village buildings a few years back, but Eckart still couldn't get over how convenient it was.

By the time he got back to the sickroom, the leopard had fallen over on the cot, unconscious, with his thick legs dangling over the side.

"Shit." The mouse set down the water flask, scurrying over and checking his friend's forehead with the back of a paw. Usually he would have to touch someone's nose to tell, but Turick was so on fire, he could feel the heat coming straight through the feline's fur. "Shitshitshit..." After hefting the spotted cat's far-too-heavy legs onto the cot and rolling the leopard onto his back, Eckart nervously fingered open Turick's eyelids, one after the other. The cat's diamond pupils were dilated nearly to circles. That couldn't be good.

"Of all the times..." The mouse shook his head, stepping back and running his fingers through his tousled head fur. The masters were all gone. Of the apothecary's three apprentices, he was the oldest, but he'd never treated a patient without Master Tompson there to supervise before. What was he supposed to do?

Water. That was the first thing, and then check for injuries. Taking a deep breath, the mouse stared at the back of his paws for a long moment, willing them to stop shaking, then retrieved the water flask and stepped back up to the cot.

Conscious or not, the leopard drank greedily, and Eckart was soon lifting his friend's bulky arms and peering around the fur for any hints of scratches underneath. There weren't any, which meant he was going to have to get the leopard's shirt and tunic off.

It wasn't a simple undertaking, as heavy as Turick was, but eventually Eckart had the feline barechested, the sight of his friend's chiseled physique bringing a blush to the mouse's oversized ears. There were no visible injuries there, either, front or back, and he had enough experience to be confident after some gentle prodding that Turick didn't have any broken ribs, either. The big cat wasn't attacked, not from what Eckart could tell. Maybe a toxin? But then, he still hadn't looked over the rest of the feline.

"Okay. Okay, be professional..." Sighing, the mouse licked his lips and looked over his friend's legs, fully clad in thin leather trousers, the leather bunched oddly over his lap. There was nothing for it. Turick would be furious, but he'd be madder if Eckart let him die. The mouse shivered. It wasn't that bad. Probably just an allergic reaction to something, in which case, he could just...just... He wasn't sure what to do for allergies. It would depend on what the reaction was to.

But for now, pants!

Blushing fully now, the mouse tried not to pay too close attention to what he was doing, his fingers fumbling with the knotted cord holding up his friend's trousers. He paused with his fingers hooked under Turick's waistband, looking over at the unconscious cat's face, then steadied himself and pulled the trousers down over the leopard's masculine hips.

It was the smell that hit him first, a sharp, musky spice, like cinnamon, so strong it made the mouse's eyes water, and he staggered backward at the overwhelming richness of it. It wasn't a bad smell, it just caught Eckart wholly off guard, filling the small sickroom in mere seconds until the mouse could smell nothing else. He wiped at his watering eyes, but they were clearing already after that initial reaction. Still, when he was able to look at Turick again, he was worried he might be hallucinating.

Because that cantaloupe-wide tube of fur and flesh couldn't be the leopard's sheath. It had the right coloring, pale cream over most of it with just a splash of spotted gold along the sides of its barrel, but it was monstrously huge. Turick's trousers must have been flattening it like a pancake. Now that it was free and in the open air, Eckart swore he could see it swell just a little bit further.

The mouse gave his head a little shake, paw rubbing over his twitching nose. That cinnamon scent wasn't going anywhere, and was definitely coming from inside his friend's pants. The fly was spread wide around the underside of that oversized sheath, tight enough to still be pinching around its base. Eckart needed to get it the rest of the way off, as bad as that swelling was, then maybe... He didn't know what then. He had to figure out what was wrong first.

Breathing shallowly, the mouse moved back up to Turick's side, unable to do more than stare at that bulging sheath for a few long moments. Then he grabbed ahold of the leopard's leather pants and started cinching them down again.

Even this far down the feline's hips, they were still tight, and it didn't take long to discover why. The cat's balls were as swollen as his sheath, squeezed snugly between his inner thighs. Turick's legs had been sprawled fairly far apart, but the mouse had to tuck them together to get the trousers down, which made that overfilled sack squish forward on top of them, keeping the pants' waist tight around them. Eckart shivered as his wrist grazed across the soft fluff of one of those nuts, able to feel the tremendous heat coming from the skin underneath. With a grunt, he slid the trousers the rest of the way down, slipping them over the leopard's big feet and tossing them onto the bundle of the bigger male's tunic and shirt.

"Godsdamn, Rick, what happened to you? Did you get stung in the junk by a magicked hornet?" The mouse stepped back, unable to do more than ogle his friend's package and breathe in those unnatural cinnamon fumes.

Maybe the leopard _did_get stung by something, though, or bitten. That wouldn't explain the spicy smell, but with all that swelling... Eckart's shoulders slumped, and he cursed again. "Dammit. I'm gonna have to check for bite marks." And all of the most likely places were mounded up lewdly on top of the big cat's lap.

Eckart really, _really_hoped his friend stayed unconscious through this.

Careful not to touch anything, the mouse leaned in and across the cot, inspecting the leopard's sheath from every angle he could. There were no lumps or red marks on it; it looked healthy enough, just four or five times as big as a sheath should be. Similarly, the leopard's ballsack was stretched incredibly tight around a pair of melon-sized orbs, the testes tucked snugly up between the cat's thighs now that his legs were free and parted once again, but Eckart couldn't see any signs of stings or bites.

Not through the fur, at least. The mouse cursed again, shook his head, then reached out with a resigned groan, fingertips grazing the side of his friend's enormous sheath. The fever heat coming from under that fur was intense, and for a moment Eckart forgot his embarrassment and burgeoning arousal with a surge of worry for the leopard. The skin was dangerously hot.

Worry turned to surprise again, as the leopard's pink shaft surged out from the spice-scented folds of his creamy sheath. As soft and squishy as the flesh under Eckart's paw was, he'd begun to think the swelling was limited to just the leopard's sheath and balls, but that member was just as oversized. It spilled out and over the feline's abdomen, then farther, reaching an extra few inches with each additional throb. It took its time, a slow crawl, but Eckart couldn't bring himself to look away. He couldn't even blink, he was so astonished. It was growing broader, too, as it slipped free. The mouse could feel the leopard's sheath stretching even more around the swelling girth.

The leopard's member, unbarbed and humanlike, stopped its unnatural swelling just shy of the big male's collar bones, then slowly sagged to one side, flopping down across his waist. Nearly two feet long and as big around as Eckart's slender thigh, and it was still soft!

Giving his head another shake--he kept doing that, and it never seemed to do any good--the mouse finally pulled his fingertips away from the side of the leopard's retracting sheath, only to have his wrist caught in an iron grip. He jumped in place, eyes flying up to Turick's face and ears pinning back in horror. "Rick! I...I had to... You have a fever. I was just about to get some...some sheets."

"Eck..." the leopard rasped, his voice slowly deepening to a low growl. "Eckart, what...?" He looked down over himself in confusion, feline ears laying back from shock as his immense shaft twitched against the cot beside him. "Help...Help me, Eckart."

The mouse nodded, trying to pull away so that he could go rifle through his master's potions. "I will. I promise, Rick, I'll figure this out, and--"

He was cut off by a squeak when the leopard tugged him closer, making the mouse stumble right on top of the cot, and the feline, and...and that rubbery pink mammoth of a penis.

"No Eckart," Turick rumbled, looking panicked, desperate, and hungry all at the same time. "I...I need help...with this. Now." He planted his paws on the mouse's skinny shoulders, holding the little male in place as the leopard's unnatural shaft began to firm and straighten, lifting back over his belly and chest, solid enough to prop Eckart up.

The mouse had his hands held out in front of him defensively, one to either side of the firming erection. "I don't think that's the kind of help you need right now, Rick..."

The leopard just growled, arms closing around the mouse's skinny back and hugging the smaller male down on top of his swollen member. "It''s just too much, Eck..." he murmured huskily, eyes screwing shut.

Eckart tried his level best to ignore the pink erection he was lying on top of, making himself watch his friend's face, instead. "Are...are you in pain?"

Turick shook his head. "No..." Then he gave Eckart a powerful enough squeeze to make the little mouse's ribs creak. "Y-yes..." The leopard shook his head again, though. "I...don't know. I just...I can't stand it!"

Eckart went still when he felt the big cat's claws unsheathe against his back, piercing the back of his tunic and shirt and scraping uncomfortably through his fur. With a great flex of his upper body, the leopard wrenched his paws to the sides, tearing the mouse's clothes straight down his back. "Rick!" he squeaked, eyes wide, that tearing sound making him fear for his own skin. "You need to stop!"

The leopard's head was shaking back and forth on the cot still. He groaned, arched his back, pressed his turgid dick up into the mouse's chest, then opened his eyes and locked a frightened, pleading stare at Eckart's face. "I can't," the leopard whispered.

Then they were spinning, there was a moment of weightlessness, and Eckart hit the sickroom's floor hard on his back, tatters of cloth fluttering out to his sides. Turick was on top of him, that thigh-thick cock plastered down over his belly and chest, but only for a moment. The mouse tried to scramble back when the weight lifted off of him, but the leopard had the waist of the little male's trousers in his paws, and with seemingly no effort, did the same to them as he had the mouse's shirt and tunic. The mouse's butt lifted off the ground, there was another loud riiiip, and that quickly, he was as naked as the spotted cat.

There was a moment of quiet between them, Eckart staring up at his friend in shock and disbelief, Turick looking just as stunned as he stared down at the mouse past the barrier of his shaft. Slowly, the leopard's eyes traveled down to the mouse's lap, where a slender pink rod was just peeking from the little male's sheath over a pair of plump balls. Eckart had as generous a sack as any rodent, but those orbs weren't nearly the size of Turick's, even proportionately.

"Rick..." he started to say nervously. He shouldn't have broken the silence. As if his voice was a trigger, the leopard was upon him, smothering him with his shaft all over again. The turgid length flopped and rubbed from side to side, still pliable enough that it wasn't as bad as having a tree trunk dropped on him. Not quite. But it pinned him down firmly, and as if he needed to, Turick had planted his paws over the mouse's shoulders, the bigger male's legs pinning the rodent's, as well.

The leopard just loomed there on top of him, panting through an open muzzle and staring at the naked mouse's face. Then he started to thrust, just little movements of his hips that dragged his oversized penis up and down an inch through the mouse's short white belly fur.

To Eckart's horror, it was really, really turning him on.

He gave a fitful squirm to no avail, the base of the leopard's shaft grinding over his own plumping sheath and rodent sack, flattening his emerging member up against his toned belly. He wasn't enjoying himself nearly as much as Turick, however, the leopard's eyes closing again with a needy moan. A thick rope of pre splattered against Eckart's chin, making him gasp in shock, and more fluids flowed down the tenuous, slimy bridge between his muzzle and the leopard's tip with each flex of the huge cock, the pre spilling down either side of the mouse's neck.

Turick's tip was nearly at the rodent's face. The leopard's balls were weighing down over the mouse's knees, and they were so taut and overfilled, the little male's legs barely made the oversized testes shift in their white-fluffed sack. The heat coming off of the leopard's package was smothering. Eckart's mouth was open, panting, the sickroom feeling like it was becoming a cinnamon-flavored sauna.

Seeing the little male's open muzzle, Turick grasped the mouse's round ears in his paws and angled Eckart's face downward, for all the world as if he expected the rodent to give him a blow job. It was almost enough to make Eckart laugh--he was certainly feeling hysterical enough--but the desperate look in his feline friend's eyes gave him pause.

"Eckart...please," the leopard groaned. The paws around the mouse's ears held his head steady, and that broad tip surged forward to smash against his nose and chin. He had his muzzle shut now, of course, but was almost smothered by that spongy pink crown. The overheated flesh was still pliable enough to dimple inward slightly where his nose was forced against it, just above its drooling slit.

The mouse let out a helpless grunt. His arms were free now, and he lifted them to try to push the huge penis away from his face. "Rick, c'mon," he gritted through his teeth, careful not to open his mouth. There was no way he could ever stretch his jaws around that thing, but Turick looked like he wouldn't give up until he'd found a way. "It's as big as my head!"

The leopard groaned, pushing harder, and his crown slipped down Eckart's chin to thump painfully against the mouse's throat, only to pull back and try again. The mouse tried to shake his head, but those paws around his ears kept tugging painfully every time he did. "You need to let me up, Rick," the mouse insisted. He was able to dip his nose down just as the leopard gave another rolling shove with his hips, and the penis's tip hit him square between the eyes, leaving a smear of pre matting down his fur as it slid up and between his pinned ears. Already Turick was lining himself up for another try. "Stop it! You need to let me find a way to fix--"

The mouse's words were cut off with a loud, messy squelch. His eyes went wide as saucers, staring at a curved wall of pink flesh a mere inch away. It took the little male a few moments to figure out what had just happened, his mind a blank of shock and disbelief as Turick threw his head back and roared at the sudden overload of sensation.

The mouse's muzzle was wedged inside the leopard's cum slit, the sloppy wet walls squeezing and clenching ruthlessly around his face, tight enough to clamp him in place even if Turick's paws weren't still grasping his ears like round handles.

One of those paws moved to the back of the mouse's head, and he could feel unsheathed claws prickling at the back of his neck. He gave his head a plaintive shake, still staring at the leopard's tip, so close a blink would have tickled it. Turick got to his feet, the weight of his balls lifting from Eckart's legs as the leopard moved to a crouch with his feet to either side of the mouse's knees. The little male didn't dare take a breath; already slippery white pre was squeezing its way out past his muzzle, absolutely drenching the fur over the sides of his face and the bridge of his short snout. He couldn't breathe, but his friend wasn't letting him pull free.

Rather the opposite. The palm behind his head tugged him forward in a firm pull while the leopard shoved his hips toward his face, the immense shaft bending and bowing up in a slight curve at the middle. The cum slit seemed stretched open as far as it could go already, all that pressure making Eckart's face simply squish the tip of the leopard's shaft inward, the entire crown seeming to shorten by several inches from slit to ridge for a wildly tense second.

Eckart forced himself to look up at his friend's face, feeling the stretched slit shudder around his muzzle, the rubbery flesh of Turick's glans squishing up around the mouse's cheeks. The leopard was panting desperately, but his eyes were open, staring down at the rodent with every bit as much disbelief. The feline's hips quivered from the strain of his push. His paw flexed, claws digging into the fur at the top of Eckart's neck and breaking the skin beneath. The cum slit stretched ever so slightly further, creeping a scant inch up the sides of the mouse's face. He gave Turick one last pleading shake of his head.

Then, in a single surge, the shape of the smushed-back crown rebounded, squishing over Eckart's entire head, the cumslit sealing in a tight collar around his throat.