Belleton, Chapter Three

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#3 of Belleton


Turick thought he might have blacked out in that moment. He certainly couldn't see straight afterwards, the sensations were so intense. The leopard let out another roar that continued until he was out of breath, fading into a whimper that held a hint of the slight pain of such a stretch to the end of his urethra. Slight pain. But so, so much pleasure.

He couldn't contain it. He couldn't bear it. He couldn't withstand it.

He needed more.

The leopard grabbed at Eckart's arms, flailing now, thumping at the sides of the feline's erection. He grabbed them, and pinned them down snugly to the mouse's tan sides. But he couldn't go any farther, not without bending his cock down and backward, with the mouse lying on the floor under him like that. The leopard's member seemed to stiffen in protest at the mere thought, already curved in an uncomfortable arch.

So Turick grasped the mouse's upper body with both paws, the little male's arms pinned down to his sides, and with more strength than he should have had, swung the rodent off the floor, upside down in front of him. Turick wobbled in place, foot paws dancing as he tried to balance with the mouse squirming and thrashing his legs and tail like mad. Eventually the leopard toppled backward, landing hard on his bottom, and the impact drove Eckart's head down firmly, the feline's stretched slit kissing the rodent's shoulders.

Turick threw his head back and groaned. "Ohhhnng...more..." He needed to stop this, and fast. He didn't know what was happening to him, but it was bad, whatever it was, and he had no control over it. "More," he whispered, starting to push down with his arms, his finely toned upper body flexing everywhere with the strain. He had to stop. That was Eckart he had stuffed head-deep in his dick. Eckart! Turick was friends with all of the other apprentices, more or less, but he'd known Eckart longer than most. They'd come from the same village before beginning their training in Belleton. He snarled, his cock flexing hungrily around the mouse's squirming head. "More!"

Those shoulders shouldn't have been able to fit. The leopard's erection was huge, almost half a foot wide, but as skinny as Eckart was, the little male's shoulders were still broad enough to be an impossible barrier. But Turick's slit kept stretching, kept spewing out more globs of slippery pre to lube the way. The ridge of his crown was already flared out obscenely wide from the rodent's head filling it, and the harder the leopard pushed, the wider his glans became. His entire shaft gave a powerful, gulping flex, and he suddenly had the mouse's upper arms wedged inside of him, stretching his glans so wide he was sure it was about to split in half.

It stayed intact, however. More, it flexed again, and another inch or two of Eckart's arms and chest disappeared. How far was this going to go? How deep could he shove his friend inside of his own arousal? He had to know, had to find out, had to--

Eckart's slender, furless tail slapped him hard across the face, enough to daze him, then swung back and hit him again. Turick almost lost his grip on his friend's arms. There were stars in his eyes, and when they cleared, so did his head, at least a little. He wasn't having sex with the mouse, not exactly, but one way or another he was raping the little male. There was no way Eckart would ever forgive him for this, no matter how little control he had over himself right then. The mouse had been right. Turick needed to get him out of there, and apologize, and beg the little guy to help cure him of whatever that ghostly rabbit out in the forest had done to him. His paws squeezed around the mouse's upper arms, what was left of them sticking out from his pillar of a cock, and started to pull them the other way.

His pillar of a cock squeezed harder. It pulled more firmly. It flexed, veins bulging all up and down its length, and held fast to the rodent inside it, a swallowing ripple tugging the little male down all the way to his elbows. As slick as it had to be inside his bulging urethra, Turick couldn't imagine how his shaft was keeping such a vicious hold around the mouse, but his shoulders and biceps were rock solid with the strain of pulling the other way, and Eckart wasn't slipping free at all.

Another penile gulp. As thinly stretched as his flesh was, the outline of the mouse's upper body was easy to make out, though there was still a thick enough barrier of cockflesh to soften his features somewhat. The base of Turick's erection was already stretching out in anticipation below the subtle bulge of the rodent's head, which was diving closer and closer to the leopard's sheath with each unnatural swallow.

The mouse's tail wrapped around Turick's neck, grasping tight enough to choke off his airways, but if the leopard wasn't strong enough to get his friend free, the mouse was even more helpless. The feline gasped, one paw slipping from the mouse's forearms to tug the tail free, but it just coiled around his throat again. Maybe together, with that extra tension...

Ignoring the skinny tail's strangling hold, he grasped both of the mouse's little wrists in his paws, right above his ravenous glans now. "O-okay, Eckart," he rasped. "Together. Pull..." He squeezed those wrists tight, the muscles in his back straining as he tugged as hard as he could. The tail around his neck quivered, then began straining, as well, but Turick's entire body was flexing, and that included the one part of him he wanted to relax.

The rodent didn't budge. He just held steady in the leopard's shaft, stuck in the stalemate, and began trembling in front of Turick's face. The tail behind his neck lost its hold, but he pulled all the harder, trying to make up for it. Then he heard the faintest of muffled cries coming from the base of his shaft. He was hurting the mouse, his paws crushing the little male's forearms, and he suddenly worried that he wasn't far from pulling Eckart's shoulders from their sockets.

Turick let go, then felt an immediate surge of ecstasy as the largest gulp yet swallowed Eckart up to the root of the mouse's tail. The leopard slumped forward, and with the mouse's hips now perched right above his tip, the feline's muzzle wound up planting right against the rodent's bubbly rump. He moaned as the soft fur pressed warmly against his nose, those rear cheeks clenching at the touch and hiding the mouse's tailhole from view between them.

The leopard closed his eyes, groaning from another clench that dragged that round bottom halfway into his shaft, pinning the mouse's tail up along his butt's cleft and squishing those cheeks in until their lower fringes bulged where they stuck out above Turick's stretched slit. He stared at that rump, those thighs, those plump rodent balls visible between them where they sagged forward against Eckart's upside-down sheath. Turick didn't know what to do. His friend was filling every inch of his impossibly enlarged shaft, the mouse's muzzle wedged against a point of tightness deep within the leopard's sheath, and Eckart's energy seemed to be fading, his legs and tail only squirming now rather than lashing and flailing frantically. There couldn't have been much air where his face was stuffed, but the leopard was too exhausted to try again to pull his friend free.

Another rippling swallow tugged the mouse downward, and something deep inside the leopard stretched, making him go up on his widely parted knees with a shocked gasp. Another clench of his shaft, and he could see the shape of Eckart's face through the white and gold fur of his left nut.

Then he heard the shop's bell ring in the entryway outside the sickroom.

Turick froze in place, holding his breath, every part of him motionless save for his persistent shaft. What should he do? He should call for help, shouldn't he? Maybe with someone else pulling along with him, they'd be able to free Eckart before the mouse suffocated.

"Eckart?" a voice called from the shop. Turick recognized it: Dusker, Eckart's twin brother, but then there were the solid thumps of hooves on wooden floorboards, followed by another voice.

"You'd better be studying and not reading those mystery novels again!" That was Lev, a whitetail stag, and the last of the alchemist's apprentices. Surely, with both Dusker and Lev helping, they'd be able to save Eckart. "Gods, he must've lit some incense again. How's that for cleared sinuses?"

Turick opened his muzzle, but all that came out was a snarling moan, all but inaudible under a loud, wet squelch from his erection. Pre bubbled up around Eckart's knees, then his shins, his ankles rapidly approaching the leopard's crown as the mouse's upper body began to curl up and stretch out Turick's sack.

"I think someone's in the sickroom," he heard Dusker murmuring to the deer. Good. Good, they were on their way. They'd help, and everything would be fine, just embarrassing.

"I haven't heard anything about someone getting injured," the deer replied. Small hooves clopped their way toward the sickroom door, bare, thin-toed paws padding after.

Turick stumbled to his feet, nearly hyperventilating from the extra stretch as his sack lifted ponderously off the ground between his thighs, Eckart's weight making his left testicle sag lower and lower the more the leopard's shaft devoured. He stumbled around to face the door, wobbling from foot to foot on his way toward those voices, toward help.

The door was still open partway, but the others couldn't see him clearly, not until Lev pulled it wide and nearly walked straight into the naked leopard. Turick lurched forward and grabbed the deer's upper arms, eyes wild and pleading, a mouse's feet sticking out of his enormous shaft right in front of the stag's shocked face. "Lev..." The leopard hunched forward. His cock pressed up against the deer's shoulder, rodent toes curling beside Lev's pointed ear. "Dusk..." Turick swallowed, squeezed the deer's arms, stared at that startled, wide-eyed face right in front of his own.

Then he yanked Lev toward him, flattening the mouse-bulged member up between them, and pressed his muzzle to the deer's lips in a desperate, openmouthed kiss.

"Turick?" Dusker squeaked, staring back and forth between the other two, his eyes locking on the leopard's bulging erection. "What--"

"The hells, man?" Lev turned his face to the side and tried to step back, but Turick held him tight. "What's wrong with you?"

"What happened to you?" Dusker echoed, finally noticing his brother's toes just as they disappeared into the leopard's stretched crown. "Holy shit!" From his angle, the other mouse's upper body was clearly visible in the leopard's enormously stretched sack. "Is that Eckart?"

He was too fast, and Turick's mind too muddled to stop him. The little gray-furred mouse wedged himself between Lev and Turick, boldly levering the leopard's member down toward himself and shoving his paw through the slit to grasp at his brother's foot.

"No!" the feline managed to protest, but it was too late. His shaft, of course, grasped the other mouse's wrist right back. "Oh gods..."

Dusker tried to yank his paw back, along with his brother's foot, but after a series of rapid undulations, he was trapped inside Turick's shaft up to his elbow. Lev cursed, jerking his shoulders from side to side, but the leopard held him fast, not even knowing why, simply needing something to hold onto for fear of losing himself completely to that straining pleasure. More and more of Eckart was curling up in his left nut, filling out the teste broadly enough that his bulge bumped up against Lev's knees.

The leopard snarled, he roared at the growing pressure in his sack, at the losing battle he was waging against a destructive, compulsive instinct. It was too much. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. His loins were on fire, from the back of his taint to the tip of his swallowing cock, and they screamed for one thing: More.

He staggered forward, pushing with his legs and carrying both of the other males to the floor. They weren't athletes, by any means; Lev was rather scrawny for a stag, the small, dual-pronged spring antlers sprouting from his head making him look younger than he really was, and Dusker was no stronger than his brother. Turick had the deer pinned underneath him easily, and Dusker was yanked down by the arm along with them, his chin smacking painfully against the floor.

"Get off, Turick!" Lev shouted, trying to wriggle his way free. The leopard's expanding scrotum weighed heavily over Lev's legs, the solid lumps of Eckart's limbs squirming about enough that they could both feel it.

"Turick... Turick, stop!" The feline's crown was swiftly approaching the second mouse's face, working fast now that it had its first occupant nearly entirely sealed away in the leopard's sack, almost as if it was eager.

Turick shook his head, his voice dazed. "Can't. Can't stop it..." He buried his face against Lev's unwilling shoulder, mumbling incoherently, "I'll get you out. I'll find a way to get you both out again..."

"Don't get him in in the first place!" Lev shouted at him. "What the hells is going on?"

With a snarl, Turick bit down around that shoulder, fangs piercing cloth, fur, and skin. He clenched his eyes shut, ears pinning back at the deer's pained cry, and shooting open again with a gasp when he felt the side of Dusker's face against his glans.

He wrenched his head up, teeth tearing a wide scrap out of Lev's shirt, and planted one palm on the deer's chest to hold him down, the other moving to Dusker's head. Lev's hands grappled with the leopard's thick arm, but couldn't budge it.

The feline straightened the little mouse's head toward his tip where it jutted over Lev's chest, and Dusker went crosseyed to stare at the rippling slit around his shoulder. "I can't stop it," Turick repeated through gritted teeth. A thick glob of pre splashed out right onto the mouse's gray face, thicker than any that had come before, making him cry out in surprise. "It's going to happen, however we fight it. If you went in like you were, it would've broken your neck." There were short strands of brown fur sticking to the mouse's face in the thick soup of precum. Dusker's brother's fur.

Turick didn't let his thoughts linger on that, shoving Dusker's muzzle in alongside the mouse's arm. It went easier this time, the leopard's shaft squishing up against the mouse's cheeks, but stretching open around his head without a fuss. With one arm already inside, the shoulders were devoured more smoothly, as well, each insistent clench of his erection nearly blinding the leopard with straining bliss. His pre took no time at all to saturate the mouse's tunic, soaking it through and drooling down right beside Lev's face.

Lev was watching the entire thing from underneath the leopard, struck silent with horror, but he finally found his voice when that thick pre splattered next to his ear. "You've gone mad," he whispered, and Turick could only give the deer a slow, distracted nod.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think I have..."

He knew what he wanted. He could only fight it for so long, and he was already exhausted from trying to save Eckart. With a helpless groan, he lay down fully on his belly, pinning his member on top of the deer, and he grabbed at the buck's wrists when the other male tried to reach up for Dusker's squirming waist. "We can't help them," Turick insisted. "Not yet. Maybe...maybe once they're in there, I can get them out again."

"Maybe?" Lev cried out hysterically. "What happens if you can't?"

"I don't know. I don't know what's going on..." He pulled the deer's arms toward him and around the barrel of his shaft, forcing Lev to hug around the thick erection, around the shape of Dusker's skinny torso getting devoured. "It just" The leopard grasped the deer's forearms in one meaty paw, reaching down with the other one, claws extended, and ripping through the deer's clothing along his side.

Muffled shouting was coming from the middle of his bulging penis. No sounds were coming from his sack, nothing save an ominous gurgling, his scrotum tightening and bunching around Eckart's form. That form still squirmed from time to time, but the intervals between movements was getting longer.

Lev wasn't giving up, his body bucking and rocking, face turning to the side each time more pre gushed out around the mouse's midsection and dribbled down from the front of the rodent's green tunic. Turick had the deer almost as secure as he did the mouse, however, his free paw rubbing up and down Lev's side, tearing cloth free and roaming over velvety soft fur. The leopard pushed his hips down and forward, grinding his sack and member forcefully against the deer's body.

Lev grunted when Dusker's foot bumped into one of his antlers, then his shoulder. The mouse had his butt up in the air, legs brace below him, and was trying to use the leverage to pull himself out. It wasn't going to be enough, Turick knew.

The leopard gave a few more slow thrusts against Lev's body, an uncomfortable internal friction robbing him of some of his pleasure: Dusker's tunic. There was no getting it off the mouse now, but Turick didn't have to put up with the whole outfit. He brought his free paw up and around the mouse's waist as it surged toward his tip with another clench from his crotch, fumbling with the rodent's belt buckle.

Lev watched with a revolted grimace as the leopard's thumb unclasped the mouse's belt and began working on the smaller male's fly. "Now you're taking off his pants? Why?"

Turick huffed a distracted breath, wincing at the feeling of the mouse's sopping tunic inside his urethra, similar to the feeling of wet and slimy fur, but not quite the same. It seemed more absorbent, and was sponging up some of the pre keeping everything smooth and slick inside his shaft. " he has something clean to change into," he growled. "When we get him out."

He couldn't see how the deer could argue with that, but Lev still looked mortified, even more so when Turick shoved the mouse's trousers and underwear past his hips, the rodent's hefty gray balls flopping out and swaying right above the whitetail's face.

Turick shoved the mouse's trousers as far down the little male's legs as he could reach, leaving them tangled around Dusker's knees. That kept the little guy from kicking around quite so much.

It also fully exposed Dusker's plump bottom, which Turick couldn't seem to look away from. He licked his chops, panting, hyperventilating, his hips grinding forward instinctively at the sight. That only moved those curved cheeks farther from him, however, so he pulled his hips back again, his free paw reaching out and cupping the fullness of that bottom. His pinky and forefinger splayed out and pressed against either cheek while his two middle fingers dipped between the mouse's buttocks to curl along his short, warm-furred taint, their tips pressing into the back of the mouse's balls and making those plump orbs jiggle above Lev's muzzle. Turick groaned, his big paw groping at the mouse's backside, then with an embarrassing, deep-throated mewl, the leopard used that hold to shove the rodent deeper into his shaft, pulling his rump toward him all the way until his crown was stretched around the little male's hips.

The deer beneath him was staring at his face, his horror turning steadily to anger, the short buck's nostrils flaring as he set his jaw. Turick could feel the deer's legs trying to lift underneath his overburdened sack, but that just forced Lev's knees into Eckart's bulges, and with another groan, the leopard sat his haunches down more firmly, plastering the fully enveloped mouse back down over the deer's legs. Lev grimaced, but he didn't turn his accusing eyes from Turick's face.

The leopard looked away, his ears pinning down, but his shame didn't last long. The lust was overpowering, and shame didn't blend well with it. A predatory anger of his own, however, seemed to stoke his libido even more, and he soon found himself matching glares with the whitetail. "I didn't ask for this," he growled, shoving Dusker farther into his shaft. He felt the heat of his glans next to his paw and hastily pulled it back, letting his erection resume its hungry swallowing. "It's not my fault."

"Then let me up," Lev said quietly. His grim stare was a little less effective, since he had to hold his head to one side to look up at Turick past Dusker's gray thighs, which were now forced to stick straight out past the deer's head, the mouse's tail still flailing like crazy. "Let me go get the others, so we can cut those two out of you."

"Cut them out?" the leopard repeated, eyes going wide. It seemed like not long ago, he might have agreed to that. Anything to save his friends. But now... Now the notion of being mutilated had the fur lifting at the back of his neck, his lips raising in a snarl. "I'll get them out myself, Lev. You'll see. I'll show you." He heaved a deep breath, then wrapped both arms down around the deer, hugging the other male forcefully to the belly of his penis and lifting them both up with a powerful flex of his back. He stood in a wide, balanced stance, hissing in pleasure as gravity helped his member swallow Dusker up to the knees, the mouse's calves tucked tightly together between Turick and Lev. The rodent's pants were sliding farther up his shins with each gulp, catching around the leopard's crown without slipping inside with the rest of the mouse.

The leopard threw back his head and gritted his teeth with a strained snarl as he felt the second mouse beginning to spill out into his right teste. Up until now, the white and yellow orb had looked like some sort of growth on the side of its bulging twin, but that was about to change, as Dusker's arm, then face, then shoulders began curling into it in short, sinking spasms each time Turick's erection swallowed.

A startled squeak came from that nut when Lev's hoof swung up and kicked it, and Turick's face snapped down in surprise. With his legs free to move now, the deer was thrashing them around like mad, trying to break free of the crushing hold the leopard had around him. Frowning, Turick squeeze the other male tighter, in a bear hug up against his rippling meat. The kick hadn't hurt him, though. It had actually felt kind of good. But he wasn't about to let the deer hurt their friends like that.

With a grunt, the leopard spun the whitetail around and planted his paw on the back of the other male's neck, steering him forward until the buck's knees hit one of the sickroom's cots. Turick shoved Lev down, the deer letting out an indignant shout from the force of it as he was bent over the cot's thin, straw-filled mattress. As he lowered himself above the deer, he pushed down over the small of Lev's back, forcing the stag down to his knees, as well. The leopard's balls plastered themselves against the backs of the deer's legs, mice bulges squirming about fitfully.

Turick had only wanted to get the deer to stop trying to fight him, but now, with the struggling male pinned on his belly in front of the leopard... With that little tail flitting from side to side...

The brown and white, tufted tail wasn't so different from a rabbit's...

The leopard's paws were moving of their own volition, tearing into the back of Lev's tunic, shredding it and flinging ruined strips of cloth to either side. He tucked his thick fingers underneath the deer's waistband at the other male's hips, and pulled, tendons up and down his arms and back turning iron hard. Lev was wearing a thick leather belt.

After it ripped in half, his trousers came apart like a wet tissue.

The stag went still at that display of brute strength, staring at the wooden-sided wall in front of him. Turick tossed the ruined belt to the side, letting the scraps that used to be the seat of Lev's pants flutter free. The legs of those trousers were still wrapped around the deer's legs, ending in uneven tears around his thighs, but Turick left those. He had what he wanted, what his insistent libido demanded.

A loud slurp and squelch came from the leopard's shaft as Dusker's curled toes and tail tip disappeared, both mice completely within his body now, but Turick barely noticed. He was too busy staring at the deer's feminine backside.

It wasn't as full as he imagined Solierre's might be, at least not in proportion to the rest of the deer's frame, but Lev's hips still had a girlish taper out from his slender waist, his bottom a soft and rounded bubble above solid thighs. The splash of pristine white fur between his cheeks had Turick salivating, the white underside of that tail hypnotic as it twitched from side to side, staying upright in alarm and keeping the deer's rump fully bared.

As foggy as his thoughts were right then, a part of Turick's mind knew exactly what he was planning to do. A smaller part, a barely audible voice, whispered to him that it was impossible. His throat suddenly dry, he swallowed, shuffling forward until the root of his shaft was pressed up against Lev's butt, and the leopard guided his meaty rod down until it rested on top of the deer's back. On top of all of the deer's back. His glans was kissing the back of the deer's head, and Lev twisted where he lay to stare at that fleshy barrel, the pink pillar jostling and rippling as Dusker's legs struggled inside it. As it was, the leopard's erection was as big around as the deer's waist, but that was with the extra girth of the mouse's limbs still thrashing around within it.

"Turick..." Lev said, trying to meet the leopard's eyes.

"I have to cum," the feline growled at him.

"What...what about letting Eck and Dusk out?"

"That's...why I have to cum," the leopard breathed huskily, pulling his hips back. "They'll come out when I do."

The deer shook his head, gulping. "You can't be serious." Lev tried to push himself up, but Turick planted his paw on the small of the deer's back, pinning him down. "They can't come out in me, Turick!" he shouted.

"I'll pull out first," the feline mumbled, dragging his penis's sensitive underside down over the curve of the deer's butt until the front of his glans was resting right on top of those soft cheeks.

"It isn't possible," Lev insisted, starting to struggle for all he was worth. "You're too big!"

"None of this is possible..." Turick stared at the deer's bottom, feeling his heart pound in his temples, echoing throbs strumming through his shaft as he felt the second mouse's legs slip farther and farther into his right nut. Lev didn't have a tiger's stripes, and his hips didn't flare out quite as dramatically, but Turick could still imagine the whitetail was really Solierre. His free hand moved to the top ridge of his crown and pushed it down underneath the deer's little tuft of a tail, squishing and wedging between Lev's warm cheeks until the leopard could feel the much warmer spot of bare, dimpled flesh against his tip. It would have been perhaps an inch wide, Lev's tailhole, if someone's thumbs had been stretching it to either side. Turick's glans was at least five, at its back ridge.

"Rick..." The deer went still again once he was convinced all his flailing around was getting him nowhere. He looked back, clenching his rump around the leopard's tip, and gave his head a helpless shake. "Rick...this will kill me."

That should have given Turick pause. It should have made him stagger back and beg for forgiveness. But in that moment, with the deer's big eyes looking up at him like a lost fawn's, Lev had never before looked more like prey to the leopard.

The big feline shoved his hips forward.