Misplaced Trust

Story by Prismara on SoFurry

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Misplaced Trust

by Sajja


Uploaded with permission.

Lyanna had recently come to Xin-Hai, seeking the relative safety of that Enclave city after things in her native district of Abion had deteriorated, not that any place on Madaan could truly be considered safe. Everything in that crowded city was different, and she felt a bit out of place, lost, alone, and without many friends. Sure, she had heard all the usual warnings people gave her kind about the others that lived there. Her kind being a mere normal human, still young though old enough to be finally moving out on her own, and a bit on the small side on top of that. She was only a bit over five feet tall, slender of build, with pale skin and red hair, and stood out badly among the inhabitants of the city, that is, when one could see past them to find her at all. There were plenty of humans in the city, though they tended to be taller and darker skinned that she was, making it easy for her to get lost in a crowd. And then there were the city's other residents.

Xin-Hai, like most of the Enclave cities, was home to a significant population of the heavily engineered, those who were no longer really human. Some few looked relatively normal, but most didn't, wearing forms that mixed the human form with more animalistic creatures, more monstrous creatures, and a good number of those towered over her. She had been warned to stay away from them, that her small frame would arouse predatory instincts that had been built into them or cultivated by them, but that was just prejudice talking, she was sure. It wasn't safe to visit the places they hung out those few she knew had said, but that was just talk, idle rumors and urban myths, there wasn't any real danger. After all, if there was, the police would have done something about them and closed the places they haunted, right?

Still, some part of her mind was filled with doubt, and she wasn't quite sure how she had ended up here. Earlier that evening, she had decided to visit a bar, to try and meet some new people in the city, try to make some actual friends. And, perhaps, some part of her was looking for something a little more. It had been a while since she had last had the company of someone else for the evening, though to date, she hadn't spent any time in such a way with who were decidedly not quite human. Maybe that was what drove her to set foot in that bar, that place where most everyone towered over her, where the expressions on people's faces couldn't quite be trusted, faces marked by muzzles and bodies covered in hide or fur. The mix of people in the bar was a bit bewildering to her, coming as she did from an area that was dominated by humans, and here, she saw an array of body types, most of which she had never seen before coming to the city so recently. Cats, wolves, lizards, snakes, and other, less immediately identifiable things had all turned to look at her when she had stepped through the door. That had sent a chill up her spine.

The human had spent the first part of the evening in the corner of the bar, trying to avoid tripping over or stepping on tails and avoid the sea of luminescent stares that her presence had evoked when she walked in. Most had gone back to whatever they were doing, their drinking and conversations and paid her no mind while Lyanna tried to melt into the shadows and hide from those larger creatures, though some few, she noted were watching her, including a snake, one of those nagas that could be nothing other than a combat morph from the looks of him. That was what made her start to believe the stories her neighbors told about the place and the types that frequented it. But all of that changed when he sat down next to her.

He was a lizard, his hide a dark blue in color, with a pair of backswept horns on top of his almost serpentine head. He hadn't asked if she wanted his company, he simply took a seat, and slid a drink across the table to her. She couldn't take her eyes off the creature that had joined her, the ripple of muscles under the hide that covered his almost slender frame, the icy blue eyes that he watched her with, the iridescent coloration of his hide. And most of that hide was left on display, she noted, the less human inhabitants of the city obviously having less of an inclination towards physical modesty than her kind had. A short vest hung from his shoulders, the black garment loose about his chest and left hanging open, while a similarly colored thong clung to his hips, the thin cloth revealing just enough about what lay underneath it to arouse Lyanna's curiosity, and remind her of how long it had been since she had lain with anyone. The only other thing he wore was a pair of boots on his feet.

The lizard hadn't said anything at first, had just sat there, sipping from his drink. That didn't happen until after she had taken that first drink he had offered her and finished it. When that glass was empty, he had taken it and fetched another for her from the bar. She wasn't even sure just what it was, other than some kind of alcohol. But when he returned, that was when he had finally spoken to her, his voice low, almost rumbling with a hint of a hiss in it. The exact words he had spoken were unclear in her mind, it was the intent behind them that she remembered and was firmly planted there, the lewd suggestions she would have normally rejected out of hand, the offers to satisfy both curiosity and desire. Perhaps it was the drinks, for more had followed, or perhaps that mix of curiosity and desire had led her to accept his invitation, she wasn't quite sure, but here she was, standing in the doorway of his apartment, that large lizard beside her. And large he was, he towered over the human, at least seven feet tall. She felt very small right then.

The room beyond the doorway was dark, the faint light in the hall illuminating little of it. She was hesitating, lost in her thoughts for a bit, only to be stirred from them by the feel of his hand at her back, the larger male pressing gently there, guiding the smaller human into the darkened room. Giving a shake of her head, she let the lizard coax her into his apartment, his lair, the door shutting behind her once both had passed through and leaving them both engulfed in darkness. She tried vainly to see through the gloom, and was starting to wonder just what she had gotten herself into when she heard what sounded like a faint click and then discovered she could see once more. The lizard turned the lights on, but kept them dim. Lyanna took the opportunity to look about the apartment as he stepped further in.

It was mostly one open room, not too small, but not overly large, either. A large television was hung on one wall, with a comfortable looking couch before it. In one corner was tucked a kitchen, while another corner was taken up by a large bed that had niches in the wall over it. The lizard was walking across the room, his tail swaying almost hypnotically behind him as he moved, the languid swishes it made vaguely cat-like. It didn't take the human long before she found herself spending more time watching its movements, and the not quite bare rear beneath it than she did looking over his apartment. He headed straight towards the corner where the bed was, the lizard slipping out of his vest as he moved, and then draping that garment over the back of a chair. His boots were quick to follow, slipped off and then neatly placed under the chair.

He was paying her no mind at the moment, busying himself with the removal of his clothing, that skimpy thong the last piece to go. It wasn't so much stripped off as peeled from his hide, the thin cloth clinging tightly to his form, almost as if it had been painted on him. His tail was swishing about as he bent over, its movements never quite letting her get a good view of his bared rear while he slid that cloth down his legs and then pulled it free of his feet, the lizard tossing it over the back of the chair with his vest. It was only when he finished that he again paid her mind, the now-nude lizard beckoning her over to him. Her pulse quickened as she draw in a breath, the full realization of just what was going on starting to sink in. She was now alone in this lizard's apartment, the larger creature completely undressed and ready to make good on his earlier suggestions, ready to rut her and satisfy some of the desires the human had hidden away, and backing out at this point was probably not an option for her.

Reluctance to give into the lizard's request gradually disappeared as she crossed the room to where he was waiting, replaced with the desire to let him have his way, to feel that smooth hide of his rubbing against her naked skin, to feel him between her legs, his flesh buried inside of her. As she stood before him, both uncertain of how to proceed and unable to take her eyes off his naked body, her gaze down at the apex of the lizard's thighs, where the long, thick flesh of his shaft jutted, his hands worked to move things along. The large lizard quickly had reached for the front of her blouse, his fingers deftly working the buttons holding her shirt closed, unfastening them one by one. It brought a flush to the human's cheeks, but she was kept distracted from that by the sight of the nude lizard, being able to see what had been hidden under his thong all night long.

Almost unconsciously, she reached out while he was working on her shirt, her fingers brushing against the naked length of the lizard's cock, lightly petting at it for a moment. His flesh was darkly colored, like his hide, but more brown, nearly black, and quite warm to her touch though it was still hanging limply down from his loins. The quiet, almost purring rumble that came from him sounded pleased to her ears, so Lyanna kept running her fingers along the lizard's almost human shaft, stroking that bare skin as a subtle twitch ran the length of the lizard's cock. She only reluctantly stopped when he pulled her shirt open and slid it off her shoulders, and that was just long enough for him to pull it from her arms and leave her half naked before him. The moment he was done, her fingers were again on his cock, wrapping around it and squeezing that thick length, her touches coaxing that part of the lizard's body to life. She could feel it start to stiffen in her grasp as that pleased rumbling sound again came from the larger male.

The fingers of one of his hands were stroking along the human's arm, the almost claw-like nails lightly touching against her skin as they slid along it, caressing at her naked flesh. His other hand had slid down to undo Lyana's pants, his fingertips slipping into them and rubbing at her body through the thin cloth of her panties, sliding deeper into her pants as they rubbed at the folds of warm flesh hidden beneath her clothing. Eagerness was growing in the human as he rubbed at her body and she toyed with the heavy flesh of the lizard's cock, watching it grow harder and point more upwards with every heartbeat, feeling through her fingers the subtle shudders that ran through it as that lizard's shaft was brought ever closer to full hardness. The touches of the lizard's finely pebbled fingers along first her arm, then her shoulder and finally against her neck, his fingers sliding through her hair to let him pet along the back of it, fingertips and nails tracing their way along her spine there as they moved. He let her keep that up, let her keep stroking both hands along his large cock until the flesh of it jutted upright, the tip of it marked with a glistening drop of his precum.

He then pulled his hand away from the human's neck as his other slid out of her pants, letting the one fall down to join the other as he started to tug Lyanna's pants off her hips. He wasn't trying very hard to get them off of her, instead more indicating what he wanted her to do. It took her a moment before she managed to tear her gaze away from the rigid lizard-cock standing up before her and looked up to find those icy blue eyes of his staring down at her intently, watching her. She flushed for a moment under his gaze before letting her hands slip away from his naked body. Turning her attention to pulling off her shoes and then her remaining garments gave the human's blush time to fade, though the whole time, that large lizard was watching her, his eyes roaming over her slim, young form, while the fingers of one of his hand idly rubbed along his shaft and over those heavy balls dangling below it. With some effort, she ignored what he was doing, concentrating on stripping down for him, exposing her vulnerable body to the larger, stronger male for him to use as he saw fit. That thought sent a shudder through her body accompanied by a momentary quickening of her pulse.

To be used as he saw fit, that was what she was going to let him do, and the mere thought of it was making her that much more eager to submit to the whims of that bestial looking male. The human swiftly finished stripping, putting her clothing on the chair as the lizard had done, and turned to face him, only to see him gesturing with his free hand towards the bed while the fingers of the other were giving the length of his cock a squeeze, the tip of it pointed almost directly at her. Again, a flush painted her cheeks, though Lyanna was quick to climb up onto the bed as he indicated. The lizard wasn't saying much, he didn't need to. It was clear what he wanted. The bed was higher than she was used to, but, he was a lot taller than anyone she had ever been in the bed of before. On her hands and knees, the thought briefly crossed her mind that he was almost certainly staring directly at her ass right now, his gaze having been kept on her the whole time she was climbing up onto his bed.

She started to crawl further onto the top of the bed when she felt one of his pebbled hands brush against her bare ass as his fingers slid to grab her hip. "That's far enough, little one. On your back like a good girl." She looked back over her shoulder and saw the lizard standing right behind her, his gaze down on her exposed ass and the already damp folds of flesh normally hidden between her thighs, while his other hand was stroking along the length of his large cock, squeezing and toying with the rigid flesh as he looked down at her naked body, as if she had intentionally presented herself to him for his approval and use by climbing up on his bed like that. The blush returned to her cheeks as she settled down on top of it and then rolled onto her back like he wanted, leaving her legs dangling off the bed's edge. Looking up at the lizard, she saw he had never taken his gaze away from her, his eyes fixed at the apex of her thighs, and he was quick to release his cock and take her thighs in his hands, spreading them wide apart and then slipping between them as he approached the human reclining on his bed.

His hands slid up her thighs, smooth, warm hide stroking against her naked skin as they climbed up them and then over her hips and along her sides, caressing at her skin as he leaned over her smaller form. She could feel the heat from his hard cock as his shaft and heavy balls brushed up against the folds of her pussy, though for the moment he was ignoring that needy part of her body, instead letting his fingers roam over her skin as they climbed up to her shoulders. Once more she felt his touch on her arms, the lizard's hands quickly sliding down them until he could grab both wrists. Gently, he pulled them up over her head and then pressed them together against the bed. It left his muzzle hanging in the air just above her face, though his icy stare was focused on what his hands were doing, rather than her exposed, tender body for a change.

As she looked up at him, realizing that there wasn't any possibility of turning back now, the large lizard more than capable of doing whatever he wanted to her, whether she wished it or not, she found herself both afraid and aroused at that possibility. Unconsciously, her hips squirmed as those thoughts crossed her mind and her legs slid about the waist of the large lizard, letting her feel the warmth of his hide against her inner thighs while she stroked her pussy against the heat of his shaft and the heavy orbs hanging beneath it for a long moment, broadcasting the growing lust she was feeling for that monstrous creature that loomed above her. He seemed to be ignoring that for the moment, though the flesh of his cock did throb against her and she could feel the damp, sticky drop of precum that fell away from the head of it to splatter against her naked skin.

He was busy with what he was doing, having grasped both wrists with one hand, while the other was fishing in one of the niches for something. It took him a moment to find what he was looking for, and the human couldn't see what it was, her view obscured by his body above hers and her arms stretched out on either side of her head. Her breath quickened when she felt something touch against her wrists, the lizard wrapping a piece of cloth about them, lashing them together, binding them there above her head. Concern again entered her mind, the thought that he could do whatever he wanted and she wouldn't be able to stop him making itself all too well known to her, which did absolutely nothing to dampen the lust that she was feeling, the urge to have him use her as he pleased strong in her right then. That concern quickly passed, though, once he had finished tying her wrists together, the human tugging at them and discovering that they were only loosely bound. He was just playing, and the thought of that reassured her. And, in some way, disappointed her as well, though she had other things to occupy her mind right then.

He was still leaning over her, though his hips has shifted, pulling the delicious heat of his shaft away from the increasingly damp folds of her flesh. Lyanna's thighs squeezed lightly about the large lizard's waist as he repositioned himself. His other hand was keeping her bound wrists pinned to the bed, leaving his body filling her vision. He was staring down at her while she looked up at him, her mind racing with thoughts of just what he was going to do to her, that big cock of his being buried inside of her as he bred her. She was jolted from those thoughts when she felt the nudge of his cockhead against her pussy, that sensitive flesh of his rubbing and stroking up against her folds as the lizard immediately started pressing it into her body. "W...wait...I don't even know your name," she stammered out, the first thing that came to mind to say. He was moving quickly, and she felt quite foolish once she had blurted that out, though any break that would let her sort her thoughts out a bit was welcome.

The lizard paused for a heartbeat as he looked down at her before replying. "We'll worry about names later, little one, after I'm done." He said nothing else, his hips giving a rough buck forward when he finished that thrust the head of his cock into her, the girth of his flesh spreading the folds of her pussy around it, that lizard flesh invading her body, and there was nothing that she could do about it at this point, nothing beyond lay there and enjoy it as he used her as he wished. She cried out as his flesh entered into her suddenly, a mix of surprise and pleasure, tinged with the lust that the human was feeling for the large lizard looming over her body. He squeezed her wrists together as he gave another rough little buck into her, driving more of that thick lizard-cock into her. It was swiftly followed by another and then another, the lizard relentlessly hammering his cock into the damp, squeezing embrace of her pussy whether she was ready or not, her flesh wrapping about his girth as it slid between the folds of her flesh and pushed his cockhead deeper and deeper into her.

A drawn out groan came from his muzzle as he kept forcing more and more of his cock into Lyanna's body, the slide of his shaft into her eased by the dampness of her flesh, the human's fluids smeared against that invading lizard-cock as it was driven into her. His cock was larger than she was used to, the girth of it stretching her open as he buried it inside of her pussy, bringing another cry from her lips, one of mixed pleasure and pain, though with every buck of his hips, there was more pleasure than pain, Lyanna eager to feel his cock inside of her, eager to feel his body against hers, eager to be used by him. It took several long moments before that blue pebbled hide covering his body pressed up against the folds of the human's pussy, her flesh spread about the base of the lizard-cock that he was filling her with. She could only breathlessly moan at the sensation, the exquisite feel of that hard flesh buried inside of her while her body squeezed down around the unyielding length of twitching lizard-cock.

He held himself like that for several heartbeats, finally letting her body get used to the thickness of the shaft inside of her, her flesh squeezing about it the whole time while her hips squirmed against his, keeping the lizard's flesh from laying completely still within her. He kept her wrists pinned to the bed beneath her while his other hand found its way down to grasp at her hip, his fingers pressing into the soft skin there, roughly holding onto her as he then started to pull back, the lizard dragging his shaft between those spread lips of hers, the whole of his cock sliding within her as he let a few inches slip free from the depths of her pussy. Then, without warning, he drove his hips back against her, thrusting himself back fully into her with one quick motion, the blue hide of his body banging up against her spread lips when he hilted himself in her and the heavy balls dangling between his thighs slapping up against Lyanna's bared ass.

Her ragged moan barely had time to escape from her mouth before he started to pull out of her once more, the lizard's hips drawing back from her body and then pounding his cock back into her once more, the full length of the lizard's shaft stroking against the flesh squeezing about it as her pussy clamped down about that lizard-shaft, trying futilely to try and grip at the increasingly slick length, the human's juices being rubbed along his length with his every thrust into her. This time, though, the lizard ground himself against Lyanna, his smooth hide stroking firmly up against the spread folds of her pussy while his shaft was kept rubbing about inside of her, pressing unevenly about against the flesh that was wrapped so wonderfully about that lizard-cock. She was kept breathless by the lizard's actions, a series of gasping moans coming from her mouth as his thick cock moved about inside of her and the exquisitely smooth hide around its base stroked against her spread, sensitive folds of flesh, the dampness that marked those folds rubbing off on the lizard's dark hide, staining it there with her scent.

Several long moments passed as he kept his hips pinned to hers, his cock fully encased in the velvety grip of her slick flesh, her body squeezing about that intrusion of lizard-flesh inside of her the whole time, coaxing little groans to slip from his muzzle. She could feel him gripping tight at her hip, his fingers pressing hard against her skin there, the tips of his nails pricking lightly against her naked skin. His other hand seemed to be stroking at her fingers as he was keeping her wrists pinned together, almost gentle caresses against them, sliding down fingers and then hands towards where her arms were bound together. The whole time, he was keeping her well distracted with the rub of his body between her spread thighs and the throb of his cock as it lay inside her flesh, the hard length of it rubbing about with every squirm that her form made underneath him and every subtle roll of his hips against her. She could feel his hand slide down from her wrists, pressing along her arm as it moved, keeping it pinned down, though it was mostly an afterthought at first, something that was barely registering in her mind due to the flood of sensations coming from between her legs.

As the lizard drew his hips back, finally readying himself for another thrust into the girl, realization began to dawn on the human through the haze of pleasure that was clouding her mind. Her mind was working slowly, flooded with the exquisite sensations of being so full of that lizard's long, thick cock, it's hot flesh spreading her open as it lay inside of her with his strong form overtop of her, keeping her pinned with hands and hips, keeping her from getting away from him and his lusts. The touch of something against her fingers forced her to drag her head up and try to look above her. She could clearly feel the lizard's hand pressing against one arm, just below the elbow, so he shouldn't be touching against her hand. It was difficult to see, matters complicated by the lizard driving his cock back into her right then, the sudden plunge of his shaft through her flesh sending a shudder through her slim form and making her pussy clench about that rigid shaft, bringing a loud moan from her mouth. It was then that she saw it and for once her cheeks didn't flush. They went even paler than normal, instead.

While the lizard that was breeding her was vaguely serpentine, this wasn't. It was fully serpentine, the head of a snake coming across the bed towards her, a large one, far larger than she had thought possible. Its mouth was open and she could glimpse that her hands were lying inside of it, and what she was feeling was the snake's tongue brushing against her fingers, flicking at them, tasting her skin as the thing crept closer towards her. She tried to pull her hands free but the lizard was keeping her arm pinned down while he drove his cock into her another time, hammering his girth into her, using the flesh of her pussy to stroke along that heavy shaft of his. Her thighs squeezed about his waist as he hilted himself once more and she looked up at him, panic written across her delicate features and her face almost completely white. Those icy blue eyes of his were fixed down on her face, staring at her once more. She tried to stammer out a question, though he gave another buck of his hips against her just then and the stroke of his shaft inside her pussy, keeping her body full of lizard-cock rubbing about against her sensitive flesh caused it to come out as an incoherent groan.

There was a hint of a smirk on his muzzle as he started to speak to her. "Hmmm? Oh, him? No, it'll be fine. You don't need to worry yourself, little one. I'll be done before he manages to swallow your hips, so don't concern yourself with him." As soon as he finished speaking, before the full weight of his words managed to sink in, the lizard's hips were again in motion, the thick cock of his being pulled partway from her body and then driven back into her, sliding through the slick grasp of her pussy's folds. The renewed sensation between her spread thighs of that thick cock being forced into the tight confines of her body kept Lyanna from forming a coherent response to the lizard, kept her from pleading with the bestial creature above her, but it did nothing to drown out the growing sensation of the mouth of that serpent she shared the bed with sliding further down her arms, more of them being drawn into its opened maw. She could feel slickness of the snake's flesh against her skin where it lay along the insides of the serpentine mouth and the touch of that tongue against her as it brushed along her arms, both clearly reminding her of what the snake was doing.

That thing had enveloped her arms to the elbows and was steadily sliding closer to her head. The lizard was keeping his hand on her upper arm, preventing her from pulling away from the serpent that was behind her, his grip far stronger than she had first guessed. The whole time, he was also keeping up that pounding at her, his cock pistoning into her pussy relentlessly, an incessant stroke of his flesh through hers that was keeping Lyanna breathless and flooding her brain with conflicting sensations. The constant stimulation between her thighs, the thick lizard-cock impossible for her to block out as it stroked inside of her, rubbing within her with every shift of his hips, coupled with the pound of his smooth hide against her spread pussy each time he sank fully into her was keeping the poor human from being able to calm down or catch her breath, and keeping a steady stream of moans slipping from between her lips. Then there was the snake at the other end of her, just as relentlessly sliding ever closer.

She lifted her head, looking back at the thing, only to see that it was nearer than she had hoped, its wide open maw nearing her head, her elbows already laying inside the thing's mouth while its tongue was flicking along her arm. The lizard was keeping her firmly in place, his hand having slid up to her shoulder and pinning it down against the bed, preventing her from getting away from the snake. Those bonds at her wrists proved maddeningly secure, just loose enough to provide her a false sense of security earlier, but not nearly enough to let her slip her hands free of them and too well tied to let her get them undone as she fumbled desperately with them. And fumble was what she was doing with them, unable to concentrate on those ties with the lizard between her legs hammering himself into the tight confines of her pussy constantly and then dragging himself back free from her, his girth never laying still inside her for a moment.

He was gripping hard at her hip, keeping Lyanna from squirming away from him, though there was still some part of her that didn't really want to do that, some hidden part of her mind that was all too happy to have that lizard keep breeding her, wanting to keep him using her body, wanting him to keep up that exquisite stroke of his hard, hot lizard-cock inside of her, the sensations of pleasure it was sending her brain working hard to drown out the urge to fight against the lizard. She could do little more than press her thighs about the lizard's waist as her pussy clamped down about the lizard's thick cock, squeezing at it in a futile attempt to try and hold it still inside of her for just a moment, to give her a chance to catch her breath and figure out what to do. It did little more than bring a hissing groan from his muzzle as he pounded his hips harder against her. "Yes, little one, keep that up, it's quite pleasing."

A shudder ran through her when the lizard spoke, his gaze fixed down on her face still. It was obvious from the leering expression painted on that muzzle that he was enjoying himself, though it was hard for her to guess what was bringing him most of that pleasure, the feel of her flesh wrapped tight about his cock, the look of fear on her face, or the sight of the snake's maw enveloping her. It was a chilling thought, though one that she had little time to contemplate, the relentless pound of lizard-cock into the wet flesh of her pussy keeping her from holding onto her thoughts for long. The snake was steadily working its way down her body, the wide open maw ready to take in her head. Lyanna had to crane her neck uncomfortably to the side to try and keep the thing from drawing it in as her arms had been. With each inch that her arms slid deeper into the snake, she could feel the its flesh stroking against her bare skin, sending a shiver along her spine as she realized it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, rather the opposite.

The touch of the snake's tongue could be felt caressing against her, the forked thing flicking against the back of her neck as the serpent tried to bring her head into its open maw, bringing an incoherent cry from the human's lips. Tears were forming in her eyes as she struggled to keep that snake from pulling more of her into its mouth, her body squirming about on the bed between the hungry animal and the lust-filled lizard, held captive there from both ends. The lizard was looking rather pleased the whole time and busying himself with thrusting his cock through the squeezing grasp of her body, her own slickness coating the length of it and making it that much harder for Lyanna to try and keep that rigid flesh still inside of her, even if she could manage to still the powerful thrusts of the lizard's strong hips, something she was proving unable to do, the squeeze of her thighs about him doing nothing to hamper the relentless bucking against her body nor the constant stroke of his damp, pebbled hide at the apex of his thighs as he drove himself fully into her with every thrust.

The lizard slid his hand away from Lyanna's shoulder, his fingers giving the human a momentary reprieve, though she was unable to use it to pull free from the snake's maw. Those blue-black fingers slid along her shoulder to her neck, and then closed about it, gripping at the human there. He gave a squeeze around that delicate throat, choking off a cry from her as he forced her head back down towards the bed, and into the maw of the snake. He wasn't quite cutting off her ability to breathe, but between that and the strength of the lizard, Lyanna found that her head was forced back, the sight of the serpent's upper jaw swiftly rising up over her face. Her wide-open eyes looked up at the lizard, hoping desperately for him to stop, though the leer on his muzzle as he watched the snake's muzzle start to slide over her head, drawing her into the darkness inside the serpent's body told her that none would be coming. Tears streamed down her face as she felt the touch of the snake's jaw against her back, though the pistoning of the lizard-cock inside of her was keeping the girl from being able to catch her breath enough to sob.

Slowly, the world was darkening around her as that snake slid over her body, the snake's jaws filling most of her vision. She could feel the touch of its maw against her bare flesh as it enveloped her, brushing against her chest, while the dry stroke of its tongue could be felt against her back as she was drawn deeper into that maw. The lizard had released his grip about her neck, but by now it was far too late for her to pull her head out of the serpent, her arms already trapped in the squeeze of the beast's throat. Instead, the lizard's hand was sliding along her back, his nails scratching lightly against her tender skin as they moved, one step ahead of the snake's lower jaw, lifting her up off to the bed to help feed her into the creature's mouth. The whole time, he was keeping that tight grip at her hip, never letting go of her there, his fingers almost digging into her skin as he held firm, holding her squirming form still enough to let him keep pounding his cock into her, his hips roughly banging up against hers with each thrust. What little she could see outside of the serpent's maw was from looking down her body, where she could see some of the blue hide of that lizard as he rutted her, used her for his own pleasure, even as the snake was pulling her deeper into it's mouth and throat, and even that view would soon be denied her. Thinking of that sent a little shudder down her spine and made her clench harder for a moment about the invading lizard-cock that was violating her, its girth being forced into her and bringing her such pleasure that she no longer wanted.

His hips kept pounding against her, harder and harder with every thrust, the impact of his body against hers sending shudders running through her slim form, as well as helping to press her just a bit more quickly into the maw of that snake. She could feel those serpentine jaws sliding against her, brushing along her back and over her breasts as more of her disappeared into the large animal. Things were getting tighter about her head, too, as she started slipping into the thing's throat. The breathless cries that were coaxed from her mouth by the incessant slide of that heavy lizard-cock through the wet folds of her flesh were keeping her from drawing in a deep breath, the mix of fear and pleasure intoxicating and making the frantic drive of the lizard's hips against hers that much more exquisite, no matter how much she didn't want it, no matter how much she wanted to escape. She just couldn't force herself to stop enjoying the intense pleasure of that thick cock being rammed roughly into her body with every thrust, sinking fully into her and keeping her tight flesh spread open as it rubbed about inside of her. And with those thrusts coming quicker than before, she was having trouble drawing in breaths between ragged, incoherent sounds expressing her pleasure despite her situation, and that was without the snake that was swallowing her down.

With the lizard helping feed her into the snake's mouth, she found that she was slipping into that maw faster than before, the pounding of his hips inching her into him and his guiding of her naked body into the oncoming snake-mouth conspiring to let the serpent envelop more of her in his jaws and throat. The flesh was slick, almost rubbery as it stroked against her, the creature's saliva soaking her skin wherever she touched against it making it slide easily against her naked body. She could feel it pressing against her face as she slid down the snake's throat, true panic starting to set in as her ability to see was completely cut off. Lyanna tried to lift her head, though it was difficult to fight against the powerful muscles of the snake's throat as they rhythmically squeezed about her, pulling her ever downwards. The only bright spot was that she could still breathe, at least, when the hammering of lizard-cock in her let her draw in a full breath, which wasn't often. Her efforts were hampered because as she started to panic, her body squeezed down about the intrusion of the lizard's flesh inside of her, which only made him pound his hips harder against her.

Her feet were kicking as she tried to flail about, though it proved fruitless, the young human unable to actually hurt the much stronger lizard that was using her. His hands slid down to grasp at both hips, lifting them up off the bed, letting the snake more easily draw her body into its maw. Serpentine jaws slid along her stomach and back, the flick of that tongue along her spine a subtle sensation that was helping to keep the human's body shuddering from the pleasure that was filling her mind. She could feel the frantic thrusts of the lizard, his cock constantly being driven into her by the powerful motions of his hips, the rough slap of his body against hers keeping her breathless and shuddering, the spasming of her flesh about his as she tried to keep him still, tried to fight against anything that she could to try and get herself out of the situation only seemed to serve to drive him to thrust harder into her pussy, to force himself fully into the squeeze of her flesh about his rigid shaft and feel that clench of her body as his cock slid through her futile grasp about him.

Her breaths were coming shallow and more rapid as she kept sliding into the serpent's maw. She could grab nothing, unable to get a grip on the flesh of the serpent's smooth throat, the bindings about her hands only serving to keep her frustrated at this point. The lizard grunted lustfully as he pounded his cock into her, the sensation of that thick shaft sliding about inside her pussy making her want to cry out in frustration, the desperation of her situation only seeming to make the pleasure she was feeling from that pistoning lizard-cock that much more intense and overpowering. Worse, the serpent's tongue was now wriggling along the cleft of her rear, smoothly stroking at the naked, sensitive skin there as it slid further down her form, preceding those jaws that were nearly at her hips. As that tongue crept further down her helpless body, the lizard let one of his hands slip free of her hip, reaching over to stroke at the snake, his fingers pressing just firmly enough to let Lyanna feel their stroke against that scaled beast.

It didn't take much longer before a strong shudder ran through the whole of her body, her toes curling up while she was being used by the lizard and devoured by the serpent. Her pussy clenched hard about the lizard's cock, squeezing as forcefully as she could about the relentlessly pounding length of lizard flesh that she was being violated with. Her precious breath was forced from her lungs as she cried out, though the sound was muffled by the body of the snake she was sunk in. Pleasure flooded her mind as the insistent pounding of the lizard's hips against her kept that cock of his moving quickly within her, the lizard hammering his shaft fully into her with each thrust as hard and fast as he could. Lyanna was crying out wordlessly as she orgasmed around the lizard's girth, the squeeze of her flesh around it bringing a lust-filled growl from him that she could only dimly hear. The sensation of that shaft still sliding through the tight squeeze she was giving it only kept the human on edge, making her only dimly aware of the other sensations on her body, the squeeze and grip of one hand at her hip, the rhythmic stroke of the serpent's throat against her naked body, smooth flesh of the snake's throat almost caressing against her as it squeezed and pulled her ever deeper into the serpent, and the touch of the snake's jaws as they rested just above her pussy. Along her bared ass, she could feel the rub of the serpent's tongue as it stroked at her and the heavy balls of the beastly lizard she was being rutted by.

Blessedly, the human wasn't subjected to that torment for much longer, the increasingly tight and wet grip of her flesh quickly bringing the lizard to his own climax, that thick cock throbbing hotly as he buried inside of her. He bucked up hard against Lyanna, the force of the impact helping to drive her just a bit deeper into the serpent's maw, and then ground himself against her. She could feel every hot pulse of spunk that spilled from him into the depths of her pussy, the throbs that would start at the base of his cock and herald another jet of liquid heat to spill inside of her as the lizard orgasmed, his cum adding to the heat and wetness inside of her, the slick fluid clinging to her flesh wherever it touched, staining her flesh with the scent of the lizard breeding her. The human was mostly lost in the haze of her pleasure at that point, her chest heaving against the squeeze of the serpent's throat to try and draw in breaths as he tried to swallow her down deeper.

As she came down from the bliss of her own orgasm, the constant squeezing about her body by the snake only heightening the pleasure she drew from it, the stroke of the serpent's throat against her naked skin almost comforting, smoothly rubbing against her as she squirmed within the serpent. The lizard held himself buried inside of her for a little while longer, the hot throbs of his cock each sending little shivers running along her spine even as they trailed off. Then, without warning, the lizard then pulled his hips back from Lyanna's body, sliding most of his cock from the slick depths of her pussy. It was then quickly pounded back into her roughly, sending a shudder through the human's form and pushing her fully into the serpent's maw up to her hips. It also forced her hard-earned breath from her lungs, making the human cry out in pleasure at the feel of that lizard-cock driven into her once more. Only after that did he finally pull his shaft from her, smoothly sliding it from her pussy, his flesh rubbing about inside of her for the last time. It left Lyanna feeling empty, even as it filled her with relief that she would be spared any further torment from the lizard.

The lizard's hands slid along her legs a moment later, sliding down them as he pulled her ankles together. The human made a vain effort to kick at the lizard, though her body was too spent, too exhausted from the rough rutting she had just received, too worn out from the struggle to breathe to put up any real fight. The lizard held her ankles firmly in one hand, pressed tight together as he again guided her body into the serpent's maw, helping to slide her deeper into the press of that throat. Air was getting harder and harder to draw in, her breaths becoming more labored as she struggled against the increasingly tight squeeze of the serpent's throat and the scarcity of breathable air the deeper she slid into him. She could feel the snake's jaws slide down her body, over her behind and then down her thighs as she started to disappear completely into the large serpent, his tongue crawling along her legs as more of her disappeared into his throat.. She could feel that rubbery, slick flesh pressing all about her every time the serpent swallowed, drawing her a bit further into himself. Soon, she knew, there wouldn't be anything left of her outside of him.

Lyanna's breathing was labored, her air rapidly running out as she slid deeper and deeper into the serpent, her body increasing exhausted from having to fight against the squeeze of his muscles to draw what little air there was in there with her into her chest. Knees and calves soon disappeared into the animal's mouth while the lizard kept up his grip at her ankles for the moment. The serpent's tongue was almost curling about her legs as it tickled along her skin, its touch keeping her body squirming about inside of the creature, burning up her body's reserves of energy and more of the air with every involuntary move her body made. When the lizard finally released his grip on her ankles, the human found his muzzle was there at her feet, his breath warm against the bare skin there, a reminder of her own difficulties in getting enough to breathe, a struggle that she knew she would soon lose.

That inevitable end was hastened when her squirming became far more animated as she tried to thrash about inside the snake, tried to pull her feet away from the lizard she had been so eager to be rutted by earlier. His tongue had slid from his muzzle and was stroking along the bottoms of her feet, caressing at what naked flesh of hers was still to be found outside the serpent. The lizard's licks were almost tender, gentle strokes of that wet length against her, though the effect was anything but gentle. With clenched teeth, Lyanna was trying hard not to give into her body's urges to giggle from the tickling sensation of that wet lizard-tongue rubbing against her. Her toes curled as his tongue was joined by that of the snake, the two of them rubbing against her sensitive skin there, both of them sliding easily against her skin, relentlessly tickling her with their caresses as they stroked at each other and her skin.

She could only hold out under the incessant stroke of the pair of tongues for a few moments, the wet human desperately trying to flail about as she was held captive in the throat of that snake. Spots swam before her eyes, the only thing she could see in the all encompassing darkness as she was trapped there, giggling madly from that final torment inflicted on her by serpent and lizard. Reflexively, she tried to curl up into a ball, to draw her feet away from the torture those two tongues were unleashing on her tender flesh with their gentle strokes. Trapped as she was in the snake, the motion did little more than draw her feet fully into the beast's mouth. The snake's jaws were quick to close once the human was fully inside of it. She could feel the squeeze of the beast's throat-muscles around her, pressing about her as the animal swallowed her down, pulling her deeper in. It only took a brief moment before her feet passed from mouth to throat, the last of her sealed into the serpent's body, surrounded by its slick, wet flesh, its saliva covering her completely from head to toes.

Her lungs were burning and consciousness was already starting to fade from the lack of air, leaving Lyanna only a few brief moments after that to contemplate her situation. Her body was too worn out from the rutting the lizard had given her and her struggles with the snake and the effort to try and breathe. Shock was setting in as she realized that there was no hope left, her entire slim form now encased within that serpent's flesh. Foremost in her final thoughts was just how cruel the lizard was, to have tormented her during her final moments alive, even after she already had no hope of escape. And yet, from some hidden part of her mind, the thought rose unbidden that his large cock had felt heavenly inside of her, and given the chance, she would love to feel him pounding it back into her again. Before she could manage to curse herself or try and blot that errant thought from her mind, blackness set in, her body succumbing to the lack of air.