Semper Arame

Story by Pongo55 on SoFurry

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#3 of Semper Arame

This is a story of a young dalmatian named Pongo. He has many challenging days ahead of him and some already behind. But right as he is accepted into one of the Marine Corps most elite courses he finds the last thing he expected, a man he could love with all his heart and soul. Star crossed by fate, society, stature and family ties these two fight for eachother, not as brothers but as lovers.

Warm rays of light shone through the windows and the smell of freshly brewed coffee scented the morning air as a pair of baby blue eyes fluttered open. Pongo Spottail attempted to sit up, escaping his warm cocoon of sheets but a bolt of pain coursed through his head and he lay back down groaning. "I'll never drink again", he swore into the empty air which was pleasantly scented by his favorite morning beverage. Another smell caught his attention and inhaling deeply he tried to recognize its origin. This odor was thick and musky, yet also woody and alluring. His brain which had been moving slow and heavily kicked into overdrive. It was Captain Webb's cologne, no not Captain Webb his name was Max. The memories of the previous night flooded back to the forefront of Pongo's mind and the sickness immediately following had nothing to do with the drink. His eyes went from the slit like crack they had remained since his awakening to fully open and filled with fear. This wasn't even his bed, or his room. He lurched to his feet, his head reeling he staggered to find his clothes. He absolutely had to leave and he had to do it now. After that drunken fiasco he was sure his Class Commander thought him an utter fool and would be relieved to see him gone. His clothes and belongings were in a neat stack by the bathroom sink. He also found a mug and a bottle of Excedrin Migraine adjacent from the freshly brewed pot of coffee. This kind gesture plus the mortifying memories of the night prior brought tears to the young Marine's eyes. He was struggling into his pants and wiping at his watery eyes replaying the words "idiot, idiot, idiot" savagely in his head when he heard the unmistakable click of a key card and woosh that accompanied an opening door. Captain Max Webb strode into the room panting slightly, he wore a gray tank top and tight green silkies along with black trainers. He was soaked with sweat and a thin layer of dust coated the dark fur and rippling muscle. He turned curiously towards the bathroom to see Pongo frozen in place, one leg through a pant leg, one paw supporting his trousers and another still wiping at his eyes. He smiled and the amber cauldrons of his eyes twinkled with delight. "Well hey there, glad to see someone's doing better" He said this cheerfully but upon staring into the teens distraught and tear streaked face his smile flattered. "I'm sorry Max, I mean sir I shouldn't have bothered you and come here and.." Pongo's voice then broke and he turned his face from the wolf who within second was upon him, embracing him and stroking a sedative paw on his cheek. "No Pongo it's fine, really." Max assured him in a calm and caring tone but the spotted dog merely shook his head. "It's not fine" He gasp between waves of silent tears " I was so drunk and stupid and I shouldn't have done that!" The entire time he spoke Pongo fought back the tears pouring steadily from his eyes and staining his bespeckled cheeks. Then in the exact same manner as the night before a strong paw touched his chin and cajoled him into looking up into Max's face. "What shouldn't you have done?" The officer asked inching his muzzle closer to Pongo's "This?" He only breathed the last word then closed the gap off inches between their lips. That warmth and hope from the night before shocked through Pongo's system. His tears instantly stopped falling and all anguish seemed to seep away from the world. He dropped his trouser and carefully stepping from them, lips still glued to those of the wolf he threw his arms around the manned neck. An arm snaked its way around his waist and pulling him in intensified the kiss further. Moments, minutes, or years later the surprisingly subtle lips of Max Webb broke from Pongo's and a hair lengths away hissed the words "Seems we've both done something we ought not." He said this in a light hearted and soft manner, but the words had the undertone of a deep and throaty growl. Pongo's swimming thoughts caught this and his spirits soared even higher for he knew this to signal a true and earnest desire. The lust he shared for Max was evident and without another word they both dove in for another time. This went past the romantic and alluring junction of lips to a fiery a passionate matinee of tongue, teeth, lips and hungry paws. Soon a gray tank top soared overhead then green silkies softly thudded to a tile floor. Both arms around the Dalmatian's waist Max hoisted him onto the counter knocking off clothes and toiletries and nearly displacing the coffee pot. With cat like reflexes Max pushed it aside and placed Pongo in its wake. Pongo's mind was a blank all thoughts replaced by pure ecstasy and angst. As Max's mouth moved from Pongo's and pecked his way to his neck the younger dog panted. Max licked then nibbled softly on the tender flesh of the neck which was immediately rewarded with moans of pleasure and a tightening of arms around a manned neck. The two kissed and bit and sampled each other's upper body and torsos ravenously then unable to wait a second more Pongo moved his paws from around the wide neck and shoulder to the waistband of Max's black sliders. He ripped down and stared in awe at the member underneath. Black in color the sheath and balls hung heavily betwixt the strong legs. But even more appealing was the bright red member thrusting nearly ten inches upwards as if demanding Pongo's immediate attention. This attention it certainly received because moments later Pongo had slid from the counter and going to his knees on the cold tile kissed it's pointed tip. This plus the stroking from his left paw caused a groan of pleasure from the impressively endowed wolf. Nothing could have egged Pongo on more and opening wide he began to take it into his muzzle. Lips curled around pointed canines to protect the precious flesh he now inhaled. Pongo bobbed down the shaft. His tongue worked tirelessly, licking and caressing and tasting every inch as he slowly slide up and down the huge cock. His free paw massaged and stroke the hefty balls and occasionally wrapped around its thick base to give a little squeeze. The combination of all this left Max Webb a panting and groaning mess, completely devoid of meaningful mental function all he thought was how amazing the sensation was. All he said were small, huffed phrases of encouragement like "Oh that's it", or "Fuck that feels good" or Pongo's personally favorite "G-good puppy". Pongo felt his knot swell some as he forced the final two inches down his throat and his bottom jaw bumped the black furred sack. " That's enough!" Max groaned and gently pushed the eager youth off his twitching sex. Pongo was enjoying the taste of a spurt of pre cum, which had been discharged on the base of his tongue when Max took him in his arms. He bridal carried Pongo to the bed and gently laying him across the comforter he went to work. Firstly Pongo's legs were lifted into the air by powerful paws then his briefs slipped from around his waist and tossed unceremoniously to the floor. Naked and made even more appealing by the innocent look and reddened cheeks the Dalmatian squirmed under the Manned Wolf's gaze. He took in everything, the eyes glinting with lust, the blushing cheeks, the trim and lean chest, the wide hips and lastly the eight inch, pink cock and rounded ass. His stare said it all. It conveyed his approval, his insatiable sexual appetite, and his tender affections for the nude figure he observed. Still hoisting the leg he spread them wide. "Flip over pup" Max demanded not unkindly but with definite authority. Pongo happily obeyed and tail high in the air, whipping side to side he anxiously awaited Max's next move. A grip on the base of his tail and hot breath on Pongo's rump let him know what was to occur even before the long, pink tongue slipped from Max's mouth and touched Pongo's hole. It clenched in surprise but the spotted ass relaxed quickly as the skillful tongue did its work. Upon his first insertion into the squirming pup's tail hole, Pongo's dick was already rock hard. By the time Max found a rhythm Pongo was a symphony of sexual whines and moans. And minutes later when he finally pulled his lips from the lubricated anus Pongo was nearly silly with desire and touching himself to sedate his urge. "Max, mmm please put it in" Pongo huffed this as the waves of ecstasy ebbed and his craving grew. "Breed me" He panted ever so softly. Max didn't need telling twice and thusly turned the sex crazed dog over to face him and hoisting his hips high, he placed the tip on his ass. "Ready pup?" He asked with sincere care and Pongo nodded vigorously. The tip slide in and as Pongo became more and more full he whimpered. Max pulled almost entirely out then leaning his torso forward kissed him again. This relaxed him and by his second careful thrust it already hurt less, by the third he was three fourths of the way in and by his fifth, more powerful pelvic push he was fully inside the tight and warm tract that was Pongo. He gradually gained speed and momentum and by the time he was kissing Pongo's neck again he was balls deep every thrust. Each insertion was meet by a wild moan or whine from the Dalmatian receiving. Pongo knew he was getting close once the pain faded and a new feeling arose. A strong want and need to be filled that lead him to thrust his ass into Max's member whenever possible. Time was irrelevant, it's only gauge the ever increasing tempo and yearning for climax. "Fuck I'm close puppy" Max panted at the exact moment Pongo felt himself ready to burst. "Ah me too" Pongo gasped. "Mmph please please cum in me" He pleaded now so desperate for relief that all other sensations became pale and inconsequential. Both paws behind his head Pongo howled as the rush of hormones burst from him. At that exact moment he felt Max drive himself in deeply and a violent shake sent his semen spewing out. Copious and thick, so warm it seemed to soothe his insides Max growled lowly as he deposited every drop inside his willing bottom. Pongo had exploded all our his own chest and face now flushed, sweaty, and absolutely exhausted he felt his seed cooling on his fur. Max was in a similar state, his manhood still tightly rooted in Pongo he breathed heavy calming breaths. He placed a paw on a speckled and blood warmed cheek then graciously licked the sperm for his face and chest. Pongo giggled happily and contently as he was cleaned like a feral cat. As he finished Max swallowed the luke warm and salty product of Pongo's joy. His knot finally decreasing he kissed Pongo's lips and pulled out. Pongo whimpered desperately feeling a sudden loss, as though a piece of his soul was wrenched away from him. "Sh sh sh" Max consoled him brushing at him fur and kissing his forehead. As their heart rate lowered to a normal level Max flopped to his side and stared into Pongo's eyes. Blue and amber eyes reflected the same emotional range of tenderness, joy, exultation, and relief. They didn't speak for a long time, not as Max carried Pongo to the shower. Not as he massaged, washed, and shampooed the sleepy dog. And not as he held out a towel and Pongo rushed into his embrace. They walked paw in paw, naked as the day of their birth back to the bed. Pongo lay first then Max behind him. Strong arms entangled themselves around the beaming teen. White and black paws covered larger black ones and small kisses showered Max's forearms. " I...I think I'm falling for you" Pongo breathed nervously into the quiet, calm of this temporary utopia. "Pongo I'm not falling for you" Max replied and for a second Pongo's heart panged with such a pain as he had never know. "I've loved you since the first time I saw you" Max continued in the same tone and the sunken heart soared! "I love you too Max" Pongo said letting his candor swell every syllable. The two then closed their eyes. Their precarious situation bordering on illegal mattered not. Nor did anything on earth or in heaven that defied their happiness. All that mattered, all that was lay in that bed. Where two bodies, two hearts, and two souls had become one.

Semper Arame

The next week went by in a haze of pain, stress, exhaustion and exhilaration upon its end First Sergeant Ross, who was a massively muscular Irish wolfhound, gray in both color and demeanor gave a short brief warning all student of the dangers of...

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Semper Amare

Swords and spears clashed across the small screen and the two competitor fought skillfully and fiercely. Pongo Spottail, a young and handsome dalmatian, both tall and strong lay across his rack and his vibrant blue eyes seemed glued to the phone's...

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