Chapter 1-Reborn

Story by Cilian on SoFurry

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#1 of Lady Of My Life Renewed

This story was based off of a roleplay I had on furcadia. No yiffing yet; it's still a while to come. And there's going to be a lot of romance, so be prepared.

Please comment if you liked it! I would love to get some feedback

Chapter 1-Reborn

"Are you sure I want to see this?" the Chinchilla asked her vixen friend. She was being lead through an array of corridors that reminded her of a hospital, but she knew better. The last thing they did here was heal furres.

"I've seen the two extra rooms in your apartment that you have dedicated to books. A scientific accomplishment such as this will really turn your head," the vixen spoke confidently.

They reached a set of double doors with a lock and from the lab coat she wore, the vixen produced a key and swiftly shoved the doors in. She sauntered in, paws in pockets while speaking to her nervous friend that stayed a few steps behind, "We found the bones of this man a few months ago. Due to his extinct species and incredible size shown just by his bone structure, the government decided to finally put money into the Resurrection Program, or RP. RP was once a myth in our eyes, as unreal as aliens or ghosts. But now.."

The two had traveled down a long corridor much like the last one, but as they moved the lights had dimmed lower and lower until there were none left. The only light seen was a green radiation coming from the room at the end of the long tunnel, the object from which it came hidden behind the corner and unseen.

The vixen stopped speaking as they finally turned the corner, the chinchilla friend giving a loud gasp at the sight. A monstrous beast slumbered inside a tube. His paw was near twice the size of the largest equine's she had ever seen, his hunched, floating body most likely reaching eight feet. She couldn't even imagine how tall he would be standing! The color of his fur couldn't be seen due to the green liquid that covered him, but a mass off hair floated about his face and neck, obviously being a mane. His chiseled body was limp, but even so the strong, built muscles of his chest and abs was all too obvious. She shifted her eyes away from the area between his legs and instead continued her long examination of him, noticing that his arms and calves looked just as powerful as the rest of him. She also saw that there was a small tuft of hair at the end of his tail.

"But he just looks like a lion. I saw a lion just yesterday on the street," the Chinchilla spoke.

"Ah, but Vanya dear, he is a distinct and both extinct breed of lion. An American lion; one of the largest ever in existence. But the breed got dwindled out until today. We finally finished his entire construction this morning," the vixen answered.

Vanya listened quietly as she glanced over him again. Even though he was large, he looked almost peaceful in his current state. Well, except for his odd position and the wires stuck in various parts of his body. The oxygen mask didn't allow her a view of his maw, but even with his eyes closed, he looked either calm or contemplative; she couldn't determine which.

"Well, you continue your staring a little longer. I'm going to go grab some notes and take down his status," with that the vixen walked down the elongated hallway, slamming the doors behind her.

The place suddenly felt colder and darker than ever before. Vanya stared silently at the sleeping beast, but seeing as he wasn't doing much, her attention soon wandered around the rest of the room. There was no decoration anywhere to be seen; only placid walls lit with green radiance from the tank. A plethera of wires spilled from a large computer nearby that fed into the device that held the male captive.

She walked over to it, glancing across the screen that looked like nothing more than a gaggle of numbers she couldn't comprehend. She could speak lawyer lingo fluently, but science never made much sense to her. Her eyes darted to the far wall, or lack thereof really. In its place was a massive window, tinted slightly, but it still allowed a small view of the sun nearing its setting stage upon the clouds.

Vanya felt the back of her neck tingle as she heard a small beep from the computer. Her eyes shot to the tank, but the placid lion looked the same as ever. He slumbered on, floating up and down in his small confinement. The computer must have been scanning him or something of the sort.

The chinchilla made her way back to the tank, one timid paw reaching toward the glass. She stopped a moment, eyes raising across the beast before her tiny pads pressed against the glass. It was cool and smooth, as she suspected. But for some reason, she felt as if an attachment had grown between them with the small touch.

In all truth she felt sorry for the poor man. To be brought back in a different time and find out that everything you knew had died long ago was an experience she didn't relish.

The computer beeped a few more times. Vanya could have sworn she saw a leg twitch. Then, without warning, the computer let out a horrid buzzing noise, worse than any siren she had ever heard. Her eyes shot up and stared up at the creature. And to her surprise, his stared back.