Fates of the Unicorns 86 - Heads or Tails

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#86 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 86 - Heads or Tails

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : _This chapter takes place (mostly) in the past and does not contain any spoilers and can be read safely if you are new to the series, although you should go back to 85 if you have not read it. Further chapters will be full of spoilers however, and if you like this one I highly recommend starting at the beginning.

Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Favorite the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

"Hnnngh! Ow! Hurrrf! Ahhh!"

Felena cringed back as the blue-spotted dragoness delivered a series of slaps and outright punches, eyes narrowed in anger and hissing in draconic speech. Her tail tucked between her legs, wincing at every blow from the snarling, fearsome creature.

"You did WHAT?" growled out Misen, her tail swinging around to deliver another blow, landing with a smacking thud.

Kathal grunted as he took the tail-swipe to his side and gave a snort, pointing at the cowering raccoon in her cage. "Watch it, you're scaring our price merchandise. Ow!"

Felena gulped as both dragons turned their gazes to her. It was bad enough watching them fight each other, like being trapped in a small room with a pair of wild animals that might attack her at any moment.

Crossing her arms, Misen snorted and turned her attention back to the male. "Now explain why you sold those naked drawings of me, and to WHO exactly?"

"I didn't sell them all, I kept this one for myself, see?" he said and held up a sketch of a naked, full breasted dragoness lounging on a long bench.

Misen continued to stare, her foot now tapping.

"I got credit at the art guilds local supply garrison. We can't keep using the backs of forms to test her on, I'm going to run out, and I don't have much ink to spare either."

Misen huffed again, but dropped her fists to her side. "Well, fine. You should have sold ones of your dick instead."

"Humph. She wasn't interested, but did like yours quite a bit."

The dragoness gave a half-shrug at that and said, "I suppose we should put them to good use then. Get our slave out and have her start impressing us."

Relieved that the dragons had stopped fighting, Felena crawled obediently out of the cage when it was opened, only letting out a small yelp as she was pulled to her feet and marched to a workdesk containing a thin walled wooden box. She let out a soft hasp at seeing the contents. Aside from a large stack of high quality papers, were a series of colored chalks, charcoal pencils of various sizes. "Where... where do all the colors come from?" she asked, staring at the small rainbow treasures. "Erf!"

"Sir" corrected the dragon automatically with a quick smack to the raccoons bare ass.

"Sorry Sir!" Her eyes however never strayed from the box. There were chalk colors she had never seen before, even at her short time at the arts academy, and even the ones she were familiar with were brighter and more vibrant. It seemed that everything said about the Dragon empire's keeping the best of things for themselves might certainly be true.

Satisfied, green lips lowered beside the raccoons head and said, "From the mines I suppose, they dig up all kinds of stuff down there. Slaves dig that is, not dragons. Not real dragons anyway. You would much rather draw with those than dig them up, wouldn't you?"

Knowing where this was going the raccoon gave a sharp nod, "Yes Sir." The ploy was as obvious as it was very, very true. Ever since her talent had been discovered, both dragons made sure to remind her of all the terrible things that could happen to her if she didn't live up to their expectations. The words still stung more than the spank to her rear, reminding her that these two were planning to sell her. It made her flush in humiliation and anger all over again to be treated like nothing more than one more colored bit of chalk in a box to be bartered away. She was a particularly bright and colorful bit of chalk, she reminded herself. To be used, but with luck, gently. It wasn't much, but it was all she had to grasp onto.

Still, she had considered going to one of the furry capitals to try her luck in the big cities. Bad things happened there too, and plenty of furries got taken advantage of, or worse by their own kind. She could have ended up destitute and begging, or 'slaved' to some art dealer. Or she could have hit it off big. But that would have taken energy and effort, two things she was lacking. So she flitted from one art school to another, each one easier and with less talented teachers but even then she just couldn't seem to stick to anything. And now, she was stuck here.

"Right. Who cares where they came from. Can you use them?" asked Misen.

The raccoon blinked away her memories and thoughts before replying. "Mhmm, I mean, yes Miss" she said, picking up a length of chalk and rubbing a fingerpad over the surface testingly.

"Good slave, now draw something impressive."

"Your tits are impressive, she should start with those. In color they should catch the attention of your contacts quite nicely."

"Hrmph. You just want see them again."

"In fact, we should both undress and, hmm, pose again" said the green male with clear eagerness.

"Don't push your luck, boy. I know this is all just a scheme to try and fuck me again."

The male looked hurt, then shrugged. "Not at all! To be honest, I think our colors make a great match, and the two of us mating would certainly be eye catching. Maybe even get two dragons bidding over her. A private auction! The sex is, a bonus. Maybe a big one..."

"If we're being honest, I'm not too fond of green, Kathal. I rather like how I look without any extra color added."

"Lets ask the expert in the room. Slave! What would make a more impressive picture, one of us or both of us together?"

Felena let out a whimper and looked back and forth between the eager male and the disapproving female. Either answer was going to disappoint one of them, and either could hurt her if they so chose. SHe had seen more than one slave being brutally punished and had no doubt these were capable of the same cruelty. Their business was selling people as slaves, so giving a beating wasn't exactly out of character. "Uhm... well..." she started, and bit her lip. Whatever she said, it had to be honest. Nobody had ever explained a dragons knack for spotting lies, but her short time here convinced her it was a very real ability. Dragons didn't seem to lie, as they could catch each other easily enough, but were certainly capable of dancing around the truth, stretching it and avoiding it altogether. They lied in a sense, but were much more subtle than doing it directly.

She cleared her throat, "Ah, well, sometimes too many colors can make a picture too busy, but your colors and patterns... uhm... do look good." She winced, waiting for the dragoness to strike her, and also knowing she might have to draw more of those far too graphic images.

Kathal hisssed a loud "Yessss" and smacked his tail on the ground, grinning over at the frowning dragoness and beginning to disrobe.

Another nervous gulp made a lump in Felena's throat as she once more was forced to see a naked male dragon, already beginning to show his arousal. She wasn't sure how female dragons took that, let alone a small fur like herself. It scared her, and made her only more set to do a good job with her sketches.

Misen slowly disrobed as well, piling her clothes neatly on the desk, then stepping back, arms crossed under her breasts as she looked down at Felena with a guarded expression.

Kathal moved up behind the smaller green dragoness and casually said, "How about in the ass this time? That would be a pretty picture."

Both females grimaced at the same time, and Felena almost laughed at the dual disapproving frowns. Meeting the dragonesses gaze she gulped again, unsure of the expression but not imagining it was anything good. "Ahh, uhm, I'm not sure that, err, there is the best place for a picture." She paused, looking at the two of them and hmmming.

"Hmmm, WHAT?" asked the dragoness who shifted, but didn't move away from the dragon behind her.

"Oh, just.. that looks kind of nice, with Sir behind you, Miss. His colors kind of, outline yours since he is, uhm, bigger."

"Of course he is bigger, he's a male, and an oaf" said Misen as she leaned back against Kathal. Annoyed at the height difference she lifted up on her toes, then swung her arms back and around Kathal's green neck. "Don't touch my tits" she demanded.

Kathal had other things in mind to touch, his hands moving for her hips to steady and guide her, her lifted position just perfect for stuffing her. He let out a soft growl of pleasure, his red shaft emerging and swelling before bumping up between the dragonesses thighs.

Kneeling before the pair, Felena had a now familiar view of both dragon sexes. Her lips pulled back in sympathy as that red shaft got bigger and bigger, bumps and ridges filling out until the arrowhead shaped tip jutted right against the blue females lips. They seemed to stretch easily as the red flesh pushed against, and then into them but she squirmed in fear at one of those things going inside her.

The blue dragoness squirmed too, but not in fear as she let out a low moan and hissed encouragment. Slowly she let herself slide down onto the offered cock, allowing him to sink into her until she rested on the base of his shaft, huffing and groaning. "Nrrrg... this better be... a... good drawing..."

Watching the male smirk and grin and nibble at a dragoness ear, Felena got the hint and began to sketch out the outlines of the mating dragons. She was too close to really get a good overall view, and began to scoot back before a blue foot lifted and set down heavily on her shoulder, keeping her in place. She gulped and craned her neck up to see the dragoness looking at her, toes curling over her shoulder to make it crystal clear she wasn't going anywhere, and at least this first sketch would be a close up.

Blushing, the raccoon looked back down, getting a faceful of male and female dragon anatomy and began to do her best. It was difficult, the organic shapes and curves changed every time the dragons shifted, things bending or folding, flesh shifting, bits revealed or hidden as they moved. SHe was halfway into covering the page when a panting female voice said "Lick" and that foot on her shoulder nudged at the side of her face.

Before she could respond another voice countered the order, "No, keep drawing."

Growling, Misen said, "Lick my feet, slave" as her tail thrashed, hiked behind her.

"Keep drawing!"

The females blue tail thrashed about some more, then curled down and up to coil around the males balls as she growled again, "She licks!"

The raccoon bit her lip, guessing this was the end of the fight. She wasn't a sex expert but knew guys tended to back down fast once they were threatened down there, and wasn't surprised to hear a hissing intake of pain and a loud whimper. But it didn't come from the male, and when she looked further up she gasped as well. THe few inches of dragon cock that were not shoved deep into the dragoness had suddenly grown what looked like sharp spines. What had before been rounded nubs and projections had somehow tightened and formed almost thorn like tips. From the noises the dragoness was making, they likely went all the way to the top. Her eyes fixed on the spectacle, she watched as the dragoness tried to escape, lifting up a tiny bit, but that only caused the spines inside her to dig in. She couldn't look away as she watched tender dragoness lips being stretched and poked by the grabbing spines.

Misen groaned and wobbled, knees trembling as she felt the male's spines inside her. "Unnnnnngh.. ahhhh... y... you b..b..bu...bastard.." whined the dragoness, her body responding to the mating pains. Males and females had equal rank and rights in dragon society, but when it came to mating, males had the upper hand once the spines came out. The dragoness quivered, tail slipping away from the males balls and twitching in writhing motions on the floor.

"Draw" ordered Kathal, panting and squirming himself, gritting his teeth as he kept his self control. Giving an unattached female eggs wasn't something one did without orders from above, and certainly not something you did to a girl against her will if you wanted to ever sleep soundly again. Females got downright pissy about that sort of thing!

The scene had changed so much she flipped to a new page, drawing the new position and new anatomy, making sure to get the details right, trying to get the effect of those spines poking and pulling and stretching the dragonesses inner lips, the wetness, the mix of hard and soft. She couldn't quite put out of her mind what that must feel like, and her own thighs tightened as she sketched and drew, colored and flipped pages, getting enough down to be able to work on in more detail later.

Slowly over time those spine softened and slumped back to the rounded nubs and ridges she had seen before, but the shaft itself showed no signs of doing the same. With the sharp bits withdrawn, both dragons began to move again, and once more it was hard to draw with all the motion and the jerking of her left shoulder from that foot that still rested there. In time dragon cries and roars filled the air, as well as scents and smells and she had to pull her sketchbook back to her chest to keep it from being dribbled and dripped on. Gross.

Both dragons panted and slumped, disengaging, backing away to separate and grumble at each other again, mildly complaining at each others actions that must have ruined the pictures in small ways, then once cleaned and dressed crouching down, demanding to be shown the drawings and eagerly looking through them. Even Misen seemed to enjoy the detailed shots of spines and her own flesh, now that she wasn't threatened by them.

"Finish this one" and "Finish that one" and "Make this bigger!" and a number of contradictory commands were shouted at her, but she was becoming used to that and knew that as long as the final results looked pretty and sexy, both would be pleased.

She scooted back into a corner to work, letting the two bickering dragons recede into the background as she focused on her work. She had never been so productive in her life, and it felt good. Felt way better than that spiny thing stuck in her she was sure! She worked even harder.


More days passed, and while she was molested and groped, licked and forced to lick, she was never outright raped or beaten. Her progress was good enough to avoid that fate it seemed, and she had almost gotten used to life as an art slave to a pair of dragons in a love/hate relationship. Dragons were stranger than she had ever imagined, playful in ways she hadn't thought possible, only hearing stories of the horrors and terrors that happened behind the dragon borders.

Both dragons were needling each other as usual, good natured insults mixed with sharper, more serious attacks on their character and physical attributes, or lack of. She ignored them, but jerked her head up with the rest of them as the door jingled and a large and unfamiliar dragon entered.

Felena stiffened up a bit not from the sight of the dragon, which did give her pause, but from the reaction of the other two. They both seemed to almost come to attention, dropping what they were doing to approach the male and give dual bows.

Blue from head to toe, the new dragon was decked out in fancy leathers adorned with shiny metal plates and trim. She didn't know armor or weapons well, but it looked both expensive as well as functional. At his side was a sword, and that she had never seen before. She had no idea what it was made from, the blade looking like it was forged from red glass, almost completely opaque but translucent enough for some light to shine through it in interesting and mesmerizing ways. Spreading out behind him were a set of wings, tough looking with hooked claws at the tips, unlike some of the smaller, more fragile looking ones she had seen on other dragons. She couldn't recognize any of the dragon writing or symbols, but clearly made out the terrifying flying drake insignia over one breast of his coat.

Her eyes were drawn to his, making her shiver even though his gaze was directed down at the other two dragons. Even though he was taller, she suspected he would still be looking down at them no matter what their actual positions were, even if they were on stools. His gaze seemed almost like a weight, each of her two dragon 'owners' seemed to crouch down lower as his eyes moved onto them, until both thumped down onto their knees. AFter a moment both seemed to recover their wits, and with a glance at each other and a silent communication, both leaned down to give a single kiss to the foot of the blue dragon.

Seemingly satisfied, his gaze lifted from them, his expression softening into interest as it focused on her. "So, is that the slave the one that drew, this?"

Both dragons sat back up, and slowly got back to their feet, eyes fixed on the drawing that the blue dragon was holding up. It was a familiar piece, a colored closeup of Misen with a mouthful of Kathal's cock.

Misen spoke, as Kathal seemed transfixed by the blue dragons sword. "Uhm Yes Sir, she did" she said, recovering her wits slowly from the surprise entrance of such a highly ranked dragon. She didn't know how he had found them, her contacts she so loved to brag about certainly didn't reach into THOSE circles!

"And this?" he said, showing a naked blue dragoness, chest and breasts on display.

Misen nodded again, blushing more. "Yes Sir..." she paused, looking up questioningly.

"Rahmor. Master Rahmor, flight leader of the third wing, rider of Tahet."

Kathal's lips pursed into an ooooo shape as he heard the names and positions, looking up from the sword with clear adoration at the blue dragon. Drakes were the most fearsome weapons the dragons possessed, even those only suited for transport were creatures to be feared and respected, let alone the few highly trained fighting breeds. The stronger and more fierce the drake, the harder they were to control, and any dragon that could command one had his complete and total respect. It wasn't simply his strength and dominance that caused Kathal to have an almost hero-worship expression on his face, but THIS dragon was a key player in the War. This dragon served the Empire in ways Kathal could never hope to, and it made his dragon instincts almost scream at him to do whatever he could to help and serve as well. He himself could never hope to ride a drake into battle, but if he could do even a small service for this dragon, he would be helping and sharing in whatever glory and success in battle he were to accomplish. He wouldn't be riding that drake, but every bit of him wanted to help.

Misen wasn't quite as taken by the large blue dragon, she was no wannabe fighter like Kathal was, but was no less effected bu his rank and status, and physique. Broad shouldered and even taller than Kathal, her mind wondered what his spines would feel like, and if she was even worthy to bear his eggs. She felt tinier than usual before him, and unlike a furry that wasn't a bad feeling. She was a small cog in a big machine, and that didn't make her feel weak so much as it made her feel proud to be part of such a powerful machine as the dragon Empire. Doing her part to make sure all the wheels turned smoothly.

"How may we help you, Sir?" she said meekly, but already wondering just how much a dragon like this would spend on a skilled art slave.

"Tell me how such a talented bit of slave flesh found her way, here" he said, indicating the small office.

"Ahh... uhm.. well it seems that she wasn't properly interrogated, and we, well Kathal discovered her talents and I began looking for, uhm, a buyer for her. Sir. It would serve the empire best to put her talents to good use instead of sending her to the mines."

Rahmor gave a nod and said, "It would also serve the empire to have whoever screwed up her paperwork properly punished, so they don't send other talents to waste too. Did you inform their superiors of the mistake?"

"Uhm, not, yet... Sir" she said, gulping a bit. "We hadn't yet, uhm..."

"Sold her yourselves for a profit?"

Misen nodded, biting her lip. She knew she was in the wrong here, but only a little. Delaying the report would be unlikely to do any lasting harm, and filing it quickly would likely get their art slave taken away from them.

"I see. I suppose it serves the empire to give her such, personal attention. It's unlikely she would have reached my attention if I had not noticed some of my lowers passing around a bit of porn they had acquired."

Misen nodded again, guessing that her contacts must have bumped into someone of higher rank who 'requested' the art as a gift, which eventually made it up to Rahmor's notice. She would have to chasten them for being so careless, but it might work out even better this way. Unless the dragon demanded their art slave as a gift. She frowned, that wouldn't be very efficient, all deserved to be paid for their work, it's how the Empire functioned so smoothly. But if he demanded, she would have little choice. It didn't happen often, but sometimes even those so far above could be overcome with greed. They quickly fell from grace once they lost their way, but could do some damage on the way down.

Rahmor looked down at the drawing in his hand, blue breasts prominently on display. "She has talent, that is certain. Well drawn and colored with a good attention for detail. I'm curious how accurate she is, however."

THe blue dragoness didn't shrink back as a hand reached for her neck, then swiped down to pop open the buttons of her shirt, tugging it aside to expose her breasts to the air and his gaze. She watched, biting her lip as he held the drawing up beside her and inspected both it and her breasts, casually lifting one. She shivered, instinctively arching her shoulders back, matching the on-display pose of the image.

A large bulge formed instantly in Kathal's pants as he watched the blue manhandle the female. Was he going to fuck her? He swished his tail in excitement, wanting the honor of such a warrior claiming a dragoness he had fucked too! He watched in admiration, wishing he could handle her so dominantly as well.

Felena watched in silence, eyes flitting from dragon to dragon. It was like they were totally different people now, much of the playful silliness gone, replaced by a more serious, submissive and obediant side. It was somewhat frightening how fast dragons did this attitude change. She had seen a little of it when a guard was approached by his commander, and she wondered how you could ever truly get to know a dragon. You only really could see the side they showed you, and was that the real them? Or was this?

"Hmmm, looks quite accurate. I'm impressed." He one handedly shuffled the artwork to reveal the other image, a blue dragoness muzzle with a mouthful of cock. He smirked as she blushed, and snapped his fingers at Kathal. "Come here" he ordered, and with a hand, pushed the female to her knees.

Kathal let out a groan as he moved into position, looking up at the blue dragon to make sure he wasn't misinterpreting his intentions before unbuckling his pants, taking his position in front of the kneeling female. He gasped and groaned as she took him in her muzzle without hesitation or complaint, shuddering at her obedience and the feel of her warm mouth around him.

Rahmor bent down somewhat to look, hmming thoughtfully. "Not quite right... shape seems off a bit here, this shouldn't be liek that either" he said, waving the raccoon closer for a look.

Not knowing if she was supposed to respond, she just nodded as she crept closer to eye the drawing, and compare it to the pair modeling before her. She wanted to explain that it was hard to draw that one, they were squirming and fighting and not simply posing like this, but wasn't sure he wanted excuses.

"Close enough I suppose, but really, her expression and technique are not really making for good source material."

Misen mrrrmped and looked up at the darker blue, feeling a bit humiliated at being used this way, especially forced to suck that smug green bastard.

"Lets show your artist how a dragoness REALLY sucks cock" said Rahmor, and smoothly pulled her head away, lifting up his kilt and revealing a larger, deeper red member. "Don't just mouth it, take it all in. Tongue under my balls, lips wrapped tight. Show her the difference between sucking, and worshiping cock. Now!"

Misen shhivered, bare breasts showing off hard nipples as she heard the orders and gazed on the impressive length. She nodded, opening her mouth and slowly taking in Rahmor's length, making soft noises as the tip penetrated the back of her throat, lips pressed to his groin, tongue sliding out to curl under his balls and slowly lick. Her eyes rolled up, half lidded as she lost herself in submission to the dominant male.

"There... draw THAT, slave"

Felena gulped and lifted her tablet slowly up as she watched the female showing an expression she hadn't seen before on a dragon. Surrender? Obediance? It wasn't weakness, she still looked like a deadly predator, but one now intent on hunting something else entirely. She glanced at the green male, expecting to see jealousy, but he was just watching with an impressed expression on his face. She turned back to the softly sucking dragoness and began to sketch, makign sure to catch all the details, of her face. Showing that devoted look, duplicating that bulge in her muzzle showing where Rahmor's shaft was filling it. Tightened muscles showing her sucking, and that tongue lifting the hefty balls. She glanced over at her previous work, seeing the difference. That was a female enjoying herself, toying and playing with her partner, a bit of a teasing look. This was exactly what the dragon had ordered. Worship.

Rahmor watched, enjoying the sight of the slave rendering in light and color what he felt and smelled. It was an enjoyable experience, and he decided then and there he would make this slave his. What he would do with, or two this pair... that was yet to be decided.

Finishing one sketch, Felena started another, trying a new angle, more from the front, although it involved getting her head far too close to the dragons groin for comfort. But he seemed content to keep his cock where it was, so strangely she felt a bit safer this way. Even with pants on, it was only an unzip away, always a fear. She had just finished when the dragon let out a loud groan, stiffening and pulling back to let out a howl of pleasure. SHe watched with wide eyes as the dragoness gulped, the shaft throbbed, bits of off-white stuff dribbled out from between her lips. She ughed softly as the dragon pulled out before finishing, splattering a few last spurts over the top of her muzzle and face.

Misen panted, turned on from the treatment of the highly ranked male, finding it so easy to slip into a hazy submissive pleasure. Harder to maintain it once he finished, feeling his sed dribbling down her face and coating her mouth and tongue. She lifted a hand to wipe her lips but froze at a command, eyes looking upward, mouth open, tongue in mid lick across her lips.

"Yes... draw me THAT, slave. Don't move until she is finished."

Flushing furiously, Felena nodded and flipped to a fresh sheet, pondering the angle and settling for a bit above and to the side, and began to sketch the messy dragoness.

Rahmor slowly shook off his cock before adjusting his kilt, and turned to the green male still watching slack jawed. He moved to the central desk, picking up various bits of artwork featuring the two dragons. "You two make a pretty picture, are you mates?"

Kathal coughed a bit, struggling to fit his cock back into his paints, "Uh... no Sir. I don't think so, uhm no."

Rahmor turned to regard the pair, "Well, you make a pretty couple. Your colors and bodies match well, and you both have similar skills and complementing jobs. Would you like to have her?"

Misen stiffened at hearing the offer, but didn't dare change her pose or expression while she was being drawn. But her tail twitched and trembled, knowing exactly what the dragon was offering. Have her. He could order them together, could order her to serve him. She would obey, but not happily. He was an oaf and would just fuck her and use her. She tried not to grimace. He had... some qualities she liked, she forced herself to admit. But as her superior? No, no and no.

Kathal inhaled sharply as he looked over at the blue. His. He could have her, right now. The way she sucked him... he could make her do THAT. Worship him. Instead of fighting him, wrestling, squirming as he tried to take her. Insulting him. Refusing him. Even if sometimes, she did give in after a struggle. He could make all that go away.

He crouched down, reaching for her, a hand moving over the fabric of her pants, giving her ass a tentative squeeze, watching her submit without even a whimper.

Misen huffed at the grope, fingers clenching, wanting to smack that green asshole right across his smug, misshapen nose!

Standing, Kathal turned to Rahmor and slowly shook his head, "Uh... no thank you, Sir."

"You don't want her, hmmm? Perhaps I'll take her..."

"Ahhh! I do! I do want her, I just.. not... not like that" he said with a deep blush.

Felena slowly put down the pad, having finished her drawing, watching the interplay with a held breath. She was surprised how much she actually cared about what was going on. These two were her slavers. They treated her like property, wanted to sell her, but... she still felt for the pair of them somehow. They clearly liked each other as much as they annoyed each other.

Misen just stared, slowly licking her face clean. Did he just... turn him down? She twitched at a flash of anger, he didn't WANT her? How dare he. But he did.. he just didn't want her as his slave. She simply blinked in confusion at that, unsure how to really feel. It felt strange. It felt, good.

"Well then" said Rahmor, continuing to look through images of two dragons fighting, and fucking. "You two seem to be unable to decide who is on top here. I suppose I'll just have to help."

He pulled a solid gold coin from a pouch, holding it up to show both dragons. "Listen carefully. This will decide who dominates, and who submits. Heads.. the male dominates. Tails, the female. Am I clear?"

"Yes Sir" said a pair of wavering voices, eyes locked on the coin.

Rahmor moved to flip it, but stopped. "Oh... I'm not finished. You only need obey the flip for one day. Tomorrow, you may go back to normal." He paused and smirked, "Until one of you flips it again."

Both dragons blinked, then looked at the coin and at each other, a mixture of wariness and anticipation.

Rahmor curled his tail around the raccoons neck, leashing her and tugging her to his side. "You are mine now, slave. Come." He reached down and pulled out a small leather sack, jingling it and weighing it before simply tossing the whole thing onto the desk. It was a bit more than required, but he was feeling generous. It was a decidedly odd sensation!

Felena tried to stand and follow, but a quick yank kept her on all fours, forcing her to abandon her notebook with a small whimper.

"I'll get you even better ones, slave. Now, lets get you properly collared, dressed and equipped. You can tell me all about yourself tonight in Masters bed, after I claim you."

She gulped deeply at that, squirming, hoping he would be kind. From his actions with those two, she had hope. Even just a little. She followed behind on all fours, and watched as he turned, and flipped the coin into their air through the doorway, watching it bounce and roll between the two dragons, their eyes fixated on it. Then another tug and she could see nothing but the heels of her new Master, and wondered... heads or tails?