Cyanide of Riddance chapter 6.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#7 of Cyanide of riddance.

After a little insult the prince of death had said to boydane, they go into a fight and now because of this, icicle breaks down. After realizing they were gotten rid of.

_And so I, boydane, set out to solve the mystery of why the heck we aren't censored anymore. _Boydane said into the camera. _And to prove to these furries that that I was a serious mystery solver. And then, I made the most shocking discovery of all that explained everything. _Then as boydane broke the door open, he saw a control room with no one in it.

"Oh, Lordy!" He says. "You guys, I solved a mystery!"

"The only mystery you've ever solved," red continued. "Is the mystery of the empty womb." Then everyone starts laughing and boydane had grown a straight face. "If that's true," boydane started. "Then how did I find out that we, lynnae's old characters, have been gotten rid of?"

Then everyone looks surprised after hearing this from boydane and then icicle starts stammering. "G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gotten rid of?!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Crazy wolf!"


"Oh, really? Then why can I say 'YOU CAN ALL MATE WITH ME USING YOUR NINX COVERED DOG COCKS, YOU CUM-GUZZLING WORMS!' Without being bleeped?!"

The other characters had been surprised by boydane's long insult. "Yeah!" Pinks said. "How the frack is-? Woah, I said 'frack!"

"Frack! Oh well, I'll be darned, cock-gobbling, urine-soaked, mule-eating turd pastry!"

"Woo-ho! This is fun!!"

"Guys, we're not cancelled," red said. "This is boydane we're dealing with, remember? The worst mystery solver of all time. Everytime he solves a mystery, someone ends up dead!"

"Frack you, red!"

"Don't talk to me like that, zoroark head! I am the prince of death!"

"Oh yeah? Well, if you're death's son, then why do you got this chair in your FACE?!" Boydane then slams a chair into red's face and then a fight starts up. Animals biting, scratching, punching, and other things happening. "Ta-Dow!" Bluro shouted and joins in. "We can't be gotten rid of!" Icicle says. Then as icicle searches up after logging onto Panthera characters online, she then searches their names. But then as she saw it unfold, there were no results.

Icicle then breaks down crying and then drops the paw-shaped remote.

Cyanide of Riddance chapter 7.

"Tomorrow, I need you to run downtown and pick up a new pair of gun powder," count havoc said. "Yes, honey," lioness replied. "Hey, mom, after that, can we play a little fetch?" Modcub asked. "Of course, modcub. Gosh, I love you. I don't know what I'd...

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Cyanide of Riddance Chapter 5.

"All right, ante up!" Pinks said. "Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild!" "Wait, pinky!" Lavender said. "We can't start girls' night without bluro!" "Well, If I'd had some mystery man, I wouldn't be hanging around with you burg faces, either. Our...

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 4.

After all of the insults boydane had been given, he cries silently in his pillow. Icicle enters his room and felt sorry for what she and the other characters did to him. "Hey, honey," she said. "I'm sorry for what I said before. I was just trying to...

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