Just Living Intermission: Mistake or Not

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#3 of Just Living

Hello~ This is just an intermission story of what happens between chapter 1 and chapter 2 of this series. If you are not into adult stuff, you can skip this one, don't worry about it, but if you are curious be assured that there isn't anything hardcore here.

Frey's heart felt as if it were going to burst through his chest at any moment. Currently he was taking a stranger by the hand into his room and into his bathroom so they could let their clothes dry and perhaps change into something else. Frey had offered some of his longer clothing to cover the rabbit he had just met by the name of Lily, and showering together had been a spur of the moment thing. Both of them had put on eager face when rushing to the bathroom for their little game, but now that they were there, both of them froze. He wasn't really sure why, wasn't sure why she had frozen, he knew why he had paused. Frey had thought perhaps things were moving too quickly and that he might have been too pushy in his attempts to be brave, but rather than dwell on it he began pulling his shirt above his head while speaking, "If you want...We can go one at a time, right? You uh, seem nervous...So am I, but...I know I'd really like for this to happen...To let it happen just like anyone else would...But you don't have to follow through with this, I can sit outside the bathroom naked for all I care so long as you're comfortable y'know?" When finally he tugged the shirt off of his head he looked to see a fully nude Lily facing away from him, clutching her dress, her ears and shoulders sunken. His own ears falling back he leaned in close to touch her shoulder, his cheeks warming a bit as he noticed the curve of her hips, "Lily?" She shook before turning around slowly, her blue dress still clutched in hand as she spoke, "You really don't care? About how my body is?"

Frey looked down to see that the dress she clutched didn't hide what was between her legs. A cock much like his, without the barbs, and a bit smaller at that even though it seemed erect, but it didn't surprise him not in the slightest. She had said that she was trans at the cafe, and he knew what that meant and didn't really care too much about it. To him she was still beautiful, but it was in that moment of seeing her shaking there and still dripping a bit from the rain with her eyes shut that he realized that perhaps she wasn't happy with herself. At first he was unsure of where to touch her, so instead he simply stepped back into his shower, his paw touching her's to lead her back in, "C'mon, drop the dress. If you just stand there dripping you'll catch a cold..."

Lily's eyes widened as she was tugged into the shower, the water already warm as it sprayed from the head between the two standing there. For once Frey had taken the initiative, and now he simply smiled to her, his paw still holding hers until she came closer of her own will to press against him and plant a soft kiss upon his lips. Frey's eyes widened just a bit and his ears perked, his fur frizzing even beneath the warm water as Lily spoke, "You're way too sweet Frey...And even if you didn't say anything I'd be happy right now."

For a moment the feline wondered what she meant by this, his head tilting a bit until he felt a soft paw groping between his legs, a giggle echoing off the walls of the shower. A million thoughts raced through his mind as he felt her touch upon his cock, but they were all silenced by her lips upon his again, a soft peck that pushed the buzz from the back of his head away for just that one moment as she teased, "Big for a shy guy...But we're here to get clean. You do have a bed and some lube we can use right?"

Frey could only nod and again was frozen in place as Lily turned around to show her rear and cotton tail. He thought that for once he was in control, but all of that had been taken away. Thank goodness. Perhaps some part of him enjoyed being in charge and the one who was confident, but he preferred being the one led around, if only because it meant that he didn't have to worry about it, at the same time there had been something absolutely exhilarating about taking her hand and leading her for that one moment. Rather than allow his thoughts to wander he kept his eyes glued to the girl before him, today had been good to him, and tonight he would satisfy someone, he'd make love to someone for the first time, even if it was a mistake, even if they were only friends.

Both of them stood there in silence, letting the cold rain that had been clinging to them drip off, their bodies warmed by the steam and water of the shower. It wasn't too long before the eager pair finished their shower and stepped out to dry together. Once they were back out in Frey's room he looked through the drawers of his nightstand for lube, at that moment he cursed quietly to himself sighing and looking to the rabbit sitting cross legged upon his bed, staring at him with such hungry eyes, "I uh...Don't have any condoms..."

Lily stretched out upon his bed and turned around, her tail and rear lifting as she responded, "And? Isn't this worth the risk?"

Frey felt absolutely flustered and unsure of what he should do, but his body began moving without his consent, a paw moving to grip at her plump rear, a lump in his throat being swallowed as he felt his cock brush up against her calf. Taking a glob of lube into his paw he spread her rear to slip two digits inside of her puckered hole, carefully and unsure of how soft or how hard he should go, he only really could do what he would've done to himself. Lily soon replied to lead him with a hot breath, "Don't be scared...Push in deep and stretch me out a bit...Like I said you're kind of big."

Frey breathed out, shaking, nervous he would fuck something up, but again his body moved despite his fears and despite whatever he was thinking. His digits pushed in deeper as instructed, stretching apart and twisting to coat the rabbit's insides with lube. As he heard her moan his own cock twitched in response, his heart skipping a beat and his eyes focusing on her body. Once he felt it was enough he pulled his fingers free and gripped at his own cock to lube that up as well, moving slowly as Lily spread her legs just a bit further and lifted her rear to allow him better access. He pressed the tip of his cock against her rear, slipping a few times and grunting before finally managing to get the tip inside of her warm and plump rear.

He shuddered as he heard Lily moan, her whispers encouraging him to continue on, his hips moving to obey, to press deeper and deeper within her. His toes curling he felt something inside of him snap momentarily and he thrust deep inside of her, a cry sounding off from Lily that brought Frey back into it, "A-are you okay? Oh no, did I hurt you? Ah--"

Lily shook, but she groaned out and squirmed hugging a pillow she had grabbed, "No...I like it like that...Go ahead and rough me up a bit kitty..."

Frey felt his entire body grow hot, that piece of him snapping again as his hips began rocking back and forth, his claws coming out as he gripped onto her hips, his body leaning forward to kiss against her back. It wasn't long before their balls were kissing with every single one of his thrusts, his mouth working on instinct to kiss and bite at her body, his claws digging in just a bit, but she didn't seem to mind, no, instead she cried out, "More!" and so he continued on, his mind blanking as he worked himself harder and harder inside of her, and though she was taller he leaned to bite against her neck, leaving his marks upon her. It felt too good. He shuddered and shook, his eyes shutting tight as he felt pressure building, but he didn't want it to end so soon, and so he hugged on tight to Lily who moaned out, "Don't hold back Frey...This is your first time...Enjoy it all."

And so he did. He brought himself as deep as he could, his cock twitching as thick cum poured forth into her rear, Lily shivering and shaking, her moans sounding off loud against the walls of his room. Frey was left panting, his paws pulling from her hips, his claws still out, his eyes focused on her back as she spoke, "Oh...That felt perfect for a first time Frey."

Lily's head turned, but as she did she was suddenly brought onto her back, her eyes wide as her legs were spread wide. Frey looking into her eyes with a concerned expression, "...You didn't finish though right?"

Lily felt her own heart race as she answered in a small voice, "No...Frey, but you don't have to--"

It was already too late. Frey moved between her legs to grip at her cock, stroking at it gently while two digits pushed into her rear. Desperately she tried to close her legs, her moans and squeaks sounding off in surprise as Frey worked at his first time servicing. His tongue dragged against her balls, moving up to her tip as he stroked faster while kissing at the tip of her twitching cock that dripped plenty of pre. With how diligently and desperately he seemed to be working she didn't have time to warn him, "Frey! I'm--"

A spurt of hot cum hit Frey in the cheek, his eyes shutting on instinct as he was sprayed with the hot stuff. What he did catch in his mouth tasted salty and he swallowed, not wanting to be rude about it. Opening an eye as best as he could he looked up to see Lily looking down at him, giggling. Her arms opened for an embrace which he happily climbed up her body for, his lips meeting her's once before her tongue moved to clean the cum off of his face.

After a bit of cuddling there, the pair settled in for sleep, nestled against one another carefully, neither questioning what it meant, what anything meant at all, instead they simply laid there resting. Even Frey found slumber that night, the loud and intrusive, burning, abrasive thoughts that typically kept him up at night overpowered by the warmth provided by the stranger he had met at the cafe.