Angels and dragons ch2

Story by Angelo Creed on SoFurry

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#3 of Angels and Dragons

Hey guys here's ch2 sorry if its crap but one of my favorite writers left yiffstar so I'm kinda crushed here you go.

Angel's and Dragons ch2

Angelo stood still his katana in his hand, the wind whistled in his ears his silver armor shown, and a thousand thoughts ran through his mind at once. Nelo stood next to him he looked calm, Nelo looked at his old friend "what is troubling you my friend" he said, Angelo gave a sad sigh " you think what we are I wrong" Nelo frowned at him "certainly not" he snapped Angelo turned to Nelo "but does it bother you that we are killing those who have families" he said, Nelo just shook his head "I think you hanging around the captives is starting to take affect on you" he smiled, Angelo did not return the smile "maybe" he said to himself, he then heard a faint roar "HERE THEY COME" yelled the commander, Angelo looked up at them "I hope this works

Jade began to cry, the rescue party had indeed arrived and her mate to be, Ash will be there too "why? Why di you come? You knew you would be out numbered yet you still came" she thought "we're saved they've come to save us" came the voice of one dragon "fool they will never get past the ambush they are doomed" came another voice Jades anger grew "shut up both of you" she yelled "please Ash don't die".

One week ago

Angelo was flying as fast as is wings could take him, the commander had summoned him to a meeting at the command tent he looked down and saw the huge red command tent he landed right in front of the entrance causing the flaps to open briefly he walked inside. The tent was fill with Angels of every colour red, aqua, black "this must be important" he thought to himself, the tent was alive with noise, some Angels were talking about battles they took part in he heard some part of a conversation "yea well I killed over one hundred of the beasts at the battle at helms pass"

"That battle took place two years ago Arthur"

"Oh... right"

"I'd swear you'd forget what your name is if I wasn't here to remind you"

Angelo couldn't help but smile at that but the smile soon faded as the commander approached the table "SILENCE" he yelled out and all went quiet he seemed to be waiting for someone to break the silence and when it did not happen he spoke "we have come to learn from the captives that the dragon forces will be sending a rescue party" he said glancing around the tent "we must prepare an ambush" an Angel with black hair and blood red wings stepped forward and spoke "how long will it before they arrive?" he said, the commander shook his head " that we do not know which is why we must prepare as soon as possible" he replied, another angel spoke " how many dragons can we be expecting?" the commander looked at him " from the information we have gathered it will be about two hundred strong" Angelo lost himself in thought "why send a such a small force, this place is our main base of operations it doesn't seem right." he snapped himself out of his trance and explained his worry to the commander who replied "the dragons must get dumber every day" he laughed the other angels except Angelo laughed as well.

It took 5 hours to plan the perfect ambush once it was over they all left to go back to there own tents but Angelo went to the prison cells as he usually did "come for another visit have you" said a large green dragon with a snicker "so what if I am" Angelo replied and walked to Jades cage it seemed she was asleep but he new better "come on get up I know your awake" he said, she sat up "how do you do that" she said Angelo smiled "you breath slower when your asleep" his smile faded "is it true that there sending a rescue party" it was Jades turn to smile now " yea isn't it great I bet Ash will leading the party" her eyes widening realizing what she just said but Angelo was confused "who's Ash?" he said "I thought you said all your family was killed" Jade looked down "Ash isn't family...well not yet anyway" Angelo raised an eyebrow "not yet" Jade sighed "he's my mate to be" all of a sudden Angelo felt hurt not physically but emotionally and he didn't know why he felt like 100 arrows stabbing his heart at once, his wings felt heavy "well...I'm glad you've found someone" he was about to leave "when Jade called to him "come with us"


"I want you to come with us when we're rescued"

Angelo's eyes widened with surprise "I... I don't know" she smiled at him "you've been a good friend to all of us here not to mention you take care of our wounds" all the other dragons nodded with approval with smiles on there faces, Angelo smiled his mind was made up "then we need to put to together a plan"

The day of the battle

The plan had to work he had given Jade a key he stole from the jailor the plan was that while the rest of the angels were distracted because of the battle Jade was to free herself and the other dragons from the cages using the key he gave her they where to find the battle field but stay out of sight then the large green dragon known as Gargol was to carefully make his in the battle but was to stay up back and sound a retreat it was Angelo's job to despair in the confusion.

"one hour and no signal" he thought he stayed up back so the didn't have to fight then over all the yells of war and pain he heard a ferocious roar and the dragons began to retreat Angelo began to sneak away once he was out of site Gargol lead him to Jades group "did you make it out alright" he said, a blue dragon named Cecil "the jailor saw us breaking out and tried to call for help I killed him before he got the chance" Angelo nodded "alright know we have to find the rescue party" they all had to walk so they wouldn't be caught. It took three hours to find the others "there they are they escaped" said a red dragon but when they saw Angelo they looked just about ready to tear him apart "its okay he's with us he helped us escape we wouldn't be here without him" said jade, some seemed to relax but most of them kept glaring at him, jade walked up to the red dragon "Nikhil where is Ash I don't see him" Nikhil's face went grim "I... I'm so sorry Jade but Ash died during the battle" he said Jade eyes went teary "what" his looked at her sad face "Ash took a spear to the heart...I'm sorry" he said, jade burst into tears and ran off Gargol was about to chase after her "leave her be she should be alone for now" said Nikhil "what do we do with him" said a jet black dragoness, Nikhil looked at Angelo "put him in a cage Marcus will know what to do with him" all of a sudden Angelo found himself caged but he didn't care he was worried about Jade "poor girl she didn't deserve that" he thought, he looked around his cage plain and depressing he knew he'd be here for a while "might as well make myself comfortable".

The end of chapter two hoped you all liked it :)

I'm open to ideas whoever's willing to share.