Meowth's New Life

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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This time around I thought I'd do a pretty obvious paring of Meowth and Ash's Pikachu from the Pokemon series, i got the idea after actually searching around and suprisingly not finding any story dedicated to the two! So I thought I'll write one if that's' the case, with my own fun take and twists on it and well, here's the result.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I walked aimlessly down the side walk of the city. It was a bustling Saturday night here, various kinds of Pokémon and humans were walking left and right enjoying themselves like I should be now, but I couldn't help but have my head stuck in the clouds. For the longest time I've always known my place in this world, it was as a simple grunt for team rocket, the group that had created me.

They didn't bother hiding that I was just another Pokémon test subject, a Meowth who could speak human language with an abnormal amount of intelligence can't really be hidden well anyways, but as a result I could never evolve even if I wanted to. Heck I wasn't even given a good name really, my name is just my species, and I was randomly paired with those two idiots to carry out our mission of kidnapping Pokémon for the rest of my life.. or at least so I thought.

I couldn't believe the news when I heard Giovani had broken up Team rocket, only a week or so after I had just gotten a check up on my condition too. Recently I had developed some strange urges that I hadn't experienced before, sexual urges that is. But I ain't an idiot, I know all about sex and what other Pokémon do, in fact I'd use it against them to tell Jessie and James to capture them when they least expect it! But I had never gotten something like that myself, it was a very odd feeling I'd say, as well as a pretty intense one. But I didn't exactly hate it I guess, I think I kind of understand what all the hubbub is about with sex.

When I visited the doctors they told me I was engineered to not have sexual feelings of any kind, that me somehow getting them back was just one of many failures I was a part of I guess.. Though they did tell me that my semen wasn't fertile so I still wouldn't be able to impregnate a Pokémon, not like I would want to... who the hell wants to take care of a bunch of kittens that can talk anyways?

But I can't say I totally hate getting these urges, there really annoying when they pop up out of nowhere, but man that one time I had some alone time.. it really did feel heavenly. Thinking about it it's actually been awhile sense I did that, after I got the news that I wasn't a part of team rocket anymore I've felt like I've lost all purpose. Even Jessie and James barley really let me have a place to stay as they try to figure out their own financial situation since were not together 24/7 anymore, instead I find myself with a lot of alone time, free to walk around in town and travel... except that I have no friends..

I let out another sigh as I walked with my head down still unable to process everything going on with my life or what I wanted to do, that was until I suddenly saw something yellow out of the bottom of my eyes. I stopped and looked up to see a Pikachu, who had also stopped to look at me. But it only took a few seconds for me to immediately recognize that it was Ash's Pikachu!

"Aaah you!" I suddenly shouted and pointed in reaction before I paused briefly and immediately booked it, knowing I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. But the damn Pikachu was faster than me and suddenly showed up right in front of me with a fighting expression. I halted and frantically waved my paws at him. "Ah wait wait wait! I'm not part of Team Rocket anymore, I don't want to capture you or anything!" The Pikachu paused for a small bit before lowering his guard. "... I know that."

I blinked and gave him a bit of a confused look. "H-How did you.." "We were part of the reason, after we fought Giovani and a few other events he had disbanded it.." I felt another tinge of sadness come back to me hearing about the disband, I was completely aware of it but being reminded of it really put me down. "Oh, I see.." I said looking down at the floor. There was a moment of silence as Pikachu just stared at me before saying something else, I guess he was just curious what I was doing here. "So what do you.. plan to do now anyways, if I may ask?"

Thinking about it now this Pikachu who had shocked me more times than I can count was actually the closest I had to a Pokémon I actually knew about, other than James and Jessie I really had nobody else.. He was the only other Pokémon I could even talk to about this stuff wasn't he? "I... have nothing to do anymore. With their disbandment I have no purpose in life like I used to, I mean sure I know what I did was bad but it was all I had. My whole life was with team rocket, the only reason I can speak and think beyond the intelligence of my species is because I was engineered with them.. Outside of team rocket I really don't even have any friends, let alone a goal.."

Revealing my own thoughts oddly enough started to even make me tear up a little bit, something I had been holding back for days on end and now it was coming out at the worst time, I quickly turned my head away from the Pikachu to wiped up a few of the tears. "Ah dammit! I didn't mean to." The Pikachu then suddenly put one of his paws on my shoulder, looking back at him to see a very soft kind hearted expression on his face. "Do you.. want to maybe hang out?"

I stared at him for a while before I snickered a little bit to myself, this really was just like that softy of a Pikachu I know, dangerous in combat but could barely muster a single ill intent in his life.. knowing now that he wasn't my enemy it didn't piss me off as much as it used to, I kinda liked it actually. "uhm.. well you see I.." My knee jerk reaction was to think of a lame excuse but I realized I didn't have a single one for this case, I could barely hide my emotions as it was. "..I... I guess so, I mean.. I certainly don't have anything else going on."

Then before I knew it I was suddenly hanging out with the damn Pikachu I used to despise and fight with so much, just strolling down the side walk casually with him! But to be honest I didn't feel a single ounce of hate I used to after everything that had gone down, in a weird way, it felt like I was actually getting to know him for the first time ever, just as a Pokémon and not an enemy. "So what exactly are yah doing out here anyways? I mean you're still with ash right?"

Pikachu smiled over at me. "Well of course, but after the Giovani fight and getting the last badges we are taking a long needed break, all that's left is the elite four or maybe a Pokémon tournament and we can go to those anytime we want, no more walking and traveling for a while. Soooo now, I'm just chilling out in the city! It's really nice here, in a different way." I looked over at him to see the Pikachu's confident beaming smile again, looking at it now it was no wonder he befriended so many Pokémon while I got nobody, I smiled and snickered to myself casually, though for a bit of a different reason.

"What's so funny?" Pikachu said inquisitively as I realized I was laughing out loud that time. "Oh hehe sorry, I was just kinda realizing why you befriended so many Pokémon and humans so easily, even though I could straight up talk to humans, I still never even managed anything close to the amount of Pokémon and people you know."

"... you know I didn't always used to be like this though." The Pikachu said with a surprisingly serious tone and expression as I turned my head over to listen to him. "I used to be mean to humans and Pokémon alike, with my superior combat skills I attacked them, didn't listen to them and thought they were all not worth my time.. but Ash showed me something better than just feelings of superiority, he showed me compassion."

I was quiet surprised to hear that Pikachu wasn't always such a goodie toe shoes. But before I could say something he turned to me with a determined look on his face. "Even in comparison to me in the past I think the you right now is even better! You don't need team rocket to live a good life you know, if I can change then I'm sure you can!" I looked blankly at him before laughing. "What me? Who would want to be friends with weird talking ex-team rocket Meowth." "I'll be your friend."

I paused for a moment at his words, and stopped walking entirely. "..huh?" The Pikachu smiled at me without a hint of him lying. "Everything that happened in the past isn't important anymore sense you're not even a part of team rocket right? So with how things are now I'll be you're first friend, and I'll show you a new life!" My friend? Even after all I did this guy was just ok with putting it all aside, and he even thought he could just show me some "new life"?

I knew he really meant what he said to me but... for some reason, it kinda made me feel a little angry, in fact the more I thought about it the more confused I got at his words. "Why though.." The Pikachu looked at me confused. "What do you mean why?" "Don't give me that confused look! Why would you want to be MY friend of all the Pokémon out there? I mean do you remember all the stuff I did to you, how do I know you aren't just tricking me or something, stop acting so naïve!" I shouted as he gave me an almost blank expression. "Is.... Your life really filled with so much mistrust, that you wouldn't even accept someone's help?"

I felt a sudden shudder go down my spine at those words, never once had words felt like the equivalent of someone sinking a knife into my heart, I staggered backwards slightly at that statement. Unable to think of even a good rebuttal I spoke my mind without thinking of my own words "Ah you.. no it's.. who would want to help me anyways!" The Pikachu responded without hesitation by suddenly grabbing my hand strongly, his grip almost giving me the feeling like he was trying to help me stand straight. "I told you that I would dummy! Stop thinking that everyone just wants to use you as a tool for their own gain! I'm doing this purely because I actually like you. I think... the only reason you've been acting like you were, was because nobody's really given you a good chance before. Not even Jessie and James who you were so close to.. really cared all that much did they?"

Dammit... this freaking Pikachu, when did he become some psychology expert anyways? Thinking he knows what I've been through or my past.. I'm the only one who knows me. But yet... this feeling welling up inside me. These emotions I've had, it felt like his words had just unlocked something inside of me, something I didn't want to let go off. Without feeling any control I could feel the emotions almost coming out of my throat.. my eyes started watering up and my lips started quivering, I couldn't hold it in any more. Before I knew it, without even fully realizing it, I started to suddenly hug Pikachu as tightly as I could as my own tears relentlessly started pouring out of me, I couldn't hold them back. "D-Dammit.. I.. I didn't ask for my life to be like this.. or any of this.. I just.." I just wanted a real friend. I couldn't fully tell if I had really said those last few words out loud or if I just said them to myself in my mind, but those few words felt like I had open up a set of flood gates in my head. All my emotions from the past and reasons for why I acted like I did before flowed through out my mind, putting up with my shitty life, with Jessie and James, Team Rocket, through it all what I really wanted.. was someone I could call a true friend. I see now... is that really it? Are all my frustrations really as simple as wanting someone to care for me? Yet despite how simple this unknown goal of mine really was, throughout my entire life.. this Pikachu was the only one even remotely close to providing that for me.. even as I was a crying mess he just held me tightly and supported me.

Later on the two of us actually ended up holding hands and casually walking down the side walk to somewhere, neither of us saying a word as the Pikachu had his usual happy go lucky look to him, while I just awkwardly looked away from him with an annoyed blush on my face.

"..... Thank you." The Pikachu quickly turned his head at me. "huh?" I coughed a bit. "I-I just said thanks.. for helping me out back there ok." The Pikachu laughed a bit. "Haha its fine buddy, besides in the future I don't want you thanking me again anyways." I looked at the Pikachu confused. "Uh.. whys that?" He looked back at me with a smile. "Because I don't say thanks to my friends, I'd get annoying if we kept saying that for every little thing we did for each other after all, once you're really close to someone you don't need to keep saying such things." I paused for a minute thinking about his words before suddenly feeling myself well up just a little bit again. "W-Whoa hey are you crying again!?" I quickly rubbed my eyes and turned my head away from him. "N-No I'm not! I just ahh, got something stuck in my eye from this wind!..."

The Pikachu then put a little arm around my shoulder. "Hey enough of that for now alright, besides were finally at the place I wanted to show you." I looked over at Pikachu a little confused as I suddenly started up right in front of me to see a huge almost luxurious looking building, the sheer size of it made me take a step back in astonishment. "W-Woah were going in here!?" Pikachu snickered at my reaction and gave me a cocky grin. "Want to check it out?"

The two of us had suddenly found ourselves plopped into this very fancy looking hotel while I was finding myself admittedly a bit at awe at this fantastic looking room. "Wow this place is so big and fancy! But uh.. why are we here." The Pikachu before saying anything sat himself down on a chair around his size. "This is a Pokémon hotel, it's a fairly fancy expensive place that specifically accommodates Pokémon larger than most humans or smaller like us, though even shrunk down it's still clearly quiet big."

I let out an understanding hum in response still a bit at awe at how almost grandiose and nice this place was all the way from the bed even to the bathroom and shower. "Ahh but wait a second, how the heck could you afford to stay in this place anyways! And you still haven't answered my previous question really." The Pikachu simply smiled more in response. "Cause my trainer is somewhat rich and famous duh, you know how much money we made off winning battles and getting all 8 of our badges? Anyone who gets that far whether they beat the elite four or no is already rich enough to live a pretty good life style, ash doesn't mind at all how much I spend considering we don't really live lavishly anyways."

"Man that must be great to have, I mean I certainly don't live lavishly like Giovani but I've never even had the chance to really, Jess and James can barely keep up with their crappy one bedroom apartment. And well to be honest I.. don't really know If I want to go back there anyways, they don't hate me but I don't think they like me all that much either..." The Pikachu paused for a moment before with a subject change, which was probably for the best. "Well I suppose you also wanted to know why we are here right?" Ah I actually had forgotten I asked that question now.. "Ah er yeah.. what's up with staying overnight here."

"Well I have a few answers for that, one was to of course just show you a nice hotel place that I had a good feeling you've never seen, maybe show you what's it's like to actually have some money for once. And two well I basically have an entire week to myself to do whatever I please, and sooo I thought briefly to myself after meeting you and hearing you're story that I'd be much more fun to just hang with you the entire week then just by myself, especially after hearing how much you don't want to go back to those two humans. I figured while we are out and about I'll introduce you to other Pokémon here and show you some other great city stuff we can do!" I smiled and snickered a little to myself, jumping up on the bed next to Pikachu as I closed my eyes, relaxing my head a little against the wall. "I think I'd like that.. I'd like that a lot." Much like previous events today I couldn't fully explain the feeling I was getting. I just felt a sudden peace of mind at this turn of events and knowing I'd be with a suddenly new Pikachu friend, I think I've become ready to accept some change in my life, a change that so far has seemed almost a bit unbelievable in comparison to my old life, my mind was already starting to wander at what might happen now.

Pikachu giggled seeing my relaxed reaction. "Hey I still haven't told you the third thing I want to do with you though." I peeked an eye out at him. "Oh? What would that b- waah!" I suddenly said as I found the Pikachu scooted right next to me suddenly fondling my pouch and sheath seemingly out of nowhere. "Third, I wanted to try something I've always thought of in the back of my mind about you actually, you know that you're actually pretty cute right?" Pikachu said as he continued to fondle me. My first natural instinct at this strange situation was to get away from him and his awkward touching, but I found myself accidently just backing into the wall not moving instead of getting away, that soon followed by a sudden tingly feeling in my cock as it started to slowly emerge like the few times I played with it before.

"I-I-I don't know what y-you mean though.. why-" Pikachu laughed interrupted my words, now starting to stroke me a little as it kept growing bigger. "Well back in the day it was just a fleeting thought and fantasy, nothing much more really.. but in this short amount of time I've grown a much stronger liking to you, that is beyond just finding you cute, I think you have a caring personality even if you don't know it. And weeell now that I like both sides of you and I have you all to myself, I thought why not have some fun~"

And before I could think to rebuttal his words the Pikachu suddenly started to sensually kiss me as he stroked me off even faster, my mind still feeling very confused and in a haze from what was happening. But it seemed my body acted faster than my thoughts did, without thinking or warning my body started actually kissing the Pikachu back, even using a little bit of my tongue to dance a long side his as we continued to go at it for a good minute. Even as I was doing it I couldn't believe what was happening, when did such strange feeling and reactions get programmed into me? Did this only happen after I started getting sexual urges? I had no answer to any of these questions of mine, but what I did know was that I kind of liked what was happening... in fact I liked it a lot, whatever I was doing felt almost like second nature, like my body had been waiting a long time for something like this and completely overtook my thoughts.

Eventually Pikachu let go of my lips as a little bit of saliva kept us connected, the Pikachu giving me a lusty look and smile that I had never seen before. "Man you're a really good kisser.. where did you learn that." "N-Nowhere, I've never kissed anyone before! Let alone anything in a.. sexual way" I shivered a little as Pikachu increased his stroking pace in response. "Hmmm should have figured with the life you've led, It's really a shame though.. cause those other Pokémon or humans that treated you this way, don't know what their missing out on~"

I let out a few more soft moans from his stroking. "D-Don't you mean what I'm missing out on?" The Pikachu suddenly pushed his somewhat lusty looking face very close to mine, staring directly into my eyes. "I don't~" was all he said as he went in for another kiss, but this time it was aggressive and much more sensual then before. Sometimes during it our lips parted as our tongues stayed inside each other's mouth, and he would carefully tug on my own lips on occasion, not even stroking me anymore and focusing all his energy into an intense kissing session that brought our previous kiss to shame.

As he parted my lips again we were both left almost panting with a large red blush on our faces, the Pikachu giving me a very different look of lust I didn't recognize this time. "w-what's.. haa.. what's wrong?" I said feeling a little worried. The Pikachu panted for a moment before responding. "I-I don't know.. I've always thought you were super cute, and thought I just kind of wanted to fuck you.. but I've never felt such an intense feeling of wanting to fuck another Pokémon as I am now... or even as close to an intense kiss as what we just did. I.. I think I might really like you.. way more than I thought I did."

I was still a bit confused at the Pikachu's words but found my hazy mind unable to respond well. "Huh? Like me... you.. like me?" The Pikachu nodded fiercely. "Y-Yeah I.. think I do, like a lot.. when the hell did I start feeling this way?.. Oh who fucking cares!" The Pikachu then practically jumped on me and started dry humping against my stomach while giving me sensual licks and teases on my neck.

"A-Ah h-hey easy!" I said as he seemed to continue humping me anyways and even giggled a little bit "s-sorry, I kinda can't control myself right now, it's not even my species season but I feel like I'm in heat. I know you don't have much experience but, will you please let me.. break you're virginity?" The Pikachu said to me with almost pleading eyes. A small part of me was a bit nervous about doing it for the first time with someone, but oddly enough I felt it was mainly just because I wondered if I'd be any good in bed rather than just the idea of having sex.

"W-Well.. I'm ok with it I think but I.. I hope I'm good enough for you.." I said looking away from him feeling a bit inadequate, I guess it was hard escaping my feelings of the past completely. The Pikachu stared at me for a second before suddenly laughing. "That's what you're worried about?" The Pikachu then using his honed strength grabbed a hold of me, instantly flipped me around and put me on my hands and knees; then shortly after I felt his groin push up right against my butt and his own thick leaking erection sticking out right above my ass and below my tail.

"Beilive me you're more than good enough Meowth, right now you're practically the hottest Pokémon I've ever seen." Pikachu then started bucking his cock up against my hole with a groan. "A-Almost too much though, I know it's you're first but I.. I can't.." Panting a little bit more Pikachu spared no more words and aligned his tip right up against my hole, not even seeming to await my reaction. "Aaah.. w-wait Pikachu, I-nngghh!" was all I could say as he instantly shoved almost half of his cock inside of me, a growl of lust escaping the chu's lips as he did so.

And continuing with his rough pace he wasted not a second more and roughly kept pushing his cock deeper and deeper into me despite how tight I was. "Aaahh Meowth, I-I can't believe it took me this long to realize how badly I've wanted to do this with you, oooohhh~" I gritted my teeth trying to bare the feeling as much as possible but still ended up letting out yelps of pain. It hurt quite a bit but.. in all honestly not nearly as much as those electric shocks or all the pain I've endured in the past, it was actually quiet bearable in comparison despite how new the sensation was.

Not to even mention that I actually am.. strangely enjoying it, quite a lot more than I thought I would actually. Something about just knowing Pikachu was feeling so pleasured and hot just from me of all people was keeping me both a bit flustered and almost as aroused as he was, if this was what sex was like then I could definitely get used to doing it. But as he sank deeper I soon realized there was another level to it I wasn't even aware of, I didn't understand it but I suddenly felt my cock actually twitching, that is physically twitching. My yelping and small moans of pain had suddenly become louder and more lusty.. nothing was touching me but yet it felt like a strange surge of energy was getting pushed into my dick, like a mini electroshock of pleasure. I didn't know whether it was a normal part of sex or if Pikachu was doing something weird, but whatever it was I knew right away that I wanted more.

It seemed that the Pikachu detected this change and noticed I had actually spread my legs a little wider and relaxed my hole a bit more, eliciting a smile and confident chuckle from him as he took the chance and instantly shoved himself balls deep into me, both of us letting out a different toned moan at the same time. "Man you got the hang of it faster than I thought, now are you understanding the real pleasure in anal sex~" I panted deeply as I felt his member lodged deep into me and slightly against the inside of my groan area, causing me to almost shiver a bit, but this time with an actual grin on my face from the feeling. "W-Wow. I.. didn't realize how intense this kind of stuff could get until now. I-I actually feel kinda glad my first time was with you. In fact don't worry about me cause I think I can handle it, let's keep going~" it felt almost a little out of character for me to say that but it was the full truth, any snidey thoughts had completely subsided into me at the moment and I simply felt hot and bothered from the scenario playing out right now, but even beyond that the biggest thing I felt for Pikachu right now was simply put, grateful.

Hearing these slightly unexpected words coming from the Meowth he was now balls deep into was like music to his ears, not only did it make him feel happy for helping Meowth out, but it turned him on immensely knowing it was ok to really go all out on this sexy virgin. "Then let's not waste any longer on words~" and with that the Pikachu rather swiftly slide almost 3/4ths of his member out of Meowth, and then even quicker slammed it right back into him. The Meowth only had time to let out a half groan of pleasure because a few seconds later Pikachu repeated the same process and slammed it right back in again.

Keeping up his rough pace the Pikachu leaned forward almost half closing his eyes as he let his body take control and fucked the Meowth like there was no tomorrow. His tight virgin walls were almost sucking up his cock like they didn't want him to leave every time he pulled himself out, to which he happily obliged the reaction by thrusting himself back in balls deep each and every time. The Pikachu had gotten around and had sex many times before in his life, both bottom and top with all shapes and sizes, and yet this one Meowth that was his enemy or such a long time, and only recently turned into a good friend, was giving him the best sex he has ever had.

But unfortunately for the Pikachu as a result it also ended in one of the shortest sessions he's had since he himself was a virgin many years ago. "M-Meowth! Haaaa.. I-I'm sorry I'm.. al-already.." The Meowth then suddenly actually pushed himself back up against the Pikachu in response, looking back with a rather lewd smile on his face. "I-It's fine, keep going, you can cum into me if you want, I want to experience what it feels like to be breeded."

I didn't quiet want it to end this fast but I had a feeling that this would hardly be the last orgasm of the night, the feelings I was having were new both physically and mentally and I still didn't fully understand them really, but what I did at least get was the immense pleasure I was receiving, as well as the feeling of wanting to help and pleasure out Pikachu as much as possible. It was hardly enough for me to feel like I've fully repaid my debt for how much he's helped me out today, but the least I can do is let him fuck me like he wants.. Not that I didn't want it myself really.

"Oohhh Meowth, Meowwtthh!!"was all the Pikachu screamed as he pounded me shallowly a few more times before slapping his balls right up against my hole and unleashing a flurry of semen right inside of me, almost like an intense pump spurting out more and more with each second. The feeling was quiet literally orgasmic, it felt even hotter then how hard he was pounding me before, so much so that I had to use almost all my might to hold off my own orgasm. I did so because I still wasn't used to it or the feeling, the biggest thing on my mind was wanting my new friend to feel as pleasured as possible.. If I can only orgasm once or twice it would end too quickly.

However it seemed Pikachu was having none of that, he seemed to notice that I wasn't actually cumming with him and immediately grabbed a hold of my cock and started moving his hand rapidly up and down it. "C-Come on, cum with me!" Pikachu said between his grunts with closed eyes as his orgasm continued. I barley lasted a second longer once he said that and started actually jerking me off, and almost on command with what Pikachu said I started spurting out my own seed all over the bed; it was by far the most intense feeling of pleasure I had ever experienced, I don't know if I could even go back to just touching myself after this.

After almost a full minute both of our orgasms died down, causing Pikachu to collapse over me as we both panted. "ahh.. w-why'd you have to, haaa.. stroke me. I was trying to.. save up my energy so we could keep going at it." The Pikachu giggled at my reasoning in a tired manner. "I-I appreciate the sentiment, aah.. but I prefer when Pokémon have fun with me~ If I'm gonna cum 6 times today then so are you, I know you have it in you!" And as he said that I suddenly felt him push his body up against mine causing a sudden tinge inside of me, Pikachu hadn't even gotten soft, though neither was I really.

He then flipped me over so the two of us were now face to face while he was still inside me, I actually felt almost too embarrassed to look directly at his lusty yet determined eyes combined with that devious smile on his face. "You wanting so hard to please me is very sweet and.. admittedly with how horny I am I'm very tempted.. but I like you to much to take advantage of you in that way." Pikachu than unexpectedly put his head slowly up against my forehead still looking at me straight in the eyes. "So let's have fun together, ok~" I large blushed creeped across my face from that, I wanted to say something quirky or fun back to him but I felt like I was at a complete loss of words for once, the only thing I could muster was a rather meek and almost shy "o-ok." In response, but it seemed that was the only thing Pikachu wanted to hear as his smile widened in response. "Now it's time for me to show you how to really mate with a Pokémon!."

I suddenly felt my eyes tingle a little bit as I had slowly opened them up and realized the entire room was filled with light from the sun, I looked around the bed and at the window to confirm what my hazy mind was thinking.. I can hardly even remembered when I slept. But one thing I did remember clearly was what happened last night, there was no mistaking that for a dream. Feeling my body react as I started waking up definitely made sure of that, how much cum did that damn Pikachu put inside me anyways? Even after sleeping I could practically feel the imprints of all that cum inside me and even the taste of it in my mouth, my own stomach even felt a bit bloated. Soon afterward I heard Pikachu groggily yawn a bit as he sat up right next to me. "aauuuhhh.. I think this is the first time my cock actually hurts a little after sex... how many times did I even cum last night... what time is it?"

Looks like Pikachu himself was just as dazed as I was, and I thought he was supposed to be the one with all the experience. "Heck if I know.." I looked over at the clock on the wall and pointed at it. "But I do know it's about 12:00". Pikachu seemed to wake up a little at that statement. "W-Woah twelve! Jeez how long did the two of us sleep for, or were we fucking so much we stayed up the whole night?" I laid my back down against the wall a little closing my eyes to relax my body a little. "Don't know the answer to that either, but I do know that it wasn't a dream, there's no way a dream could make my ass hurt that much." I said jokingly.

Pikachu then laid down right next to me and suddenly gave me a light hug, resting his head against my shoulder. "Sorry about that... I didn't mean to hurt you but I was having too much fun, you were really amazing last night." I didn't expect him to take what I said seriously and blushed a little. "I-I didn't really mean it.. it's actually fine today, It just still feels vivid." The Pikachu stood up with a bit of a smile on his face. "Hehe that's good to hear, then how about we head off to get some grub and perhaps do it with some other Pokémon?" I blinked for a second almost not processing his statement. "huh? Do it? You mean like.. even more sex.. today? With other Pokémon?" Pikachu snickered at my slyly. "Well as fun as the idea of keeping you to myself is I know many other's that'd love to try it with an actually intelligent and cute Meowth such as yourself, I think it's only fair you get to try it with others.. if you think you're up to it!"

I remember always making fun of other Pokémon that were almost obsessed with sex all the time, though I never pegged Pikachu as the type to really like doing it so much. But now that I actually have it myself, perhaps it's time I explore that side a little bit. Besides even just the sex this is my chance at a new life as well, I won't be meeting Pokémon purely to fuck but as new friends too, it's time to put my old life away. I showed the Pikachu my previously sly grin he probably hasn't seen sense we were last enemies, though this time with a very different connotation. "Then in that case what are we waiting for, let's do it!"