The General's Kid AU

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Mike silently opened the door from the kitchen and stepped through on the balls of his feet while hearing soft country music echo off the concrete walls. Micah was in the corner, his shirt lying in a damp, sweaty heap near the weight bench, as he pressed the steel bar laden with weights over himself. He huffed softly as he forced the bar into the air and lowered it to his muscular chest again and again, each time making his biceps and triceps fold and buckle almost erotically to the Rottweiler.

Mike murred hungrily, reaching a paw down to squeeze his throbbing shaft through his shorts, as Micah's white jockstrap peaked a little above the waistband of his tight, black army running shorts, some of the folf's sweat running down his abs as he pushed the bar, still unaware of Mike's presence. Sliding his shorts and undergarment down his thighs, Mike quietly kicked them off, pulling his briefs out of them as he slowly walked up behind Micah.

Mike licked his lips as he stood with his briefs in paw and sniffed over them before taking the less damp part of his well-used underwear over and rubbing them under his sweat soaked pits. Grinned maliciously, the rottie wrapped his briefs over the folf's head just as Micah was finishing his last bench press making the young hybrid flail around forgetting much of his defense training as everything turned dark and smelly.

"Ahh! What the hell?!" Micah barked in surprise, the bar banging noisily onto its supports as he reached up to pull the sweat dampened garment off of his muzzle, the thick overpowering scent of Rottweiler now flooding his senses. His muzzle felt damp with dog-sweat, and he was sure he wasn't going to like where it had come from.

Mike growled and watched the pup try to fight and found his dominant instincts boiling up inside of his crotch just before he let his paws go from around the edges of the briefs. The young folf grabbed the undergarment and ripped them off is his snout and then looked at them as if they were an alien artifact before his muzzle bent forward to sniff them. The scent made him recall the only Rottweiler he knew of.

"Mike?!" Micah barked in frustrated confusion, a drop of Mike's sweat lewdly running down his cheek. "What the fuck was that for?" The folf queried angrily, giving him a shocked and disgusted look as he dropped the damp, white briefs to the floor beside his shirt. He sat up on the weight bench and started to stand up.

Mike's paw dropped on the folf's shoulder with the same weight of a moving RV unit making Micah drop back onto the bench. The rottie growled and leaned down and raised his arm and then make the folf look into the damp field of brownish black fur. "You know you want it pup. I can see your little sheath getting hard just by my scent alone." The Rottweiler grumbled inside of his throat before wiping his paw onto his head, gathering his sweat then grabbed his folf's nose.

"Ugh!" Micah yelped a disgusted grunt, squirming uncomfortably under Mike's paw. He coughed in great distaste, shaking his head to remove the larger dog's paw, before bringing a forearm to wipe the rottie's sweat from his nose. He growled up at the Rottweiler, wondering what had happened to make Mike so out of control today. While Micah was use to the older canine's playful behavior this was taking a new low!

Mike laughed in the back of his head as he watched his young charge growl up at him with that cute rumbling base in the bottom of his throat. He was gonna enjoy this, "So you want to be shown how much of an Alpha I am puppy?" Mike questioned just as he gripped Micah's shoulders hard and then drew the pup's nose up into his dark furred chest.

Micah groaned loudly, one of both disgust and rage as his growl rumbled deeper and louder in his throat. "Mike! What the fuck are you doing, man??!" Micah questioned urgently squirming against Mike's hold as the dog worked his muzzle into his sweat soaked fur. He whined softly, almost silently as Mike's firm grip bit at his shoulder, his tired muscles much too fatigued to offer much resistance to the stronger, bigger dog.

"See puppy; don't you just enjoy this: feeling my stronger muscles against your snout, my scent rush deep inside of your nose, with my heartbeat filling your ears. That's the sign of my alphahood!" Mike felt a fierce need to take control of the young folf so badly he was spouting shit he didn't even say to himself at home, but there was something about Micah today, the rottie needed to have a form of dominance over him. Rubbing the pup's nose against his pecs Mike felt his sheath swelling and his cock growing hard.

Panic ran through Micah's mind, his eyes darted about, looking for something to use or some way to escape as thick musky drops of Mike's sweat ran down his cheeks and soaked into his fur. His throat rumbled in another weak growl, as his defiance turned into fear, his tired arms pushing worthlessly against Mike's abs in a pale excuse of resistance.

Mike could feel his pup getting into this, or either he was getting tired, either way was fine, and the Rottweiler started to pull the folf back to look him in the eyes. There was a haze just over the edge of Micah's orbs along with a few drops of sweat on the pup's muzzle. Mike started to feel really good and decided to speed things up a bit. Pulling the younger male completely off of the weight bench Mike watched Micah drop to the floor and then tackled him draping his right arm around the folf's snout.

Micah fought weakly, trying to crawl away, but failed. A few disgusted grunts escaped his nose and muzzle as the dog's muscular, sweaty, arm clamped over his muzzle, locking Micah's face in a damp, smelly furry prison. The musk from the older male was almost chocking him as it drowned out his own scent. He grimace in sheer discomfort as more and more, salty drops of salt like water ran from Mike's fur onto his muzzle. "Oh God..." he groaned, gulping deeply in begrudging acceptance to his present state, but he was by no means enjoying the situation or ready to give up his fight.

Mike leaned down and licked the top of the pup's ears and then reached down to unfasten the Micah's pants and fish out the younger hybrid's plump tube admiring the heavy but flaccid package therein. Stroking over the semi-hard appendage, Mike rubbed his claws playfully over the mound of furry tubing before rubbing the twin balls with his calloused palms, rolling them around and making Micah squirm desperately in his hold. The grin on his muzzle widen when his charge yipped out his name with that sweet, desperate voice of his,

"Mike!!!" Micah barked in shock, squirming rapidly and thrashing against Mike's arms. His rapid squirming, thanks to Mike's sweaty, slippery grip, actually worked, and the folf popped out of his captor's hold but couldn't get too far as his position against the weight bench blocked him from going more than a spare few inches away. Micah shivered in fear when the rottie turned his head towards his and then snapped his fangs in front of his muzzle making Micah go stock still. All of his senses were glued to the shimmering fangs of the older male and the burning fire shining in his eyes.

Mike gazed at Micah and then looked down to the tenting shorts the folf was wearing. Snarling, he flexed his claws and snatched at the black material before ripping it apart at the seams. Having had his shorts ripped off, his sweaty-jockstrap clad ass now slammed coldly into the concrete while his tail instinctively tried to curl in between his legs to protect his male bits. Micah's mind was running through a list of what could possibly have been happening with his best friend to make him act this way and all the while he was shaking his head rapidly, as if trying to deny what was happening, spraying a few beads of sweat from off of his fur.

Mike looked at the younger folf and smirk devilishly, grunting and taking what was left of his sweaty folf's shorts, the Rottweiler sniffed then groaned low and loud, letting Micah know just how much he liked his scent before taking a strip of black and licking over it. His bright red tongue laved across the fabric sensually before Mike sucked on part of it and then took said part from his muzzle to pant and growl at Micah, "Puppy you are delicious. Now let me show you how much I want to eat you up," the Rottweiler growled menacingly before tossing the ruined shorts aside and then snatching Micah around the arms, dragging him close and then kissing him on the muzzle. The rottie's paws started roaming then and soon found their way under Micah's tail, sweeping if from between the younger pup's legs and then holding it tight while his other paw dipped behind the band and around the crevice of Micah's cheeks.

Micah's jaw dropped open in complete shock, his body locking up as the dog's paws roamed over his muscular ass, drops of his own sweat running down his crack and the bands of his jockstrap. "MIKE STOP!!!" The frightened teen yapped again. His tired body squirmed again against the dog's advances as Mike ground his sweat soaked body into Micah's. The folf's thoughts raced, thinking of ways to escape, people that would help, reasons Mike would be doing this, or anything to keep them off of the kinky things that the dog surely had in mind. Turning his head and yipping in displeasure, Micah folded his ears backwards and clenched his eyes as he didn't want to know what would happen next, especially when he could feel his friend's, or former friend depending on how one looked at it, breathe on his neck tickling the fur.

The rottie pulled the small white band of Micah's jockstrap down and then stuck a single digit from his other seeking paw inside of the crevice of the folf's behind and then poked at the little rose under the rapidly flailing tail. Breaking his momentary fit of insanity, Mike looked at the pup and then cocked his head, "What's wrong pup? Don't you want to have your alpha showing you how a cute little slut like you how you should be worshipping me and my god like body?" Mike said as he leaned up to nibble on Micah's ears.

Micah shuddered and shook his head in the negative. He was scared, no scared didn't even come close to describing the feeling he had. If he'd been wearing pants, they would certainly have been wet by now, but that meant that instead a little of his urine stained the front of his jockstrap turning it a yellowish cream color. His heart sank in fear at Mike's intimidating words. Making no progress by pushing against Mike's arms, chest or stomach, Micah quickly lowered his paws to push with all his tired might against Mike's hips, but the dog in his lust crazed and dominance fueled mental state, completely misconstrued the action.

Mike's hips started thrusting without his command as he felt the pup tugging on them. Those soft, sweat soaked paws were perfectly contoured to the frame of his hips and made the rottie wild with need. Looking down at his pup Mike decided to shift things into second gear. Pulling him away from the edge of the weight bench, Mike forced Micah down onto the cement of the garage floor right to where his tail go smashed in between his legs. Micah yipped in pain while trying to wiggle his hips enough to slip his tail from under him when he happened to glance up,

"Oh Fuck...oh God, no..." Micah groaned softly, his eyes glancing upward to see Mike's sweaty muscular ass hanging in front of him. He was really hoping this was not going where it looked to be going however, given his current situation with his nose inches from the Rottweiler's clenching tail hole and his stubby tail wagging, Micah had a dreadful feelings he already knew the outcome. Not wanting to submit, his wolf heritage coming through at a time he most needed it, Micah couldn't give up, that wasn't part of his character, he tried to roll away, but the weights and various exercise equipment that filled the garage did not grant him the luxury of space. So instead his muzzle accidently pushed up and poked the crest of Mike's rear making the rottie groan and growl happily.

The rottie laughed to himself as he felt the cold, wet nose of his pup bump into his cheeks making him shudder in anticipation. The younger folf just didn't realize his own subbiness, he was made to be yiffed and put away wet. Wagging his rump back and forth Mike caught the edge of Micah's nose in the fold of his ass and then pushed back letting his musky rump sink into Micah's muzzle.

"Ahh!!!" Micah barked again, backpedaling to avoid Mike's movements as the muskiest, sweatiest part of the dog's body clamped down on his muzzle. Mike turned his head to look at the pup before pressing his tailhole down onto the folf's muzzle. The first few centimeter's of his anal muscles claimed the folf's nostrils and when Micah brought his paws up to push away his inner tissue clenched onto the pup's nose, drowning him in the hot, masculine smell of alpha male Rottweiler.

"What the fuck Mike! What the hell are you trying to do?!?" Micah yelled.

"Just trying to get you to taste my rump like you want to do." Mike said casually, as if it were written in the Bible.

"The HELL you say! I'm no asslicker!" Micah countered while trying to keep his tongue from doing as such.

Mike stopped his movements and then turned his head to stare into the rim of Micah's eyes with a hard look, "I saw my underwear in your room by your bedroom puppy...and I know I didn't give them to you."

Micah gasped in shock, having totally forgotten about that, it was six months ago after all when he dared himself to steal his best friend's undies and wear them. A juvenile thing that he was paying for ten time over.

"D-did not!! God, Mike stop! Get the hell off me!" Micah begged, gagging in disgust when some of Mike's sweat dripped into his lips. His muzzle just barely pressed into Mike's rump. Somewhere inside of him though, his submissive vulpine instincts were whispering to him to take a little taste and see if it was really so bad. After all, this was his best friend...and he did smell kind of good...

Micah whined as his muzzle slipped further into Mike's ass, his strength further eroded when Mike turned his attention to his crotch given his position over the thick mound of folf maleness. Micah's white jockstrap hugged his swollen package and clearly displayed his arousal, as well as a small dark yellow stain.

Mike chuckled, his eyes catching the embarrassing spot on Micah's jock; satisfied that his superior strength and dominant status had scared that much control away from his pup, the rottie allowed deep rumbles of amusement to roar from his throat. He clenched his sweaty cheeks on the folf's muzzle as he reached back with both of his paw, a trick all things considered to keep from crushing Micah's waist and groin, and spread himself open further to allow more of his pheromone laden musk to drift out and drown the rest of Micah's resistance into the dirt.

The younger folf grunted and groaned as the other canine's scent began to creep into his mind and down further into his muzzle. His thoughts of escape began to fade away like a dream just before waking up and instead thoughts of letting everything go and just letting his alpha do what he wanted became more prominent. Images of his with his legs raised and his tail wagging below his body while yipping at Mike to mount him began to whip through his head like a movie on fast forward.

"Fucking pussy!!" Mike barked clenching his cheeks tightly on Micah's muzzle as he leaned back to shove his tailhole rudely against his lips and nose, "I've been rimmed by so many girls I've lost count. None of them ever whined like a little bitch or fought it like a scared little puss. They dove right in, they accepted it," Mike said before he reached down to grab Micah's jockstrap after pulling one of his paws from around back and then ripped the material the same as he had done to the folf's shorts before tossing it back at the younger male. "You shouldn't even be wearing these. You're not man enough for it...You should be only wearing panties, like the little bitch you are."

Micah's heart dropped out into his stomach at these words then the ruined jockstrap hit him in the face making him shake his muzzle to get them off. Not knowing what to think the folf just held his place with his muzzle inside Mike's ass and then let what his friend told him go over his thoughts.

‘Was he really a pussy?

He didn't want to be doing this! It wasn't right! It wasn't something guys do!

But then again; hadn't they mated before?

Hadn't Mike taken him from behind and shown him just what male do together in private?

Hadn't he also been willing every time to let the Rottweiler do as he pleased? Never once questioning it or himself like he was now?

It was just his friend's tailhole...and it didn't smell too bad...actually it was rather pleasant with that male musk drifting through him.

This was the same scent he had curled up to at night when he and Mike had made mad yiffing between each other, sometimes licking his paws just to keep the taste of his friend with him. Not to mention the time he had bent himself in half and licking out the rottie's cum from his tailhole.

Or the time when he worn Mike's underwear to bed and pawed off in them before falling asleep in his own spooge.

Or even when he had...

Maybe he could just give was just Mike after all. Good ole Sergeant Mike...' Micah stopped fighting and then parted his maw as much as he could given the tightness of Mike's tailhole, how had he even gotten so much of hi muzzle up here in the beginning still puzzled the folf, and then began to rove his tongue inside the rottie's ass while taking his almost lifeless paws and grabbing Mike's erect cock and paw him.

Mike murred, arching his back in immense pleasure. "Fuuuck yes," he moaned. Talk all he wanted about his former girlfriend's and their exquisite tongues, the Rottweiler hadn't had a good rim-job in months, and he was desperate for one. Desperate to make some bitch lick at his ass as long as he wanted, desperate to make someone to taste his sweat and smell his musk, whether they wanted to or not and now he had one, a somewhat unwilling bitch, but still a bitch the right amount of fear and reasoning were able to get Mike what he wanted. The gears of cocky dominance were already turning in Mike's mind cooking up a way for him to think that he was doing Micah a favor, creating a train of thought that assured him that Micah wanted his ass, and that he was being generous in finally giving it to him.

Micah found himself cocking his head and thrusting his hips up into Mike's muzzle and then sniffed more of the pungent scent of his friend's ass. Taking time to note, the folf realized that Mike's ass smelled deep, earthy, and masculine. It made Micah foxy submissiveness raise its head up and take notice happily. Sniffing as best he could the folf laved his tongue deeper into the rottie's tailstar with more fervor as his fear began to abate, replaced by the longing need to prove himself to his best of friends. He found himself, albeit slowly, getting into this rim job.

However, he was gonna beat the crap out of Mike when this was over with.

Grinning to himself at the feeling of another swift lap inside of his hole, Mike pondered all the various ways he could keep Micah smelling his scent for a long, long time so that Micah wouldn't escape his dominance even after this episode was over with. Thinking, Mike noticed that his cock was just against Micah's throat when the folf's pulsing Adam's apple bobbed against his leaking tip when one o Micah's paws rubbed his arousal against his neck and then he smirked to himself. Clenching his inner muscles the rottie let himself go, tightening his tailhole around Micah's muzzle and then let a small stream of canine piss rain onto the folf. The scent permeated the air quickly and meshed with the musky male scent of rutting dog and the subtle tang of aroused folf making a sensual cocktail of smells.

The folf immediately tensed, feeling the hot liquid pool on his neck and flow down his chest before calming himself and lifting a paw away from Mike's cock to rub the stuff into himself. It felt really weird but at the same time, he really liked it. Fighting down a blush Micah returned to eating his best friend out as if it was normal, his former concerns disappearing with every lick and lap of his wet muscle inside of Mike's hole.

Mike felt the tension of the folf's body up under him abate and then decided to break down the last of Micah's inhibitions. Looking at the folf's half hard cock trying to fill up to full proportions, Mike opened his muzzle and bent his head down to swallow all of Micah's groin in one swallow, not at all minding the salty hint of folf urine splashing against his tongue and then painting his taste buds with the luxurious taste. The folf yipped and pushed his head deeper into the rottie's ass cheeks as he tongued through Mike's tailhole and ran his tongue against the older male's prostate. The Rottweiler jumped and smirked around his charge's cock before swallowing and sucking hard to make Micah's cock extend fully.

Both male groaned and grunted from their individual positions, both enjoying themselves as they got into their specific roles and soon the sounds of sucking, licking, groaning along with the wet smacks of flesh resounded throughout the garage. When Micah's cock began to sink into Mike's throat the rottie had to pull himself back enough so that he could get his gag reflex under control. His body was alive with the shocks of pleasure as his knot began to swell and grow to full hardness with his pup's demure paws caressing his ball of flesh in just the right ways. His anal muscles were accepting Micah so much that the folf got all of his muzzle up Mike's backdoor and found his vision with nothing more than tan and black ass. It was so erotic for Micah with all the sensations, especially Mike's silken warmth that came from his best friend's sucking muzzle.

Mike grunted around the folf's meat when he felt his pup's snout travel further up his rear. Deciding to reward the younger male for his worshiping muzzle Mike pulled back and began rapidly licking over Micah's cock taking time to trace the blood thick veins and then moving his head down to the swelling knot that was starting to inflate under his tongue. The rottie reached a paw out and grunted as he began to rub over Micah's balls stimulating the churning cum therein, wanting to taste more of his little folf's fluids down his throat since Micah's pre was tasty as wine, almost. His own erect member which had long since stopped raining urine onto Micah's throat and now began to spout pre instead mixing with the yellow, bitter mix on the folf's chest along with both of their sweat and scents.

Micah moaned loudly, he'd never done something this kinky before and he had no idea how amazing and pleasurable this experience was, but he was damned sure he was gonna repeat it later on, especially if it got him such a great muzzle job. "See puppy? At first you were scared and wanted to get away but now you are turning into my little bitch, so lick that ass, taste my sweat and funk and worship it like the slut you were born to be." Mike said dominantly while growling and lapping his pup's cock tip.

Micah growled at the remarks of the bigger dog. Mike moaned and barked out loud at the vibrations coming from the younger folf's muzzle. Like having a living vibrator up his tail Micah's ministration were better than the time he got fingered by one of his previous girlfriends. Grunting and thrusting his rump backwards against the pup's face Mike wanted more of those sensations. "Oh, puppy, do that more. God you are a hot piece of ass. My own personally little bundle of rottiebait."

Micah nodded his head, comically making Mike's ass bounce around his muzzle and growled louder and deeper. The Rottweiler enjoying the feelings that were produced and sucked more furiously onto his pup's cock wanting to make Micah cum deep down his throat because he could feel his own nuts clenching and pulling closer to his body. This was so hot, so good, so right. He loved his pup so much and now he had dominated him so thoroughly that he was probably going to ask ‘that' question today.

Micah's world became the brown and tan field of Rottweiler butt, his nose was swept up with the musky scent of Mike's ass, and his eyes began to water as the pungent scent found its way into his brain and mouth. The whine that broke free from his throat soon began another growl as the folf rubbed over his chest and nipples, tongue his friend's prostate faster, humped his hips and stroked Mike's cock with more and more pressure into his grip.

Mike let his tongue travel from the seal of his muzzle to dip against Micah's own knot and then tongue at it while gripping his pup's balls and then deciding to end this with a spectacular burst of pressure. Gripping down on his internal muscles and growling as deep as he could Mike bucked into the folf's face and then howled when his balls let loose their contents. The white ribbons came out and splashed over Micah's chest making long lines of running male seed dripped down onto the younger male's torso on down to his bellybutton. In doing so Micah's ‘yarfed' and came like a shot from his dad's rifle into Mike's throat. His testicles almost hurt as all of his cum traveled hotly through his shaft into the waiting jaws of the Rottie, it was a big help that Micah's paw clamped down on Mike's knot and squeezed it for all it's worth mimicking a tie.

Both males groaned and panted as they huffed and panted desperately, all the while happily wagging their individual tails around like made.

When Mike pulled his muzzle from around his pup's cock he smiled as he turned to look back at Micah but before he could another trail of cum hit him on the side of the snout. The rottie whipped his head around to look and see the form of Micah's dad, John, standing with his cock in his vastly oversized paws and howling silently to the heavens. The Rottweiler gasped and babbled while letting the last of the wolf's cum shoot over his nose and into his open jaws before unconsciously licking his lips and pulling away from Micah's muzzle.

Micah cocked his head as he found himself able to breathe more than the scent of his best friend's musk before his eyes popped open as wide as possible to see his dad holding his deflating erection and grinning at him.

"When you boys are done cleaning up here I want you, Mike, and you, Micah, to see me in the kitchen. We have A LOT to talk about and Locklear close your muzzle before all my cum runs down onto the floor and I have you lick it up." The wolf said while watching his order being adhered to and then walking out from the garage door leading to the kitchen into the house.

Both Mike and Micah looked to each other worriedly before the rottie helped himself up and then reached a paw out to the folf who took it reassuringly.

‘Just how much trouble were in????' Both of them thought mutually before starting to clean up their mess.