Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 11 - Coming Home Late

Story by Tailen on SoFurry

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#11 of Intermediate Species Studies

Intermediate Species Studies

Chapter 11 - Coming Home Late

by Tailen

Wenceclas was awakened by a somewhat fevered scratching on the front door. The otter raised his head and rubbed his eyes a bit, the blurry green digits on the alarm clock gradually solidifying into 2:47am the more he kept rubbing. The scratching sounded suspiciously like a key of which the current holder was unable to find the hole for. Finally the metallic clicking sounded and the key was turned and the door shoved open and slammed clumsily behind the person in the living room.

Wenceclas winced and then sighed when he heard slow footsteps shuffling around the room aimlessly. He waited until the orca walked past the open doorway to the bedroom, swaying from the party he just got back from.

"Walk in this direction." Wenceclas called out, helpfully providing some way for his boyfriend to find the bed in his current stupor.

The dark silhouette in the living room paused, hesitated, and then turned and slowly lumbered towards the place it had heard the sound coming from.

" Heeeey, Wency!" The orca called out and grinned stupidly as he stumbled into the bedroom, grazing the doorframe with his shoulder on the way in and judging by the bass-rumbling creak that went through the wall, they were lucky it was left standing.

"Wooow, it's totally dark in here, dude. The lights must've been out for a really long time!"

"Shush, you'll wake the neighbors."

Cealan ambled towards the bed, then froze for a moment and looked blank. "The what?"

"Remember? The two cheetah guys who just moved in upstairs."

"OOOhh..! oh, oh, oh.. right, right... ohhhh.... uh, no?"

Wenceclas sighed, "They moved in two days ago. Even invited us up for housewarming."

Cealan looked blank still.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"That's not important right now." The orca waved a hand dismissively and almost hit himself in the eye, "I'm not as think as you drunk I am. Now scoot over."

The killer whale pretty much just fell like timber and landed right on top of the poor otter, knocking all the air out of him with a groaning *OOOOF!*

"Ahh, tha's better." Cealan murmured and closed his eyes, almost snoring immediately.

Wenceclas grunted and smacked the side of his beak until his eyes opened again.

"Hey there, lover-otter." Cealan smiled with a glassy gaze and looked as if he had just noticed Wenceclas for the first time tonight. He felt a determined paw on his shoulder and then rolled over on his side when Wenceclas pushed him off. This all seemed endlessly amusing to him, but the otter was starting to lose his patience. He leaned in closer and then wrinkled his nose at Cealan's breath.

"Had a good party, did you?"

"Heheh, very much.. heheh." He noticed the cute lutra nose-wrinkling at him, "Oh c'mon, my breath's not that bad."

Wenceclas rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, boozy orca. Not gonna sleep in these clothes are you?" Without waiting for a reply he pushed his boyfriend fully onto his back on the bed and started pulling off his t-shirt, lifting his arms up one by one and gradually tugging it off him until he could toss it over the side of the bed.

Cealan obliged the best he could, trying not to fall asleep even though his eyes kept closing.

"Shorts off too?"

"Mrrrh, sure.. mrrrh, otterlove." The orca grinned toothily and nodded, starting to feel a bit frisky now that he was already half-naked in bed with his boyfriend. A quick grope with his hand under the covers revealed that Wenceclas was naked too, which was hardly unusual. It was only on cold winter nights that either of them felt a need to wear clothes in bed. Their mutual body warmth usually did the trick. Yet it never failed to arouse him either.

"Mrrr, sexy lutra." Cealan slurred and licked his beak.

The otter sighed at the hand stroking down his thigh and tried as politely as possible to push it away, fearing mostly for his good night's sleep if the orca decided he wanted to have fun. Fortunately for him, before he could even pull the bed covers aside to get started, Cealan was snoring and had gone all limp. He waited for a bit, poking the rubbery chest of the killer whale a couple of times, but he just was not going to wake up again.

The somewhat unexpected turn of events left Wenceclas to get his sleep, however, and he cuddled up against the side of his boyfriend, soon joining him in his dreamy state.

"You think they've gone to sleep now?" Kamau came back into the bedroom with the glass of water he had fetched from the kitchen. All the noise had woken them both up.

"I don't know, they were pretty loud until a moment ago." His boyfriend Twelo sat up in bed and took the offered glass, then scooted over so the two cheetahs could sit together.

Kamau put his arm around him and nuzzled against his spotted cheek, giving it an affectionate lick.

"Think they're gonna have sex?"

Twelo sputtered and quickly wiped his wet maw with the back of his paw. They both giggled.

"The noise they're making now was nothing compared to last evening, huh?"

"Yeah, but at least that wasn't in the middle of the night." Kamau yawned and stretched himself a bit, then propped his pillow up against his back since it kept sliding down when he was sitting up.

"Those orcas sure are loud. All that honking and thrashing around." Twelo remarked and sipped the water. "So how do you like our new neighbors, then?"

"What, aside from their overtly vocal intercourses?" Kamau looked smug.

"Yeeees, aside from that."

"They seem okay. A bit weird and stoned-surfer-dude-like. But certainly better than that freaky skunk couple we lived next to before. They were just certifiably crazy."

"Oh god, yes. I'm glad we're rid of them finally." Twelo shuddered at the memories. "The two aquatics downstairs seem a lot more relaxed about everything."

"Certainly do... think they'll let us join in one night?" Kamau grinned broadly.

"You're saying I'm not enough for you anymore, hmmm?" Twelo poked his boyfriend's spotted side right between the ribs and made him hunch over.

"Ohh, I wouldn't say that."

Twelo grinned and put the glass on the table next to the bed before playpouncing on Kamau, grabbing his chest with both paws as he tackled him down on his back and got up on top.

Kamau laughed while his ears were triumphantly nibbled. His paws slipped down the sleek back of the other spotted cat, naughtily sneaking them both past the waistline of Twelo's boxers and down to grab both of his rumpcheeks and give them a firm kneading.

"Mrrrr.. naughtyspots." Twelo purred and licked his boyfriend's nosepad.

"Think we should--...?" Kamau's whisper trailed off and his wink said the rest.

"Mmmm, think you can keep quiet for once?"

"I'll bite the pillow." Kamau offered with a grin and made his boyfriend giggle. They looked in each other's eyes for a few seconds, and then started turning, rolling, and fiddling with clothes. They were both swiftly undressed and Kamau was on his belly, burying his head in his pillow and pulling his knees up underneath him to lift his rump. A guiding paw on his hip helped elevate him to the right height and he felt Twelo lean over him from behind, pressing his belly against the other's back, mounting his feline lover, and nipping at his overly fluffy neckscruff.

"Bite it, spotty." The words were growled in Kamau's ear and he just barely had time to process them before a sharp thrust from behind buried the barbed shaft deep under his tail, making him cry out muffled in the pillow and grip the bedsheets with his claws.

This was going to be a rough one...

Cealan stretched himself much longer than usual and yawned wide, baring his rounded teeth. He felt Wenceclas curled up next to him in bed, one arm draped around his smooth chest. It looked like it was early morning now. Too early to get up and do anything, but still light outside. He was in his shorts still, and his roommate was snuggled up against his side. Vague memories of being drunk and passing out at some point were swirling through his head, but the glimpses seemed slippery and he could not get a clear picture of pretty much anything that had happened after he had downed those six shots of tequila at the party. The wooziness was definitely still there.

With his eyes half opened he looked down to the otter beside him, his beak pressing slowly between Wenceclas' ears with a deep breath as he *churrred*, then rolled his head back after the nuzzle when he felt himself getting dizzy again. He decided it would be best to just lie still for a while now.

Wenceclas mrrrfed and stirred a bit at the nuzzle. He opened his eyes to narrow slits and lifted his head to look up at the orca. A smile spread across his face and he gave a wet lick over his beaktip while his arm over the smooth chest tightened its grip a bit. "Hey there. How're you feeling?"

Cealan flexed his one arm that the lutra was laying on top of and slid it up his back in a slow carress as he smiled, "Better.. mmnh still feeling nice and buzzy, but not too... hazy.." He paused for a few moments before adding, "Hope I was not too much trouble?"

Wenceclas gave an appreciative *chirr* when his back was rubbed a little. "You were a bit loud when you came in, I'm just glad you didn't stumble and fall on top of something expensive." He grinned and looked down, "Although I couldn't manage to get your shorts off after you passed out. Wanna try again?"

The whale smirked deeply and moved his hand upwards to brush over Wenceclas' shoulder as he gave a nod, his tail twitching on the bed below him under the thin sheets, "Yeah, I promise no passing out this time," he said with a smile.

The otter grinned and could feel from his stroking and his somewhat slow, slurry voice that he was still in a frisky mood.

"Alright." He lifted up the sheet and ducked down underneath, scooting downwards under the orange fabric. There was a slight pause and then Cealan felt his paws grab the waist of his shorts and start to pull them down, bit by bit, working with him when he lifted up his rump and then his legs a bit so Wenceclas could pull them below the knees. While he worked at it, the orca could clearly feel his hot breath trapped under the sheets and seemingly concentrating on caressing his newly exposed, sensitive foreslit.

Cealan blushed and mmnh'ed, watching the sheet shifting he gave a low rumble as he lifted his hips and legs, his smooth rubbery skin feeling exposed as it grazed against his naked body. He took in a quivering breath, one leg slightly bent upwards with the shorts between them as he squirmed them back and forth to help work them down. His boyfriend pulled one side after the other, past the knees and then to the ankles before the slipped off completely. He tossed them out the side of the sheet and onto the floor next to the bed before he began to slowly worm his way upwards again towards the top of the sheet. There was ample opportunity for the orca to reach down with a hand and let him know that he wanted him to stay down there, which was exactly what he did.

The big hand reached under the sheets as the otter was sliding upwards, grabbing the top of his head and then gently pushing in counter to try and keep him down with a little upwards stretch of his shoulders to straighten his arm out. There was just a slight pause before Wenceclas followed the guidance of the hand, scooting himself down again next to his boyfriend on the bed and got himself comfortable by hugging around the closest thigh. His paw lifted up the sheet a bit in front of his face so he could move it into position, and finally he ended up with a nice little tent around the orcabull's groin.

Cealan felt the first lick of that smooth tongue across his balls and then upwards, the muzzle tilting to give firm nips alongside the maleslit, tongue poking lightly at it. The otter hugged his leg and he could feel that oily fur of his rub against his own smooth skin, as well as the bulge of what could only be the lutra's sheath starting to press against his foot. He let out a soft *huff* at the first lick from top to bottom of his slit and did not hold himself back. The liberating sensation of his opening parting was rivaled only by the hot breaths of air washing over the tip that peeked out. Naturally the tongue centered on him immediately and just made it all the more unbearably delicious.

The furry male watched the foreslit of his orca tightening up and then the pink length spilling out with a delightful urgency. The grunts and huffs from above just spurred him on as he let his tongue dance over the exposed flesh, tasting the fishy saltwater scent of his mate. His arms hugged tighter around the leg when he felt it flex and then relax again.

Cealan groaned softly at the repeated motions of that wet, slobbery tongue washing up and down his length, coaxing more and more out of hiding. There was certainly no shortage of warm meat to tease out, after all, and the orca's slit just kept pushing out more and bigger cock. Gradually it swelled up, stretching the skin and made an S-curve from the thickening base to the pointy tip, almost looking like a big tongue from a lizard or dragon.

"Mrrr.. sure you're not still too drunk for this?" His roommate asked under the covers, a paw slipping up the inside of the smooth, black thigh and stroking a single otterclaw along the underside of his balls.

Cealan shivered up through his body and *gruffed*, feeling his member being tickled by hot air and wet tongue. "Mmnh not at all, *chrrrh* was too drunk earlier.. not anymore, gorgeous." he panted as his scent rose in intensity, a thread of cetacean precum squirting from his tip and hitting the otter right across the ear.

Wenceclas chuckled softly underneath the covers. He brushed his nosepad against the curved aquatic member, his paw rolling those seed-heavy orbs around as much as they could stretch to, being quite tightly connected to his body.

"Alright then.. tell me what you want me to do...." he finished with a seductive *chirr* and moved his paw up from the base towards the tip of the orcan meat, wiping some of that precum on the bed sheet.

The killer whale watched with bated breath as the covered head of his roommate leaned over, sending shivers of anticipation through his spine just before those lips closed around his pointy tip and started to sink down slowly, the otter's tongue lapping away at his salt-musk as he took the cock into his muzzle the first time. It made him blush around his white-patched cheeks to imagine that lithe, athletic otterboy of his teasing him so well. To him it was even more arousing that the covers hid enough of Wenceclas for his touches to come as a surprise, yet enough was still visible to see his head and paws move around under there.

"Mmnh yeah that's good for now, sexy.. ahh, love how you play with me."

The oily fur of the lutra rubbed against smooth skin down there and he tasted the heady precum against his tongue each time the pulsing member flexed between his lips. He went down on his orca as much as he could, taking the pointy cocktip easily down his throat and feeling how the curvy shaft began pressing harder and harder against the roof of his mouth as he straightened it out to make it go down. The tip might be small, but the orcacock bulged out quite quickly and soon the otter was finding his jaw being stretched out hard enough to make his cheeks ache. He was so near the root of that massive whalemeat, his nose just inches from the wet slit it was swelling out of, but his throat was too stretched now, so he had to relent and slide it back out. His efforts were well appreciated, however, and he heard Cealan exhale his held breath with a moaning over-tone.

By the time his head made it to the tip again and paused to playfully nibble on it with his rubbery lips, his own saliva and the salty precum was drooling in bountiful amounts down all sides of the shaft. Cealan got slick so easily, which made him easy to muzzle despite his overwhelming size.

Wenceclas moved his lips off the tip and licked his chops and whiskers. He knew all too well the numbing effects of alcohol on a male's erection, so he tried to spur his boyfriend's imagination to keep him aroused the best he could.

"How was the party? Did you meet any cute boys you'd like to get in your bed?" The otter did not wait for an answer before dipping his head down again, taking the shaft much faster this time and likewise as he pulled back and then went down again to start a nice warm-up rhythm.

Cealan bit his lip and the slow bobbing along him made his tail quiver and himself whimper in pure need. His hips rolled up against the slide down to help push his thick cock deeper in the otter's throat. He just shivered at the lovely little moist noises of his roomie sucking him off.

"Mmnh a few.. mmnh, very cute dogs were there.. *mrrrh*.." The orcabull licked his beak and leaned back to watch, twitching his belly each time another thread of precum spurted out and stuck to the otter's tongue. "A really hot German Sheperd.. *mmmn* If I hadn't been so drunk I definitely would've pulled him aside.. *ooh* into one of the bedrooms for a quickie."

Wenceclas responded well to the spurts, but even more to the story. There was no doubt of the increasing intensity of the otter's suckling when his own imagination was allowed to picture the canine. He always loved to hear about his boyfriend's fantasies. His paw slipped down to the opposite thigh, stroking the inside of it up and down while he sped up, his head bobbing in clear view, the orange fabric bouncing and falling each time he rubbed his lips from the bottom of the shaft to the tip and then down again.

His wet tongue tickled one the side of the impressive maleness while the ribbed roof of his muzzle teased the other. Cealan could tell he had been practicing on their toys lately, because he went down all the way more often than usual, deepthroating the orca's cocktip and giving it the firm, gagging squeeze of his tight throat while he drooled all over it.

Cealan closed his eyes and remembered being against them buying an orca-shaped animal dildo at first, since the real thing was obviously better, but now he could see it was paying off. The deepthroating made him push his hips up harder still and his footpaw was sliding up and down Wenceclas' thigh as the otter lay hugging his leg while giving him such an amazing muzzlejob. "Fuck yeah... oh, you're so good.. I bet the doggy wouldn't have *nnnm* t-taken me this deep." His hand rubbed the otter's ears underneath the sheets.

Wenceclas increased his pace, his ears poking clearly into the sheets and shaping it around his head while he bobbed his head up and down over the pulsing pole. He had waited this long before playing his ace, but now Cealan felt it.. He started to suckle too -- his cheeks drawing in around the cock to envelop it from all sides. The pebbly texture of his tongue, the ribbed roof of his maw and now the slick sides of his cheeks sucking hard and making raunchy slurping noises while he gave the orca a wonderful blowjob.

Those dogs at the party might have looked cute, but they did not quite compare to having a naked lutraboy waiting for him at home who really, genuinely wanted him to cum in his muzzle as much as he possibly could. The otter's mouth grasped at the massive spire and kept popping it in and out of his tight throat, making it feel like he was sucking the orcabull off in two places at once -- both around the pointy head with his throat, but also all around the thick spear with his slippery, wet, rubbery black lips. It made Cealan *huff* louder, his toes curling into the bedsheets as he moaned for more. His breath caught when his balls pulled up tighter to his body, and he gazed down with glassy eyes to a lump of head under the covers moving rapidly.

"Ahhh... aaaHHH yes.. fuck, otterlove!" His tail quivered and his hugged leg flexed powerfully with restrained energy.

Wenceclas *mrrrrrrrwled* vibratingly around the whalecock stuffed in his mouth, suckling as hard as he could, almost making the other male feel like he was trying to suck out the seed without his help at all. When he heard Cealan call out, he lifted up the sheet with a big movement of his whole arm, and before it fell back down again he rolled over on his belly between those great big, black trunks of legs. His shoulders pushed Cealan's thighs out and he hugged the large tail of the orca, right down to the tailfins tickling at his feet now. His oily fur rubbed so incredibly smoothly against the polished skin of the orca's tail, and he started grinding his sheath against the white underside of it.

Ottery paws grabbed his hips and in this position he went straight down on him, speeding up much faster than he was before and just deepthroating the orcadick on every single, rapid bob of his head now. He tried to ignore his own gagging in favor of keeping the speed up, but every tight squeeze of his throat around the throbbing rod sent surges of pleasure up the cetacean's spine.

Cealan whimpered loudly, his tail bucking against the otter's front and the rest of his body thrusting upwards to meet the rapid movements of the muzzle. He *chrrRRRRRrred* loudly, his hands trembling while they ran up and down between the otter's ears as his head moved so quick. The whale's back arched up, making him wheeze for breath now. "Yes..! Aah, yes, l-little more...*grrRRR*!"

The massive black and white tail was kept trapped between Wenceclas' thighs, him grinding against it while his boyfriend moaned for more. His head bounced swiftly under the sheet, his rubbery lips squeezing up and down firmly on the slickened shaft as he worked the bull towards his climax, only taking him deeper in his throat when he heard the pleading. He was going so deep now that he just could not keep his teeth back and his lips curled over them and they began grazing up and down the bared, sensitive flesh of the burly orcadick. His chin bumped against the whale's balls, feeling how firm and taut they were. The paws on the orca's hips slided downwards underneath him, grabbing his squeaky rump and digging his claws into the rubbery skin to tug on it and encourage the bull to muzzlefuck him all he wanted.

Cealan bit his lip and let out a rumbling *hrrrrr*, thrusting up at the offered muzzle over and over as his cock pulsed. His tail quivered against his roomie's sheath and curled upwards between his thighs as he tried to hold it down with his weight and hugged it with his legs.

The orca let out a sudden, loud *HONK* of pure bliss only a moment before Wenceclas felt powerful sprays of cum blast down his throat. The hard bucking smacked the crotch to his black lips as his lover moaned, and he kept bobbing his head to the lustful humping against his face, his nose mashing against the cool skin of the orca's groin even if he could not take the whole thing to the hilt.

Another thing he could not take was the sheer volume of the orcabull spewing his liquid pleasure into the poor lutra's mouth and belly. Load after load of thick, gooey malemilk erupted in his maw and he choked on the flood, especially when the orcaboy's maleness swelled up larger with every copious spurt it made. Even the tip flared up and stretched his throat, cutting off his air supply and making him cough, which was not the most brilliant idea considering the circumstances. The cum backwashed and spewed out of his mouth and nose in splurts of gelatinous spooge that covered the orca's groin entirely by now and just kept coming. Still, the otter kept sucking him off hard, swallowing his slimy pleasure and letting him absolutely cum his balls out into that tight, gargling muzzle.

Throughout the whole thing, Cealan could do nothing but make orca mating sounds, honking, grunting and squeaking alternately while he had the wildest orgasm he could remember having in a long time. More of that wonderful sensation spread through his body mixing with the usual numbness that was supposed to have taken over by now, but which was impolitely shoved aside to make room for more extravagant ecstasy that made his spine contract once per second and shoot more cum into his boyfriend's muzzle. His hips were still grinding against the male's face, feeling the whiskers tickle him back with every spurt of seed that exited. He was panting heavily, body trembling as his most basic urges overtook him completely for what seemed like several minutes. Finally he flumped back on the bed again, his form going limp and completely relaxed before he could let out a long, groaning sigh.

"Oh wow.." he whispered, almost inaudibly.

Wenceclas waited till he had oozed out the last drops and then moved his lips slowly off the cocktip, keeping them sealed. He crawled up on top of him with slow, deliberate movements, first his chestfur and then his bellyfur wiping the orca's cum-wet shaft clean as he drew a long trail of whalesperm down the middle of his front. His head popped up from the edge of the sheet right below Cealan's throat and the grinning face of the otter came into view, his headfur and cheeks all matted with sweat and moisture from being trapped in the hot confines of the sheet while working so hard on his boyfriend. He momentarily distracted Cealan by pressing his groin up against his spent cock, brushing gently over it and tickling the over-sensitive shaft with his sheathfur as he wiped it clean for him. His head then snapped forward quickly like a snake, lips pressing together and his tongue poking Cealan's beak open. Even before he managed to do so, the bull could feel his own cum streaming in rivulets down the sides of the otter's maw, and once his lips had been forced apart, Wenceclas gleefully dumped the rest of his muzzleful of fresh, goopy orcacum into the open beak. His tongue swirled around and he panted through his nose, sharing the treat and wrestling tongues amidst the bubbling sea of male seed. They both kissed wetly and passionately with the thick spooge between them, the orca's strong hands running down the sleek otter's swimmer body and grabbing him here and there to hold him close while they played around with each other.

Eventually Wenceclas spat the rest of the seed into the bull's beak and pulled back, licking his lips and catching, well.. most of the seed that had been splashed on his face. There was quite a lot coating his throat and around his cheeks, chin and all down his chest a bit too. It was impossible to swallow the full load of a horny orca, after all. But now he was grinning down at one and watching him swallow at least a part of his it. They were still hugging and when those hands scratched downwards to the otter's rump, he gave a pleased *chirr* and raised up his tail, lifting the sheet behind him as he arched his back deliciously on top of his lover, naked bodies pressing together with fur against rubber.

"Mmmmm.. I think I like you drunk.. it takes longer to get you off." He winked down.

"Mnnhm." Cealan smirked back up, "Well if that's the case I'll have to get drunk a lot more."

Wenceclas chuckled and nodded, his eyes closing a bit when the orca began licking his whiskers and cheeks clean of his own sticky gel. "Not too much more, I trust? I could do without all the stumbling around at 3am. You need to get juuuust drunk enough to be all horny and demanding."

Cealan laughed and gave the otterbutt a good squeeze with both his hands. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

The otter enjoyed the butt-rubbing for a while longer before pressing his nosepad to the male's beak and then slumping down on top of him. He was starting to feel his exhaustion now, and he stayed on top just long enough to exhaled deeply before rolling off to the side and snuggling up against the orca as he had when he woke up earlier. "Mmm.. so what do you want to do now?"

The orca rolled over on his side as well and pushed one of his legs in between the otter's, a big hand reaching over to grab his rump again and pull him up close so they were chest to chest and muzzle to beak. "Mmm, sleep sounds good."

Tender claws scritched slowly down the orca's muscular chest. "Sure does..." The otter had already closed his eyes and his words trailed off at the end, both of them feeling tired and comfortable now.

"Tane's visiting after school today." Cealan moved his hand up to the back of the otter's head and pulled it gently towards him to fit his snout snuggly underneath his chin. A weak "mmhmm" and an appreciate *churr* was all he got in reply.

"So I'd better pick up some more lube on the way home." The orca remarked, mostly to himself, and got no response this time apart from a shallow snoring and a bit of whisker-tickling on his throat. He smiled and closed his eyes too.

They had about an hour to doze before the blaring alarm clock would wake them up again.

After school Tane arrived at the door, looking chipper as always. He was invited in and he and Cealan battled it out with one of those mindless fighting games on the video console where you can either memorize the 400 different combo moves, or just mash buttons randomly, either seems to work well.

Wenceclas was showering while the two were entertaining themselves, and Cealan told him about their new upstairs neighbors -- the spotted cats. Tane idly tried to imagine what they would be like in bed while he was pounding the controller and waiting for Wenceclas to get out of the shower so they could all get started.

Directly upstairs at the same moment, Kamau came to the apartment door and opened it with a soft grunt of exhaustion of the kind you got when you finally took the first step across your own doorstep after a loooong day of classes. Home at last. His backpack was on his shoulders, heavy with books, and he was wearing his usual loose t-shirt and shorts. Striped ones in fact; just to make them deliberately clash with his spots. He let himself inside, closed the door behind him, and tossed the pack to the floor before stepping into the room.

The single room was large; it needed to be in order to act as a kitchen and living room. The bedroom and bathrooms were doors off to the side. Just the basic furniture was here, a couch with a low coffee table and a single lamp in the corner, which gave enough light to see by, but still leaving the room quite dim. The exception was another smaller lamp on the writing desk in the corner, all covered with papers, books, writing utensils and a laptop.

Between the kitchen's oven, fridge and sink up against the far wall, and the back of the couch was a kitchen counter where all the meals were prepared and consumed. It also marked the border of the carpet where the wooden tiles took over, all of them rough in texture, allowing good traction in bare paws even when wet. The kitchen counter consisted of a large slab of something that looked like granite, but probably was not. It was even more interesting, however, because much to Kamau's surprise and delight, there was a nekkid cheetah standing right in front of it in the kitchen. Kamau perked his ears and smiled, tail swaying as he gave a feline grin that showed all his teeth.

Twelo did not have classes today and ordinarily stayed up late to do schoolwork so he could sleep in. He would usually not even be out of bed by the time Kamau got back in the afternoon, but there he was now in all his spotted glory, smiling brightly while smearing cheese on a piece of bread.

"Hey there.. how was school? You want a sandwich or something?" He smiled and swished his tail, but all he really did was to draw attention to that perky little spottybutt of his, swaying so nicely.

"Mmmh, boring as usual, got a test coming up but should ace that too." Kamau said with a smile, his eyes moving along the naked body presented to him, from the shoulders down to the rear where the tail was keeping him hypnotized. "Someone's up early."

Twelo grinned, "Yeah, I got hungry." He put the knife down and looked over at the other male. "What do you mean 'too'? Anything else you plan on acing that I should know about?" He gave a mischievous grin and winked at Kamau, padding a little closer on light paws.

There was nothing but admiration in his purr for the way his roommate swished towards him, "Oh, I think you know already.." he said as he reached out, putting his paws to Twelo's sides just above his waist before finally raising his eyes upwards to shoot the other male a little smirk. The lithe spottykitty wrapped his arms around Kamau's back in return and hugged himself up close. His muzzle tilted to the side a bit and he pressed his black lips against his boyfriend's in a kiss, purring just as loud as him while his tongue sneaked across his fangs and they licked each other a few times like this. One paw slipped downwards to give the other cat's rump a squeeze through the fabric of his shorts, before Twelo drew his head back again.

"I'm not so sure I do, because.. anything I can think of doesn't involve any clothes." He winked and slipped out of Kamau's grasp again, his rump a perfect curve of feline desire as he stepped back to the kitchen counter, "'ll definitely need to remove those if you plan on fucking me in the tail right here over the table," the cheetah added with an almost innocent and casual tone.

Kamau shivered and rumbled louder at how good his roommate was at pushing his buttons. His breath was hot in the air when he began tugging off his t-shirt, evidently completely at the mercy of the other cheetah's feline tricks.

"Mmr yeah, can't do anything without being prepared," he grabbed his shorts around the waistband and pulled them down over his knees and to his ankles, stepping out of them and up against Twelo to rub against him in all his spotted naturalness.

Twelo in the meantime turned and pretended to have any interest in finishing up the sandwich while the other cat quickly got undressed. However, he dropped it quickly when Kamau moved up behind him so eagerly, and he lifted his head up to bare his fluffy white throatfur to him when he leaned over his shoulder and pressed his sheath so neatly against Twelo's rump.

"Mmmmr.. you're really taking this whole room MATE thing seriously, aren't ya?" Twelo teased and wiggled his rump a bit, brushing that wonderfully soft fur up and down the cheetah's groin to get him all excited. Which was not really difficult given the current situation. One of his paws snuck backwards to grab Kamau's and then pulled it around him, pressing it against his own sheath as he could grind himself into the soft pawpads.

Kamau rumbled deep at the beautiful pose the spotty made as he pressed his hips snuggly to the other male's. His breath quivered at having that gorgeous rump against him and he rolled his hips to help rub his hardening shaft back and forth into it. His heated cock pressed alongside his boyfriend's tail and Kamau pushed against him hard enough to make his sheath pull back and expose the pointy catcock and the ring of barbs adorning it near the tip.

"*Rrrrr* ..with such a hot brothercat naked around the apartment, it's hard not to want him." He grinned and licked slowly up the back of Twelo's head and one of his ears.

"Prrrr, good... now tell your spotted brother to bend over for you." He whispered softly back at Kamau and puts his paws down on the kitchen counter in front of him.

Kamau's paw curled tighter around the sheath it was holding, his pawpads rubbing back and forth along the underside of it as he lowered his voice to a growl, "Mmnh.. bend over for me, needy brother.. there's no females around so we have to take it out on each other," he teased knowing how much the other spotty liked watching that sort of thing on the Discovery channel.

Twelo shivered and scratched the kitchen counter in anticipation, his sheath twitching in the firm grip and a bit of precum running down the side of Kamau's paw. There was no doubt how much he absolutely adored it when they pretended to be real savanna cats.

"Mmmmn yes.. we coalition spotty siblings need to stick together... keep each other happy." He panted softly, pushing his rump back against Kamau's groin more urgently now. As instructed he bent over and put his chest on the table, tail raising up high to offer himself. "Get those scratchy barbs nice and deep in me, bro. Make me squeal like a female when you fuck me."

The cheetah behind him shivered and pressed his free paw firmly to the edge of the counter, gripping it tight to have sturdy to lean on. He breathed in the arousing scents, and his hips pulled back as the other bent over fully. Kamau pulled his throbbing member backwards, sliding it down the golden-yellow pelt and leaving a wet trail before pressing it under the lifted tail, a bit of precum smearing on that inviting tailstar just as he pushed forward with sudden ferocity.

"Ahh..! Y-yeah... affirm our bond.. *mmmmr*" he shivered as his pointy cocktip pierced through the tight entry, his hips working him deeper with firm jerks. The paw not clutching the countertop at this point was kneading Twelo's sheath hard, feeling the stiffness inside it.

The quick push made Twelo grab the counter with his claws, first groaning at the poke under his tail and then giving a gasping *chirp* when the barbed cock slipped past his tailring and deep into his warmth. He was spread out wide to accept the girth of that thick spottycock, his boyfriend being uncharacteristically well-endowed for a feline. There had to be some canine genes mixed into his family bloodline at some point, because he certainly rivaled them in size. A brief thought passed through Twelo's mind that he had to get a bigger toy to practice with if he was to ever take that thing comfortably. He had manage to take the knot on one of their Akita dildoes, but that was just a brief stretch.

"UUuuh yeah... oooh, you're such a big boy." Twelo put his cheek against the table and let out a deep exhale, trying to adjust to the male's size amidst the little pushes and pulls when he was trying to work himself deeper. The pleasure made his own sheath bulge out and Kamau soon felt a barbed kittycock sliding through his palm as he humped the spotty's backside.

Despite the initial pain, Twelo knew from experience that the thrusts would soon numb out most of it, so he tried to get the other cheetah going faster, "Gonna fuck your brother till you cum in his ass, are ya? Mrrrr... with all the prey watching the two spotted cats pleasuring each other in the tall grass?"

Kamau quivered and rolled his hips against his tight roommate as he stood tall for a moment, legs trembling when he admired the hot spotted cat bent over in front of him. He could tell from the vivid description that a certain kitty saw that exact scene on Animal Planet a couple days ago, and he grinned when his paw grabbed Twelo's tail near the base and yanked it up high so he could plainly see how much his fat catcock was stretching poor Twelo's tailhole. Another inch disappeared inside the red pucker, he stopped a moment and then pushed in as hard as he could, not stopping until he could feel his sheath kissing the tailrim, which made him *yip* out in pleasure -- a sound that was echoed with a chirp from his partner. A rush of heat ran through his body that made him buck again and lean down over Twelo's panting body, his paw letting go of the tail and once again reaching around to grab the other male's sheath. However, most of it had rolled back now and he felt instead the slimy warmth of an erect spottycock on the other side, which his palm seized without hesitation.

The smaller cheetah's tailring clenched tightly around that giant maleness when it was finally shoved it inside him to the hilt, the sheath-edge tickling his puckered tailstar. "OOOH yeah.. do it, bro. Hump me.. tailfuck me like a little spottybitch!" His own cock twitched in the caressing paw, precum running steadily through the fingers as he was grinding against it, so incredibly turned on by the thick shaft crammed up under his tail.

His request was answered with a deep *rrrrrowl* from behind, the fingers curling tighter around his eager cock between them, and they began pulling back in time with the hard thrusts ramming forward, sending shockwaves through Twelo's tight rear when that powerful pelvis began smacking against him with relentless lust.

Kamau's tongue dangled freely for a while before it licked across his lips, "Fuck yeah, brother! *Nngh*... so tight! ...would choose this over any female.. *rrrow!*"

Twelo started making a mewling noise each time those barbs raked backwards in his tender tailhole and made him clench up hard, as if trying to prevent the hot member from ever leaving his rump. He relaxed more on the forward push that swiftly followed, which forced its way into the spottycat's snug tailstar, much to their mutual moaning delight. "Gods yes.. uhh-UUHN! Show me how pent-up you are .. oooh, take out all your sexual frustrations on me, brother.. fuck me as hard as you can!" He thrusted into the paw holding him tight, brushing his own barbs back and forth between the furry fingers and shivering at the sensation. He was not going to last long at this rate. "Faster.. show off what those strong running muscles can do. Yessss... I'll bend over for you anytime you want.. ooOOOoooh!"

Kamau panted heavily, his ears folded back and him groaning loudly as his hips smacked hard against the other male, shaking the table under their strong rutting. His paw pulled at the other's cock hard enough to grind to his base each time he humped it. His preseed made lewd wet noises as it squirted from him and lubed up his enthusiastic entry each time, "Yeah! *Nngh* squeeze me tight! MMMM, spottybitch takes it deep for his brother.." he grrrowled as his body trembled, footclaws scratching the tiled floor, his tail curling behind him as he yipped louder, not caring if the neighbors heard it all. He just wanted to watch Twelo rock back and forth between him and the counter, moaning and chirping while being assfucked so fiercely.

Twelo's claws scratched the table and he pleaded for more, "Yes brother.. I'll take it all.. oooh, please cum in me.. *NNNG!* a-and pull out.. mark my back with your seed.. smear it in my fur." He squealed while being fucked so forcefully that Kamau's sheath tried to push into his tailhole as well, and his balls were being smacked and jiggled around by the swinging of the big pair behind him. The cheetah spread his legs wider, wanting it as deep and hard as the other could give it. No doubt the neighbors had noticed the feline moans and rhythmic noise of everything bouncing on the kitchen table by now.

Squirts of his precum drooled down that wonderful paw holding him as the spottycat got closer and closer. "Y-Yes.. I'm gonna... g-gonna... UUUH! oooh, you're gonna make me cum in your paw *NNH!* with that big siblingcock in my tail!" Twelo groaned and slid back and forth on the table, getting the rutting of his life. The other cat's claws next to him on the table were raking grooves in it as well.

Kamau's eyes nearly closed in pleasure seeing just the yellow fur of his roommate bouncing from his sharp thrusts. His breath *huffed* in time with each strong hilting under the tail as he mrrrowled. One of his legs lifted up then pushed back down again, his whole body on fire with pleasure and need to cum, "Fuck brother..! nnn, ahhgonna cum.. gonnacum!" he cried out and leaned forward, pressing his muzzle into Twelo's neckscruff, inhaling deeply their combined lustful scents. Twelo's own breathing sped up to the point where he could hardly keep up himself, his heart rate going so fast it felt like he was chasing down a gazelle on the hot plains.

The flared barbs raking backwards through his tailtunnel was enough to set off Twelo -- he raised his head up and *growl-chirrped!* like the feral cheetahs on TV just as he let it all out. Gushes of thick spottycum splashed into the other's paw and across the side of the cupboard that he was facing. He pushed his body back, impaling himself on the rapidly thrusting catcock while he cummed his balls out in the sticky pawpads and all across the kitchen.

Kamau's paw worked faster along the slippery cock as he whimpered, stemming the tide for as long as he could in order to let it build to fierce heights, but the tight squeezes of the male's tailring were too much for him. Finally he let out a high-pitched *chirrip!* of release as he jerked forward, a thick gout of semen pumping out under Twelo's tail. His back arched up and his teeth bit down on the back of the other male's neck to signal his breeding instincts.

In the midst of his orgasm, Twelo suddenly felt those sharp teeth bite into his neck and he *mrewled* loudly at the warm spray of hot cheetahseed flooding his rump, warming it on the inside. His brother's release just made him start all over again, chirping out a second time and sending more creamy jets of cum into the paw and across the door of the cupboard.

Kamau had not felt him climax this hard and quick before, and he figured he must have really gotten him aroused with all that brotherly dirty talk. He trembled at the sensations, the muscles hidden under his sleek frame showing up as his body was grinding against Twelo so hard, paws and thighs flexing with orgasmic strength. The neckbite suddenly relented and his paw moved away too when he leaned back, more thick strings of seed streaking under Twelo's tail as he did what his sibling asked. He pulled his cock fully from under the tail, slippery and streaked with cum as the last several shots arched up over his tailbase and back, heating wherever they landed. Twelo let out a surprised snarl when the barbed member was yanked backwards through his tight tailring, popping free and leaving a stream of fresh siblingseed to drool down the back of his balls and down his thigh.

Kamau's hips continued to tremble and rock as if still humping the air, his cock red with friction and over-sensitivity when he grabbed it in his paw and jerked himself off over his brother's back, making the other cat shiver with each warm hit of cum that splashed over him and left white stripes to mingle with his black spots. His tail was kept raised up and he waited till Kamau was almost done, just standing there and squeezing the last drops out above his rump, oozing the remaining cum into the spotted assfur.

Twelo then swiftly turned around and in a fluid feline motion he slipped down and ended up kneeling in front of the other cheetah, his hotly panting muzzle mere inches from his cocktip. One of his paws grabbed Kamau's cum-soaked one that had been jerking both of them off, and he lifted it to the back of his head, letting it drip slimy seed down his neck as he made it hold him close.

"Make your brother clean it.. force it in his maw.. so you can get ready to fuck the next cheetah in the coalition." Twelo growl-purred with anticipation and a haze of lust clouded his eyes.

Kamau was dazed and surprised at the quick turn-around, finding himself suddenly positioned right the way the other male wanted him. He *mrrrh*ed loudly at the proposition and touched his wet sticky tip to the black lips in front of them before pulling Twelo's head forward to push that barbed cock inside his muzzle, grinding it to his tongue.

Twelo gasped when he got what he wished for. The cheetah felt the cum-coated cock slip into his mouth, brushing his tongue from the tip to the back and down his throat, muffling his gargled cry when the horny cat pushed his nose into the musky groinfur. Kamau just loved hilting himself in his lovers and their muzzle was no exception. His eyes slitted in pleasure when he felt the other male gag hard on his thick cock and forced him to kiss his sheath at the base, those rubbery black lips feeling wonderful against his balls and groin as they were sealed around him.

He heard no other complaints, however, and his paw loosened up its grip a little when the smaller spotty began sucking him off so well. The tongue slipped up and down and all over him, licking the fresh asscum off his shaft and cleaning him up. He even felt Twelo's own paw reaching up to grab his firm rump and hold on tight. He could tell Twelo wanted it.. he wanted to be held down, have his muzzle fucked.. wanted to feel that wet paw on his head dig its claws into his skull and make him suck that used kittycock... mmm, such a willing spottysibling he was.

It all just made him pant harder for his roommate while grinding his fuzzy white crotch into his nose, the musky, sweaty scent surely making him dizzy with desire and the dark lips clasped tighter around his slippery pole. He rolled his hips back and forth a few inches at first before the grip of his paw tightened and he started humping the muzzle instead. His cumslickened fingers and claws scritched through Twelo's fluffy neckfur, pulling him down hard with each thrust now, and he felt the renewed lust and vigor in physical, carnal form as Kamau's cock swelled steadily thicker and stiffer in the hot maw.

Twelo rolled his eyes back and emitted a mostly muffled moan at having his muzzle used like this, panting through his nose each time intermittently when it was not shoved into tickly, moist groinfur. His own paws gripped Kamau's rump more to hold on and he bobbed his head back and forth in time with the male's thrusts, relishing in the sensation of the warm remnants of cum filling all his senses. The overpowering musky scent of his groin, the intimate taste of both of them all over his cock, and the shivering wetness of the cum seeping slowly through his fur from his ears down his back and between his legs after the energetic spraying he received.

The sloppy wet noises filled the room, accompanied only by the huffs and mrowls of the humping cheetah rolling his hips to the pretty muzzle of his partner while his tail lashed eagerly behind him. He gritted his teeth and whimpered in pure pleasure, already so sensitive from his first climax and now being sucked off again made him pant even more. There was a numbness that blocked some of the sensations he usually felt, but somehow the sheer naughtiness of it made up for all that and just made him throb even harder. He forced his eyes open even though they kept trying to close in lust, and he looked down at the way Twelo rolled his black lips up and down his thick shaft, the layer of leftover cum smearing across his tongue repeatedly.

"Yeah brother.. *rrrh* such a good muzzle for me.." Kamau shivered, not sure how much more he could handle when he felt his barbs splay again.

Twelo felt his lover getting closer again and he was so aroused by his own lust and the words that he sped up more, his tongue teasing and tickling those twitchy barbs the wrong way, which sent further surges of pleasure up Kamau's spine. He looked up at the standing cheetah with big eyes, watching him lean against the kitchen counter with one paw while the other held the back of his head. Twelo's cheeks bulged out with that thick cock he was taking, and then he closed his eyes before sticking his muzzle in the fluffy crotchfur again. The renewed bobbing of his head and the claws scritching Kamau's rump just under the tailbase made it clear that he wanted his treat, even if it was not as copious as the last one, he was definitely not going to move till he got all the cum in his muzzle now. And the heavy paw between his ears, tugging on his head only encouraged him further.

There was little reason or desire for Kamau to hold back. Surprised even by his own eagerness, his tail lashed out against the paws holding his rump while he bucked forward in quick succession, trembling thrusts burying his spined cocktip down his boyfriend's throat. Even with all the practice he gave him, he still felt Twelo gag every so often, and knew to hold back for the next three or four thrusts before he could go full-length again. He watched the lovely spotty work his magic only for a minute or so longer before his primal urges welled up inside the blazing fire in his belly and made him *chirp* out loudly again.

Twelo kept suckling till he was suddenly pulled close by the rough paw and felt the other male empty his balls in his hungry maw. Kamau's whole body bucked hard, thick seed streaking his tongue and webbing through his muzzle while the claws on his head gripped tight and smeared Twelo's own cum into his headfur and back down his neck. He let out a purring *mrrrr* and swallowed spurt after spurt of thick seed like a good spottybitch should, and after the initial bursts of passion even looked up at Kamau with a gleam in his eyes while he drained him dry.

Time ceased to have meaning while they were both locked in their carnal embrace, one spotty grunting and jerking his hips while the other was on his knees, swallowing the gooey hot pleasure. Twelo waited till the other cheetah was all done and he loosened the paw's grip on the back of his head. He then deliberately slooowly pulled his lips off him and gave his cocktip a kiss once it hung dangling in front of his nose.

"Mrrr.. that was good." Twelo dipped his head and started grooming the other spotty's balls nicely, laying that stiff cock across his face and wiping it clean on his facefur while he moved.

Kamau smiled down with his cock still twitching at times, though totally spent, and he closed his eyes with a purr when his balls were getting cleaned. He put his other paw on the countertop as well to keep steady and he stood there, bent over the kneeling spotty and watching him while catching his breath. "Oh gods Twelo.. that was the best blowjob ever.."

Twelo grinned, cheeks blushing with pride, and he kept grooming, "I hope that makes up for all the times you came home lately and I was asleep."

A grin crept across Kamau's face. Not that it had been that much of a distraction, he had usually just gone into the bedroom and woken Twelo up by ramming a cock in his ass. "Mmmm yeah, I'd say it makes up for it." He smiled and put his paw down on Twelo's head again, sliding his fingertips along his cheek and whiskers.

"Think it could make you clean up the place too? The apartment's a mess."

Kamau chuckled, "I think I'll need a lot more persuading than that." He lifted up his cumwet paw to lick it clean.

They both remained there, purring and caressing each other fondly until Twelo gave his boyfriend's balls a nuzzle, whiskers tickling his thighs. "You know, next time we should do it in the park.. roll around in the grass while we hump each other like wild animals."

Twelo stood up slowly, licking his muzzle clean and wedging himself up between Kamau and the kitchen counter. The other cheetah leaned back a little, but did not give him much room, preferring instead to stand close enough so their chests and bellies were brushing against each others'.

"Mmmnh, hehe feeling adventurous huh?" Kamau smirked, "Sounds like alot of fun though, and you know that cute rump can get me to do anything." He teased and gave a playful grope to his tush as well, purrring.

Twelo kissed his nose and gave his rump a squeeze in retaliation before side-stepping the looming cheetah and making his way out of the kitchen, "I'd better take a shower. I look like I've been in a spotty orgy."

"Awwww, but you look sexy all juicy like that."

"I know, but it dries up quick. So you should enjoy it while it lasts." Twelo mrowled and swished off towards the bathroom, conveniently leaving the door open in case someone wanted to join him in the shower.

Kamau grinned toothily and stepped across the living room when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Panicking briefly he grabbed an apron from the kitchen to quickly wrap around him before answering.

Not that he had really needed to, because just outside in the hallway he was greeted by the smiles of three naked neighbors, all of them seemingly at various stages of erection. It took a surprised blink or two before Cealan spoke to him, "Hey there Kamau, we heard some interesting noises up here and we were wondering if we could join?"

Kamau looked them up and down. A nekkid orca, a nude otter, and a stark naked husky. All of them with the scent of sex around them, and the husky's fur in particular looked matted and sweaty. Kamau blinked again. If he did not know any better, he would have guessed that they had stopped in the middle of an orgy to come up here and... oh.

"Uhh.. yeah. Come on in." His grin finally mirrored theirs and he stepped backwards into the apartment as they all three advanced, quickly tossing the apron aside onto the kitchen counter.

Cealan closed the door behind them and they stood staring at the cheetah for a few moments of silence.

"Oh! ..uh.. he's, he's in the shower at the moment."

Wenceclas and Cealan took one look at each other, then shoved Tane forward into the arms of Kamau before they both slipped into the bathroom and disappeared.

Tane felt a pang of shyness when he stared up in the grinning cat's face, suddenly feeling all alone with the stranger. Although, Kamau did not stay a stranger for long, licking slowly over Tane's face with his tongue.

"Mmmm, knots.." He purred and made Tane gasp when a sneaky paw grabbed his semi-erect doghood and began jerking it up and down to return it to its former glory.

Tane looked up and saw black lips approaching, his own eyes closing quick and his head tilting till he met them with his own pair, tongues quickly intermingling to exchange taste, scents and drool in generous amounts. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard a muted noise like "hey Kamau, who was that at the doo-- oh..", but he dismissed it and just pressed his lips tighter to the cheetah's, his cock throbbing fully and squirting hot precum onto Kamau's bellyfur.

The savanna cat moved his head back and licked his lips, purring as his fixating eyes stared into Tane's. He would love nothing more than to pound the daylights out of such a hot little puppy, but after what he had just been through he knew he needed a while to recover.

"You wanna be my Alpha?" His silky whisper was accompanied by the most irresistibly seductive feline look.

Tane's eyes widened and all he could do was nodnod stupidly with his tongue hanging out.

Kamau chuckled and took a step backwards, slipping out of their embrace and then he got down on all fours on the carpet, his tail flagging up in the air as he crouched down right next to the couch. Tane quickly got up behind him, his knot throbbing with need and he knew he had to hurry if he wanted to give the sexy cheetah the opportunity to feel that knot pop in and out before it tied with him.

His paws grabbed the cat's rear and he dragged his spurting cock down the back of the spotty's rear, leaving a wet trail as he got it into position. They both paused briefly, torn from their little closed world of anxious desire when they heard a loud chirping moan from the bathroom, followed by Wenceclas' grinning voice, "Oooh, I think kitty likes that, huh?"

Tane turned his head back to meet Kamau's grinning face, and with playful malice he chose exactly that moment to thrust forward and pop his bulbous doghood into the cheetah's ass, just to see that expression freeze and be replaced by a hiss and sharp teeth. Oh yeah, this was going to be so much fun...