New at Lovett: Chapter 2 - Water Love

Story by Trax on SoFurry

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The room was warm and humid from the hot water running in the shower. Ryth and Trax were in a close embrace, kissing.

Trax reaches down a paw ans starts taking off Ryth's jeans. He undoes the button, then pulls down the zipper. Breaking the kiss he kneels down and pulls down the jeans to Ryth's feet, which soon go flying off near the bed.

"Not a fan of underwear," Trax smirks looking at the silvery sheath.

"Why should I be when all it does is restrict," Ryth replies with a wink.

Trax starts fondling Ryth's sack with a paw. Ryth's cathood beings to peak out. Ryth quickly grabs Trax's paw, making Trax jump.

"I'm going to take a shower first," Ryth says, "It's been a long day."

Trax whimpers pulling down his paw and standing up. He sits down on the bed, sulking and continues to whimper slightly. The tent in his pants is at an extremely painful level, but he doesn't want to take them off just to release the pressure. Ryth walks into the bathroom, closing the door slightly. A minute or two passes then Trax smiles. He gets up and walks over to the door of the bathroom. He opens the door slowly and to his surprise, Ryth is standing there in a seductive pose. Trax stands there slack jawed.

"What took you so long," Ryth says in a casual, unusually seductive voice.

Trax just stares.

"Let's get those off."

Trax continues to stare at Ryth as he walks up to him. Ryth is purring lightly. He kneels and undoes Trax's pants and pulls them down. Trax isn't wearing any underwear either. He sighs in relief when he feels the pressure come off. Ryth grins as he sees Trax's member pop into view. It throbs and jumps as Ryth puts a damp paw on it. He starts messaging Trax's sack and running another damp paw over Trax's shaft, slowly. Trax lets out a murr.

"You like that don't you."

Trax swallows and nods, eyes closed. Ryth smiles and gets in closer and licks Trax's doghood. Trax growls, but it turns into a moan as Ryth takes Trax's member into his maw. Ryth starts moving his head back and forth slowly, fondling Trax's sack. Trax moans as he feels Ryth's tongue move around inside, soon wrapping around him Trax places his paws on Ryth's head and starts rocking his hips slightly. Ryth feels a spirt of pre and takes Trax's member out of his maw, licking it every once in a while. Trax gasps with each lick. Ryth purrs louder as he gets up and walks to the shower. Using his tail, he grabs Trax's member and pulls it, leading him stumbling into the shower.

Trax looks down and sees Ryth's cathood coming out. Trax smiles and presses his body against Ryth's.

"Pay back..."

He kisses him on the lips passionately. Slow crouching, he licks, nips, and kisses all down his body until he reaches Ryth's cathood. Now totally hard, he skips the teasing and goes right to the chase. He sucks the member deep into his throat, pulling Ryth's hips closer with his paws. Ryth gasps and murrs uncontrollably.

"Oh my god," he says throwing his head back.

Trax takes everything down to the knot and starts moving his head back all the way to the tip then sinking it all the way back down. All the water poring down on them, matting their fur and making them hot, provides more than enough lubricant. Ryth groans in pleasure with each pullback and pushdown, which only grow louder and more forceful as Trax begins using his tongue. Trax whimpers quietly to himself as he feels his own member growing painfully hard. Trax begins rocking his head back and forth slowly picking up speed. Ryth places his paws on the back of Trax's head controlling the temp. Ryth purrs loudly and it echoes throughout the house. Trax feels a pick up in tempo as Ryth beings rocking his hips. Trax forces himself to let go of the cathood.

"Stick it in me," he whines stand up and pushing his body against Ryth's, hugging him.

"Are you sure?"

Trax turns around, putting a paw on the tile. He raises his tail, revealing his tail

hole. Ryth smiles.

"Please," Trax whimpers.

Ryth walks up to him and licks the tail hole. Trax whimpers and whines bitting his lip. Ryth presses his body against Trax's tail hole. Trax continues to whimper. Ryth leans in and nuzzles Trax's face. Trax murrs and continues to beg and whimper.

"Please, I want it."

"This might hurt."

"I don't care, I want it," Trax says part growling, part murring.

Trax grinds against Ryth, teasing him. Ryth leans back and grabs his member. He lines it up with Trax's tail hole and presses. Trax whine and murrs as he feels the head press again his tight hole. Ryth pushes hard and the head goes in. Trax moans in pleasure feeling the head go in. Trax uses his tail and wraps it around Ryth's member and pulls it forward.

"More...," he says whining in joy, loosening his hole to allow more in the best he could.

Ryth leans in, pushing his member in slowly, his purr being replaced with a moan, for fear of hurting Trax. Trax groans deeply and tilts his head back, feeling every inch enter his tight, warm hole. Trax leans back against the invader in him and pushes back towards Ryth. He yelps in pain as the head hits his prostate.

"It's all the way in...," Ryth says between pants, feeling Trax's hole quivers as it fights against the intruder.

"No it's not," he says murring heavily. With a paw he reaches back and feels Ryth's knot. Sitting down on Ryth's cock, he feels the knot press against his already stretched hole. He pushes down hard, whimpering in pain, he stops a re moment to get used to the feeling. Ryth nuzzles Trax.

"You don't have to do this," Ryth says kissing Trax on the head.

Trax turns his head to return the kiss.

"Yes I do," he says between whimpers.

He kisses Ryth full on and then pushes down as hard as he can, bitting his lip. He howls as he feels his hole part then surround the knot in him. Ryth groans, part out of pleasure and part in pain.

A drop of blood hits the floor and swirls down the drain. Ryth sees it and looks down at Trax's hole, none.

"Trax," Ryth says in a soft comforting voice.

Trax whimpers and whines, not turning to face him.

"Trax," he leans down and kisses him, "Trax, are you okay?"

Trax turns, tears flow down his face, some blood on his bottom lip. He whimpers, smiling slightly. Ryth kisses him again.

"It's okay."

Trax murrs and leans into the kiss.

"We'll take it slow, okay?"

Trax looks up murring, eyes open wide in expectation. Tears still rolling down. His

tail hole quivers.

Ryth pulls back a little. Trax moans feeling the knot pull against his insides. Ryth pushes back in with a groan feeling the hole tighten around him.

"Oh my god," Trax murrs, "Faster."

Ryth continues the rocking motion, but picks up the tempo. He reaches around Trax and grabs his doghood and starts messaging it, moving back and forth in time with his rocking. Trax murrs and moans uncontrollably as he feels the member inside him move, each thrust prodding his prostate making him come closer to his climax. Trax grinds into Ryth making him purr seeing that Trax is enjoying it. Soon they're going at a steady tempo, making a slapping noise, their fur drenched in sweat and water. Pre jets from both Ryth and Trax, Ryth giving a moan and extra shove into Trax.

"I'm...," Trax starts but trails off, now bracing himself with both paws and tail wrapped rightly around Ryth's waist.

Ryth is purring loudly and grunting with each thrust as he feels Trax tighten up as he reaches his max. With one last push, he grunts loudly and lets his load deep inside Trax.

"Ahh," Trax grunts as he feels the twitching member deep inside him fill him up. He reaches his climax as well, spraying all over the wall, floor and his chest. His knees buckle from the intensity and he falls to the floor, pulling Ryth with him.

"Whoa," Ryth shouts as he falls.

They lay their panting, linked together by Ryth's knot. After a few moments Trax turns around on Ryth's member and nuzzles against him, head laying on his chest. Ryth nuzzles back, smiling weakly in exhaustion.

"Thank you," Trax says weakly. He nuzzles deeper into Ryth's chest and closes his eyes, a paw on Ryth's stomach.

"You're welcome," Ryth replies, planting a kiss on Trax's head.

They fall asleep. Water still running over them, cum flowing down the drain, and still joined.

{End Chapter 2 of New at Lovett}