A Demonic Challenge - Prologue

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#1 of A Demonic Challenge

Welcome to the start of a trade I did with Sefra on FA

Quinten (My Character)





Are preparing to take on the demon Tsochan and his game world for a chance to enslave a shard of the demon! Of course they intend to cheat just as much as the demon does to win this time round!

The moogles are



Tripping the catch on the door of the shop, Rave reached for the toggle that would drop the blinds but paused to stare outside at the fog that was flowing out onto the street. It was rising fast. In just a few minutes the ground was buried under a luminous covering of wandering silver cloud. The sun had set; twilight was giving way to the darkness of the night but the fog seemed to retain something of the sun's light. Turning away from the outside world the raccoon wandered the shop, tidying up the clothes racks and accessory stands from a day of browsing customers; his bright neon coloured fur caught his attention in a mirror and he paused to slick back his fringe of fluffy hair.

It was a virulent shade of neon yellow streaked with purple and green, his body was a wave of artfully shaded green and red with orange highlights. He looked toxic, not a shred of brown or grey remained and his outfit was designed to show off the patterns impressed in his fur. Neoprene trousers covered his legs, they changed from snug short like coverings over his crotch, ass and thighs into an open mesh that circled his legs all the way to his bare paws. A tight latex vest covered his chest, the colours a match for his torso, a perfect blend that made it hard to tell at a glance if he was going bare chested or not. It was some of Quinten's best work, but then Kyle was his best canvas.

"Not that you'll get to come out tonight or the rest of the week," Rave whispered to his reflection, dwelling on the personalities sleeping inside his mind. Each one was him, a different aspect of Kyle whose body this was. His master had taken a homeless raccoon and reshaped his body and mind, turned him into a living advert for his art and skills. Each personality had a distinctive style, a particular theme that Quinten played with when it came to decorating their bodies. Rave was for the nightclub crowd, the set who liked to stand out in the darkness, flashing lights, thumping music and UV lamps. Rave turned as the door to the studio opened and Quinten appeared escorting his last customer, the young poodle had been dyed and crimped and looked ready for her wedding.

"I can't thank you enough Quinten," she gushed as the wild looking hare escorted her to the door, Rave quickly opened it for her as she fumbled in her bag for her keys, "I look amazing, when my sister said I should come out here to your shop I thought she had gone mad."

"I'll admit a bridal perm isn't my usual flavour of design Fran," the hare replied in a deep voice, brushing back his long dreadlocks, "But that stylist had made a mess, I was happy to help put it right, now good luck at the wedding tomorrow I hope this will be the only hiccup."

The poodle gushed for a bit longer and pushed a large tip into Quin's hands even as he protested that it wasn't necessary. Then she was driving off leaving the small car park empty in an eddy of swirling fog. The hare walked back inside and pushed the door shut and locked it, Rave watched him with a hesitant smile. His boss, master and owner was an intense hare, especially since he'd changed his appearance and moved the shop to this location on the edge of town. His dreads were long now, each one a different length twisted together with a whole host of exotic ties and beads; before they had been neat, kept at a uniform length and tied behind a simple headscarf. The dusty brown fur of his arms was covered in swirling patterns of green, blue and red, lines and circles. The flowing wave like shapes coiled about his forearms where two beautiful creatures made from ink had been added to the designs. They were beautiful work seeming to ripple and move as he shifted his arms. One of them looked like a fox made from supple tree bark with green vines for a tail and leaves for ears. The other image was a pine marten wearing a cross hatch neckerchief, the purple and white squares standing out against the cinnamon brown and creamy colours of the marten's body.

"That's all for tonight Rave," Quin said softly as he dropped the tip into the register, "You head on out, I know you want to go clubbing, enjoy yourself just don't let me down and make me regret picking you over Kyle or Rose."

Rubbing his nose the neon raccoon sauntered close and hugged the bunny, "I won't let you down, I wish you'd tell me where you were going, or just come clubbing with me and forget about this other thing."

Laughing softly the hare tugged his raccoon's head down and kissed him firmly before disentangling himself, "I made a promise now get, before I leave you stuck in the window for a week and hire in a temp to run the shop."

Rave grinned at the hare then let himself out of the shop and clambered onto his motorbike and kicked off. He'd learnt it was better to not pry too deeply when Quin was being all mysterious like this. He did pull over at the bottom of the hill just before he reached the town and looked back at the shop. The lights were all off now, the shop was just a dark outline at the bottom of the trees. With the moon rising however the streamers of drifting fog curling around the branches of the fir and pine trees that lined the hill glowed with an ethereal, unearthly radiance. Shaking his head Rave revved his bike and pulled out onto the road, tomorrow he'd have to deal with the shop, tonight however was his. There was a new club he wanted to try out and if he got lucky he'd get himself invited to a warm bedroom where tangled limbs and sheets would pass the night.


Shrugging out of the sleeveless shirt he was wearing over his vest Quin watched Kyle... no Rave drive off into the darkness. The shop would be in good hands for the week, Rave knew how to keep the customers happy and could run the piercing studio and even some of the basic paint and dye services. Peeling off his vest the hare flicked out the lights and pulled the blinds down over the glass of the front door. Clothing held idly in one hand the hare moved back into the studio, the massive mirrors he used to show clients their finished dye and paint work throwing back his image. He looked good, the wave like patterns that traversed his arms crossed his muscular chest and eased down across the outside edge of his trim, flat stomach. Centred over his sternum was another animal design; a blue gryphon like creature drawn in a stylised, oriental manner, limited brush strokes with the gaps between hinting at form and shape.

Quietly humming to himself the bunny cleaned up the studio, packed away all his gear and then released the three pictures from his body. They started to move, dancing and running to his will, trailing up his arms, down his torso and along his legs. Kicking off his trousers Quin let the painted designs run out onto the white tiles of the floor and gave them form. Slowly they rose up, swelled and took on distinctive three dimensional shapes. A gryphon of blue paint and golden highlights, a fox of bark and leaf and vine and finally the pine marten who stood up on his hind legs and slowly ran up into the air as if it was solid ground. He chirped and nuzzled against Quin's muzzle, his body living, solid and yet shimmering with an odd rippling effect, his body, all their bodies living, solid paint and dye that lived according to his will and whim.

"Ok everyone, go and patrol the forest, listen to Aira's instructions I will call for you when I need you back," they bowed and chirped or growled and squawked and oozed their bodies out under the door and fled into the night. The pine marten paused by the door and dooked at him but Quinten made a slight shooing motion, "Run along, I will call when I need you back, don't worry I won't go without you."

With his summoned creatures dispatched to patrol the forest Quinten stepped into the large shower cubicle set up in one corner of the studio. He had to climb down three steps into the ceramic basin to turn on the hot water. A special bottle of shampoo, a formula created by himself rinsed the patterns from his body, washed them all down the drain. Lifting his hands he brushed his fingers through his fur, trailed water down each dreadlocks, letting them unravel, twigs and string and beads clattering onto the ceramic basin as he brushed each tight coil out of his hair. It took over an hour to drag his hair free and clean his fur but by the end he was sandy furred once again; most of his regular customers probably wouldn't recognize him.

Padding around the studio Quin let his fur drip dry and started to prepare a kit for working on the move. It was actually a roll of sturdy fabric of the type archaeologists might carry their tools in. However instead of chisels and rulers, the hare loaded it with brushes of various different bristle sizes, sticks of freeze dried dyes and paint in a pair of wooden boxes. Two vials of oil, a roll of thick parchment for sketching on and several pencils and a very expensive pen knife. Rolled up, the kit would easily hang from his belt and be balanced on the other side by a large canteen of water. Quinten then checked the webbing and leather bandolier that would hang down across his shoulders. It contained two small clay pots for mixing things in and ten small leather pouches full of his base colours.

Glancing at the clock, Quin pushed off from the workbench and proceeded to get dressed, a simple pair of raggedly cut off cargo shorts and his belt of art supplies. Pacing back and forth to settle the belt and its content whilst waiting for his guest to arrive, Quinten let himself into the flat he shared with Kyle and fixed himself some food. Shortly after nine, as the remnants of his salad were being devoured, the hare's ears flicked up and turned toward the car park. Light footsteps crossed the gravel path skirting the cars, then a pause before someone knocked loudly on the side door that led into the flat. Throwing on a light jacket he tucked his long hair into the hood and hurried down to open the door and smiled at the creature waiting for him. They were short, with blue hair and cream fur, tiny wings and a big fluffy blue ball on a string bobbing above their head. Standing next to him wearing a zip up hoodie, fancy trainers and cargo pants was another moogle, unlike the first one however, this one was pink all over, fur, wings and pom-pom he waved at the bun warmly and bounced forwards to hug him.

Quinten hugged back and smiled over the pink moogle's ears at the other mog, "Erakir, Tsumi I'm so glad you could make it tonight," stepping past the moogle the hare pulled the door shut and turned to smile at his guests, "I was worried you'd be too busy for this."

"Stargazing with you in the woods kupo?" the pink moogle hefted his tiny rucksack to show he was ready and grinned, "I'd not miss this. You said we'd be able to watch the meteor shower from the headland."

"Oh yes kupo-po," Erakir said eagerly, showing off his own bag, "I packed for an overnight stay and everything. I was so excited when Tsumi said you had invited us both."

"It should be a good show tonight," the hare assured the moogles as he headed past the shop and into the trees, mist swirling around his legs. There was damp grass under his feet, "This mist is all ground level stuff. The headland should be clear."

"I can't wait," Tsumi chattered excitedly, fluttering his wings, "That headland is the best place, no light pollution from the town, facing the dark majesty of the ocean. You really sure it's okay for us to go up there? Everyone knows the forest is private property and off limits."

Quin glanced back at the pink moogle and smiled, pulling a torch out of a pocket and turning it on It was a pointless tool but a useful misdirection. Here, surrounded by trees, he couldn't get lost or stumble. Their silent majestic voices sang to him. He could map the whole forest with his mind and follow it even in the deepest darkness, "Of course, those who guard the Forest for don't mind if I bring friends up, did you bring a torch?

"Oh yes kupo-po," Erakir pulled something out of a pocket and clicked it on, a beam of white light splashing across the trees, showing the moogle the way to go, "These woods are amazing. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite so unspoilt and natural."

"They're a very special trust," Quin murmured, leading the moogle deeper, turning to follow the contours of the land as it started to ride, "It's my honour to be able to help look after them." Gesturing at the woods, his torch making the creeping fog glow for a few moments Quin continued, "It's one of the oldest forests in the world and it's my duty to help keep it safe."

Laughing softly, Tsumi scampered across a spray of ancient roots, short moogle legs carrying him after the lanky lapine as Quin's long stride carried him forward, "It sure does look pretty; I'll grant you that much," the moogle breathed out, panting a bit as he tried to match Quinten's pace, "I didn't realise it'd be so steep however... it looks a lot gentler from the road."

"Yes," Erakir wheezed, the white and blue moogle following at a slower pace, "It is a bit steep. I'm not used to having to climb hills like this," he twitched his torch over Quinten and frowned, "No designs on your fur today? I don't think I've ever seen you with plain fur."

Running a hand through his muzzle fur and grinned, "Sometimes I have to wash it all out and let my fur recover. All those dyes and paints and soaps will damage it if I don't take time out to care for it."

"Must take forever," Tsumi chuckled, "You have so much hair. I hope this evening won't throw you off from putting on a show in the shop tomorrow?"

"Nah, it won't. Now then, it's not far now, only a couple more miles," he pointed up the hill, "But if we want to be there on time, we had better pick up the pace."

"Yaaay," Erakir wheezed softly as he ducked his head and resolutely tried to keep pace with the bunny, "This light show had better be worth it."

"Oh it will be, moogle. Trust me," Quin whispered as he led the way through the woods, switching back and forth across the headland's gentle slope, picking the steepest, most treacherous path. It was nothing to him, a mild work out, but it was tiring Erakir out so that when the ground levelled out at the top Erakir was wheezing slightly. Tsumi was in better shape. The pink moogle was used to walking around woodlands but even he was panting a bit. He may be in good shape but Quinten had much longer legs and kept up a punishing pace as he marched through his forest.

Walking out into the clearing, Quinten turned around, shut down his torch and smiled at the moogles.It was indeed clear of fog, the grass thick and wet, rising as high as the hare's knees in some places and everything was bathed in silvery light from the moon riding overhead. The centre of the clearing was clear, a pool of water, short clover and heather instead of tall grasses around the bank and a line of peculiar looking plant pods encircling the pond.

Quinten strode toward the centre of the clearing, unzipping his jacket and shrugging out of it. The heavy fabric thumped to the ground behind the hare as he walked up to the edge of the pool and turned to face the moogles. They looked curious, puzzled and inquisitive but Quinten couldn't give them time to look too closely at the array of pods. They were odd plants, each one a five foot spherical mass atop a bed of thick red leaves and as the moonlight caught them four of them showed faint silhouettes, figures trapped inside. Stretching his arms above his head, he called out with his mind. The forest responded instantly, long green vines rose from beneath the red leaves of two of the empty pods and snapped across the grass to wrap Erakir and Tsumi's legs up.

The moogles crashed to the ground, kupopoing I'm alarm, the red glow of warning suffusing their pom-poms too late to save them now. The vines were continuing to boil out from beneath the pods, constricting their legs, layering about their waists and pulling them across the ground toward the pods.

"Quinten stop it,," Tsumi shouted squirming from side to side as he was dragged across the ground, grasping at tufts of clover and heather with his hands, "This isn't funny...."

"Sorry Tsumi, I need you for a little project, don't worry I promise it won't hurt, all the moogles I've collected ended in orgasmic bliss."

Struggling back and forth Erakir looked up at Quin's words then glanced at the other pods. The silhouettes inside were all quite small, tangled by vines and obscured by the thick walls of the pods. Some of them were too indistinct to make out but Erakir could clearly see the outlined shape of moogles.

"They're all moogles, Tsumi help... I noo...." The tuft of heather Erakir had been holding onto pulled free and the white mog went flying backwards. Red leaves brushed over his back, tugged at his pom-pom and then he was being squeezed back through the tight tangle of vines into a large, gaping sphincter hidden on the underside of the pod. Squeaking in alarm Erakir clawed at the vines, the leaves and the muddy ground but he couldn't get a good grip on anything. The pod however was squeezing tightly around his legs, tug tugging him backwards and up, already his feet were kicking freely in a wide open space. Inch by inch the plant pulled him in until with a whimper the plant closed around his head, slurping him up into its gooey depths.

Tsumi meanwhile was faring better, he'd found a large rock and grabbed hold of it arresting his fate for the moment. He watched as Erakir vanished beneath the leaves of the pod that had grabbed him and a few seconds later the green plant started to twitch and vibrate, squishing softly and gurgling as an Erakir shaped silhouette was pulled up into the hollow interior. Shaking his head Tsumi reached out to the Ter'Had, the indomitable force that guided all moogle kind and channelled his power into the vines in a sharp burst of energy. He tried to ignore how Erakir was twitching and squirming about inside the pod as it filled up with sap, he'd rescue his fellow mogs as soon as he ended the treacherous hare.

The pod flinched, vines loosened and the pink moogle leapt free and rolled up into a stance before the hare, "You'll pay for this bunny, I thought we were friends... what are you doing to all these moogles?"

Sitting down cross legged Quinten grinned up at Tsumi, "I'm preparing something special to help Sefra beat Tsochan at one of his games,"

"You're insane," Tsumi exclaimed, "You can't beat me, you stand no chance against Tsochan."

"Wrong, we have a plan but only moogles can make the dye I need, sorry Tsumi but I need your strength," he raised his hands and Tsumi growled and started to dance. It was a sharp staccato step designed to evoke the powers of the Ter'Had, wind whistled around him, the fury of nature rose and the will of the forest, Quinten's forest swatted it down. Eyes bulging in surprise as his attack was thwarted the moogle tried again, desperately reaching for another element but he was too slow. The pool erupted, water frothing upwards as Quin finished invoking his power and a creature rose out of the water.

Glowing purple and green, the oriental dragon surged through the air toward the moogle. It's body was strange. It was like a watercolour image, smooth paint and sharp brush strokes, yet seemingly solid. The creature coiled about Tsumi as fire started to respond to his desperate dancing but before the pink moogle could set anything aflame, the Dragon unleashed its breath attack. Liquid paint slapped over Tsumi. His clothing melted and smeared into a colourful mass as he was knocked over. The thick gunk oozed through his fur, blinded him and dimmed the bright energy of his pom-pom.

Blinded as he was, he didn't see the vines returning. He felt them coil about his body and choked as he was squeezed. Breathless, he struggled feebly but was pulled back against his will and devoured inch by inch by the waiting pod. Once inside, the moogle's limbs were free and he hurriedly wiped his eyes clear and pawed the gunk off his pom-pom. He had to be quick, he could still fight back; taking a deep breath he pushed off from the rubbery, ribbed walls of the pod and squeaked as the warm, humid air filling the pod made his cock twitch and grow. Shaking his head, Tsumi tried to ignore his raging boner and focus but his thoughts were already slipping. He pawed in ineffectual desperation at the walls of his prison then squealed as a multitude of translucent vines descended from a bulb in the top of the pod.

He tried swatting them away but there were too many. They ensnared his wings and his left leg and he fell over. Vulnerable and struggling, the moogle was trussed up by the vines and was soaked as a sudden cascade of sticky sap poured out of them. More sap was pouring in from above, soaking Tsumi's fur and making his groin tingle with need. Struggling and groaning, the moogle refused to give in. He must not surrender... surrendering would mean he was lost... but by gods he needed to cum... but no... pulling his arm free of the vines he clawed at the walls whilst fighting off the assault of the vines and his own burning need.

Treading water in the thick sap now filling the pod, Erakir groaned and twisted around, paws batting at the translucent vines teasing and toying with his body. It was all he could do to stay above the surface, every breath of air making his cock twitch. He kept finding himself pawing off, teasing his short blue moogle cock with slippery paws, but so far he'd stopped himself short of giving into orgasm. Now, though, he was running out of breathable space, the pocket of air he had was diminishing and the sap felt so good against his body. He burned with need, desire, an inexcusable lust to empty his load and give in to this plants insistent advances.

It was growing harder to keep the vines at bay, they cut through the sap like a hot knife through butter. His arms were like lead weights however, sluggish, hard to maneuver, the sap weighed his fur down and threatened to make him sink. Unable to turn quickly enough the moogle squealed as a thick vine went under his tail, slick bulbous tip spreading him wide as it ploughed a path deep through his gut. Erakir clenched about the slithering, snake-like vine but he couldn't stop it from wiggling deeper. Reaching back, his fingers brushed the vine, ready to pull it out again but the pod was ready for him this time.

Vines lashed about his left wrist and pulled his arm out to one side; twisting around Erakir's right arm was ensnared and the moogle squealed as he found his arms being pulled apart. More vines tangled his legs, wrapped across his thighs and chest and held him spread eagled. Wriggling weakly he watched in needy anticipation as a thick vine oozed down toward his dick, the tip split open like a bud and warm, hot, rippling plant flesh engulfed his dick from tip to base.

It was too much, the vine in his arse swelled, crushing itself against his prostate and Erakir squealed in delight as he fed the plant his seed. He couldn't stop. Jet after orgasmic bliss-inducing jet of cum shot from his dick and the moogle tilted his head back, cross-eyed and delirious with pleasure. He'd never felt so good whilst cumming. It blew his mind and he didn't even try to resist as a mask of wriggling vines and bark lowered itself over his exposed face. It stopped his nose, blocked his ears and inserted a thick tube of wriggling flesh down his throat. Erakir couldn't stop it, didn't want to stop it, and just let the pod pull his body down under the sap to float in the centre. His orgasm was tailing off but already he could feel another building; the moogle's body was tingling, the need to cum was spreading out from his balls to encompass his whole being. He needed to cum, needed to feed this plant everything that he was. Erakir needed to feel that rush of pleasure once again, to experience bliss and reward for giving into orgasm. He didn't fight it this time. Erakir let the plant coax him on toward orgasm, toward pleasure, towards his reward....

Quinten idly watched Erakir's outline sink down into the middle of the pod, the moogle having given in and cum. His journey had begun; the first orgasm was the most important. Twisting a long strand of hair into a braid, the sandy coloured hare turned his attention to Tsumi's pod. The pink moogle was still fighting but he'd cum eventually, even an involuntary orgasm was enough, the pod would claim him. Twisting a wooden hoop onto his new braid to hold it together Quinten let it fall and started on another letting his gaze drift over the pods. Two of them held vague outlines, their occupants nearly gone; each orgasm leeched more moogle magic into the sap. By morning the earliest three would have cum themselves into liquid; he'd have to step up the process to ensure Erakir and Tsumi had melted themselves away before nightfall. The fourth moogle he had captured was nearly gone, Quin thought he could leave him, he'd finish blowing himself into liquid by mid-afternoon.

"They'll all be ready for tomorrow," Quin whispered to himself as he started on another dreadlocks, "Nido, come here."

His purple and green paint familiar flitterred over the grass and coiled about his body. He was smooth against his fur, like poster paint and dust, his draconic head rested against Quin's shoulder, bunny ears and forehead horn glistening with a latex shimmer under the moon light. He'd been a customer once and sometimes still was when Quin painted him into a regular form, mostly he was one of Quin's familiars. A living person covered in Quinten's special formula dyes and transformed, summoned through the paint into a new form subject to the dyemaster and forest guardian's will. He was still pretty independent however and was a good source of counsel and advice, "Are you ready to tell me what you're up to master?"

"We move against the Memory Weaver. The Master wants to test my powers and Sefra as always is eager to humble the demon."

Nido shifted his coiled body in agitation, shaking his head, "Is that wise? The demon plays games. He's tricky and slippery and never plays fair."

"That's what the moogles are for. Sefra and I have a plan. Now go to Marcos, Sefra and Flinty and tell them all to get here for sunset tomorrow; I'll have a guide meet them at the edge of the forest near the shop. Make sure they understand to follow my guide and not to stray."

Nido shivered, coiled about Quin in a figure of eight then lifted into the air, "As you command, my Master. But I still do not think this is wise. Why agitate the demon?"

"Because Aira says so. Tsochan burnt a whole forest to the ground, killed numerous copies of Aira and twisted them. Helping Sefra humble and enslave him will repay some of that debt," shaking his head Quinten pointed at the sky, "No more questions, go."

Quinten watched the big purple and green dragon ripple into the night. Once he was out of sight, Quinten returned to his hair. He always felt unprepared with it undone. His dreadlocks were a symbol of a life seized in both hands. Aira had taken him, remolded him, bonded him irrevocably to the Forest. But it had been Quinten's choice to kneel and serve and train to become a Guardian. Quietly continuing to work on his hair, Quin watched Tsumi succumb and started to plan how best to speed up Erakir and Tsumi's conversion. They must be life and magic, liquid and sap before Moonrise tomorrow so he and Sefra could finish their spell and prepare for the demon's game.


Walking through the woods, Sefra shifted his backpack to the other shoulder and clambered carefully over an outcropping of rock. It wasn't a difficult climb but there had to have been an easier route. He could see an easier path off to the left, a gentle slope winding around the base of several pine trees. But the strange fox of bark and leaves he was following had picked the route that clambered up the rocks and Quinten's message had been explicit that he should follow his animal guide.

The forest was dangerous and having seen Quinten and his master Aira in action, the moon bunny wasn't about to risk wandering off and getting ensnared by some forest guardian trap. Pushing his backpack up onto the ledge above him first, Sefra scrambled up and glared at the waiting plant animal. They swished their tail of interwoven vines from side to side then ambled off across the top of the rocks toward a steep slope.

Grumbling Sefra followed, muttering under his breath about how it would be easier to fly but ugh flying was effort and so... he hiked it over the ground. Brushing dust and dirt off his green trousers before pulling his backpack over both shoulders, the bunny glared back the way he came then turned to resume his trek upwards. It was a long climb and every step made the golden bells attached to his belt and the sash tied across his t-shirt chime. Cresting the rise Sefra sighed in relief as he saw the fir trees petering out into a large, level clearing where he could see Quinten and the others.

The forest hare was inspecting the large pods surrounding the trees, his body clear of any paint or designs for once, but his dreadlocks were in place. Sefra had preferred it when the bunny kept them short but he had to admit the rugged, uneven look was quite attractive on the muscular, bare-chested bunny.

Flinty was sittingon a rock nearby, the pale blue fox dressed in leather hiking boots, sturdy cargo pants and a heavy duffle coat. His muzzle and neck were white and his hair was a bright blonde. It was an odd combination of colours but the fox was useful to have around. His backpack was large, topped off with all sorts of camping equipment. Flinty had been Sefra's choice for their team. He was smart, hefast and strong. He even had a few magical abilities of his own but Sefra wasn't sure what they'd be good for. Going up against Tsochan, however, meant that they needed a good team and out of everyone he knew, Flinty was an unknown quality to the demon. He'd never joined Sefra in any of his previous quests, so hopefully that would give them a bit of an edge as Tso wouldn't be able to predict what he might do. Flinty's blue tail was resting in his lap and he was idly picking burrs and spiky seeds out of it whilst talking quietly to Marcos.

Sefra didn't know the goat very well, his white fur patterned with blue highlights giving him a very striking appearance. His long, lop ears were pierced and mostly white in colour, shading to light blue where they vanished into his thatch of pale blue hair. Sefra was half convinced both his fur and piercings were Quinten's work but Marcos would never admit to it. He always insisted he'd been born with that fur pattern. He was also the reason they were all here. An avid amateur archaeologist and historian, he'd been in the shop whilst Sefra was complaining about how his last quest to capture Tsochan had blew up in his face.


Marcos had recognized the name and told them how he'd found references to an old temple where you could "Challenge the Demon in the Realm of Games." It sounded fantastical to the goat but a quick demonstration of their powers and a recounting of their previous encounters with the demon Tsochan and Marcos was in. He agreed to show them the temple and help them invoke the game if he could come along and join in. They had spent days pouring over the goat boy's notes and translations of the temple text and Quinten had come up with a plan. It was clear from the text on the walls and Sefra's past experience that Tsochan always stacked the deck in his favour. So Quinten had come up with something to give them an edge; it relied on some very unique ingredients and Sefra had spent the past month luring moogle's out to Quin's forest to get them nicely stocked up.

Walking into the clearing the moon bunny raised a paw in greeting and grinned softly, "So we ready to do this?"

Marcos offered a small smile and shot a nervous glance at the pods Quinten was inspecting then nodded, "I'm in though well... it's really happening isn't it?"

"You bet," Flinty said with a soft bark and a laugh, "Quinten says he'll be ready to work on us soon, he's just... decanting the last of the dyes now."

Putting his backpack down Sefra nodded and sat down on a rock, "Good, is the boat ready to take us out to the temple island?"

"Yes," Marcos replied with a grin, "I've beached it down on the other side of the headland on the beach Quin showed me," he motioned toward the hill, "It's about ten minutes away down some steps we can set out as soon as Quin is finished."

"I am ready now," Quin murmured softly as he strolled over to join the others, "My kit is packed and the dyes are ready. But I need you now Sefra, the moon will be up soon, we have magic to perform and cannot start late or all this will have been for nothing."

Taking a deep breath Sefra stood up and nodded to Quinten, "Let's do this then," he murmured and with Marcos and Flinty watching he walked over to to far side of the pool. Quinten sat down on the opposite side of the pool and looked across at Sefra and beyond him to the horizon. Several minutes passed and then without looking behind him Sefra started to dance. With the first step and chime of the bells adorning his outfit silver light spilled past him and illuminated the pool. The moon was rising, it's power filtering down to resonate inside the bunny, he could feel the tides of his own power rising and so he danced. It was an ancient dance, one taught to him by his mother and on the other side of the pool Quinten did his thing.

Without moving the bunny reached through the forest, Quinten could dimly sense his power moving, ordering, asking and the six pods full of moogle imbued sap split open. Silvery liquid poured from each plant sparkling in the moonlight to spill into the pool of water as Sefra focussed the magic of the moon on the water. It was an ancient blending, the spirit of the moon, the power of nature and a ton of moogle magic distilled out of the essence of living moogles subsumed by their pleasure and Quinten's magic. Swaying slowly his hips Sefra raised his hands above his head, forming a heart shape with his fingers. Moonlight seemed to lance down as if through a lens, silver poured across the surface of the pool, water and sap mixed and started to spin and stir.

For a few minutes nothing else seemed to happen, the water in the pool swirled, sap poured in from each pod, mixed and mingled throughout the water. Sefra smiled however as he saw threads of silver light sparkling amidsts the swirling water as the centre of the pool dipped down. The pool was a whirling mass now, moonlight, sap and water blending perfectly until it was one spinning silver mass. For a second the base of the pool was exposed, the magically imbued water rising up over the sides, forming a perfectly inverted cone. Then it splashed down, the moonlight grew less intense, the night seemed to roll back in and Sefra and Quin were left on either side of a perfectly still, mirror smooth pool of silver liquid.

"Wow," Flinty whispered breaking the silence, "That was amazing... what did you do?"

"I made dye," Quinten stated as he unrolled his bundle of brushes, "It'll tie us all together as a team. Sefra explain this whilst I get ready to paint everyone."

"The plan is to cheat," the moonrabbit stated as he joined Marcos and Flinty, "Tsochan always cheats or at the very least skirts the boundaries of the rules," Sefra shook his head and sighed, "He stacks every game in his favour or makes sure the puzzles are organised in such a way that the tiniest deviation from the correct path will result in failure."

"That is what the ancient texts say," Marcos interjected, the shy billy goat shifting a bit as he watched Quinten pull large urns out of a hollow near the pool, he took several handfuls of powder out of them and cast them into the pool. Marcos blushed when Quin bent over and waggled his butt in the air and tried to focus on the fox and rabbit.

"To challenge the Shadow Fire to a game is to court disaster. Only the luckiest few have ever beaten him especially if he invokes the Realm of the Game. He has allies and a whole sub dimension dedicated to physical challenges, tricks, puzzles and games."

"Ok this is sounding like a lot less fun and way more trouble than it is worth," Flinty interjected, "I mean why are we even trying if he is going to cheat us?"

"Because we are going to cheat even more," Sefra said, a huge grin splitting his muzzle, "That show just then with the moon and the sap? Quinten has made a special dye, it'll allow us a limited number of resets if you will. We'll be able to roll time back for say an hour or a few minutes and do things differently. Recover from our fuck ups and make sure we don't repeat them."

"That's incredible," Flinty laughed, "We'll be unstoppable, do you really think we can sneak such magic past Tsochan though?"

"It will be tricky, usually the entrances to the demon's games are magical in and of themselves, he'd strip us of any advantages like that in moment," Marcos said, blushing as the rabbit and fox turned to look at him, "At least that is what the text say..."

"We can get in with our magic," Quinten said as he rejoined them, "That's why we made it into fur dye. It'll be painted onto our fur, binding us all together and hidden from the demons sight," tracing his fingers through his dreadlocks the hare grinned, "Tsochan strips away external magic, devices, artefacts, spell books but never natural abilities. With this paint on us the reset spell will register as an integral part of us however we will only be able to do it, at most six times."

"Really, only six?" Sefra pouted, "I thought you said we could have at least ten to twelve resets..."

"Yes, well," Quinten folded his arms, "Someone was meant to help bring me Moogles, I got six of them... you didn't bring me a single one."

Shuffling his feet Sefra sighed and tugged idly at his t-shirt, "I can't help it that moogles are delicious. Once i've got one all restrained and helpless, I've just got to have a little nibble... then... maybe more than a nibble... then..." the rabbit coughed and his ears tinged pink in embarrassment as he looked away

"Anyway," Quinten sighed and shook his head, "Everyone strip, take everything off and then kneel by the pool and I'll get started."

"St... strip," Marcos blushed and shifted shyly, "Out here... but... I mean...." he trailed off as Quinten cupped the goat's chin and tilted his head back, the hare stared into his eyes and then kissed his nose.

"Yes, out here, in front of Flinty and Sefra and Me.... be a good goat and take it all off."

Marcos blushed and obeyed quickly after that, sliding out of his shorts and t-shirt, Sefra casually discarded his clothes and Flinty didn't need much encouragement to get naked. The hare then positioned everyone a quarter turn around the pool from each other and kicked off his own shorts and knelt down in the last spot. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, seeming to settle down to wait for something.

"So, what happens now?" Flinty asked, looking from one to another, he grinned at the way Marcos was shyly covering his crotch with his paws, "Shouldn't you be painting us Quinten?"

"I'm not sure," Sefra replied, frowning at the kooky nature hare, "Come on bunny, what you waiting for?"

Opening his eyes the hare spread his legs and leant forwards, "For you all to join me," he flowed forwards, gracefully diving head first into the pool. The silvery water rippled, made a thick gloop noise and closed over the hare's body. A moment later he surfaced with a gasp, throwing his head back and moaning into the night. Sefra hesitated then dived in to join the other bunny, Flinty followed suit and the moonblossom was vaguely aware of Marcos copying the fox. It didn't really matter to the rabbit however, the moment his body hit the thick magical water it came alive with an intense need. Surfacing quickly Sefra threw his head back, mimicking Quinten and groaning toward the heavens as his sheath pulled back as his cock leapt to attention.

"Oooh, what is happening," someone cried out, Sefra couldn't identify them, liquid lust was squeezing his body, making it tingle, twitch and need... he found someone's body beneath his paws, another against his back, a third shape stroking his cock. Dimly aware he was in the middle of the pool he didn't care, he started to kiss someone in front of him. Paws, different paws from another person were playing with his ears, his own hands found a cock and started to stroke it, running his palm across the tip, rubbing warm flesh and making the owner moan.

Time was a blur, warm bodies came and went, fingers slid against his body, his lips kissed, tongues tangled, bunny, vulpine, goat muzzles and hands and cocks. All of them came near him, touched him, played with him as he played with them. All around silver light blazed, their bodies tingled and sparkled, only heads exposed, then shoulders, shapely, muscled, powerful chests emerged sparkling for his eyes and loins to admire as the silver liquid sank into them. Lips trailed down his chest, a mouth closed about his cock as the liquid continued to recede and glow, every inch of exposed flesh made his balls grow tighter. He couldn't cum though, it felt like there was a ring of flesh squeezed tightly about the base of his cock, denying his orgasm, denying him the right to cum.

His hips bucked, knees settled on smooth granite, someone moaned as the tight ring about his cock squeezed tighter. It was him... he was moaning, his arms were wrapped about someone beneath him... it was Marcos, the billy goat was on all fours, bleating muffled around a mouthful of Flinty dick, his lips wrapped all the way around a fat fox knot. The blue fox was on his back, his head buried between the goat's legs, his soft pants and groans, slurps and whimpers a clear indication he'd found himself a Marcos shaft to enjoy. Quinten was the other side of Flinty, his hips pounding a tight fox hole just like Sefra was enjoying the goat's. There was nearly no liquid left in the pool, the rim was over four feet above them but Sefra didn't pay much attention to it. Groaning softly he thrust harder, faster, pounding Marcos' rear, making the little goat bleat and bahaaa around his muzzle full of fox dick. He still couldn't cum though, he found it impossible to fall over the edge, he could feel it, the burning need to orgasm right there but it was denied to him.

Then without warning the last little puddle of quicksilver, moonlit powered water soaked into their skin and Sefra stiffened. His eyes bugged out of his head, he was cumming, they all were, silently and intensely. He could feel cum rushing down his dick, flooding Marcos, filling him, one long continuous delicious stream of bunny seed flowing out of his dick and into the deliciously warm rump wrapped about his thick bunny dick. For a long moment they were all held like that, rolling on a wave of orgasm and then release. Sefra sagged, took a deep breath and slipped backwards. The goat and fox toppled over and Quinten landed with a thump, shaking his head and causing his dreads to sway from side to side.

Rubbing his eyes Sefra looked at his friends again, in the pale light of the moon they were all dark shapes. What stood out was the designs now etched into their fur, silver and gold designs now looped all their bodies. Looking down the moonblossom saw similar designs covering his body. Cogs had been painted around their forearms, their ankles, thighs and shoulders. Linking the cogs together across their arms and legs were long, weaving ribbons of silver inscribed with golden roman numerals. They wrapped about arms and legs in a tight spiral, the designs part of their fur, not a layer of paint spread on top but the colour, the designs a natural part of their fur.

Sefra looked down at Marcos as the goat stirred and started to get up, a line of silver fur now travelled up his back, split across his neck and curved up through his hair to coat each ear. Looking closer Sefra could make out individual numerals in the trail of silver and on each ear were large clock faces, golden numbers, silver hands and black outlines framing all. Looking down at his chest the bunny rubbed at the designs now travelling across the sides of his stomach; tight black links weaving up across either side of his torso like the chains of an impressive clock.They arched over his chest, wove across his collarbone and converged as the chains holding up a black pendulum with a gold and silver clockface nestled across his sternum. It was all part of his fur and they all had the same patterns.

"Ok...." Flinty said at last, breaking the silence, fingering his tail which was a tightly spiralled coil of black numerals, "This is... a neat look but I was expecting more painting with brushes and less.... Well..." he blushed and gestured at his dick which was retreating into his sheath.

"That would have been tedious," Quinten murmured, "And less of a bonding experience, we are a team now," he looked from bunny to fox to goat, "We have bonded, these designs and the magic we infused in the dye keep us all together. Any one of us can trigger the jump back in time but we should be sure we need to."

Marcos was blushing terribly, peeking over his fingers at the three friends he had just had sex with, "How... I mean, what do we do? I don't want to do it by accident..."

"I'll explain how once we are on our way," Quinten replied standing up and stretching, his dreadlocks now covered in alternating cascades of silver, black and gold clock hands, "You can't do it accidentally but... we are now a proper team."

Stretching Sefra walked toward the edge of the pool, "Quinten's right, time is wasting, let's get dressed, grab our stuff and go beat the crap out of that demon and his stupid games."

Smiling at each other Flinty and Marcos followed the bunnies, it was going to be an interesting trip and well... they did all look rather hot like this. They just had to hope Sefra and Quinten knew what they were about.

~fin Chp. 1