Every Job has its Problems

Story by PuppyBat on SoFurry

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I had fun writing this, but it's definitely more extreme content then I generally write, so... Reader discretion is advised! I will definitely write this dalmatian kid more, and put him in other situations he hates. Any suggestions?

Every Job has its Problems


The club owner, an older tiger in a tight white shirt, slid a single sheet of paper over to me. I skimmed it once, and my heart fluttered. Anxiety gripped my chest, but I really did want to be here. I needed a job, the club was hiring new "models", the type of modeling that I spent hours watching online, and fantasizing about while fiercely jacking off. That fantasy was laid out in front of me on a single sheet of paper.

Picking up my pen, I filled out the top portion of the contract. I could feel the club owner's eyes drifting over me in my loose clothes.

Name: Warren Phillips

Species: Dalmatian

Age: 19

The main body of the contract was just outlining work schedules and the basics of my station. For 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, I would be club property. There was also a single sentence explaining what would happen if I was late to a shift, or if I did not perform. It simply said, "Management will handle punishments as creatively as needed."

Underneath that was the positions I was applying to. I was to fill in a little bubble next to the ones I available to perform. There was six different positions, I chose the first. Fuck Toy; To be used as club patrons see fit.

I signed the bottom, and the club owner took it. According to the contract, I was to refer to him as Master, or Sir from now on. He marked something on my contract, and smiled at me. "Well, it's time to get you in a uniform. Or lack of uniform." He stood, and I followed suit. I was going to follow him out of his office, but I didn't have the option. Master grabbed me roughly by the arm, and guided me out of the office, and down the hall. He stopped briefly in a supply closet and handed me a black bag.

"This is your employee uniform, let's get you to your station." Before I had a chance to look in the bag, we were off again. Before long he was guiding me into the club bathroom, where he finally let go of my arm. "Let me get you out of this."

He put his hands on my hips, and pulled me in close. He was easily a foot taller than me, and his breath gently blew against the top of me head. I kept my eyes on his chest, but I could smell sweat and cigar smoke wafting from his body. His large calloused hands moved under my shirt, moving his fingers gently over my black and white tummy, squeezing gently. I felt like he was a predator examining his prey. His hands guided themselves under my arms, and his thumb claws explored my nipples causing my to gasp and drop the weighty bag containing my uniform. With a small laugh, he pulled the shirt over my head and dropped it on the piss stained floor of the restroom.

His hands dived into the back of my pants next, pushing me against him when he did. He cupped my cheeks, and I could hear a murr escape his lips. "You are a tasty puppy kid." I shivered as he squeezed my cheeks before he hooked his thumbs around my waistband and pushed my pants down without undoing the fly of my jeans. He crouched as he took them all the way to the ground, putting his face level with my sheath and balls. He paused, looking them over. He curled a hand around my balls and fondled them. Grabbing my sheath, he moved it around, inspecting it and leaving me blushing, plainly crimson under my fur.

"Uh, sir." I said quietly, "Should I step out of these pants?"

He looked up at me and smirked. He buried his nose in my balls, and took a deep breath, before he quickly ran his rough tongue across the tip of my sheath. "Yeah, step out of them." He said, grabbing my bag and standing. "And get those shoes and socks off."

I complied while he unzipped the bag, setting it on a the sink. I tossed my shoes and socks in a pile on top of my shirt. He pulled a collar from my bag, putting it around my neck tightly. He pulled a blindfold out next, which was odd. I didn't think a fuck toy needed a blind fold. He pulled it over my eyes, and tweaked one of my nipples. "Alright kid, lets get you in position."

He guided me forward, and not far. "There's a bit of a step." He said, and I could feel myself stepping onto a platform of some kind. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me about 45 degrees. "Crouch please." And I complied. "Onto your back now, but keep your legs tucked up like that." I wrapped my arms around my knees, confused, and got onto my back. The platform I was on slid backwards, and I held myself tighter. I think I was in some sort of box, which just didn't feel right. His hand grabbed my collar. "Okay, sit up now. As much as you can."

I had to bring my head up through some sort of rubber hole that got caught on my collar, fairly quickly, my shoulders hit would. "Hold that pup." He said, guiding my wrists into some sort of restraints on either side inside this box I thought I was in.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Ooo, naughty pup." I got a top on the nose. "No lube for you for asking questions." He slammed something heavy beneath me, and a door creaked, shutting. The blind fold was removed. The first thing I saw was Master looking me dead in the eye. "Talk again and we'll make things worse. Toilets don't talk."

I swiveled my head around horrified. My head was pushed out of a toilet seat, my body in a box. "I don't understand." I squeaked, "I checked off fuckboy, not-not-not toilet slut!" I stuttered, struggling against my wrist bonds.

Master shook his head, and pulled my contract from his back pocket. He unfolded it and showed it to me. The bubble for Toilet Slut was filled in, that was the mark he had made. "The thing is kid, we got plenty of fuck toys and not enough toilets." He folded the paper back up, and tucked it away, pulling open the door to the front of my "toilet". "You'll do fine here kid." He said, rooting around in the bag and pulling out what appeared to be a chastity cage and a metal rod. "But you talked so now I gotta punish you." I put the metal rod in his mouth, sucking on it and getting it slick, before going to work.

I screamed as he shoved in into my dickhole and put the chastity cage over the top of it. "Now, our toilets aren't allowed to go themselves. So, this is your dick, and this-" He pushed gently on my hips, and I know knew what was under my tailhole, a butt plug, "in your pussy. And one last thing." I could feel something being attached to the cage, and he pressed a button next to the toilet sending a gentle almost pleasant shock through my dick. "That's the flush button. It may be nice now, but it'll get more and more intense the more it's pressed, so... Don't make people have to press it."

He shut the door, snapping a padlock in place. My legs were already getting tired, and I was on the tip of the butt plug, scared to push down all the way.

"Aw," He said, grabbing me by the back of the head, "You're such a cutie." Roughly, Master kissed me, his tongue running along my front teeth. He chuckled as he broke the kiss. "I'll have to remember what that tasted like, because it won't taste like that for much longer." Picking up the bag of stuff, he left, and I fought the urge to scream, not wanting it to get worse for me.

I struggled against my bonds, but the strength in my legs was failing fast and the dry rubber tip of the butt plug beneath me was beginning to penetrate me. I shifted my weight around, and slowly pushed down on it. If it was in, then I wouldn't have to worry about it. I cried out as it spread my hole wider than I was expecting it, and it occurred to me that it was bigger than I expected it to be.

The bathroom door opened, and I froze, balancing myself partway on the plug. My first customer? My heart beat quicker and I pulled at my wrist restraints harder. He was a bull, and he was muscular, wearing ill fitting sweat pants and a tank top. He grinned when he saw me, and stepped into my stall, placing himself at the foot of my box. "Nice... New guy. You're cute." He started pulling down his sweat pants, and the very stained briefs underneath to reveal his monster bull cock, dropping it above me. The musk was a slap in the face, but it made me salivate. I wanted that cock in my mouth, in my ass, all over me. Instead, with a grunt, piss began pouring all over my face.

I clenched my eyes shut and kept my mouth clenched tight as salty yellow piss soaked into my fur and coated my head. It began pooling around around my neck, the rubber at the bottom of the "bowl" I was in was catching all of it and making it pool around me. As the piss slowed to a stop, the yellow liquid was up to the corners of my mouth, threatening to slip inside.

The bull laughed. "Oh honey. You really are new." He pressed the button next to my toilet, and a sharp jolt shot through my dick, but I kept held fast. I didn't want to be a toilet. I wasn't gonna be one. He chuckled again, and dropped his pants. "Well, I think I've earned myself a treat..." He said to himself, turning around. His large muscular ass slammed down onto my head, my ass taking several inches of the plug in one go, ripping my ass open and pushing my head down, piss flooding my head, my nose buried in the bull's ass. Musk plunged through my system, and piss surrounded me. There was no air, and I only had one option. It was drink or drown.

I opened my mouth and choked as piss flooded my mouth. It was all I could do to swallow the noxious liquid, my eyes watering as I drank as quickly as possible. A zap ringing through my junk reminded me of the asshole on my nose, but I couldn't attend to both at once. I continued drinking, and the impatient bull must have been tapping the button a lot. The electricity pulsed, getting more and more painful each time. Once the piss was low enough, I shoved my tongue against the ass hole, licking gently, grimacing at residual shit against my tongue. The zapping continued until my tongue went as deep as it could go, and then the bull must have been satisfied because the first of many shit logs began to roll out of him.

My first shift was eight hours, I don't know how many men I serviced. By the end of it, the shocks felt like a vice on my junk. No matter how much I cried, and screamed, they didn't stop pressing it. All I could smell was piss and shit, and my stomach was full of it. My bladder was near full to bursting, and the tiny bit that it tried to leak out was stuck behind the sounding rod wracking my lower body in pain. The plug was fully inside me, and it never became comfortable. My hole hurt, stretched beyond its original capacity. I was defeated, slumped in my box. And despite all of it, when Master appeared in my stall door, all I did was shut my eyes and open my mouth, ready to accept what he had to deposit. I was surprised, when, instead, the door was unlocked.

"Well, it's midnight, end of your first shift." He said with a grin. "And, oh, wow you got the whole thing in. What a good boy." He gave me a pat on the head, and a panted. I closed my eyes, I was too tired to pay attention to what he was doing. "There, shock counter has been reset, and, then we gotta do this." I felt something being put around my balls, but I thought nothing of it until they were crushed hard and fast causing me to scream loudly, my voice hoarse. "See, if you keep making noise like that, it's just gonna get worse puppy." Master laughed, and shut the door to my box, locking it again.

"It's now past midnight, so, time for your second shift." The bathroom door slammed open, "Looks like you already have more customers..." He chuckled, walking away.