Eternal Phantasia - Chapter Three - A source of salvation

Story by ZachBear on SoFurry

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Chapter three is here people, and I am finaly ready to get down and dirty, as well as down and detailed.... or at least try. Anyways, you know the rules. Copy right, character, blah blah cock hound, whore.... And so on. There will be some male on male action, but it'll only be ORAL! Why? Cause, if you havent noticed, zaku is very attached to zach. And you'll find out later. So, may the extra blood, cum, and cheesy funny moments begin!!

..That lake... Who's there? And why, am I drawn to it..

It was now morning, and zaku laid in a bed of an inn by himself. Covers pulled completely over his body, and clothes siting in a chair next to the bed. The morning rays gently dancing on to the white covers of his bed, making them look golden and gleam. Drake was out this morning, having decided to go to one of the herble shops and buy some healing potions as well as selling some items of his own..



"Green, glad you could make it, the teleporter is over there.."


Zaku was still asleep, a smile on his face as he could feel the suns warmth through his covers, murring softly while rolling on to his back. The covers tented with an obvious morning wood like every male should have often.

Down stairs in the main room, a fur entered the inn and had approuched the main counter. Talking with the madam and then heading up the stair's, a grin on his face as he was soon standing infront of zaku's door. Gently knocking on it with his right paw. This caught zaku's attention, waking up and groggily steping out of bed and draging his slightly heavy body to the door. Griping the door knob and pulls the door open. He meeped, standing there in a black trench coat and matching black leather pants was a rather well build fox who's fur was blue, and had short neon green hair which its bangs gently hung down infront of his silver eyes. A grin on the males face as his arms folded and crossed, looking zaku over and saying "Nice morning boner kid." Zaku's fur right on bellow his eyes turned a flushing red color, murfing and turning to run back in the room. But is stoped as the fox grabs his shoulder, zaku smiling nervously and saying "Uhh, can I help you in any way?"

"Maybe, my code name is green but... You may call me, fayt.. I am a friend of your fathers, I was sent here to help you. My profession is assassin...."Zaku slowly looked over his shoulder at the fox named fayt, staring at his silver eyes.. Becoming bedazzled by them and softly says "A-all right.."

Afew minutes have passed, and they are now siting on the bed talking. Zaku explaining the situation to fayt and fayt giving his opinion on the matter. Saying he could probably indeed help in locating zach for the silver fox but..

"I don't know if I should help you, with out a price.."

"A.... Price?"

"Heehee, yes.. And I know what you could give me.." He murred, standing up and then kneeling down before the other male with a grin. Zaku got a rather confused and somewhat nervous look on his face, but knowing what he wanted when he said "Spread those legs..." Which he slowly did. Fayt slowly moving up between them, muzzle now pressed against the younger fox's furry balls and swollen sheath which twitched gently in responce of his muzzle. Murring softly, and looking down to watch as the older male's tongue extended from his muzzle, draging it up the furry sac which encased his "Payment" and watched as a pink tip sliped out the tip. Churring softly, tongue licking and laping at the pink tip. Making it flare softly and extend further out it's sheath. Zaku whimpering in pleasure, squirming as fayt started to pleasure his length. Afew more licks, and zaku moaned, fully aroused to his full eight inchs, throbing in the air and twitching as fayt draged his velvet tongue up the underside of his fox hood and stoped at the head. Tongue slip down and the head going into his eager muzzle. Sucking on it as his lips wraped around it. Tongue gently licking over and over the head, sending shivers up zaku's spine and making him moan from the intense sensation. Right paw reaching down to stroke the other fox's right ear.

Zaku started to pant, sweat matting his chest fur and moaning as fayt gently started to bob his head back and forth along his throbing foxhood. Slurping along it's length in a popsicle way and lapping down the precum he received. Smiling up at zaku who's eyes were closed, huffing and puffing in pleasure. Fayt gave a soft growl, returning to blowing the other's shaft and sucking it more vigerously. The cock pulsating, and zaku shivering and his knot forming at his base.. He churred, feeling fayt open his muzzle wide and take the fully swollen knot into his maw. Murring as most of his length was hotly traped in his throat. Giving the knot a nice lick and squeeze with the roof of his mouth which made zaku grunt and howl out in pleasure, his length twitching violently in his throat as he released thick rope after rope of his fox spunk into fayt's stomach. Who happilly swolled it and gave an uncomfortable grunt for zaku had griped his right ear rather tightly, but his other paw digging into the bed's covers.. A minute passes, and zaku came to a slow stop. Panting heavily with his chest heaving and howing from the intense orgasm. Fayt had a pleased look on his face, gently suckling on the shaft and knot like a pacifire. But the knot came to a nice size and was able to release the teen's length which retreated back into it's sheath. Fayt licked his lips with a murr while zaku just sat there, panting and stroking the other's right ear softly.. Saying with a huff of air "WHAT... a payment.."

Drake was runing towards the inn with a rather worried look on his face for something was happening in the square, and during this. Fayt had climbed up on top of zaku and started to gently kiss his neck, sucking on it which made zaku whimper and moan softly "Oooooh.."

"Like that?"

"..Mmm, yes.."

"Maybe later I can... Hm?"He jumped off quickly, handing zaku his pants and walks over to a chair, siting down. Zaku blinked and tilted his head, thats when the door opened. Zaku marfing out and falling off the bed. Drake stood in the door way, panting "We have.. Fayt?.. Uh no time, zaku we have a problem in town!.."



"What the hell happened, who is that happening!"

"I don't know, the energy readings are over powering our scanner's.."

"What did final boss do to him?.."


Fayt, Zaku, And Drake reached town square, drake growling as well as fayt, but zaku gasped and yelled "ZACH!" The fox's eyes lit up and muzzle wide with a smile... But the other didnt look to happy to see him as he turned from standing in the middle of the square. Black aura emiting from his body, and two large wings on his back. Black feathered, and eyes pools of darkness. Zaku's smiled turned into a face of shock, staring at his raccoon friend who now looked as if evil it self had taken him over "What... Has happened to him?" Drake shook his head, steping infront of zaku and saying "Not sure, but I have a feeling final boss manipulated his energies and decided to use him to fight us.. Knowing you wouldnt attack him.."

"That bastard, I will kill him for this.."

Zach continued to stand there, not moving.. His eyes seeming to shift abit. Tears forming. Fayt smirked "As I thought, you can remove all feelings and memory from someone but you can never erase the thoughts they harbor.. He knows who zaku is..."Zaku steped around drake, frowning and holding out his arms, saying softly "Come here zach, I know you have missed me.."

The coon's eyes regained color, the wings folding neatly on his back before making a sprint towards zaku. Throwing his arms around him and crying heavily on the fox's right shoulder "Zaku!... Zaku...."

"Shhh, it's ok zach.."

He said, gently stroking his friends back as he closed his eyes and held the coon close... The aura around zach turning blue and zaku developing a gold aura.. They both smiled, murring in each other's embrace happily before zach said ".. He will come after me, I have to take you out of here zaku. I know how we can stop him, but only temporary. It'll give us time to get stronger and even return to our world for a much needed rest.." Zaku nodded, holding on to zach as their aura's fused, creating a bright fusha color. And just as quickly as their aura's fused, they vanished.. Drake watched as this happened, glancing around and then reachs up with his right claw, scratching his head "Thats odd.." Fayt walking up behind him, arms wraping around his waist and saying "Heya big guy, I know you missed me handsome."

Drake just grumbled "Hmph, you wish.."Crossing his arms..


"Sir, the readings have vanished. We can no longer locate zaku or zach.. But, there was something left behind which we might be able to track them through.."

"Huh, what is it?"

"Its.. A rip, in the planets physical structure.."

"What?..A rip, into it's physical structure? So are they, inside that planet?"

"I'm not sure, your the usual expert with this."

"Heh, right.. Hmm, it's possible they are somehow phasing through the planet at a increased rate which explains why they vanished so quickly. But that wouldnt explain the rip inless the speed they went out created the rip and in which might let out people travel to the area they went to now."

"Sort of like our teleporters?"

"Yes, exactly.. Hurry, try and locate them."



Light? Where are we?.. Zach, are you here.. I feel you, but I still can't see..

The light then cleared, zach and zaku standing in the middle of a forest clearing. A beautiful blue sky over head, and sun light shining down into the clearing... But across the clearing, was a lake... A lake.. That looked like the lake from his dreams "Zach.. What is this place?"

"The source of power and creation of this planet.."Zaku slowly walked towards the lake, zach following as zaku said "But, why does it look familiar, and why...... Do I feel myself being drawn to it."

"According to final boss.. Your dad is from this planet, he was born here and was supose to be the next creator. Which explains his amazing mind.. But something happened and he fell into a rip in the bounderies between our worlds. Arriving in our's as nothing but a baby. Final boss.... Is the former creator's brother, and is trying to bring your father here to kill him and take his powers to control the source.. The reason why our world's are colliding is cause the source is being drawn to your father.. And the reason why you feel such a connection with this place is because you have the ability to control the source as well zaku.."

The fox was kneeling at the lake's edge, shivering as the words registered into his brain ".. I-I'm.. able to control the source?"

"Yes you can, and by doing so you can free us of this place and return us to home.. Also, you can erase final boss.. Sadly, only your dad can fully remove him, you can only do it for a short time and he will then come back." Zaku nodded his head, having no idea what to do and yet his paw reachs out, diping into the water which started to glow silver.. Light spilling out the lake as it over flowed... And then...... A flash of light, zaku saying softly "Lets go home zach.."

~Ending Credits~

Oooh, loop hole.. For a short time. Now the more "Normal" things will happen. And five months is given to zach and zaku to rest. Woohoo. But this is not the end, we now simply go into real world details and what happens to zach and zaku when not trying to save the world.. When they go back, well.. You'll just have to wait and see now won't you?