Eternal Phantasia - Chapter Three - A source of salvation

Chapter three is here people, and I am finaly ready to get down and dirty, as well as down and detailed.... or at least try. Anyways, you know the rules. Copy right, character, blah blah cock hound, whore.... And so on. There will be some male on male...

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Eternal Phantasia - Chapter Two - A battle begining

Ahhh... MMm murr.. Marf? Sorry, um..... Chapter two time people, and its good to say that there is no yiff, but some.. Close contact in this.. Well, i'm not sure if I'll add that yet, but I might. I'll think about.. Um, anyways. A new character is...

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Eternal Phantasia - Chapter One - The first Appearance

So this is the first chapter, and a rather amazing one at that.. Or I hope so. Anyways, this chapter will be explaning.. um, the slight creation of final boss which is.. well, in an way, the "final boss". So shall we get started? The same copyright...

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Eternal Phantasia - Prologe

Finaly, a story that actually has a good plot behind it. Whats up, the name's zaku. Or zachary. The story is original and has a twist simaliar to .Hack sign, Star ocean, Dual saga(anime), final fantasy, and basic everyday life. If this sort of stuff...

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The Toshina brothers-Koji and Roderick's time alone.

Yo!Here I am once again, testing my luck with a story.This is probably going to turn out to be short so I will have to mark it as short(very) most likely.But enough about that, I am Zaku and if you wish to contact me write or messenger me at...

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Fur Tales Erotica-Page 2

The day was young with the sun high in the sky, and the sky as blue as the sea. But unlike most days, today was different. Today was the day two people would meet for the first time, and get involved with something that crossed their minds at first...

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Fur Tales Erotica-Page 1

Awhile back in a world distant to our own, lives a world of fantasy and wonder. It was there that beings and creatures of all sorts comes together. In a land where forest grow lush, lakes are crystal clear, and the plains are full of life lies a...

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