Judy Hopps in: Night Wetters

Story by Liariv on SoFurry

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A Zootopia diaper story, based on an extremely awesome pic by ChuckyBB. You can see the pic in the story icon, but go check out and fave the original, it is here. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21181198/

The pic belongs to ChuckyBB, Zootopia belongs to Disney.

The pic really got my imagination going and I just had to write something about it, it is rare that happened but I am glad of it because I think this story turned out well, the hardest part was the title, so I just stole ChuckyBB's. Thanks a lot for use of the pic.

Warning: This story contains diaper wearing, diaper use, minor non consensual themes, and minor drug use. You have been warned.


Judy Hopps placed yet another ticket under the windscreen wiper of a parked car. Parking duty wasn't the most rewarding job a cop could do, but she always did her best at it. She got in her car, her pants crinkling slightly as she did so, and started driving down the street.

For the past couple of days, Judy had been in heat. She wasn't embarrassed by it, the same thing happened to all female bunnies every year. The only inconvenient thing about being in heat is she tended to get quite wet down there, too wet to go without some form of protection. Panty lining pads were okay, but they needed to be changed too often for Judy's liking, so instead she opted for diaper like underwear. It didn't bother her in the least since many other bunnies did the same, and nobody ever noticed, or at least if they did they never mentioned it.

As Judy looked out for expired parking meters she saw a familiar looking weasel step out of a garden shop holding a duffel bag. Since there was no shopkeeper running out after him he had presumably paid, but nevertheless she pulled up in front of him, but it still caused him to jump.

"Duke Weselton" said Judy, narrowing her eyes at the weasel. "What's in the bag?"

"Nothin' out of the ordinary, copper!" said Duke, zipping open the duffel bag and showing the contents to Judy. The bag was full of bulbs, a couple of which had pink flowers growing out of the top. Judy's heart leapt for a second, but she quickly calmed down when she realised they weren't Night Howlers. "Just adding to my garden, see?"

"Oh, looks like Sativus Agenensis. Very nice. I hear they have relaxing properties when you make tea out of the petals." said Judy, putting her knowledge of plant husbandry to good use.

"Can I go now?" said Duke, zipping up the bag and glancing around.

"Oh, yeah, sure." said Judy. He slung the bag over his shoulder and set off down the street. Judy couldn't shake the suspicion he was up to something though, this was Duke Weselton after all. She parked her car and began tailing the weasel, not getting too close. If he saw she was following him he would probably run. After following him for a while, they arrived at what seemed to be an industrial area.

Duke knocked on a door and it opened. Judy couldn't quite see who he was talking to or make out what he was saying, due to the fact she was hiding around a corner. Duke handed the duffel bag of bulbs to whoever was behind the door. Duke leaned in and whispered something to the figure on the other side of the door, but Judy couldn't make it what is was. The door closed and Duke started to walk away, but Judy came out from her hiding place and sprinted up behind him.

"Okay Weselton, what are you up to?" said Judy, Duke slowly turned around and smiled slyly at her.

"What? This is where my garden is." he said sardonically, indicating the warehouse.

"Cut the crap Duke, what are you making in there?" said Judy, threateningly. Suddenly, somebody grabbed Judy from behind and covered her mouth. She tried to throw them off, but her assailant was too strong for her.

"You'll see the effects first paw!" said Duke, laughing and pulling his phone from his pocket, snapping a picture of the restrained bunny. Judy kept struggling but she suddenly cried out as she felt what seemed to be a hornet sting on her neck. Her assailant released her and she jumped away so she couldn't be grabbed again, holding her hand to her neck.

"Ahh, what did you do to me?" she asked Duke and the mammal who grabbed her, who turned out to be a fox who looked not too unlike Nick. He was holding an empty syringe in his hand.

"Hah, good work Gene" said Duke to the fox. Judy was surprised they weren't trying to get away. She reached for her radio but suddenly her arms felt heavy. Judy fell to her all fours, she could hardly move.

"You... what... was..." said Judy, groggily, trying to crawl as best she could.

"Aww, look like officer Hopps is becoming a defenseless little baby bunny" Duke cackled.

"Uh oh, looks like I gave her too much, I wasn't expecting such a small bunny" said Gene, examining the syringe.

"Good!" exclaimed Duke happily. By now, Judy was lying on the ground, her vision fading to black, no matter how hard she tried to move, she couldn't even get up on to all fours anymore.

"Nighty Night bunny! You're gonna need that diaper!" Dukes cackling taints were the last thing Judy heard before she slipped into unconsciousness.


As Judy slowly came to, she tried to look around but she could only move her eyeballs, her body was completely immobile. At first she thought she had been bound, but she soon realised she hadn't, she just couldn't move a muscle. It must have been the injection the nasty fox gave her. She tried to speak, to call out for help, but it seemed she had been gagged. Despite being immobile, she could still feel everything. Her gag appeared to be a baby's pacifier, but for a much bigger animal than a bunny. It was tied behind her head with some sort of string.

To Judy's horror, she suddenly realised that she had been stripped! She was naked except for her underwear! She didn't know how Duke had known she was in what basically amounted to a diaper earlier, but now that would be clear to anyone who walked in the room. Her diaper felt like it was soaked, wetter than normal. Had she? There was no way... She must have wet herself when she was unconscious! It must have been the drug, that must have been what Duke meant. Nevertheless, the fact she had wet herself just served to rub salt into the wound of the situation. Judy tried not to let herself get scared, so she examined her surroundings.

She appeared to be in some kind of lab, there were planters that were full of the pink flowers, and lots of chemistry equipment that seemed to be for distilling them. That must be it, the syringe must have contained a super concentrated variety of the relaxing chemical from the flowers, that's why she couldn't move. Judy didn't know what they were using it for, it couldn't be legal and it had to stop. Suddenly the door opened and what sounded like two mammals entered the room. Suddenly, Duke came into Judy's field of view.

"Looks like she's awake!" said Duke, grinning down at the helpless bunny. "What we gonna do with her?"

"Never mind her." said Gene the Fox. " She can't move. I'll deal with her later." Judy didn't like the sound of that. She had to think of a way to escape. Duke left her alone and went to somewhere in the room she couldn't see. Duke and Gene spoke quietly, Judy listened to them to try and get a clue about what they were going to use the drug for. At the same time, she planned how she was going to escape. She didn't know how long the drug lasted, but if she stood any chance of escape she would need to be able to move, so it seemed like she was going to need to wait it out.

As Judy lay there listening to the fox and the weasel, her belly began to rumble, she felt like she was going to need to poop soon. This wasn't good, she tried to clench, to hold it in, but nothing happened. She still couldn't move a muscle. Judy shut her eyes and whimpered, trying in vain to prevent, or evel delay the inevitable, but the drug had relaxed her so much she had no more control than a baby.

It wasn't long before the inevitable happened. Despite not being able to move her muscles, her bowels were working fine. Some muscle she had no control over started to push and she began filling her diaper. She closed her eyes in shame, since it was all she could do as she felt her mess fill the space between her buttcheeks. It felt warm and squishy, if Judy had been able to move she would have shuddered. She hadn't messed herself like this since she could remember, but it strangely didn't feel as gross as she thought it would. She had thought about it when she was having trouble getting to a bathroom when she was in heat before, but she had never actually done it.

"What's that?" asked Duke, sniffing the air around him. Judy glanced over to look at her captors.

"Seems like baby bunny over there has shit herself" said Gene, wrinkling his nose.

"You'd better change her!" said Duke. "Don't want her stinking out the lab."

"What?" said Gene, glaring at Duke. "You change her. She followed you here."

"Why? You're the one that makes test subjects wear diapers!" said Duke.

"Well now you know why I do it!" said Gene, raising his voice a bit.

"I'm not changing her." said Duke, folding his arms stubbornly. "Come on, I got the bulbs, it's the least you can do."

"Fine, but you change her if it happens again." said Gene, getting a bag out and approaching Judy.

"I don't want to see this" said Duke, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind himself. Gene set the bag on the table and then ripped the sides of Judy's pants, opening them like a diaper. He winced at the contents.

"Filthy bunny" he mumbled as he got a wipe and began cleaning Judy. Judy shut her eyes and tried to think of something else as the fox ran wipes across her pussy and ass. Being touched there by a total stranger, and a fox no less, she thought she was going to pass out again from sheer embarrassment. The wipes were cold against her pussy as he cleaned her. He was doing a quick job though, obviously he had no interest in molesting the bunny. He grabbed Judy's two ankles together and raised her legs and hips off the ground, pulled the diaper out from under her and began cleaning the mess off her ass with the wipes. He was very thorough, and cleaned all around Judy's buttcheeks, anus and tail.

On the one hand, Judy felt absolutely livid she was being touched like this, but on the other she was glad to be getting out of that messy diaper, she just hated that it had to be in such a degrading manner. If it was someone she liked then maybe she could get into something like this, but she certainly didn't care for being treated like a baby by a total stranger.

Once she was clean, Gene balled up the used diaper and pulled another one out of the bag. This one was much thicker than the kind Judy used when she was in heat. He slid it under Judy's hips and taped it up tightly. It must have been for bigger mammals than bunnies, since it forced her legs extremely far apart, she doubted she could close them if she tried. Gene took the used diaper out of the room, shutting the door behind himself and leaving Judy on her own once more.

Judy couldn't believe what had happened. That fox was going to get it now. Paralysing her was one thing, but that was probably the most humiliating thing she had ever experienced. Judy tried to move her arms once more and... Yes, she managed to move. Her muscles were stiff, but her motion was coming back. She listened for anyone who may be outside and when she heard nobody she tried to stand up. She managed to stand up after a few minutes, and a few stretches and she was pretty much as good as new. Now all she had to do was escape. She had been able to formulate a plan as she lay there though.

Judy began opening cupboards until she found what she was looking for, syringes. She grabbed two and then kept looking in cupboards. One of them contained her clothes and belongings, which was convenient but she didn't need them just yet. Soon she found some vials of liquid with the name of the flower on the labels. This was it. She filled the syringes with the liquid, then put the safety caps on. She put as much of the serum as she could into each syringe. Just as she was putting the safety caps on the needles, she heard footsteps in the hallway outside so she quickly climbed back onto the table. She tucked the syringes down the front of her diaper and lay in the same position she had been in when she was paralysed.

To her luck, it was only Gene who came through the door. He took a quick look at Judy on the table and then got to work picking the petals off of the flowers. Now was Judy's chance. She sprang to her feet and leapt across the room at the fox, pulling the syringe from her diaper as she did so, leaving the safety cap inside. She grabbed Gene's head and held on tight as the fox yelled and flailed to try and get her off his back. Judy stuck the needle of the syringe into his neck and pushed the plunger down, injecting the liquid into Gene's neck.

"Oww! Stupid bunny! I'll get you for that!" yelled the fox, but Judy pulled the needle out of Gene's neck and jumped off. Gene dashed after her but the bunny was too fast for him. Before long Gene was on all fours, mumbling as he crawled after her. Suddenly, Duke burst into the door.

"What's up? Is it the-" Duke's sentence was cut short as Judy's fist connected with his face. As he was stunned, Judy grabbed his head, reached into her diaper and pulled out the other syringe. She pulled the safety cap off with her teeth and stuck it into Duke's neck, which caused the weasel to scream as she injected him. She pulled it out and dropped it on the ground as Duke tried to run away, but he didn't make it far into the corridor until he keeled over.

"That'll teach you!" Judy yelled after pulling the pacifier gag from her mouth and throwing it on the ground. She went back into the lab, where Gene was lying on the floor already unconscious. She opened the cupboard that held her clothes and grabbed her radio. "Dispach, this is Officer Hopps. I have two criminals apprehended, looks like they were running a drug lab."

"Judy? Thank god!" came the voice of Clawhauser over the radio. "We've got half the force out looking for you, where are you?" Judy told Clawhauser the address of the warehouse she was in. "Okay, I'll let the other officers know." said Clawhauser.

"I guess parking duty is more dangerous than I thought." said Judy. She suddenly realised she was still wearing a diaper so thick she'd never be able to get her pants on over it. She pulled the diaper off and put her uniform back on. She filled up a couple more syringes with the serum and investigated the building to see if there was anyone else, but when she didn't find anyone she headed out the front to meet her backup.

"Judy!" said Nick, rushing over and hugging her. "What happened? I was so worried."

"I'll tell you later." said Judy. "I'm not looking forward to writing the report on this one."

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