Chapter III: Night, Part One

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#3 of The Old Rainforest

It's night time and in the streets of New York a mysterious enemy returns.

Chapter Three: Night, Part Two

Earth slept, sometimes even in the city which never slept everyone was asleep in one way or another. And thus as they slept in their slow and low slumber they were unaware of something over the city. On the streets, somewhere down the middle of Broadway Avenue; a security camera looked up into the sky, something strangely grabbing its attention. Zooming in at the disturbance, the camera attempted to clear the image but quickly found it processor's unable to find the hole in the sky.

That was because the hole in the sky had a perception filter, look at it once and you could never look at it again. Following through the portal, you might find yourself at the Bitforst Bridge, a large golden sphere floating nowhere. Its own special universe, it was sort of the Kagen hubworld. Nearly anywhere that the Kagens controlled could be transported to and right now seemingly a scientific experiment had been set up.

No Kagen had been watching it, an automated operation, simply standing in the center of the Bitforst Bridge, on a raised flat platform; it was seemingly a collection of glass tubes, with something in them. Strange and tiny organisms, maybe six inches in length. They squirmed around in their tubes and looked around excitedly as a metallic hand rotated around.

The organisms, once enemies of the Kagen, now found themselves trapped by the Kagens, the Multiforms, the large ribbed pink body expanding and contracting as they slowly breathed waiting for their own freedom to come but found themselves waiting longer and longer. And then just a few seconds earlier, a computer attached to the strange circular zoo of Multiforms, seemingly started its selection.

A singular computer screen flashed through the identities of all Kagens, every name being flashed once as the computer seemingly went through a lottery until it reached one Kagen name. Bright! His new face appeared on the screen and next to his name, a collection of honors and positions appearing one screen. And then next to it another descriptor appeared, this time next to a category.

A universe name, XY-U76, and then seemingly switching to another screen, two Kagen names appearing, Bright first and another name, this one shaded in gray, seemingly because it wasn't assured of this Kagen's position. Twilight, the missing Kagen, the computer not knowing if it would be able to send one and doing an impartial risk calculation on whether or not it should give it the gift. And then it displayed a figure of 75 percent.

Perhaps if someone was in the room to watch it they would be more than smart enough not to send the possible rouge Kagen the gift, only sending it to Bright but the computer was given a program and that was to scan through all the Kagens on the Kagen manifest and send them a multiform. And thus the mechanical hand swung around and grabbed two multiform in their jars.

The mechanical hand grabbing the two glass jars, holding them in its hand; on the other side of Bitforst Bridge suddenly a purple light shot out. Purple dots flew together over the bridge; a portal, the hole between worlds seemingly able to go through all universes. The portal allowing the user to travel at thier own discresion into a singular destination. And then a sled to the universe appearing as it backed up.

The computer placed the two Multiforms on the sled and then suddenly like a slingshot, the sled flew forward at amazing speed and shot the two Multiforms to the portal and then through it. They crashed through the portal, breaking their glass and setting the two free as suddenly the gravity shifted downwards to the ground.

Flying in the lights of the New York and looking down as they tried to fly around; spreading basic wings they started to sniff. A tiny head off the large purple body and having a nose that would rival any dogs; they started to sniff around and search for the Kagens that lived in this universe. Quite luckily for them, the Kagens were in the same city, at the same time and they wouldn't have to fly across the universe or wait for this universe to gain interstellar travel and jump host to host.

Falling to the ground the Multiforms looked at each other as they landed on the ground, with a thump, luckily for them they landed in an alley and looked around in the darkness. Starting to shift, the two Multiforms paths' split and they were sent on their own separate way. One of the Multiforms headed for the streets going to search for the Kagen known as Bright, while the other disappeared most likely going into the sewer to search for the vile Kagen known as Twilight, somehow finding himself back in New York.

Twilight smiled as he looked over his army, nothing, he had no idea how he escaped the end of the universe or if it was the right thing, but taking shelter in the ruins of the Neuroseeker Empire seemed to be a fine solution for now, looking around his empire seemed small but he needed to stay low, for sure he knew that his brother would be searching for him or looking for something to meddle in.

And looking over everything, he looked in the old ruins of the place, the offshoot of the sewers blocked by a sort of river through the sewers, a draw bridge needed to be lowered in order for the ruins to be access. If he was right this was where it all started, this was where the Outsiders first started their fight against the Neuroseekers but now it was long cleared out.

He wondered where the Neuroseekers were held up now, as surely he could feel their energies in the tunnel. But still he was only an afterthought in his brother's mind and he wished he could do something about it but right now it seemed that he would remain as only a tiny idea in everyone's mind for now he told himself.


Meanwhile the other parasite slithered around, sniffing until it seemingly found itself at the convergence of scents, all at an apartment building rising its way into the sky. The parasite walked up to the concrete steps and slid up the steps, until it found its way to the metal door, maybe six inches thick with metal. It was massively locked and you would need a passcode to enter the building, obviously the parasite lacked that.

Sliding forward, instead the multiform walked into the door, disappearing into the metal and phasing through the door until it reached the inside. Sliding forward, it continued until it reached the steps and started to climb, leaving a trail of purple material as it attempted to slide up the stairs.

Closer to the morning then the sunset it finally reached the floor, where it could once again smell the Kagen and slowly drained of energy it continued forward, towards the next convergence of the Kagen's smell, arriving at the next door as all the smells all arrived at the door and the parasite would have smiled if it were able to.

Passing through the door, the parasite slithered forward through the dark apartment, through a door and then towards a bed. Climbing up on top, only one of the occupants in it smelt good. Walking up to the bed, the parasite climbed up the bed pole and towards the top of the bed, remaining silent as it slithered onto the Kagen's head.

Covering the Kagen's head, focus turned towards the back of its body as a stringer emerged from its body. Slowly it punctured the Kagen's skin and then injected a liquid, it was an anesthetic and it would help the Kagen. The shark turned over his body as he reacted to the needle in his skin and the multiform followed his programing and slid to the back of the Kagen's neck as he flipped over.

Using that useful phasing ability he had, he simply just sunk into the neck of the Kagen and then found himself doing the thing that came naturally. Shrinking his body down around the brain steam of the Kagen, it wrapped itself around and started to change its body, it injected new chemicals into the blood stream of the Kagen as the multiform turned all of its unneeded body space into neural cells.

Meanwhile this radical shift was unnoticed by both occupants of the bed, and then the Multiform died. It intergraded into the Kagen's body and its mission was done, it had one reason to go on. It had repaid it debts to the Kagen Empire and now it would get to live in some sort of wonderful afterworld, if only it knew the truth.

And like that with little evidence of anything happening the Kagen went on sleeping unknowing that something had happened to his body and he had changed radically, because in the end he would find that the Kagen empire was on the down and down and in order to combat it they needed...


"Project Dhampir has activated."

Suddenly at the middle of the night, Elias woke up with a shook. He felt strange; a weird voice had been heard in his dream a second before he woke up. His skin burned as he dreamed, but only in the sun. He was covered in a cold sweat, and there was a something strange about the air. Something had changed, he felt different.

Stranding up, he felt strange and walked forward. Looking around, Elias stood up, moving carefully in order not to wake up Colin. He looked at the lizard, and he seemed to be sleeping at least peacefully. Walking away, he found himself able to move with ease in the night, not able to make noise as he touched the floor. That was strange.

He walked forward and towards the hallway, next to the bedroom, he walked into the next doorway and closing the door behind him, walking onto the shag carpet he turned on the lights. Something was wrong, he walked to the mirror and looked into his eyes as he looked into the mirror. His eyes were red, he looked into the mirror and wondered what happened, and his eyes were changed from blue to red.

And then he found himself with a dryness in his throat, he suddenly thirsted for something his throat was as dry as the desert. He wanted something to drink, he wished for water. Turning on the water, he cupped his hands and grabbed the water and shoved it into his mouth, skipping the hands he put himself right below the faucet and drank it.

Yet as water drowned into his throat and into his stomach, he found his thirst not being filled. Trying to drown his thirst he found nothing working as he walked over to the hallway and ran to the front kitchen. Doing his best not to wake up Mrs. Todd, he walked past her room, briefly feeling a moment of guilt for her half empty bed and then his thirst took again.

Running to the front kitchen, he turned both knobs and a stream of water from the tank above came down and grabbed the sprayer and shoved it into his mouth as he clicked the sprayer and pulled water into his throat. Nothing was working, letting the sprayer down, he ran from the skin and wondered if there was something he could do to relieve his pain. His throat started to burn and then closing his mouth and swallowing his mouth, he ran back to the bathroom, still not able to make a lick of noise.

Feeling something in his mouth, he looked back into the mirror and looked at his teeth. His fifth and sixth teeth from the center; were extended out, shaped like fangs. Elias looked confused, he had fangs in his teeth, was this some sort of prank, was this a Neuroseekers game, it had been two months since the factory, so what the hell was this.

And then his eyes flashed red, running out of the room, once again silently he ran at the door and found himself able to pass through the door. He just passed right into the door and like David Copperfield at the Great Wall of China; he somehow appeared on the other side with no magic required. Just disappearing for a second, he flashed through the door and then through the wall and then through the next wall and then he was suddenly outside of the building.

Crashing into the next building, Elias crashed between the buildings as his velocity, knocked him between the buildings and with a crash he landed on the ground. And while normally he might die or might have to regenerate, he survived, somehow landing on his feet like a cat. Elias looked half amazed and half confused as he landed without breaking his ankles.

Looking around, he searched and saw one person in the darkness; it was a homeless guy who he could see clearly in the darkness. Walking forward, he approached the homeless man as he found instinct that he never had before talking over. He walked forward and opened his mouth extending his fangs.

"No sir, please don't attack me I had a family!" The man yelled as suddenly Elias jumped on him like a predator attacking prey. Elias smiled and sunk his teeth into the neck of the man, he felt the blood rush into his mouth and then like a vacuum his fangs sucked up the blood. The blood was like liquid gold on his body, it tasted like the perfect piece of candy and he lapped it up.

And then his powers activated; his eyes glowed red in the darkness of night and his hands shook as he held the now calm and tranced man still. The blood rushed into fangs and into his storage, Elias moaned as he felt blood on his teeth and he then he was satisfied. Running away he disappeared into the darkness.


Colin opened his eyes, the darkness keeping everything else asleep as he shook to life, looking around his better half was gone, that side of their bed empty, only an aura burn remaining. Standing up, he looked around. It could have anytime; he kind of depended on Elias to wake him up. Wondering what was happening; Colin stood up and looked around fully committing to finding where Elias went

"Vega what time is it?" Colin asked as he looked down at his watch and it activated. While he was unable to see it and it would probably be better if he didn't touch it, he could still ask it questions. The watch stayed silent for a second as Colin stood up and looked around.

"Two Thirty AM." The clock, responded; Colin wondered why Elias was up at this time in the morning and walked forward. Guiding himself with rails and his mother's relative position, he looked through the floor for Elias but couldn't find the shark anywhere, looking around everyone was still sleeping, except for the insomniacs.

Walking forward, Colin looked around and feeling the wall of the bathroom as he passed by it, he felt the switch in the on position. Turning it off, he walked forward into the bathroom and with his ears realized the sink and water were running. Grabbing the knobs with his hands he turned them off and still heard the sound of water running.

Exiting the bathroom, he walked towards the kitchen, looking around. He could just barely make out the table, Elias placing special aura paint on it. He explained it as glow in the dark paint, where it would give off aura whenever a photon struck it. This didn't work so well in the night, but he could make out most of his house.

Turning off the sink, he tried to find the familiar blue aura but he couldn't see anything. Maybe he was at the front of the building, walking over to the door, he unlocked it and grabbed his jacket, throwing it over his body as he quickly realized he wasn't dressed for walking outside in the winter. Fixing that, this time he grabbed onto the doorknob and exited.

Walking outside, he could see a path along the floor, something to guide him to the elevator where the symbol to summon it, seemingly floated in the middle of the air. This was kind of danger for Colin, he was going out with someone to lead him but Elias did disappear in the middle of the night for reasons and he needed to be sure nothing was happening.

The elevator directly shot to his floor and he entered with vigor, as the lizard stepped in and then saw the buttons, clicking the first floor button, the elevator was dragged down and looking around Colin still saw none of Elias's aura. But turning around, he saw a dying aura. Colin, being an Outsider knew he had to help that person.

Quickly he figured that person was in the alley behind their building and was alone, it wasn't a trap built for him as he would have seen more auras. Running forward, Colin exited the apartment complex and ran onto the sidewalk. Colin ran around, as he looked for the person.

Few people were on the streets at this time and he ran forward, as he looked for someone to help. Looking at the person, he seemed to be lying against the wall, holding his neck. Colin passed a single a person as he walked forward and into the alley. The man reacted to him, and seemingly tried to shoo him off.

"Get away! There was a shark, he was pale and his eyes were red, he fell from the ninth floor and bit my neck like he was some sort of vampire!" The man said delusional. Colin backed up a bit and speed dialed his own kind of 911, it just was a sort of emergency signal to get an ambulance near.


"What the hell do you think happened to him?" Dustin asked as he helped Colin down the sewers, making sure he could carefully foot on the metallic ladder. Colin climbed down and the lizard landed on the ground. Looking around the sewers were strange now, they felt like someone had shrunk them and congested them in, maybe villains were becoming smarter and using sewer pipes from non-main streets, as it certainly seemed they were traveling through them more often.

"I don't know, I woke up and he was gone, I think I can see him now, he's about a mile or so out, but his aura is changed now, he appears different and there is something on his neck that is purely black." Colin said as he turned and started to lead Dustin through the tunnels, as the shark grabbed his hand.

"Do you think the Neuroseekers could have done this?" Dustin asked as they headed through the tunnel, Colin walking forward as he shined a light forward, lighting the darkness. Colin seemed to ponder the question for a minute as he tried to think of an explanation, the sound of their feet tapping against the metal ground was their version of silence as they walked forward.

"No if they have some sort of organic device, they would have used it against us, whatever it is it seemed to have made Elias hungry for blood, he seemed to be very thirsty when he left as all the sinks were on, so something must be interfering with his ability to make rightful judgment." Colin said as they walked forward and Dustin got that look to his face, he smiled for a second as suddenly an idea came to head and he wondered if it could be right.

"You don't think, blood, changed aura, it all adds up if he was one, maybe he could be a vampire?" Dustin said smiling as Colin groaned knowing just how unlikely that would have been. He walked forward as they pondered that idea for a second, Colin likely trying to push off that idea but it stayed in his head as he walked forward, just slowly pushing at his brain.

"Elias cannot be a vampire, that's not magic works. We don't have any evidence of them existing, do you know how silly that sounds in my head and this is coming from the guy that sees auras." Colin said trying to passively dismiss Dustin's ideas, his smile was heavy as he walked forward, knowing that everything was possible and maybe just maybe it was possible. He pushed it to the side, hoping that Dustin would ignore it, but it wouldn't be that easy.

"Oh really, do you know the world we live in, we have superpowers, other people have superpowers, that we couldn't even imagine, and werewolves go through these tunnels, everything you seen and you think there is something you haven't seen yet, oh wait you haven't seen anything." Dustin said smiling for a second and thinking he won his rant, and then realizing what he had said. He sucked in all air, knowing that he had insulted Colin in the worse way possible. "Sorry."

"You know normally I would probably punch you for that, but seemingly I can't argue with that broken logic. Also you think I haven't see things but I can see somethings that dangle below the belt if you know what I mean." Colin said smiling with satisfaction as he walked forward, Dustin then just realized that with Colin there was no privacy.

Dustin shivered a bit as he walked forward and then Colin came to a stop, Dustin wondered why he did and then looked down as the lizard pointed his light down to the metal pipe. Two Neuroseekers on the ground, both dead, looking at them their black armor was seemingly broken through with their armor broken and just a bit of blood on their metal armor.

"So then, let me ask you. Is he a vampire now?" Dustin said satisfied as he kneeled down and looked at them, looking at the Neuroseekers. He grabbed their back and unlocked their armor, pulling the arm armor off, his skin under his fur was completely blue, lacking any blood, it was completely pale and Dustin looked in amazement as he seemingly found the evidence that he was looking for.


Elias wandered forward, he climbed out of the tunnel, and he couldn't believe he had just drained the blood from the two Neuroseekers. He couldn't believe that he was able to puncture through their armor as well and suck out all their blood, he felt satisfied and disgusted with himself as well. Running forward, he grabbed the metal bar of the sewer exit and pulled himself up to the ground as he popped his head out of the sewer.

Looking around, he found himself on a street that was empty. He threw himself up into the air and seemingly with vigor, flew into the air as he landed on the ground and nearly cracked it. Seemingly his days of being called weak in the Kagen Empire were over, he had unbelievable power, how was this possible? Elias looked at his arms, to his eyes nothing had changed.

Except for his skin, it was pale now, it seemingly was cold. He thought back for a second, fangs, blood and super strength. Elias tried to tell himself that it was impossible he couldn't be a vampire that would be impossible, how he could have done it. How would he be able to do such a thing, how he could he play such a villain. He felt vile, he felt horrible for what he did, but it felt good.

Elias tried to stop his brain from thinking like that, it was a drug it felt good on the outside but on the inside it was going to do more damage than he could handle, but the pleasure from having blood in his body felt amazing. He smiled and his eyes flashed back to red as he decided that he might as well play the part, any part of Elias's humanity left was gone as the shark smiled and revealed his fangs.

Jumping up into the air, Elias jumped over a lamppost and landed in a bush, looking forward he saw the limited access nightmare, known as 9A, walking forward Elias saw all the flowing blood and wanted it in his mouth, he walked forward and wondered what he do for that blood. Traffic was pretty much clear, but he wondered what his body could handle.

And smiling, Elias ran forward, throwing himself onto the road as suddenly he froze as he turned towards the high beams and smiled. The car hit his body and the driver threw the brakes on as the car stopped. The car stopped with force as it started a chain reaction, the car stopped and collided into the car behind it, and thus the reaction started. More and more cars crashed into each other as some turned out of the lane and tried to avoid the accident, spreading it to the next lane.

The highway quickly became into stand still as Elias smiled, he felt seemingly drained of blood maybe that was what he used for his powers. But he did know that now he wanted to replace the blood he once had. Running forward, Elias jumped onto the car and smashed it window. Grabbing the knocked out driver, Elias pulled him out of the car and onto the ground. Elias jumped back and landed on top of the knocked out man, he was perfect for him.

"Now then you little mortal, prepare to give me your life, so that I might extend mine." Elias said smiling as he licked his lips and leaned down. Almost like kissing he placed his lips onto the neck of the man and started to suckle, his fangs puncturing the skin of the man and entering his neck veins. Elias moaned as he felt the blood enter his fangs and into his storage, gathering in his neck and seemingly building up.

Elias smiled as he stood up and jumped at another person, this time someone taking a photo of him, shame that person would be disappointed on what the camera would capture. Elias jumped on him and started to suck the blood from his neck as well; gathering just enough that with enough attention the man would survive.

The blood gathered in the back of his neck and in his shoulders as seemingly an addition sack formed, the blood was flooded with a special enzyme that removed the type from it and made Elias's own blood and his gathered blood, O-, the universe giving type.

Smiling Elias, sucked on another neck and then another as he jumped around from person to person, sucking at their blood as he finally found himself filled with blood, his shirt getting tight as blood gathered in his back. He couldn't explain all the feeling the blood was making him feel, his heart was in overdrive and his instincts were on the steering wheel.

Standing up, Elias laughed as he stood in the center of the freeway unoccupied by any cars. He smiled as thunder stuck around him despite the lack of rain around him, suddenly out of his back, ripping a whole in his shirt two appendages grew out of his back and extended out. He smiled as claws extended from his hand and his fangs were even longer.

Two long wings appeared on his back and they spread out as Elias laughed out seemingly in disbelief of his new power set. Elias smiled and stood up as he started to flap them. They were massive maybe both ten feet in length and Elias folded them in, both of them managing to fit with relative ease on his back and applying a protective layer to his back. That might protect his blood bank in his back.

And then Elias saw all, seemingly as a layer of red was applied over his vision Elias suddenly saw a path form before him. Running forward, Elias followed the path and jumped into the southbound lane. Seemingly time slowed to him as he looked to the left and saw the car just to his right, but he managed to run past it and then taking a side step, he just made it past a car. And then with enough speed gathered, Elias opened his wings and flew into the sky, passing over the Hudson River and then turning back toward the city.

Flying over the city, Elias smiled and laughed as he felt the freedom of air pass between his wings, it felt amazing, it felt awesome, he felt amazed at his new powers, flapping his wings up as his fangs receded back into a normal pair of teeth, seemingly Elias's eyes flashed back to blue again and his body barring the wings returned to normal.

And that was when Elias's humanity returned as well, this time he had vivid images of his mind as he drained those people's blood, he could see it all inside his mind and this was something that he did want to see. He tried to block it out, it didn't work, he tried to forget it, it didn't work, he tried everything he could but he did something horrible.

Elias started to freak out, his flying becoming more and more erratic as he flew into the city and between the buildings, seemingly up into the air and that was when taking a look at the neo-gothic architecture of one of the buildings he decided that it would be better for him to hide in his own shame and disappear for as long as he could, he landed on the building and folded his wings back up.


Dustin and Colin walked forward as they slowly searched the sewer, it was dark and cramped but as they did, the two of them nearby heard the sound of running water. Dustin stopped for a moment and Colin turned his head as he stood against the wall, scanning the area of people, looking around they stood still as they came to the moat, a massive bridge let down into the sewers and allowing them access into the ruins of the Neuroseeker's base. Looking around Dustin was surprised at how empty it was. Did Ronan have them empty the bases out?

Only a few buildings were left and only items that were non-important were left behind. Seemingly the Neuroseekers had cleared this area and made it so it was like they had never even been in this tunnel. Looking at it, this surprised Dustin, why would they abandon such a nice base, they had defense, they had offence, they had a moat to protect them when worse came to worse.

"I can see him he's up ahead, his aura is strange its redder than I remember, whatever is doing this to him is not a benevolent life form so just be careful we can't lose you, you are the keystone to this team." Colin said as he walked forward and Dustin smiled, was she really the keystone to this team? That would be an interesting idea, he didn't think it to be true, but his mind was getting off course and he turned back to normal thoughts.

"I trust Elias, and I know he can control his powers." Dustin said walking forward as he looked around, the lights above them were on a bit and seemingly a show was happening. Walking forward, Dustin stayed careful as he stepped forward, Colin stayed behind grabbing onto a wall as he walked forward and decided to investigate who ever this person was.

Dustin walked between the buildings trying to see who they were dealing with; he could see Elias just covered in darkness. If he was a vampire, this would be the place to be, where else would it be entirely dark twenty-four seven and you could sneak up on an enemy practically unnoticed. That was the entire point of the sewer, not to transport waste but to hide villains.

"Hey Elias, stop running we just want to talk!" Dustin yelled getting the vampiric shark to notice him as he walked forward. The shark stopped in his place not moving anymore and standing still, Dustin walked forward hoping to meet with him but as he did, the shark vanished into thin air. Dustin looked around but couldn't see the Kagen anywhere.

And walking forward, he found a single pillar of light shining down on the location. Seemingly passing through a collection of rubble, in the shining light it was seemingly an arena. Dustin stood still as he walked through and saw what the arena was for. A massive pile of dead bodies, all stacked and all seemingly pale and rotted, this base was subject to a massive attack.

Dustin looked at the bodies and backed away, it couldn't be Elias that did this, backing up Dustin examined the bodies. They didn't seem to be fresh, their bodies breaking down and seemingly cold and abandoned. Their armor was beat up and scratched, there had energy marks over their bodies and they seemed to have weakened armor.

And then he heard a laugh, it was like a giggle and it surrounded him. Turning around Dustin tried to find the source of this giggle. Passing back into the ruins, he turned into a different path and walked towards the crumbled building. Seemingly it was one of the few structurally safe buildings, with only bits of concrete knocked out and a fully functional door.

The shark walked forward, touching the ground and feeling the water in the nearby sewerway, he didn't know if he would need the water, but if Elias decided to rebel against him then he wouldn't hold back with any attacks. Holding the water in his hand he didn't know what Elias would do or how the shark would react but if Elias, called on his Kagen or shark instincts then he would be ready, he was the King of Sharks after all, Dustin laughed unconvincingly.

Walking forward, he grabbed onto the knob of the door and opened it, inside was nothing only relics of what might have been a nice weapons cache, but now it was just empty evidence against the Neuroseekers. Walking up the stairs, Dustin stayed silent as he hoped to sneak up on Elias and make sure the shark wouldn't poof away again.

"Come on then Elias, you can't stay hidden forever." Dustin said as he reached the second floor and there was nothing there. Dustin kicked the wall; somehow the shark had managed to escape again. Why did Elias keep playing this game with him, it was so stupid all in all and he hated it. Dustin looked through the room, there were still papers around, and maybe battle plans from before Ronan rebooted the Neuroseekers.

Seemingly the base must have been massacred, not abandoned; someone attacked them and collapsed everything in their way. But who would need to take shelter in this area, why would they need shelter if they could do this. Something strange was happening here, he didn't know what to do with it. Holding still Dustin heard the sound of whistling around him.


Colin looked around as he tried to understand what was happening to Elias, he saw the aura seemingly in the field and then it just disappeared. Colin held still for a second, he looked around trying to see where the aura would reappear. He looked around and tried to see what he could see.

Dustin seemingly walked forward into the arena and started to search for something, his aura looked troubled as walked through the arena. And then Colin waited for Dustin to react. The lizard held onto the bar that Dustin left him at. He held still and then suddenly he felt a breath on his neck.

There was a giggle, it was behind him and then as Colin quickly turned around he didn't see bullcrap. No auras except for the ones above them standing on the street, Colin stood still for a second and then he heard a whistle behind him. Colin quickly turned back and saw an aura, it approached him. It looked like Elias but then as he walked forward, the aura was corrupted.

As the shark walked forward, his body turned black and he extended his arm out in quite the threating way. As the shark walked forward, Colin seemingly realized something, all Kagens would have received a set of vampire powers and that would include...

"No stay away from me, don't step a foot closer to me, or I swear the armies of Elias will burn down hell on you, stand back Twilight." Colin said as he stood his ground and the Kagen stopped and giggled a little. Colin stood still for a second thinking that he had managed to stop the Kagen for a second, until the Kagen started again.

"Let me show you something you can understand." Twilight said, his voice different but the same he heard in the future. Colin watched as his seemingly jet black aura put his arms out and let out a blast of energy. Colin watched a blue energy shot into the sky, from his hands. It was some sort of attack, maybe an aura type energy but Colin stood still as he watched.

And the he started to back up, stepping back, carefully as Twilight followed him, Colin knew that he was running out of time, as the Kagen approached him, he was surely approaching either the maze of the sewers or the cliff that would lead into the waters of the sewer pipes and then out to sea. Colin backed up slowly, the Kagen slowing as well as the lizard hoped to extend his time.

And then just as Colin touched the edge, the lizard froze, would this be the time for him to die. He didn't want to die, he wanted to live, and he froze in place as suddenly Twilight just flashed away and disappeared into nothingness.


Dustin stood still as he heard the whistle and freezing, he looked to the entrance of the building but nothing came. Walking forward, Dustin grabbed on to them, ignoring the fact that Colin was still alone just outside the building. Picking up some of the papers, Dustin scanned them with his eyes as he recognized some of the battle tactics that were used against them. And then he saw a paper on Ronan, it was a strange it was almost seemingly like a Infopedia article on the wolf, hopefully it wasn't spelt as bad as such.

"Using tactics such as convincing the Outsiders we are a less threatening group then we are, and then slowly infiltrating the city, we can then find ourselves with this wolf alone able to take him without interruption. If all else fails, mimicking other groups can be seen as a failsafe." Dustin said as he read the paper, and then something seemingly snapped together in his mind, Dustin held on for a second as he examined that singular thought.

"Not everybody is who they appear to be." Dustin said as he realized something, there were two possible Kagens, b on this planet, or universe and both of them in New York. What were the chances that it just so happened they had been chasing the wrong Kagen, that they had accidentally chased...

Dustin heard a noise and turned around intending to defend himself, and then suddenly the shark felt himself knocked down to the ground as another shark threw his body down. It wasn't Elias on top of his body, no it was Twilight and the vampire shark smiled as tendrils appeared from his back and proceeded to screw down his hands into the ground. Dustin stayed still as he felt the fangs off the shark on his neck.


Elias landed on the building and took shade as he landed and closed his wings, looking and landing on the building as he took note of the gargoyles on the building; he looked around on his perch and walked off the ledge and closer to the building. Landing on a stable floor, Elias wondered why the hell he had to be a vampire, why the hell did he have to be a vampire.

What did this to him, what kind of universe was he in that had vampires? He wanted to run and run and run, and never stop again, but he couldn't run again, he needed to stay again. Running from his problems was not the solution and he could not continue. He took a breath as he hoped to calm himself down and just breathe.

"Wait, Project Dhampir..." Elias said as he remembered hearing that before, the Kagens asked off it before and he realized something, the Kagens were satisfied with their downfall they were planning some sort of trick in order to push the race on and survive the downfall because of the end of their universes.

"A Kagen project; goddammit and let goddamn ourselves! Of course it would be them to mess everything up. Why can't they just accept death and just give up for once!" Elias said as he walked around the edge of the building, looking over the edge and seeing the city. Behind him the moon was raised in the sky and everything was dark, he looked at the stars.

Looking around Elias sat down seemingly dissatisfied with himself as he sat down and seemingly froze himself. He was thinking, devoting his full power to just calculating somethings in his head, doing the math and wondering how dammed he was because of what he did. Elias's eyes flashed between red and blue as both sides seemingly took control of the body.

"Wait, all Kagens would have received a vampire; wait that would include..." Elias suddenly said as he realized something, and he realized something. He opened his wings, the large bloodshot wings appearing open, and the membrane between them thin and see-through, as Elias opened them on the perch, moonlight shot through them. Elias was covered in darkness as he seemingly eclipsed the moon with his body and wings.

Elias smiled and jumped off the edge of the building as he caught air on his wings and seemingly spreading them out, he grabbed the air and started to fly. Further down the building, closer to the street level, no, in the sewers someone else was working, another Kagen, one returned from the future as well, was doing his dirty work. His name was Twilight and he smiled as he looked at Dustin below him, he licked his teeth as he intended to suck the shark empty of blood.


"You're quite the pretty shark, I want all of your blood in me and maybe some other assorted fluids as well if you catch my drift." Twilight said smiling as he stood over Dustin's body, the shark was trapped below him and he could do whatever he wanted, Twilight stood still for a second wondering what he might do.

"Get off me you pig!" Dustin yelled as he tried to push the large shark off of him but found the tendrils, had firmly locked his fists into place. Dustin started to freak out, he was trapped under the Kagen and he didn't know what to do. The Kagen leaned down and kissed his neck, just letting the tip of his teeth touch Dustin's neck.

The Kagen moaned as he put his hands on Dustin's chest and to the shark this felt wholly wrong, he tried to struggle and break free but he found that the Kagen was just to dam strong for him. His fingers couldn't move, Twilight seemingly made a smart decision and trapped his fingers with his glowing tendrils and held them in place.

Dustin froze as he realized he was trapped under the Kagen and he froze, this wasn't what he wanted. He pushed against the Kagen and tried to push him off with his feet but every part of his body was trapped and then Twilight leaned down and started to lean into Dustin's neck. The shark froze as his neck was punctured and he felt his blood flow free.

Twilight moaned into Dustin's neck as he started to suckle on the ripe blood, Twilight smiled and sucked on the blood moaning as Dustin stood helpless against the Kagen above him. Dustin realized that no one was going to help him and he stood helpless as Twilight sucked on his blood and intended to have fun, this was the end.