Together, Soaring - by Jeeves

Story by yui_olp on SoFurry

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Author's submission (fave this):

Written for me by Jeeves on his latest Petreon request day. I love where his imagination took my idea.

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High, high above the earth, two dragons wheeled and soared close to one another. The male, snub-nosed and marbled with scales of a sleek black and white speckle, chased his mate through the clouds with flared nostrils and wide eyes. Time and time again his long, rough tongue lashed out as he swept close underneath her, tilting his head back and running his tongue through the scaled slit of her nether regions, revealing the deep pink, glistening flesh held within. Each time he carried out this manoeuvre her crimson body seemed to ripple with pleasure. The spines that ran down her back flicked sharply upward for a moment before falling sleek back down against her body, and a gush of juices scattered through the air, some landing upon the face of the male himself while others sailed towards the earth far below.

Each time the male was able to taste his crimson mate's arousal, it made him all the more hungry for more. Beneath his own body, hanging just beneath his outstretched hind-legs, the bulbous swelling of his erection strained and twitched as the air around him buffeted and stimulated its erect mass. He too let loose streaks of hot fluids, somewhat thicker than those of his slightly larger female counterpart but lesser in volume, for now at least. Deep rumbles of passion which cut through the air like claps of thunder passed back and forth between them, and slowly, patiently, yet with desperate longing they built towards the inevitable as they swept ever closer to the great Southern mountains, where their kind had brooded and bred by wild and rampant instinct for millennia.

Soon the pine forests below gave way to rocky, uneven karst terrain; limestone pock-marked with caverns and divets from eons of rainfall. Goats and other animals picked over the tough grass and moss which covered the otherwise rather barren landscape, but as soon as those distant shapes cast a shadow over the lands where they were foraging, anything large enough to be considered even the slightest barbecued snack rushed for the cover of the distant trees. Eventually there was no cover whatsoever, barely more than a cave to be seen in any of three directions, whilst the fourth held the mountains themselves. They rushed closer and closer as the two dragons surged onward, pushed to faster and faster speeds by one another's urgency and their own ever building desire to be together.

Finally, finally they were there. Snow-capped mountains were what lay beneath them, and as the clouds around them and indeed the air took on a more frosty chill, they felt the internal heat of their partner reaching new highs, burning within with such fury that they could feel it radiating off the other dragon's scales like the heat of the sun.

The marbled male roared, his passionate cry for a mate ringing off the mountainsides and sending snow cascading down in vast avalanches, though to them it looked like the merest flickers of motion, like a gentle wave lapping upon a shore. The crimson female answered with a savage cry of her own, ethereal, violet fire flickering at the back of her throat. She swept down, beneath the male, only to rise up again and bump him from below. His wings pushed down as hers rose up, and she roared in anger at his inexperience and failure, breaking away and leaving him to howl and rush after her. It took another ten minutes of tasting and nuzzling against the dragoness from below for the male to earn his way back into his mate's good graces, and then only because biological imperatives were driving her wild at the very idea of not finding someone with whom to breed now that she was here.

This time, when she moved in from underneath his soaring figure, the male was careful to match the beating of their wings. When she rose, he rose. When she dropped, he dropped. It was a careful balancing act, especially given that their difference in size and wing-span affected the amount of force required for an equal amount of rise. Slowly though she grew closer and closer to him, until at last she lifted her neck, pressing it to the side of his own with a deep and rumbling growl as they soared together in perfect sync. Now came the most difficult and intricate part, for him at least, but really for the both of them. This was make or break, and after his first screw up the marbled male knew this beautiful creature below him would not accept failure lightly.

Still flying, still floating over her, the male lowered his hind legs and grappled around the thick base of the female's tail. He laced his scaled feet together, purposefully elongated and clawed toes curling and interlocking for just this purpose. His tail swung underneath, then over, then under hers again, and while still flying began to shuffle closer to her midsection. His straining erection rubbed first at the side of her tailbase. Then beneath it. Then he was thrusting, barely able to keep his wingbeats matching hers until he realised that he could thrust in time with those sweeping strokes too, seeking the focal point of the heat radiating off her growling, trembling, airborne body.

It felt like an eternity before the marbled dragon found his mark, but it was all worth it when he did. Dragon's genitalia were not just sensitive, they were heat sensitive. It wasn't about thrusting. Wasn't about penetration and rough, rampant breeding. It was about heat. Sharing heat. Feeling it surrounding them, fuelling their own. Creating a furnace of fertility within their entwined bodies. A furnace that began to burn, and to blaze as the marbled dragon plunged his cock deep into the female's nether regions, sending them spiralling both metaphorically and literally into the wildfire embrace of shared climax.

The two dragons pelted towards the earth like cannonballs, thrashing and shuddering as the male let loose his molten load within his mate, and she doused him with boiling juices of her own sweet euphoria. If they landed, if they hit the snow, the cold would surely cease their climax in its tracks. But the longer they stayed in the air, the longer they stayed linked and soaring, the longer they could cum. The longer they could feel this incredible rush of sensation, and ensure that this union bore fruit.

Through her own ecstasy, the dragoness shrieked a commanding cry to her inexperienced lover, and to his credit he reacted. He spread his wings once more, flaring them to slow his descent and turn it into a diving swoop, and roared joyfully as she did the very same. Their wings flapped in unison, and on the downward stroke once more the marbled dragon found himself thrusting, while the crimson female's inner walls clamped down tight and quivering around him. Again they flapped, they rose, and they roared as they continued to pleasure one another. They soared upward, an overflowing mixture of their shared ecstasy now raining down behind them. The longer they held together, the hotter their bodies burned and the harder they came. The pleasure built and built to ever more rampant excess, and while it became increasingly difficult for the two dragons to match one another's wingbeats through their lustful haze, they fought with every last drop of willpower to do so. To keep these feelings going just a little longer.

Or indeed, a lot longer.

They spiralled and surged their way upward through the air, not down. Higher both in metres above the increasingly distant mountains and in pleasure. The dragoness' eyes bulged and her muzzle hung open, not roaring but gurgling and grunting in wonder at what this male that she had almost cast aside was doing to her. He was locked against her so tightly, and filling her so completely both with the size of his throbbing erection and the volume of his seed that there was no relief. Not a fraction of a second's break between the potent, burning convulsions of her inner depths. Over and over she soaked his cock with her burning juices, and he snarled and howled at her with the joyous glee of his inexperience, never having felt this contact with a female before, and selfishly, senselessly devoted to never letting it go. Never letting it end.

The marbled dragon knew that a great distance away, far to the East and the North, there lay a desert. A vast desert of burning sands and days that outstretched the only relative cool of the night many times over. He imagined them landing there, rather than amidst the mountains. Rolling over and over in the hot, scorching sand. Burying themselves, quivering and cumming, within it and letting the heat bake them. He roared this desperate imagine pleadingly to his mate, and her already bulging eyes grew wider still. She gave a grunting wail of longing, but also of fear. She was supposed to be here. To mate here. To raise her young here. He was supposed to want to, as well. To breed her, then burn away the snow from a mountain peak and keep the rock beneath her and her eggs hot while she incubated them. What he was suggesting... it was wrong. It was unnatural.

So why... why did she want it so badly? Every bit as badly as she wanted these feelings to continue, in fact.

With passionate greed of her very own, the dragoness roared back, and shuddered as she felt her mate's neck press right against her own. Together, in unison, they banked to their right. To the East and the North, and began to fly. Not towards the centre of the Southern mountains any longer, but beginning the long, soaring journey to the plains of Fire. In search not of a way to fulfil their natural instincts, but instead their most carnal urges. Still their wings beat together, and with every stroke another surge of cum gushed out into the crimson dragoness' welcoming depths. Still they held their bodies together, and shared in the ongoing, endless euphoria that was driving them to this irrational goal. And still, as steaming, intermingled juices rained down behind them, their inner temperatures skyrocketed, driving the heights of their pleasure to ever more vast, scorching extremes.

By Jeeves